Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more
Validator performs various gem file and gem database validation
Checks the gem directory for the following potential inconsistencies/problems:
Checksum gem itself
For each file in each gem, check consistency of installed versions
Check for files that aren’t part of the gem but are in the gems directory
1 cache - 1 spec - 1 directory.
returns a hash of ErrorData objects, keyed on the problem gem’s name.
# File rubygems/validator.rb, line 84 def alien(gems=[]) errors = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = {} } Gem::SourceIndex.from_installed_gems.each do |gem_name, gem_spec| next unless gems.include? gem_spec.name unless gems.empty? install_dir = gem_spec.installation_path gem_path = Gem.cache_gem(gem_spec.file_name, install_dir) spec_path = File.join install_dir, "specifications", gem_spec.spec_name gem_directory = gem_spec.full_gem_path unless File.directory? gem_directory then errors[gem_name][gem_spec.full_name] = "Gem registered but doesn't exist at #{gem_directory}" next end unless File.exist? spec_path then errors[gem_name][spec_path] = "Spec file missing for installed gem" end begin verify_gem_file(gem_path) good, gone, unreadable = nil, nil, nil, nil open gem_path, Gem.binary_mode do |file| format = Gem::Format.from_file_by_path(gem_path) good, gone = format.file_entries.partition { |entry, _| File.exist? File.join(gem_directory, entry['path']) } gone.map! { |entry, _| entry['path'] } gone.sort.each do |path| errors[gem_name][path] = "Missing file" end good, unreadable = good.partition { |entry, _| File.readable? File.join(gem_directory, entry['path']) } unreadable.map! { |entry, _| entry['path'] } unreadable.sort.each do |path| errors[gem_name][path] = "Unreadable file" end good.each do |entry, data| begin next unless data # HACK `gem check -a mkrf` open File.join(gem_directory, entry['path']), Gem.binary_mode do |f| unless Digest::MD5.hexdigest(f.read).to_s == Digest::MD5.hexdigest(data).to_s then errors[gem_name][entry['path']] = "Modified from original" end end end end end installed_files = find_files_for_gem(gem_directory) good.map! { |entry, _| entry['path'] } extras = installed_files - good - unreadable extras.each do |extra| errors[gem_name][extra] = "Extra file" end rescue Gem::VerificationError => e errors[gem_name][gem_path] = e.message end end errors.each do |name, subhash| errors[name] = subhash.map { |path, msg| ErrorData.new(path, msg) } end errors end
# File rubygems/validator.rb, line 164 def remove_leading_dot_dir(path) path.sub(/^\.\//, "") end
Given a gem file’s contents, validates against its own MD5 checksum
Contents of the gem file
# File rubygems/validator.rb, line 26 def verify_gem(gem_data) raise Gem::VerificationError, 'empty gem file' if gem_data.size == 0 unless gem_data =~ /MD5SUM/ then return # Don't worry about it...this sucks. Need to fix MD5 stuff for # new format # FIXME end sum_data = gem_data.gsub(/MD5SUM = "([a-z0-9]+)"/, "MD5SUM = \"#{"F" * 32}\"") unless Digest::MD5.hexdigest(sum_data) == $1.to_s then raise Gem::VerificationError, 'invalid checksum for gem file' end end
Given the path to a gem file, validates against its own MD5 checksum
Path to gem file
# File rubygems/validator.rb, line 48 def verify_gem_file(gem_path) open gem_path, Gem.binary_mode do |file| gem_data = file.read verify_gem gem_data end rescue Errno::ENOENT, Errno::EINVAL raise Gem::VerificationError, "missing gem file #{gem_path}" end
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