Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more
Top level class for building the gem repository index.
Create an indexer that will index the gems in directory
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 56 def initialize(directory, options = {}) require 'fileutils' require 'tmpdir' require 'zlib' unless defined?(Builder::XChar) then raise "Gem::Indexer requires that the XML Builder library be installed:" "\n\tgem install builder" end options = { :build_legacy => true, :build_modern => true }.merge options @build_legacy = options[:build_legacy] @build_modern = options[:build_modern] @rss_title = options[:rss_title] @rss_host = options[:rss_host] @rss_gems_host = options[:rss_gems_host] @dest_directory = directory @directory = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "gem_generate_index_#{$$}") marshal_name = "Marshal.#{Gem.marshal_version}" @master_index = File.join @directory, 'yaml' @marshal_index = File.join @directory, marshal_name @quick_dir = File.join @directory, 'quick' @quick_marshal_dir = File.join @quick_dir, marshal_name @quick_marshal_dir_base = File.join "quick", marshal_name # FIX: UGH @quick_index = File.join @quick_dir, 'index' @latest_index = File.join @quick_dir, 'latest_index' @specs_index = File.join @directory, "specs.#{Gem.marshal_version}" @latest_specs_index = File.join(@directory, "latest_specs.#{Gem.marshal_version}") @prerelease_specs_index = File.join(@directory, "prerelease_specs.#{Gem.marshal_version}") @dest_specs_index = File.join(@dest_directory, "specs.#{Gem.marshal_version}") @dest_latest_specs_index = File.join(@dest_directory, "latest_specs.#{Gem.marshal_version}") @dest_prerelease_specs_index = File.join(@dest_directory, "prerelease_specs.#{Gem.marshal_version}") @rss_index = File.join @directory, 'index.rss' @files = [] end
Abbreviate the spec for downloading. Abbreviated specs are only used for searching, downloading and related activities and do not need deployment specific information (e.g. list of files). So we abbreviate the spec, making it much smaller for quicker downloads.
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 113 def abbreviate(spec) spec.files = [] spec.test_files = [] spec.rdoc_options = [] spec.extra_rdoc_files = [] spec.cert_chain = [] spec end
Build various indicies
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 125 def build_indicies # Marshal gemspecs are used by both modern and legacy RubyGems Gem::Specification.dirs = [] Gem::Specification.add_specs(*map_gems_to_specs(gem_file_list)) build_marshal_gemspecs build_legacy_indicies if @build_legacy build_modern_indicies if @build_modern build_rss compress_indicies end
Builds indicies for RubyGems older than 1.2.x
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 142 def build_legacy_indicies index = collect_specs say "Generating Marshal master index" Gem.time 'Generated Marshal master index' do open @marshal_index, 'wb' do |io| io.write index.dump end end @files << @marshal_index @files << "#{@marshal_index}.Z" end
Builds Marshal quick index gemspecs.
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 160 def build_marshal_gemspecs count = Gem::Specification.count progress = ui.progress_reporter count, "Generating Marshal quick index gemspecs for #{count} gems", "Complete" files = [] Gem.time 'Generated Marshal quick index gemspecs' do Gem::Specification.each do |spec| spec_file_name = "#{spec.original_name}.gemspec.rz" marshal_name = File.join @quick_marshal_dir, spec_file_name marshal_zipped = Gem.deflate Marshal.dump(spec) open marshal_name, 'wb' do |io| io.write marshal_zipped end files << marshal_name progress.updated spec.original_name end progress.done end @files << @quick_marshal_dir files end
Build a single index for RubyGems 1.2 and newer
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 192 def build_modern_index(index, file, name) say "Generating #{name} index" Gem.time "Generated #{name} index" do open(file, 'wb') do |io| specs = index.map do |*spec| # We have to splat here because latest_specs is an array, while the # others are hashes. spec = spec.flatten.last platform = spec.original_platform # win32-api-1.0.4-x86-mswin32-60 unless String === platform then alert_warning "Skipping invalid platform in gem: #{spec.full_name}" next end platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY if platform.nil? or platform.empty? [spec.name, spec.version, platform] end specs = compact_specs(specs) Marshal.dump(specs, io) end end end
Builds indicies for RubyGems 1.2 and newer. Handles full, latest, prerelease
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 222 def build_modern_indicies prerelease, released = Gem::Specification.partition { |s| s.version.prerelease? } latest_specs = Gem::Specification.latest_specs build_modern_index(released.sort, @specs_index, 'specs') build_modern_index(latest_specs.sort, @latest_specs_index, 'latest specs') build_modern_index(prerelease.sort, @prerelease_specs_index, 'prerelease specs') @files += [@specs_index, "#{@specs_index}.gz", @latest_specs_index, "#{@latest_specs_index}.gz", @prerelease_specs_index, "#{@prerelease_specs_index}.gz"] end
Builds an RSS feed for past two days gem releases according to the gem’s date.
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 245 def build_rss if @rss_host.nil? or @rss_gems_host.nil? then if Gem.configuration.really_verbose then alert_warning "no --rss-host or --rss-gems-host, RSS generation disabled" end return end require 'cgi' require 'rubygems/text' extend Gem::Text Gem.time 'Generated rss' do open @rss_index, 'wb' do |io| rss_host = CGI.escapeHTML @rss_host rss_title = CGI.escapeHTML(@rss_title || 'gems') io.puts <<-HEADER <?xml version="1.0"?> <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>#{rss_title}</title> <link>http://#{rss_host}</link> <description>Recently released gems from http://#{rss_host}</description> <generator>RubyGems v#{Gem::VERSION}</generator> <docs>http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/rss/rss.html</docs> HEADER today = Gem::Specification::TODAY yesterday = today - 86400 index = Gem::Specification.select do |spec| spec_date = spec.date # TODO: remove this and make YAML based specs properly normalized spec_date = Time.parse(spec_date.to_s) if Date === spec_date spec_date >= yesterday && spec_date <= today end index.sort_by { |spec| [-spec.date.to_i, spec] }.each do |spec| file_name = File.basename spec.cache_file gem_path = CGI.escapeHTML "http://#{@rss_gems_host}/gems/#{file_name}" size = File.stat(spec.loaded_from).size # rescue next description = spec.description || spec.summary || '' authors = Array spec.authors emails = Array spec.email authors = emails.zip(authors).map do |email, author| email += " (#{author})" if author and not author.empty? end.join ', ' description = description.split(/\n\n+/).map do |chunk| format_text chunk, 78 end description = description.join "\n\n" item = '' item << <<-ITEM <item> <title>#{CGI.escapeHTML spec.full_name}</title> <description> <pre>#{CGI.escapeHTML description.chomp}</pre> </description> <author>#{CGI.escapeHTML authors}</author> <guid>#{CGI.escapeHTML spec.full_name}</guid> <enclosure url=\"#{gem_path}\" length=\"#{size}\" type=\"application/octet-stream\" /> <pubDate>#{spec.date.rfc2822}</pubDate> ITEM item << " <link>#{CGI.escapeHTML spec.homepage}</link> " if spec.homepage item << <<-ITEM </item> ITEM io.puts item end io.puts <<-FOOTER </channel> </rss> FOOTER end end @files << @rss_index end
Collect specifications from .gem files from the gem directory.
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 379 def collect_specs(gems = gem_file_list) Gem::Deprecate.skip_during do index = Gem::SourceIndex.new map_gems_to_specs(gems).each do |spec| index.add_spec spec, spec.original_name end index end end
Compacts Marshal output for the specs index data source by using identical objects as much as possible.
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 417 def compact_specs(specs) names = {} versions = {} platforms = {} specs.map do |(name, version, platform)| names[name] = name unless names.include? name versions[version] = version unless versions.include? version platforms[platform] = platform unless platforms.include? platform [names[name], versions[version], platforms[platform]] end end
Compress filename
with extension
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 434 def compress(filename, extension) data = Gem.read_binary filename zipped = Gem.deflate data open "#{filename}.#{extension}", 'wb' do |io| io.write zipped end end
Compresses indicies on disk
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 396 def compress_indicies say "Compressing indicies" Gem.time 'Compressed indicies' do if @build_legacy then compress @marshal_index, 'Z' paranoid @marshal_index, 'Z' end if @build_modern then gzip @specs_index gzip @latest_specs_index gzip @prerelease_specs_index end end end
List of gem file names to index.
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 447 def gem_file_list Dir[File.join(@dest_directory, "gems", '*.gem')] end
Builds and installs indicies.
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 454 def generate_index make_temp_directories build_indicies install_indicies rescue SignalException ensure FileUtils.rm_rf @directory end
Zlib::GzipWriter wrapper that gzips filename
on disk.
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 466 def gzip(filename) Zlib::GzipWriter.open "#{filename}.gz" do |io| io.write Gem.read_binary(filename) end end
Install generated indicies into the destination directory.
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 475 def install_indicies verbose = Gem.configuration.really_verbose say "Moving index into production dir #{@dest_directory}" if verbose files = @files files.delete @quick_marshal_dir if files.include? @quick_dir if files.include? @quick_marshal_dir and not files.include? @quick_dir then files.delete @quick_marshal_dir dst_name = File.join(@dest_directory, @quick_marshal_dir_base) FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(dst_name), :verbose => verbose FileUtils.rm_rf dst_name, :verbose => verbose FileUtils.mv(@quick_marshal_dir, dst_name, :verbose => verbose, :force => true) end files = files.map do |path| path.sub(/^#{Regexp.escape @directory}\/?/, '') # HACK? end files.each do |file| src_name = File.join @directory, file dst_name = File.join @dest_directory, file FileUtils.rm_rf dst_name, :verbose => verbose FileUtils.mv(src_name, @dest_directory, :verbose => verbose, :force => true) end end
Make directories for index generation
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 511 def make_temp_directories FileUtils.rm_rf @directory FileUtils.mkdir_p @directory, :mode => 0700 FileUtils.mkdir_p @quick_marshal_dir end
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 339 def map_gems_to_specs gems gems.map { |gemfile| if File.size(gemfile) == 0 then alert_warning "Skipping zero-length gem: #{gemfile}" next end begin spec = Gem::Format.from_file_by_path(gemfile).spec spec.loaded_from = gemfile # HACK: fuck this shit - borks all tests that use pl1 # if File.basename(gemfile, ".gem") != spec.original_name then # exp = spec.full_name # exp << " (#{spec.original_name})" if # spec.original_name != spec.full_name # msg = "Skipping misnamed gem: #{gemfile} should be named #{exp}" # alert_warning msg # next # end abbreviate spec sanitize spec spec rescue SignalException => e alert_error "Received signal, exiting" raise rescue Exception => e msg = ["Unable to process #{gemfile}", "#{e.message} (#{e.class})", "\t#{e.backtrace.join "\n\t"}"].join("\n") alert_error msg end }.compact end
Ensure path
and path with extension
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 520 def paranoid(path, extension) data = Gem.read_binary path compressed_data = Gem.read_binary "#{path}.#{extension}" unless data == Gem.inflate(compressed_data) then raise "Compressed file #{compressed_path} does not match uncompressed file #{path}" end end
Sanitize the descriptive fields in the spec. Sometimes non-ASCII characters will garble the site index. Non-ASCII characters will be replaced by their XML entity equivalent.
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 534 def sanitize(spec) spec.summary = sanitize_string(spec.summary) spec.description = sanitize_string(spec.description) spec.post_install_message = sanitize_string(spec.post_install_message) spec.authors = spec.authors.collect { |a| sanitize_string(a) } spec end
Sanitize a single string.
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 546 def sanitize_string(string) return string unless string # HACK the #to_s is in here because RSpec has an Array of Arrays of # Strings for authors. Need a way to disallow bad values on gemspec # generation. (Probably won't happen.) string = string.to_s begin Builder::XChar.encode string rescue NameError, NoMethodError string.to_xs end end
Perform an in-place update of the repository from newly added gems. Only works for modern indicies, and sets build_legacy to false when run.
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 565 def update_index @build_legacy = false make_temp_directories specs_mtime = File.stat(@dest_specs_index).mtime newest_mtime = Time.at 0 updated_gems = gem_file_list.select do |gem| gem_mtime = File.stat(gem).mtime newest_mtime = gem_mtime if gem_mtime > newest_mtime gem_mtime >= specs_mtime end if updated_gems.empty? then say 'No new gems' terminate_interaction 0 end specs = map_gems_to_specs updated_gems prerelease, released = specs.partition { |s| s.version.prerelease? } files = build_marshal_gemspecs Gem.time 'Updated indexes' do update_specs_index released, @dest_specs_index, @specs_index update_specs_index released, @dest_latest_specs_index, @latest_specs_index update_specs_index(prerelease, @dest_prerelease_specs_index, @prerelease_specs_index) end compress_indicies verbose = Gem.configuration.really_verbose say "Updating production dir #{@dest_directory}" if verbose files << @specs_index files << "#{@specs_index}.gz" files << @latest_specs_index files << "#{@latest_specs_index}.gz" files << @prerelease_specs_index files << "#{@prerelease_specs_index}.gz" files = files.map do |path| path.sub(/^#{Regexp.escape @directory}\/?/, '') # HACK? end files.each do |file| src_name = File.join @directory, file dst_name = File.join @dest_directory, file # REFACTOR: duped above FileUtils.mv src_name, dst_name, :verbose => verbose, :force => true File.utime newest_mtime, newest_mtime, dst_name end end
Combines specs in index
and source
then writes
out a new copy to dest
. For a latest index, does not ensure
the new file is minimal.
# File rubygems/indexer.rb, line 629 def update_specs_index(index, source, dest) specs_index = Marshal.load Gem.read_binary(source) index.each do |spec| platform = spec.original_platform platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY if platform.nil? or platform.empty? specs_index << [spec.name, spec.version, platform] end specs_index = compact_specs specs_index.uniq.sort open dest, 'wb' do |io| Marshal.dump specs_index, io end end
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