Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more
A test case for Gem::Installer.
# File rubygems/installer_test_case.rb, line 57 def setup super @installer_tmp = File.join @tempdir, 'installer' FileUtils.mkdir_p @installer_tmp Gem.use_paths @installer_tmp Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories @installer_tmp @spec = quick_gem 'a' util_make_exec @spec util_build_gem @spec @gem = @spec.cache_file @user_spec = quick_gem 'b' util_make_exec @user_spec util_build_gem @user_spec @user_gem = @user_spec.cache_file Gem.use_paths @gemhome @installer = util_installer @spec, @gemhome @user_installer = util_installer @user_spec, Gem.user_dir, :user Gem.use_paths @gemhome end
# File rubygems/installer_test_case.rb, line 84 def util_gem_bindir spec = @spec # TODO: deprecate spec.bin_dir end
# File rubygems/installer_test_case.rb, line 89 def util_gem_dir spec = @spec # TODO: deprecate spec.gem_dir end
# File rubygems/installer_test_case.rb, line 94 def util_inst_bindir File.join @gemhome, "bin" end
# File rubygems/installer_test_case.rb, line 141 def util_installer(spec, gem_home, user=false) Gem::Installer.new spec.cache_file, :user_install => user end
# File rubygems/installer_test_case.rb, line 98 def util_make_exec(spec = @spec, shebang = "#!/usr/bin/ruby") spec.executables = %w[executable] spec.files << 'bin/executable' exec_path = spec.bin_file "executable" write_file exec_path do |io| io.puts shebang end bin_path = File.join @tempdir, "bin", "executable" write_file bin_path do |io| io.puts shebang end end
# File rubygems/installer_test_case.rb, line 113 def util_setup_gem(ui = @ui) # HACK fix use_ui to make this automatic @spec.files << File.join('lib', 'code.rb') @spec.extensions << File.join('ext', 'a', 'mkrf_conf.rb') Dir.chdir @tempdir do FileUtils.mkdir_p 'bin' FileUtils.mkdir_p 'lib' FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join('ext', 'a') File.open File.join('bin', 'executable'), 'w' do |f| f.puts "raise 'ran executable'" end File.open File.join('lib', 'code.rb'), 'w' do |f| f.puts '1' end File.open File.join('ext', 'a', 'mkrf_conf.rb'), 'w' do |f| f << <<-EOF File.open 'Rakefile', 'w' do |rf| rf.puts "task :default" end EOF end use_ui ui do FileUtils.rm @gem @gem = Gem::Builder.new(@spec).build end end @installer = Gem::Installer.new @gem end
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