Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more
An Uninstaller.
The uninstaller fires pre and post uninstall hooks. Hooks can be added either through a rubygems_plugin.rb file in an installed gem or via a rubygems/defaults/#{RUBY_ENGINE}.rb or rubygems/defaults/operating_system.rb file. See Gem.pre_uninstall and Gem.post_uninstall for details.
Constructs an uninstaller that will uninstall gem
# File rubygems/uninstaller.rb, line 44 def initialize(gem, options = {}) @gem = gem @version = options[:version] || Gem::Requirement.default @gem_home = File.expand_path(options[:install_dir] || Gem.dir) @force_executables = options[:executables] @force_all = options[:all] @force_ignore = options[:ignore] @bin_dir = options[:bin_dir] @format_executable = options[:format_executable] # only add user directory if install_dir is not set @user_install = false @user_install = options[:user_install] unless options[:install_dir] if @user_install then Gem.use_paths Gem.user_dir, @gem_home else Gem.use_paths @gem_home end end
# File rubygems/uninstaller.rb, line 247 def ask_if_ok(spec) msg = [''] msg << 'You have requested to uninstall the gem:' msg << "\t#{spec.full_name}" spec.dependent_gems.each do |dep_spec, dep, satlist| msg << ("#{dep_spec.name}-#{dep_spec.version} depends on " + "[#{dep.name} (#{dep.requirement})]") end msg << 'If you remove this gems, one or more dependencies will not be met.' msg << 'Continue with Uninstall?' return ask_yes_no(msg.join("\n"), true) end
# File rubygems/uninstaller.rb, line 240 def dependencies_ok?(spec) return true if @force_ignore deplist = Gem::DependencyList.from_specs deplist.ok_to_remove?(spec.full_name) end
# File rubygems/uninstaller.rb, line 263 def formatted_program_filename(filename) if @format_executable then require 'rubygems/installer' Gem::Installer.exec_format % File.basename(filename) else filename end end
Is spec
in gem_dir
# File rubygems/uninstaller.rb, line 233 def path_ok?(gem_dir, spec) full_path = File.join gem_dir, 'gems', spec.full_name original_path = File.join gem_dir, 'gems', spec.original_name full_path == spec.full_gem_path || original_path == spec.full_gem_path end
the spec of the gem to be uninstalled
the list of all such gems
Warning: this method modifies the list
parameter. Once it has
uninstalled a gem, it is removed from that list.
# File rubygems/uninstaller.rb, line 189 def remove(spec) unless path_ok?(@gem_home, spec) or (@user_install and path_ok?(Gem.user_dir, spec)) then e = Gem::GemNotInHomeException.new "Gem is not installed in directory #{@gem_home}" e.spec = spec raise e end raise Gem::FilePermissionError, spec.base_dir unless File.writable?(spec.base_dir) FileUtils.rm_rf spec.full_gem_path # TODO: should this be moved to spec?... I vote eww (also exists in docmgr) old_platform_name = [spec.name, spec.version, spec.original_platform].join '-' gemspec = spec.spec_file unless File.exist? gemspec then gemspec = File.join(File.dirname(gemspec), "#{old_platform_name}.gemspec") end FileUtils.rm_rf gemspec gem = spec.cache_file gem = File.join(spec.cache_dir, "#{old_platform_name}.gem") unless File.exist? gem FileUtils.rm_rf gem Gem::DocManager.new(spec).uninstall_doc say "Successfully uninstalled #{spec.full_name}" Gem::Specification.remove_spec spec end
Removes all gems in list
NOTE: removes uninstalled gems from list
# File rubygems/uninstaller.rb, line 178 def remove_all(list) list.each { |spec| uninstall_gem spec } end
Removes installed executables and batch files (windows only) for
# File rubygems/uninstaller.rb, line 127 def remove_executables(spec) return if spec.nil? or spec.executables.empty? list = Gem::Specification.find_all { |s| s.name == spec.name && s.version != spec.version } executables = spec.executables.clone list.each do |s| s.executables.each do |exe_name| executables.delete exe_name end end return if executables.empty? executables = executables.map { |exec| formatted_program_filename exec } remove = if @force_executables.nil? then ask_yes_no("Remove executables:\n" "\t#{executables.join ', '}\n\n" "in addition to the gem?", true) else @force_executables end unless remove then say "Executables and scripts will remain installed." else bin_dir = @bin_dir || Gem.bindir(spec.base_dir) raise Gem::FilePermissionError, bin_dir unless File.writable? bin_dir executables.each do |exe_name| say "Removing #{exe_name}" exe_file = File.join bin_dir, exe_name FileUtils.rm_f exe_file FileUtils.rm_f "#{exe_file}.bat" end end end
Performs the uninstall of the gem. This removes the spec, the Gem directory, and the cached .gem file.
# File rubygems/uninstaller.rb, line 69 def uninstall list = Gem::Specification.find_all_by_name(@gem, @version) if list.empty? then raise Gem::InstallError, "gem #{@gem.inspect} is not installed" elsif list.size > 1 and @force_all then remove_all list elsif list.size > 1 then gem_names = list.collect {|gem| gem.full_name} + ["All versions"] say _, index = choose_from_list "Select gem to uninstall:", gem_names if index == list.size then remove_all list elsif index >= 0 && index < list.size then uninstall_gem list[index] else say "Error: must enter a number [1-#{list.size+1}]" end else uninstall_gem list.first end end
Uninstalls gem spec
# File rubygems/uninstaller.rb, line 99 def uninstall_gem(spec) @spec = spec unless dependencies_ok? spec unless ask_if_ok(spec) raise Gem::DependencyRemovalException, "Uninstallation aborted due to dependent gem(s)" end end Gem.pre_uninstall_hooks.each do |hook| hook.call self end remove_executables @spec remove @spec Gem.post_uninstall_hooks.each do |hook| hook.call self end @spec = nil end
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