Chef Automate API

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The Chef Automate API is a REST API.

Stability Index

Stability: 0 - Deprecated

This feature is known to be problematic, and changes are planned. Do not rely on it. Use of the feature may cause warnings. Backwards compatibility should not be expected.

Stability: 1 - Experimental

This feature is subject to change. It may change or be removed in future versions.

Stability: 2 - Stable

The API has proven satisfactory. Compatibility is a high priority, and will not be broken unless absolutely necessary.

Authentication Methods

Authentication to the Chef Automate server occurs via a specific set of HTTP headers and two types of tokens:

  • user token is a short-lived (seven days) token and can be obtained from the Chef Automate dashboard by entering this URL in your browser:

  • data_collector token is a long-lived token that can be set for your Chef Automate instance in /etc/delivery/delivery.rb. Add data_collector['token'] = 'sometokenvalue', save your changes and then run sudo automate-ctl reconfigure.

Required Headers

The following authentication headers are required:

Feature Description
chef-delivery-enterprise The name of the Chef Automate enterprise to use.
chef-delivery-user The Chef Automate user to use for the API calls.
chef-delivery-token The Chef Automate user token used in conjunction with chef-delivery-user.
x-data-collector-auth Set this to version=1.0 in order to use the long-lived data_collector authentication instead of authenticating via chef-delivery-user and chef-delivery-token.
x-data-collector-token The value of the data_collector token as set in /etc/delivery/delivery.rb if x-data-collector-auth is used.

The Chef Automate API is located at https://hostname and has the following endpoints:

API Endpoints


The /api/_status endpoint can be used to check the health of the Chef Automate server without authentication. A Chef Automate instance may be configured as a standalone server or as a disaster recovery pair with primary and standby servers. The response from this endpoint depends on the type of configuration. This endpoint is located at /api/_status.


GET /api/_status

This method has no request body.

For example:

curl -X GET "https://my-auto-server.test/api/_status"


For a standalone server, the response will be similar to:

  "status": "pong",
  "configuration mode": "standalone",
  "upstreams": [
      "postgres": {
        "status": "pong",
      "lsyncd": {
        "status": "not_running",

The top-level status value refers to the state of the core Chef Automate server only. It will return pong as long as the Chef Automate server is healthy even if there’s a problem with one of the upstream systems; however, a response code of 500 will be returned in that case (as described in the response code section below).


lsyncd should always report a status of not_running in a standalone configuration: any other value would indicate that it’s configured when it shouldn’t be (lsync should only run on a disaster recovery primary).

For the primary server in a disaster recovery pair, the response will be similar to:

  "status": "pong",
  "configuration mode": "primary",
  "upstreams": [
      "postgres": {
        "status": "pong",
        "standby_ip_address": "",
        "pg_current_xlog_location": "0/3000D48"
      "lsyncd": {
        "status": "pong",
        "latency": "0"

In this configuration, the postgres and lsyncd upstreams will indicate the current state of disaster recovery replication. For PostgreSQL, it will both indicate that it knows what the standby IP is supposed to be and the current location. If the PostgreSQL replication is working correctly, it should match the value of the PostgreSQL xlog location reported by the standby (see below).

For lsyncd, if the replication is up-to-date, latency should return 0; it may be above zero if changes have been queued up for replication, but it should quickly drop back down once the lsyncd server syncs changes (which should happen either after a fixed delay or when a certain number of changes have queued up). If it instead maintains a number above zero (or even continues to grow), that would indicate that there’s an issue replicating git data in Chef Automate.

For the standby server in a disaster recovery pair, the response will be similar to:

  "status": "pong",
  "configuration mode": "cold_standby",
  "upstreams": [
      "postgres": {
        "status": "pong",
        "pg_last_xlog_receive_location": "0/3000D48"
      "lsyncd": {
         "status": "not_running",

In this configuration, lsyncd should not be running; any other value would indicate a problem. For postgres, if the replication is up-to-date, the location should match the value of the location on the primary it’s replicating. If it’s lagging (or behind and doesn’t change), that would indicate an issue with PostgreSQL replication.

Response Codes

Response Code Description

All services are OK. The response will show the service status as pong or not_running. For example:

  "status": "pong",
  "configuration mode": "standalone",
  "upstreams": [
      "postgres": {
        "status": "pong"
      "lsyncd": {
        "status": "not_running"

One (or more) services are down. The response will show the service status as fail or degraded. For example:

  "status": "pong",
  "configuration mode": "cold_standby",
  "upstreams": [
      "postgres": {
        "status": "fail",
        "pg_last_xlog_receive_location": "0/3000D48"
      "lsyncd": {
        "status": "not_running"

For example, if replication is not running:

  "status": "pong",
  "configuration mode": "primary",
  "upstreams": [
      "postgres": {
        "status": "degraded",
        "replication": "fail",
        "description": "Replication is not running. Check your configuration."
      "lsyncd": {
        "status": "pong",
        "latency": "0"

Compliance API


As the name implies, filters serve to narrow the scope of a search. There are many endpoints in the Compliance API that support filters. For each endpoint that supports filters, filter is listed as one of it’s parameters. In all cases when filter is included as a parameter, all filters listed below are allowed for inclusion.

Name Filters search results based on scans that have:
start_time end_times that are >= start_time
end_time end_times that are <= end_time
environment run in environment
node_id run on target with node_id
node_name run on target with node_name
platform run on platform
profile_id run against this profile_id


Timestamps, are returned in and must be written in RFC 3339 format. The following are examples of acceptable start_time and end_time values for inclusion in a filter:

  • 2017-03-06T09:18:40Z
  • 2017-03-06T09:18:40+00:00


The Chef Automate server may store multiple compliance profiles.

The endpoint has the following methods: GET.

GET (profiles)

Stability: 2 - Stable

The GET method is used to get a list of compliance market profiles on the Chef Automate server.


GET /compliance/market/profiles

For example:

curl -X GET "https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/market/profiles" \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..."


The response is similar to:

    "name": "linux-baseline",
    "title": "DevSec Linux Security Baseline",
    "maintainer": "DevSec Hardening Framework Team",
    "copyright": "DevSec Hardening Framework Team",
    "copyright_email": "",
    "license": "Apache 2 license",
    "summary": "Test-suite for best-practice Linux OS hardening",
    "version": "2.1.0",
    "supports": [
        "os-family": "linux"
    "depends": null
    "name": "postgres-baseline",
    "title": "Hardening Framework Postgres Hardening Test Suite",
    "maintainer": "DevSec Hardening Framework Team",
    "copyright": "DevSec Hardening Framework Team",
    "copyright_email": "",
    "license": "Apache 2 license",
    "summary": "Test-suite for best-practice postgres hardening",
    "version": "2.0.1",
    "supports": [
        "os-family": "unix"
    "depends": null
    "name": "ssh-baseline",
    "title": "DevSec SSH Baseline",
    "maintainer": "DevSec Hardening Framework Team",
    "copyright": "DevSec Hardening Framework Team",
    "copyright_email": "",
    "license": "Apache 2 license",
    "summary": "Test-suite for best-practice SSH hardening",
    "version": "2.2.0",
    "supports": [
        "os-family": "unix"
    "depends": null

Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
401 Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.

GET (profile by :name)

Stability: 2 - Stable

The GET method is used to get the profile of a given :name.


GET /compliance/market/profiles/:name

For example:

curl -X GET "https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/market/profiles/linux-baseline" \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..."


The response is similar to:

      "name": "linux-baseline",
      "title": "DevSec Linux Security Baseline",
      "maintainer": "DevSec Hardening Framework Team",
      "copyright": "DevSec Hardening Framework Team",
      "copyright_email": "",
      "license": "Apache 2 license",
      "summary": "Test-suite for best-practice Linux OS hardening",
      "version": "2.1.0",
      "supports": [
            "os-family": "linux"
      "depends": null

Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
401 Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.

GET (profile by :name & :version)

Stability: 2 - Stable

The GET method is used to get one specific :version of a profile of a given :name.


GET /compliance/market/profiles/:name/version/:version

For example:

curl -X GET "https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/market/profiles/linux-baseline/version/2.1.0" \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..."


The response is similar to:

      "name": "linux-baseline",
      "title": "DevSec Linux Security Baseline",
      "maintainer": "DevSec Hardening Framework Team",
      "copyright": "DevSec Hardening Framework Team",
      "copyright_email": "",
      "license": "Apache 2 license",
      "summary": "Test-suite for best-practice Linux OS hardening",
      "version": "2.1.0",
      "supports": [
            "os-family": "linux"
      "depends": null

Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
401 Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.

GET (profile tar by :name)

Stability: 2 - Stable

The GET method is used to get the latest version of a market profile tarball as specified by the :name parameter.


GET /compliance/market/profiles/:name/tar

For example:

curl -o linux-baseline.tar \
"https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/market/profiles/linux-baseline/tar" \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..."


TAR STREAM - download of the file requested (if it exists)

Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
401 Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404 Not found. The requested profile was not found.

GET (profile tar by :name & :version)

Stability: 2 - Stable

The GET method is used to get the market profile tarball for the given :name and :version.


GET /compliance/market/profiles/:name/version/:version/tar

For example:

curl -o linux-baseline.tar \
"https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/market/profiles/linux-baseline/version/2.1.0/tar" \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..."


TAR STREAM - download of the file requested (if it exists)

Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
401 Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404 Not found. The requested profile was not found.


Get the latest scan data for all nodes (or nodes that match Filters), then aggregate the compliance results from the latest scans at the specified point in time.

The endpoint has the following methods: GET.

GET (nodes)

Stability: 2 - Stable

The GET method returns aggregated compliance results across one or more nodes.


Parameter Type Description Default
filters string
The search keywords, as well as any qualifiers.
Any and all Filters may be used.
order string
The direction of the sort.
Can be either asc or desc.
page integer Page number for paginated data. 1
per_page integer Items per page. 10
sort string
What to sort results by.
Can be any of the following:
  • environment
  • latest_report.controls.failed.critical
  • latest_report.end_time
  • latest_report.status
  • name
  • platform
  • status


GET /compliance/nodes

For example:

curl -X GET "https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/nodes" \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..."


The response is similar to:

    "id": "74a54a28-c628-4f82-86df-61c43866db6a",
    "name": "teal-spohn",
    "platform": {
      "name": "centos"
    "environment": "DevSec Prod Alpha",
    "latest_report": {
      "id": "3ca95021-84c1-43a6-a2e7-be10edcb238d",
      "end_time": "2017-04-04T10:18:41+01:00",
      "status": "failed",
      "controls": {
        "total": 113,
        "passed": {
          "total": 22
        "skipped": {
          "total": 68
        "failed": {
          "total": 23,
          "minor": 0,
          "major": 0,
          "critical": 23
    "id": "99516108-8126-420e-b03e-a90a52f25751",
    "name": "red-brentwood",
    "platform": {
      "name": "debian"
    "environment": "DevSec Prod Zeta",
    "latest_report": {
      "id": "44024b50-2e0d-42fa-a57c-25e05e48a1b5",
      "end_time": "2017-03-06T09:18:41Z",
      "status": "failed",
      "controls": {
        "total": 59,
        "passed": {
          "total": 23
        "skipped": {
          "total": 14
        "failed": {
          "total": 22,
          "minor": 0,
          "major": 0,
          "critical": 22

Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
400 Bad Request. Something is wrong with the request. Client should look closely at the request they’re making.
401 Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
500 Internal Server Error. Problem on the backend.

GET (node by :id)

Stability: 2 - Stable

The GET method is used to get the profile of a given node :id.


GET /compliance/nodes/:id

For example:

curl -X GET "https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/nodes/74a54a28-c628-4f82-86df-61c43866db6a" \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..."


The response is similar to:

  "id": "74a54a28-c628-4f82-86df-61c43866db6a",
  "name": "teal-spohn",
  "platform": {
    "name": "centos",
    "release": "5.11"
  "environment": "DevSec Prod Alpha",
  "latest_report": {
    "id": "3ca95021-84c1-43a6-a2e7-be10edcb238d",
    "end_time": "2017-04-04T10:18:41+01:00",
    "status": "failed",
    "controls": {
      "total": 113,
      "passed": {
        "total": 22
      "skipped": {
        "total": 68
      "failed": {
        "total": 23,
        "minor": 0,
        "major": 0,
        "critical": 23
  "profiles": [
      "name": "linux-baseline",
      "version": "2.0.1",
      "id": "b53ca05fbfe17a36363a40f3ad5bd70aa20057eaf15a9a9a8124a84d4ef08015"
      "name": "ssh-baseline",
      "version": "2.1.1",
      "id": "3984753145f0db693e2c6fc79f764e9aff78d892a874391fc5f5cc18f4675b68"

Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
400 Bad Request. Something is wrong with the request. Client should look closely at the request they’re making.
404 Not Found. The resource was not found.
500 Internal Server Error. Problem on the backend.


The Chef Automate server may store multiple compliance profiles, namespaced by owners.

The endpoint has the following methods: GET and POST.

GET (by :owner)

Stability: 2 - Stable

The GET method is used to get a list of compliance profiles namespaced by :owner on the Chef Automate server.


GET /compliance/profiles/:owner

For example:

curl -X GET "https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/profiles/john" \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..."


The response is similar to:

    "name": "linux-baseline",
    "title": "DevSec Linux Security Baseline",
    "maintainer": "DevSec Hardening Framework Team",
    "copyright": "DevSec Hardening Framework Team",
    "copyright_email": "",
    "license": "Apache 2 license",
    "summary": "Test-suite for best-practice Linux OS hardening",
    "version": "2.1.0",
    "supports": [
        "os-family": "linux"
    "depends": null
    "name": "ssh-baseline",
    "title": "DevSec SSH Baseline",
    "maintainer": "DevSec Hardening Framework Team",
    "copyright": "DevSec Hardening Framework Team",
    "copyright_email": "",
    "license": "Apache 2 license",
    "summary": "Test-suite for best-practice SSH hardening",
    "version": "2.2.0",
    "supports": [
        "os-family": "unix"
    "depends": null

Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
401 Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404 Not Found. The :owner specified in the request was not found.


Stability: 2 - Stable

The POST method is used to upload a compliance profile (as a tarball) namespaced by :owner.


POST /compliance/profiles/:owner

For example:

tar -cvzf /tmp/new-profile.tar.gz /home/user/new-profile
curl -X POST "https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/profiles/john" \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..." \
--form "file=@/tmp/new-profile.tar.gz"


No Content

Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
401 Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
500 Internal Error. Profile check failed.

GET (by :owner & :name)

Stability: 2 - Stable

The GET method is used to return details of a particular profile :name belonging to an :owner.

This method has no parameters.


GET /compliance/profiles/:owner/:name

For example:

curl -X GET "https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/profiles/john/linux-baseline" \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..."


The response is similar to:

    "name": "linux-baseline",
    "title": "DevSec Linux Security Baseline",
    "maintainer": "DevSec Hardening Framework Team",
    "copyright": "DevSec Hardening Framework Team",
    "copyright_email": "",
    "license": "Apache 2 license",
    "summary": "Test-suite for best-practice Linux OS hardening",
    "version": "2.1.0",
    "supports": [
        "os-family": "linux"
    "depends": null

Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
401 Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404 Not Found. The :profile specified in the request was not found.

GET (by :owner & :name & :version)

Stability: 2 - Stable

The GET method is used to return details of a particular :version of a profile :name, belonging to an :owner.

This method has no parameters.


GET /compliance/profiles/:owner/:name/version/:version

For example:

curl -X GET "https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/profiles/john/linux-baseline/version/2.1.0" \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..."


The response is similar to:

    "name": "linux-baseline",
    "title": "DevSec Linux Security Baseline",
    "maintainer": "DevSec Hardening Framework Team",
    "copyright": "DevSec Hardening Framework Team",
    "copyright_email": "",
    "license": "Apache 2 license",
    "summary": "Test-suite for best-practice Linux OS hardening",
    "version": "2.1.0",
    "supports": [
        "os-family": "linux"
    "depends": null

Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
401 Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404 Not Found. The :profile specified in the request was not found.


Stability: 2 - Stable

The DELETE method is used to remove a particular :version of a profile :name, belonging to an :owner.


DELETE /compliance/profiles/:owner/:name/version/:version

For example:

curl -X DELETE "https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/profiles/john/linux-baseline/version/2.1.0" \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..."


No Content

Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
401 Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404 Not Found. The :owner or :name specified in the request was not found.

GET (profile tar by :owner and :name)

Stability: 2 - Stable

The GET is used to download tarball of a particular a profile :name, belonging to an :owner.


GET /compliance/profiles/:owner/:name/tar

For example:

curl -X GET "https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/profiles/john/linux-baseline/tar" \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..." > /tmp/profile.tar.gz



Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
401 Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404 Not Found. The :owner or :name specified in the request was not found.

GET (profile tar by :owner :name :version)

Stability: 2 - Stable

The GET is used to download tarball of a particular :version of a profile :name, belonging to an :owner.


GET /compliance/profiles/:owner/:name/version/:version/tar

For example:

curl -X GET "https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/profiles/john/linux-baseline/version/2.1.0/tar" \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..." > /tmp/profile.tar.gz



Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
401 Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404 Not Found. The :owner or :profile specified in the request was not found.


Get the latest scan data for all nodes (or nodes that match Filters), from the latest scans at the specified point in time.

The endpoint has the following methods: GET.

GET (reports)

Stability: 2 - Stable

The GET method returns aggregated compliance results across one or more nodes.


Parameter Type Description Default
filters string
The search keywords, as well as any qualifiers.
Any and all Filters may be used.
order string
The direction of the sort.
Can be either asc or desc.
page integer Page number for paginated data. 1
per_page integer Items per page. 10
sort string
What to sort results by.
Can be any of the following:
  • node_name
  • latest_report.end_time
  • latest_report.status
  • latest_report.controls.failed.critical


GET /compliance/reports

For example:

curl -X GET "https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/reports" \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..."


The response is similar to:

    "id": "3ca95021-84c1-43a6-a2e7-be10edcb238d",
    "node_id": "74a54a28-c628-4f82-86df-61c43866db6a",
    "node_name": "teal-spohn",
    "end_time": "2017-04-04T10:18:41+01:00",
    "status": "failed",
    "controls": {
      "total": 113,
      "passed": {
        "total": 22
      "skipped": {
        "total": 68
      "failed": {
        "total": 23,
        "minor": 0,
        "major": 0,
        "critical": 23
    "id": "bb93e1b2-36d6-439e-ac70-a41504242605",
    "node_id": "74a54a28-c628-4f82-86df-61c43866db6a",
    "node_name": "teal-spohn",
    "end_time": "2017-04-03T10:18:41+01:00",
    "status": "failed",
    "controls": {
      "total": 113,
      "passed": {
        "total": 22
      "skipped": {
        "total": 68
      "failed": {
        "total": 23,
        "minor": 0,
        "major": 0,
        "critical": 23
    "id": "44024b50-2e0d-42fa-a57c-25e05e48a1b5",
    "node_id": "99516108-8126-420e-b03e-a90a52f25751",
    "node_name": "red-brentwood",
    "end_time": "2017-03-06T09:18:41Z",
    "status": "failed",
    "controls": {
      "total": 59,
      "passed": {
        "total": 23
      "skipped": {
        "total": 14
      "failed": {
        "total": 22,
        "minor": 0,
        "major": 0,
        "critical": 22

Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
400 Bad Request. Something is wrong with the request. Client should look closely at the request they’re making.
401 Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
500 Internal Server Error. Problem on the backend.

GET (report by :id)

Stability: 2 - Stable

The GET method is used to get the report of a given report :id.


GET /compliance/reports/:id

For example:

curl -X GET "https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/reports/74a54a28-c628-4f82-86df-61c43866db6a" \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..."


The response is similar to:

  "id": "3ca95021-84c1-43a6-a2e7-be10edcb238d",
  "version": "1.17.0",
  "profiles": [
      "name": "linux-baseline",
      "title": "DevSec Linux Security Baseline",
      "version": "2.0.1",
      "summary": "Test-suite for best-practice os hardening",
      "license": "",
      "copyright": "Hardening Framework Team",
      "copyright_email": "",
      "controls": [

Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
400 Bad Request. Something is wrong with the request. Client should look closely at the request they’re making.
401 Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404 Not Found. The resource was not found.


Retrieves a list of profile summary data, based on the filters and parameters listed below.

The endpoint has the following methods: GET.

GET (list of profiles)

Stability: 1 - Experimental

The GET method returns a list of profile summary data filtered down using Filters.


The following parameters are applicable to /search/profiles:

Parameter Type Description Default
filters string
The search keywords, as well as any qualifiers.
Any and all Filters may be used.
order string
The direction of the sort.
Can be either asc or desc.
page integer Page number for paginated data. 1
per_page integer Items per page. 10
sort string
What to sort results by.
Can be any of the following:
  • node_name
  • latest_report.end_time
  • latest_report.status
  • latest_report.controls.failed.critical


GET /compliance/search/profiles

For example:

curl -X GET "https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/search/profiles" \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..."


The response is similar to:

    "name": "apache-baseline",
    "title": "DevSec Apache Baseline",
    "id": "65707cb4299e5e821c687f6d5a704ffd3e21f6139a9ad0cc3b438c343b129d8c",
    "version": "2.0.1"
    "name": "linux-baseline",
    "title": "DevSec Linux Security Baseline",
    "id": "b53ca05fbfe17a36363a40f3ad5bd70aa20057eaf15a9a9a8124a84d4ef08015",
    "version": "2.0.1"
    "name": "linux-baseline",
    "title": "DevSec Linux Security Baseline",
    "id": "9f40334d8d485a70b7fd1c8387b0116a29512714c7bfb32a563ec3c97090ff59",
    "version": "2.1.0"
    "name": "ssh-baseline",
    "title": "DevSec SSH Baseline",
    "id": "f42d2f48c9acd48f52324d52ec575ca9028e405eb303f69cb34d79eb0e588b5c",
    "version": "2.2.0"
    "name": "ssh-baseline",
    "title": "DevSec SSH Baseline",
    "id": "3984753145f0db693e2c6fc79f764e9aff78d892a874391fc5f5cc18f4675b68",
    "version": "2.1.1"

Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
401 Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404 Not Found. The resource was not found.


Get the latest scan data for all nodes (or nodes that match Filters), then aggregate the compliance results from the latest scans at the specified point in time.

The endpoint has the following methods: GET.

GET (failures)

Stability: 1 - Experimental

The GET method returns aggregated stats failure results across one or more nodes.


Parameter Type Description Default
filters string
The search keywords, as well as any qualifiers.
Any and all Filters may be used.
size integer
The top <size> records make up the aggregation.
types string
Required to have at least one type set.
A ‘+’ delimited list of the following:
  • control
  • environment
  • platform
  • profile


GET /compliance/stats/failures

For example:

curl -X GET "https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/stats/failures?types=profile+control&size=3" \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..."


The response is similar to:

  "profiles": [
      "name": "linux-baseline",
      "id": "b53ca05fbfe17a36363a40f3ad5bd70aa20057eaf15a9a9a8124a84d4ef08015",
      "failures": 2
  "controls": [
      "name": "os-02",
      "profile": "",
      "failures": 2
      "name": "os-05",
      "profile": "",
      "failures": 2
      "name": "sysctl-01",
      "profile": "",
      "failures": 2

Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
400 Bad Request. Something is wrong with the request. Client should look closely at the request they’re making.
401 Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.


Get the latest scan data for all nodes (or nodes that match Filters), then for each profile, aggregate the compliance results from the latest scans at the specified point in time.

The endpoint has the following methods: GET.

GET (profiles)

Stability: 1 - Experimental

The GET method returns aggregated stats profile results across one or more nodes.


Parameter Type Description Default
filters string
The search keywords, as well as any qualifiers.
Any and all Filters may be used.
size integer
The number of profiles to consider in summary.


GET /compliance/stats/profiles

For example:

curl -X GET "https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/stats/profiles?size=4" \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..."


The response is similar to:

    "name": "linux-baseline",
    "id": "b53ca05fbfe17a36363a40f3ad5bd70aa20057eaf15a9a9a8124a84d4ef08015",
    "failures": 45,
    "majors": 0,
    "minors": 0,
    "criticals": 45,
    "passed": 45,
    "skipped": 0
    "name": "apache-baseline",
    "id": "65707cb4299e5e821c687f6d5a704ffd3e21f6139a9ad0cc3b438c343b129d8c",
    "failures": 0,
    "majors": 0,
    "minors": 0,
    "criticals": 0,
    "passed": 0,
    "skipped": 14
    "name": "ssh-baseline",
    "id": "3984753145f0db693e2c6fc79f764e9aff78d892a874391fc5f5cc18f4675b68",
    "failures": 0,
    "majors": 0,
    "minors": 0,
    "criticals": 0,
    "passed": 0,
    "skipped": 68

Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
400 Bad Request. Something is wrong with the request. Client should look closely at the request they’re making.
401 Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
500 Internal Server Error. Problem on the backend.

GET (profile summary by :profile_id)

Stability: 1 - Experimental

The GET method returns aggregated stats profile summary results across one or more nodes per :profile_id.


Parameter Type Description Default
filters string
The search keywords, as well as any qualifiers.
Any and all Filters may be used.


GET /compliance/stats/profiles/:profile_id/summary

For example:

curl -X GET \
"https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/stats/profiles/b53ca05fbfe17a36363a40f3ad5bd70aa20057eaf15a9a9a8124a84d4ef08015/summary?size=4" \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..."


The response is similar to:

  "stats": {
    "failed": 45,
    "passed": 45,
    "skipped": 0,
    "failed_nodes": 2,
    "total_nodes": 2
  "name": "linux-baseline",
  "title": "DevSec Linux Security Baseline",
  "supports": [
      "os-family": "linux"
  "version": "2.0.1",
  "license": "Apache 2 license",
  "maintainer": "Hardening Framework Team",
  "copyright": "Hardening Framework Team",
  "copyright_email": "",
  "summary": "Test-suite for best-practice os hardening"

Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
400 Bad Request. Something is wrong with the request. Client should look closely at the request they’re making.
401 Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
500 Internal Server Error. Problem on the backend.

GET (profile controls stats by :profile_id)

Stability: 1 - Experimental

The GET method returns aggregated controls stats per :profile_id across latest scans on all or filtered nodes.


Parameter Type Description Default
filters string
The search keywords, as well as any qualifiers.
Any and all Filters may be used.


GET /compliance/stats/profiles/:profile_id/controls

For example:

curl -X GET \
"https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/stats/profiles/b53ca05fbfe17a36363a40f3ad5bd70aa20057eaf15a9a9a8124a84d4ef08015/controls" \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..."


The response is similar to:

    "control": "os-01",
    "title": "Trusted hosts login",
    "passed": 2,
    "failed": 0,
    "skipped": 0,
    "impact": 1
    "control": "os-02",
    "title": "Check owner and permissions for /etc/shadow",
    "passed": 0,
    "failed": 2,
    "skipped": 0,
    "impact": 1
    "control": "os-03",
    "title": "Check owner and permissions for /etc/passwd",
    "passed": 2,
    "failed": 0,
    "skipped": 0,
    "impact": 1

Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
400 Bad Request. Something is wrong with the request. Client should look closely at the request they’re making.
401 Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
500 Internal Server Error. Problem on the backend.


Get the latest scan data for all nodes (or nodes that match Filters), then provide summary including number of nodes, environments, platforms and profiles, the pass or failed status, duration, and earliest scan start_time.

The endpoint has the following methods: GET.

GET (summary)

Stability: 1 - Experimental

The GET method returns summary data across latest scans on all or filtered nodes.


Parameter Type Description Default
filters string
The search keywords, as well as any qualifiers.
Any and all Filters may be used.


GET /compliance/stats/summary

For example:

curl -X GET "https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/stats/summary" \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..."


The response is similar to:

  "stats": {
    "nodes": 2,
    "platforms": 2,
    "environments": 2,
    "profiles": 3
  "status": "failed",
  "duration": 2505600.636833,
  "start_date": "2017-03-06T09:18:40Z"

Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
400 Bad Request. Something is wrong with the request. Client should look closely at the request they’re making.
401 Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
500 Internal Server Error. Problem on the backend.


Get the latest scan data for all nodes (or nodes that match Filters), then for each profile, aggregate the compliance results from the latest scans at the specified point in time.

The endpoint has the following methods: GET.

GET (summary controls)

Stability: 1 - Experimental

The GET method returns aggregated stats for all controls across latest scans on all or filtered nodes.


Parameter Type Description Default
filters string
The search keywords, as well as any qualifiers.
Any and all Filters may be used.


GET /compliance/stats/summary/controls

For example:

curl -X GET "https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/stats/summary/controls" \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..."


The response is similar to:

  "failures": 45,
  "majors": 0,
  "minors": 0,
  "criticals": 45,
  "passed": 45,
  "skipped": 82

Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
400 Bad Request. Something is wrong with the request. Client should look closely at the request they’re making.
401 Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
500 Internal Server Error. Problem on the backend.


Get the latest scan data for all nodes (or nodes that match Filters), then for each profile, aggregate the compliance results from the latest scans at the specified point in time.

The endpoint has the following methods: GET.

GET (summary nodes)

Stability: 1 - Experimental

The GET method returns aggregated stats for all nodes across latest scans on all or filtered nodes.


Parameter Type Description Default
filters string
The search keywords, as well as any qualifiers.
Any and all Filters may be used.


GET /compliance/stats/summary/nodes

For example:

curl -X GET "https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/stats/summary/nodes" \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..."


The response is similar to:

  "compliant": 0,
  "skipped": 0,
  "noncompliant": 2,
  "high_risk": 2,
  "medium_risk": 0,
  "low_risk": 0

Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
400 Bad Request. Something is wrong with the request. Client should look closely at the request they’re making.
401 Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
500 Internal Server Error. Problem on the backend.


Get the latest scan data for all nodes (or nodes that match Filters), aggregate the control results from the latest scans, build a date histogram, and return it.

The endpoint has the following methods: GET.

GET (controls trend)

Stability: 1 - Experimental

The GET method returns a date histogram of aggregated control-oriented compliance data.


Parameter Type Description Default
filters string
The search keywords, as well as any qualifiers.
Any and all Filters may be used.
interval integer
The granularity in seconds of the trend data.
86400 (#secs in a day)


GET /compliance/stats/trend/controls

For example:

curl -X GET \
"https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/stats/trend/controls?filters=start_time:2017-04-01T00%3A00%3A00%2B00%3A00+end_time:2017-04-05T00%3A00%3A00%2B00%3A00&interval=86400" \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..."


The response is similar to:

    "report_time": "2017-04-02T00:00:00+0000",
    "passed": 23,
    "failed": 22,
    "skipped": 14
    "report_time": "2017-04-03T00:00:00+0000",
    "passed": 23,
    "failed": 22,
    "skipped": 14
    "report_time": "2017-04-04T00:00:00+0000",
    "passed": 45,
    "failed": 45,
    "skipped": 82
    "report_time": "2017-04-05T00:00:00+0000",
    "passed": 45,
    "failed": 45,
    "skipped": 82

Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
400 Bad Request. Something is wrong with the request. Client should look closely at the request they’re making.
401 Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
500 Internal Server Error. Problem on the backend.


Get the latest scan data for all nodes (or nodes that match Filters), aggregate the compliance results from the latest scans, build a date histogram, and return it.

The endpoint has the following methods: GET.

GET (nodes trend)

Stability: 1 - Experimental

The GET method returns a date histogram of aggregated node-oriented compliance data.


Parameter Type Description Default
filters string
The search keywords, as well as any qualifiers.
Any and all Filters may be used.
interval integer
The granularity in seconds of the trend data.
86400 (#secs in a day)


GET /compliance/stats/trend/nodes

For example:

curl -X GET \
"https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/stats/trend/nodes?filters=start_time:2017-04-01T00%3A00%3A00%2B00%3A00+end_time:2017-04-05T00%3A00%3A00%2B00%3A00&interval=86400" \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..."


The response is similar to:

    "report_time": "2017-04-02T00:00:00+0000",
    "passed": 0,
    "failed": 1,
    "skipped": 0
    "report_time": "2017-04-03T00:00:00+0000",
    "passed": 0,
    "failed": 1,
    "skipped": 0
    "report_time": "2017-04-04T00:00:00+0000",
    "passed": 0,
    "failed": 2,
    "skipped": 0
    "report_time": "2017-04-05T00:00:00+0000",
    "passed": 0,
    "failed": 2,
    "skipped": 0

Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
400 Bad Request. Something is wrong with the request. Client should look closely at the request they’re making.
401 Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
500 Internal Server Error. Problem on the backend.


Get the latest scan data for all nodes (or nodes that match Filters), then for each profile, aggregate the compliance results from the latest scans and build a date histogram and return it.

The endpoint has the following methods: GET.

GET (suggestions)

Stability: 1 - Experimental

The GET method returns a date histogram of aggregated node-oriented compliance data.


Parameter Type Description Default
type string
Required. The type for which
we want suggestions.
The value can be any of the following:
  • environment
  • node
  • platform
  • profile
text string
Required. The text we search for within
our type.
size integer The number of suggestions we want. 10


GET /compliance/suggestions

For example:

curl -X GET \
"https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/suggestions?type=environment&text=Prod&size=5 \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..."


The response is similar to:

    "text": "DevSec Prod Alpha",
    "score": 4.4892697
    "text": "DevSec Prod Zeta",
    "score": 3.9768348

Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
400 Bad Request. Something is wrong with the request. Client should look closely at the request they’re making.
401 Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.


Get the version of Compliance API.

The endpoint has the following methods: GET.

GET (version)

Stability: 2 - Stable

The GET method returns the version of the running Compliance API.


GET /compliance/version

For example:

curl -X GET \
"https://my-auto-server.test/compliance/version \
-H "chef-delivery-enterprise: acme" \
-H "chef-delivery-user: john" \
-H "chef-delivery-token: 7djW35..."


The response is similar to:

  "api": "compliance",
  "version": "1.9.65"

Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful.
401 Unauthorized. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.