dsc_resource resource

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Windows PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language developed by Microsoft. Windows PowerShell uses a document-oriented approach for managing Microsoft Windows-based machines, similar to the approach that is used for managing Unix and Linux-based machines. Windows PowerShell is a tool-agnostic platform that supports using Chef for configuration management.

Desired State Configuration (DSC) is a feature of Windows PowerShell that provides a set of language extensions, cmdlets, and resources that can be used to declaratively configure software. DSC is similar to Chef, in that both tools are idempotent, take similar approaches to the concept of resources, describe the configuration of a system, and then take the steps required to do that configuration. The most important difference between Chef and DSC is that Chef uses Ruby and DSC is exposed as configuration data from within Windows PowerShell.

The dsc_resource resource allows any DSC resource to be used in a Chef recipe, as well as any custom resources that have been added to your Windows PowerShell environment. Microsoft frequently adds new resources to the DSC resource collection.


Using the dsc_resource has the following requirements:

  • Windows Management Framework (WMF) 5.0 February Preview (or higher), which includes Windows PowerShell 5.0.10018.0 (or higher).

  • The RefreshMode configuration setting in the Local Configuration Manager must be set to Disabled.

    NOTE: Starting with the chef-client 12.6 release, this requirement applies only for versions of Windows PowerShell earlier than 5.0.10586.0. The latest version of Windows Management Framework (WMF) 5 has relaxed the limitation that prevented the chef-client from running in non-disabled refresh mode.

  • The dsc_script resource may not be used in the same run-list with the dsc_resource. This is because the dsc_script resource requires that RefreshMode in the Local Configuration Manager be set to Push, whereas the dsc_resource resource requires it to be set to Disabled.

    NOTE: Starting with the chef-client 12.6 release, this requirement applies only for versions of Windows PowerShell earlier than 5.0.10586.0. The latest version of Windows Management Framework (WMF) 5 has relaxed the limitation that prevented the chef-client from running in non-disabled refresh mode, which allows the Local Configuration Manager to be set to Push.

  • The dsc_resource resource can only use binary- or script-based resources. Composite DSC resources may not be used.

    This is because composite resources aren’t “real” resources from the perspective of the Local Configuration Manager (LCM). Composite resources are used by the “configuration” keyword from the PSDesiredStateConfiguration module, and then evaluated in that context. When using DSC to create the configuration document (the Managed Object Framework (MOF) file) from the configuration command, the composite resource is evaluated. Any individual resources from that composite resource are written into the Managed Object Framework (MOF) document. As far as the Local Configuration Manager (LCM) is concerned, there is no such thing as a composite resource. Unless that changes, the dsc_resource resource and/or Invoke-DscResource command cannot directly use them.


A dsc_resource resource block allows DSC resources to be used in a Chef recipe. For example, the DSC Archive resource:

Archive ExampleArchive {
  Ensure = "Present"
  Path = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\example.zip"
  Destination = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\ExtractionPath"

and then the same dsc_resource with Chef:

dsc_resource 'example' do
   resource :archive
   property :ensure, 'Present'
   property :path, "C:\Users\Public\Documents\example.zip"
   property :destination, "C:\Users\Public\Documents\ExtractionPath"

The full syntax for all of the properties that are available to the dsc_resource resource is:

dsc_resource 'name' do
  module_name                String
  module_version             String
  notifies                   # see description
  property                   Symbol
  resource                   String
  subscribes                 # see description


  • dsc_resource is the resource.
  • name is the name given to the resource block.
  • property is zero (or more) properties in the DSC resource, where each property is entered on a separate line, :dsc_property_name is the case-insensitive name of that property, and "property_value" is a Ruby value to be applied by the chef-client
  • module_name, module_version, property, and resource are properties of this resource, with the Ruby type shown. See “Properties” section below for more information about all of the properties that may be used with this resource.


The dsc_resource resource has the following actions:



Define this resource block to do nothing until notified by another resource to take action. When this resource is notified, this resource block is either run immediately or it is queued up to be run at the end of the Chef Client run.

Use to request an immediate reboot or to queue a reboot using the :reboot_now (immediate reboot) or :request_reboot (queued reboot) actions built into the reboot resource.


The dsc_resource resource has the following properties:


Ruby Type: true, false | Default Value: false

Continue running a recipe if a resource fails for any reason.


Ruby Type: String

The name of the module from which a DSC resource originates. If this property is not specified, it will be inferred.


Ruby Type: String

The version number of the module to use. PowerShell 5.0.10018.0 (or higher) supports having multiple versions of a module installed. This should be specified along with the module_name.


Ruby Type: Symbol, ‘Chef::Resource[String]’

A resource may notify another resource to take action when its state changes. Specify a 'resource[name]', the :action that resource should take, and then the :timer for that action. A resource may notify more than one resource; use a notifies statement for each resource to be notified.

A timer specifies the point during the Chef Client run at which a notification is run. The following timers are available:

Specifies that the action on a notified resource should be run before processing the resource block in which the notification is located.
Default. Specifies that a notification should be queued up, and then executed at the end of the Chef Client run.
:immediate, :immediately
Specifies that a notification should be run immediately, per resource notified.

The syntax for notifies is:

notifies :action, 'resource[name]', :timer

Ruby Type: Symbol

A property from a Desired State Configuration (DSC) resource. Use this property multiple times, one for each property in the Desired State Configuration (DSC) resource. The format for this property must follow property :dsc_property_name, "property_value" for each DSC property added to the resource block.

The :dsc_property_name must be a symbol.

Use the following Ruby types to define property_value:

Ruby Windows PowerShell
Array Object[]
Chef::Util::Powershell:PSCredential PSCredential
False bool($false)
Fixnum Integer
Float Double
Hash Hashtable
True bool($true)

These are converted into the corresponding Windows PowerShell type during the chef-client run.


Ruby Type: String

The name of the DSC resource. This value is case-insensitive and must be a symbol that matches the name of the DSC resource.

For built-in DSC resources, use the following values:

Value Description
:archive Use to unpack archive (.zip) files.
:environment Use to manage system environment variables.
:file Use to manage files and directories.
:group Use to manage local groups.
:log Use to log configuration messages.
:package Use to install and manage packages.
:registry Use to manage registry keys and registry key values.
:script Use to run PowerShell script blocks.
:service Use to manage services.
:user Use to manage local user accounts.
:windowsfeature Use to add or remove Windows features and roles.
:windowsoptionalfeature Use to configure Microsoft Windows optional features.
:windowsprocess Use to configure Windows processes.

Any DSC resource may be used in a Chef recipe. For example, the DSC Resource Kit contains resources for configuring Active Directory components, such as xADDomain, xADDomainController, and xADUser. Assuming that these resources are available to the chef-client, the corresponding values for the resource attribute would be: :xADDomain, :xADDomainController, and xADUser.


Ruby Type: Integer | Default Value: 0

The number of times to catch exceptions and retry the resource.


Ruby Type: Integer | Default Value: 2

The retry delay (in seconds).


Ruby Type: Symbol, ‘Chef::Resource[String]’

A resource may listen to another resource, and then take action if the state of the resource being listened to changes. Specify a 'resource[name]', the :action to be taken, and then the :timer for that action.

Note that subscribes does not apply the specified action to the resource that it listens to - for example:

file '/etc/nginx/ssl/example.crt' do
   mode '0600'
   owner 'root'

service 'nginx' do
   subscribes :reload, 'file[/etc/nginx/ssl/example.crt]', :immediately

In this case the subscribes property reloads the nginx service whenever its certificate file, located under /etc/nginx/ssl/example.crt, is updated. subscribes does not make any changes to the certificate file itself, it merely listens for a change to the file, and executes the :reload action for its resource (in this example nginx) when a change is detected.

A timer specifies the point during the Chef Client run at which a notification is run. The following timers are available:

Specifies that the action on a notified resource should be run before processing the resource block in which the notification is located.
Default. Specifies that a notification should be queued up, and then executed at the end of the Chef Client run.
:immediate, :immediately
Specifies that a notification should be run immediately, per resource notified.

The syntax for subscribes is:

subscribes :action, 'resource[name]', :timer


The following examples demonstrate various approaches for using resources in recipes. If you want to see examples of how Chef uses resources in recipes, take a closer look at the cookbooks that Chef authors and maintains: https://github.com/chef-cookbooks.

Open a Zip file

dsc_resource 'example' do
   resource :archive
   property :ensure, 'Present'
   property :path, 'C:\Users\Public\Documents\example.zip'
   property :destination, 'C:\Users\Public\Documents\ExtractionPath'

Manage users and groups

dsc_resource 'demogroupadd' do
  resource :group
  property :groupname, 'demo1'
  property :ensure, 'present'

dsc_resource 'useradd' do
  resource :user
  property :username, 'Foobar1'
  property :fullname, 'Foobar1'
  property :password, ps_credential('P@assword!')
  property :ensure, 'present'

dsc_resource 'AddFoobar1ToUsers' do
  resource :Group
  property :GroupName, 'demo1'
  property :MembersToInclude, ['Foobar1']

Create and register a windows service

The following example creates a windows service, defines it’s execution path, and prevents windows from starting the service in case the executable is not at the defined location:

dsc_resource 'NAME' do
  resource :service
  property :name, 'NAME'
  property :startuptype, 'Disabled'
  property :path, 'D:\\Sites\\Site_name\file_to_run.exe'
  property :ensure, 'Present'
  property :state, 'Stopped'

Create a test message queue

The following example creates a file on a node (based on one that is located in a cookbook), unpacks the MessageQueue.zip Windows PowerShell module, and then uses the dsc_resource to ensure that Message Queuing (MSMQ) sub-features are installed, a test queue is created, and that permissions are set on the test queue:

cookbook_file 'cMessageQueue.zip' do
  path "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}\\MessageQueue.zip"
  action :create_if_missing

windows_zipfile "#{ENV['PROGRAMW6432']}\\WindowsPowerShell\\Modules" do
  source "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}\\MessageQueue.zip"
  action :unzip

dsc_resource 'install-sub-features' do
  resource :windowsfeature
  property :ensure, 'Present'
  property :name, 'msmq'
  property :IncludeAllSubFeature, true

dsc_resource 'create-test-queue' do
  resource :cPrivateMsmqQueue
  property :ensure, 'Present'
  property :name, 'Test_Queue'

dsc_resource 'set-permissions' do
  resource :cPrivateMsmqQueuePermissions
  property :ensure, 'Present'
  property :name, 'Test_Queue_Permissions'
  property :QueueNames, 'Test_Queue'
  property :ReadUsers, node['msmq']['read_user']

Example to show usage of module properties

dsc_resource 'test-cluster' do
  resource :xCluster
  module_name 'xFailOverCluster'
  module_version ''
  property :name, 'TestCluster'
  property :staticipaddress, ''
  property :domainadministratorcredential, ps_credential('abcd')