sudo resource

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Use the sudo resource to add or remove individual sudo entries using sudoers.d files. Sudo version 1.7.2 or newer is required to use the sudo resource, as it relies on the #includedir directive introduced in version 1.7.2. This resource does not enforce installation of the required sudo version. Chef-supported releases of Ubuntu, Debian and RHEL (6+) all support this feature.

New in Chef Client 14.0.


The sudo resource has the following syntax:

sudo 'name' do
  command_aliases        Array
  commands               Array # default value: ["ALL"]
  config_prefix          String
  defaults               Array
  env_keep_add           Array
  env_keep_subtract      Array
  filename               String # default value: 'name' unless specified
  groups                 String, Array
  host                   String # default value: ALL
  noexec                 true, false # default value: false
  nopasswd               true, false # default value: false
  runas                  String # default value: ALL
  setenv                 true, false # default value: false
  template               String
  users                  String, Array
  variables              Hash, nil
  visudo_binary          String # default value: /usr/sbin/visudo
  visudo_path            String
  action                 Symbol # defaults to :create if not specified


  • sudo is the resource.
  • name is the name given to the resource block.
  • action identifies which steps the chef-client will take to bring the node into the desired state.
  • command_aliases, commands, config_prefix, defaults, env_keep_add, env_keep_subtract, filename, groups, host, noexec, nopasswd, runas, setenv, template, users, variables, visudo_binary, and visudo_path are the properties available to this resource.


The sudo resource has the following actions:

Default. Create a single sudoers configuration file in the sudoers.d directory.
Removed a sudoers configuration file from the sudoers.d directory.
Define this resource block to do nothing until notified by another resource to take action. When this resource is notified, this resource block is either run immediately or it is queued up to be run at the end of the Chef Client run.


The sudo resource has the following properties:


Ruby Type: Array

Command aliases that can be used as allowed commands later in the configuration.


Ruby Type: Array | Default Value: ["ALL"]

An array of commands this sudoer can execute.


Ruby Type: String | Default Value: Prefix values based on the node's platform

The directory that contains the sudoers configuration file.


Ruby Type: Array

An array of defaults for the user/group.


Ruby Type: Array

An array of strings to add to env_keep.


Ruby Type: Array

An array of strings to remove from env_keep.


Ruby Type: String | Default Value: 'name'

Optional. The name of the sudoers.d file, if it differs from the name of the resource block.


Ruby Type: String, Array | Default Value: []

Group(s) to provide sudo privileges to. This accepts either an array or a comma-separated list. Leading % on group names is optional.


Ruby Type: String| Default Value: "ALL"

The host to set in the sudo configuration.


Ruby Type: true, false | Default Value: false

Prevent commands from shelling out.


Ruby Type: true, false | Default Value: false

Allow sudo to be run without specifying a password.


Ruby Type: Symbol, ‘Chef::Resource[String]’

A resource may notify another resource to take action when its state changes. Specify a 'resource[name]', the :action that resource should take, and then the :timer for that action. A resource may notify more than one resource; use a notifies statement for each resource to be notified.

A timer specifies the point during the Chef Client run at which a notification is run. The following timers are available:

Specifies that the action on a notified resource should be run before processing the resource block in which the notification is located.
Default. Specifies that a notification should be queued up, and then executed at the end of the Chef Client run.
:immediate, :immediately
Specifies that a notification should be run immediately, per resource notified.

The syntax for notifies is:

notifies :action, 'resource[name]', :timer

Ruby Type: String | Default Value: "ALL"

User that the command(s) can be run as.


Ruby Type: true, false | Default Value: false

Determines whether or not to permit preservation of the environment with sudo -E.


Ruby Type: Symbol, ‘Chef::Resource[String]’

A resource may listen to another resource, and then take action if the state of the resource being listened to changes. Specify a 'resource[name]', the :action to be taken, and then the :timer for that action.

Note that subscribes does not apply the specified action to the resource that it listens to - for example:

file '/etc/nginx/ssl/example.crt' do
   mode '0600'
   owner 'root'

service 'nginx' do
   subscribes :reload, 'file[/etc/nginx/ssl/example.crt]', :immediately

In this case the subscribes property reloads the nginx service whenever its certificate file, located under /etc/nginx/ssl/example.crt, is updated. subscribes does not make any changes to the certificate file itself, it merely listens for a change to the file, and executes the :reload action for its resource (in this example nginx) when a change is detected.

A timer specifies the point during the Chef Client run at which a notification is run. The following timers are available:

Specifies that the action on a notified resource should be run before processing the resource block in which the notification is located.
Default. Specifies that a notification should be queued up, and then executed at the end of the Chef Client run.
:immediate, :immediately
Specifies that a notification should be run immediately, per resource notified.

The syntax for subscribes is:

subscribes :action, 'resource[name]', :timer

Ruby Type: String

The name of the .erb template in your cookbook, if you wish to supply your own template.


Ruby Type: String, Array | Default Value: []

User(s) to provide sudo privileges to. This property accepts either an array or a comma-separated list.


Ruby Type: Hash, nil | Default Value: nil

The variables to pass to the custom template. This property is ignored if not using a custom template.


Ruby Type: String | Default Value: /usr/sbin/visudo

The path to visudo for configuration verification.


Grant a user sudo privileges for any command

sudo 'admin' do
  user 'admin'

Grant a user and groups sudo privileges for any command

sudo 'admins' do
  users 'bob'
  groups 'sysadmins, superusers'

Grant passwordless sudo privileges for specific commands

sudo 'passwordless-access' do
  commands ['systemctl restart httpd', 'systemctl restart mysql']
  nopasswd true