opscode-reporting-ctl (executable)

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This documentation is meant to support existing Chef customers using Reporting.

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The Reporting add-on to the Chef server that includes a command-line utility named opscode-reporting-ctl. This command-line tool is used to view, reconfigure, cleanse, and uninstall the Reporting add-on.


This feature is included as part of the Chef Automate license agreement and is available via subscription.


The cleanse subcommand is used to re-set the server to the state it was in before the first time the reconfigure subcommand is run to destroy all data, configuration files, and logs.

This subcommand has the following syntax:

$ opscode-reporting-ctl cleanse


The help subcommand is used to print a list of all available opscode-reporting-ctl commands.

This subcommand has the following syntax:

$ opscode-reporting-ctl help


The reconfigure subcommand is used when changes are made to the Chef server configuration file to reconfigure the server. When changes are made to the Chef server configuration file, they will not be applied to the Chef server configuration until after this command is run.

This subcommand has the following syntax:

$ opscode-reporting-ctl reconfigure


The remove-partition subcommand remove partitions for a specific month and/or year or remove partitions that occur prior to a specified month and year.

This subcommand has the following syntax:

$ opscode-reporting-ctl remove-partition

This tool has the following options:

-b YYYY-MM, --before YYYY-MM
Use to remove partitions that exist before the specified month (MM) in the specified year (YYYY).
-d, --dryrun
Use as part of a command to test partition removal, but without actually removing any partitions.
-m YYYY-MM, --month YYYY-MM
Use to remove partitions for the specified month (MM) in the specified year (YYYY).
-y YYYY, --year YYYY
Use to remove partitions for the specified year (YYYY).


The show-config subcommand is used to view the configuration that will be generated by the reconfigure subcommand. This command is most useful in the early stages of a deployment to ensure that everything is built properly prior to installation.

This subcommand has the following syntax:

$ opscode-reporting-ctl show-config


The uninstall subcommand is used to remove the Reporting add-on to the Chef server, but without removing any of the data. This subcommand will shut down all services (including the runit process supervisor).

This subcommand has the following syntax:

$ opscode-reporting-ctl uninstall


To revert the uninstall subcommand, run the reconfigure subcommand (because the start subcommand is disabled by the uninstall command).