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The standalone Chef Compliance server is deprecated. The standalone Chef Compliance server’s end-of-life date is December 31, 2018. Chef Automate 2 has all of the functionality of Chef Compliance Server and also includes newer out-of-the-box compliance profiles, an improved compliance scanner with total cloud scanning functionality, better visualizations, role-based access control and many other features not found in Chef Compliance Server.

The /etc/chef-compliance/chef-compliance.rb file is the default configuration file used by Chef Compliance.

If changes are made to this file, reconfigure the Chef Compliance server by running the following command:

$ chef-compliance-ctl reconfigure


This feature is included as part of the Chef Automate license agreement and is available via subscription.


This configuration file has the following settings:

The number of node licenses. Default value: 25.
Changes the log level of Chef Compliance from the default value of 'debug', which is the most verbose. These are all the supported levels, sorted by verbosity: 'debug', 'info', 'notice', 'warning', 'error' and 'critical'. Requires Chef Compliance version 1.5.13 or newer.
Sets the FQDN of the Chef Compliance server. By default, this is derived from your system’s hostname. Do not use the = to set the option. For example: fqdn ''.
Full path to the SSL certificate file that is used by the Chef Compliance web UI. Default value: /var/opt/chef-compliance/ssl/ca/HOSTNAME.crt.
Full path to the ssl certificate key file to use by the Chef Compliance web UI. Default value: /var/opt/chef-compliance/ssl/ca/HOSTNAME.key.
Verify the TLS certificate when Chef Compliance connects locally to get the refresh token. Default value: false.

Here’s an example content for /etc/chef-compliance/chef-compliance.rb:

core.licensed_node_count 100
core.log_level      'info'
fqdn                ''
ssl.certificate     '/etc/chef-compliance/ssl/my.crt'
ssl.certificate_key '/etc/chef-compliance/ssl/my.key'
verify_tls          true


You can see all available settings along with their default values in /etc/chef-compliance/chef-compliance-running.json.