Compliance API

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The standalone Chef Compliance server is deprecated. The standalone Chef Compliance server’s end-of-life date is December 31, 2018. Chef Automate 2 has all of the functionality of Chef Compliance Server and also includes newer out-of-the-box compliance profiles, an improved compliance scanner with total cloud scanning functionality, better visualizations, role-based access control and many other features not found in Chef Compliance Server.

The Compliance API is a REST-based API that is designed to be easy and predictable and to have resource-oriented URL endpoints. It uses common HTTP verbs and response codes to indicate API errors. Therefore the API can be understood by standard HTTP clients and libraries. In general the API uses JSON as data input and output format.

The Compliance API is located at https://hostname/api/ for on-premises installations of the Chef Compliance server.

About API Requests

Some notes about API requests:

  • There are two kinds of tokens involved: refresh tokens and access tokens. A refresh token is a long-lived token that can be used to initially identify with the service, in exchange for an access token. The access token is short-lived (12 hours) and used for every request against the API. It is mostly referred to as “API token” below.

  • Examples in this document use -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN" to represent the retrieved API (access) token. A retrieved API token is a JSON Web Token (JWT) and quite large. See the examples below for how to get an access token in Bash.

  • When running commands as an administrator and if the API_TOKEN is not used, some requests to the Compliance API will return 403 (forbidden) if the user making the requests does not have appropriate permissions.

  • Any time a JSON block is part of a request to the Compliance API, the content type application/json must also be specified. Use the -H option: -H "Content-Type: application/json".

    Chef Compliance uses the API token to allow access to the Compliance API. The API token must be included as part of every HTTP request to the Compliance API with the API token included as part of the header:

    Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN

    where the API_TOKEN is a valid Chef Compliance API token similar to eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InJFZi1DUVZQYi1xTXY3WF9CdXZNZ3B5bnc2R3J0OW1adlN3NVhOY2VISjBB ....

    curl -X GET "$API_URL/users" -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN"

    For readability, most API examples on this page reference Chef Compliance object names (or login in the case of users and organizations). You can also use object UUIDs instead. For example, both these calls retrieve the Dev Ops environment:

    $ export AUTH="Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN"   # used in examples below
    $ curl -X GET "$API_URL/owners/john/envs/Dev%20Ops" -H "$AUTH"
    {"owner":"1654fe61-d15b-4fbe-5fa9-67859135fc7e","name":"Dev Ops","lastScan":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","complianceStatus":-1,"patchlevelStatus":-1,"unknownStatus":0,"id":"53a7f189-4417-44ba-57f4-f3d397589973"}
    $ curl -X GET "$API_URL/owners/1654fe61-d15b-4fbe-5fa9-67859135fc7e/envs/53a7f189-4417-44ba-57f4-f3d397589973" -H "$AUTH"
    {"owner":"1654fe61-d15b-4fbe-5fa9-67859135fc7e","name":"Dev Ops","lastScan":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","complianceStatus":-1,"patchlevelStatus":-1,"unknownStatus":0,"id":"53a7f189-4417-44ba-57f4-f3d397589973"}

Obtaining an API token

There are three ways of obtaining an API token:

  1. Using the “About” dialogue of Chef Compliance
  2. Using a refresh token (which can also be obtained from the “About” dialogue, but can be reused).
  3. By sending username and password to the login endpoint.

Note that the direct exchange of username and password for an access token is not possible for users logging in using Chef Server credentials. Options 1) and 2) are available to every user.

The API can be used to obtain an access token from a refresh token as follows:

$ export REFRESH_TOKEN="1/eT0ic04N4M10Z8kBB6XkJVPwDBFxDs9Z9bMkgzE5tLgpWZqYEnulXjNTeZx23v8pIrethF--egktQSKJTM_T7w=="   # an example
$ curl -X POST "$API_URL/login" -d "{\"token\": \"$REFRESH_TOKEN\"}"
{"access_token":"eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InRySE ...abbreviated..."}

It is convenient to save the API token for further use:

$ export API_TOKEN=$(curl -X POST $API_URL/access_token -d "{\"token\": \"$REFRESH_TOKEN\"}" | sed -e "s/.*access_token\":\"\([^\"]*\)\".*/\1/")

Since refresh tokens do not expire, it is possible to revoke them:

$ curl -X DELETE $API_URL/login -d "{\"token\": \"$REFRESH_TOKEN\"}"

Revoked refresh tokens can no longer be used to obtain access tokens:

$ curl -X POST $API_URL/login -d "{\"token\": \"$REFRESH_TOKEN\"}"
unable to trade refresh token for access token with issuer: invalid_request

To get an access token given Chef Compliance user credentials, use the /login endpoint:

$ curl -X POST $API_URL/login -d "{\"userid\": \"admin\", \"password\": \"nimda\"}"
eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InRySE ...abbreviated...

Response Codes

The Compliance API uses conventional HTTP response codes to highlight a request success or failure. The following codes are used:

Response Code Description
200 OK. Everything worked as expected.
400 Bad Request. In most cases a required parameter is missing.
401 Unauthorized. No valid API key provided.
402 Request Failed. Parameters were valid but request failed.
403 Forbidden. You do not have the permission to execute the request.
404 Not Found. The specified resource could not be found.
429 Too Many Requests. You reached the rate limit.
500, 501, 502, 503 Server Error. Something went wrong.

In general, 2xx codes indicate success, 4xx indicate a request error (e.g. data is missing) and 5xx indicate an error with the Compliance API.


The /version endpoint has the following method: GET.


Use this method to get the version of the Compliance API without authentication.


GET /api/version

Example tested in bash:

# Define a variable for the hostname of the |chef compliance| server
curl -X GET "$API_URL/version"


If you don’t have a trusted SSL certificate and would like to turn off curl’s verification of the certificate, use the -k (or --insecure) option.


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

  "api": "chef-compliance",
  "version": "0.14.3"


The /compliance endpoint has the following methods: GET and POST. The GET method may be used to return information about owners, all users, a named user, to download a profile as a tar.gz file, and to upload profiles (including as tar.gz or Zip files).

GET (all users)

Use to return the compliance profiles for all users.


GET /api/user/compliance

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/user/compliance" -H "$AUTH"


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

  "cis": {
    "cis-ubuntu-level1": {
      "id": "cis-ubuntu-level1",
      "owner": "cis",
      "name": "cis-ubuntu-level1",
      "title": "CIS Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Server Benchmark Level 1",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "summary": "CIS Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Server Benchmark",
      "description": "# CIS Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Server Benchmark\n\ncopyright",
      "license": "Proprietary, All rights reserved",
      "copyright": "Chef Software, Inc.",
      "copyright_email": ""
  "john": {
    "linux": {
      "id": "linux",
      "owner": "john",
      "name": "linux",
      "title": "Basic Linux",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "summary": "Verify that Linux nodes are configured securely",
      "description": "# Basic Linux Compliance Profile\n\ncopyright",
      "license": "Proprietary, All rights reserved",
      "copyright": "Chef Software, Inc.",
      "copyright_email": ""

GET (named user)

Use to return profile details about the named user.


GET /api/owners/OWNER/compliance/PROFILE

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/owners/john/compliance/ssh" -H "$AUTH"


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

  "id": "ssh",
  "owner": "base",
  "name": "ssh",
  "title": "Basic SSH",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "summary": "Verify that SSH Server and SSH Client are configured securely",
  "description": "# Basic SSH Compliance Profile\n\ncopyright",
  "license": "Proprietary, All rights reserved",
  "copyright": "Chef Software, Inc.",
  "copyright_email": "",
  "rules": {
    "spec/ssh_folder_spec": {
      "title": "SSH folder configuration",
        "rules": {
          "chef/ssh/basic-1": {
            "impact": 1,
            "title": "/etc/ssh should be a directory",
            "desc": "In order for OpenSSH to function correctly..."

GET (owner)

This method returns a list of all compliance profiles for the named owner.


GET /api/owners/OWNER/compliance

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/owners/john/compliance" -H "$AUTH"


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

  "linux": {
    "id": "linux",
    "owner": "chef",
    "name": "chef/linux",
    "title": "Basic Linux",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "summary": "Verify that Linux nodes are configured securely",
    "description": "# Basic Linux Compliance Profile\n\ncopyright",
    "license": "Proprietary, All rights reserved",
    "copyright": "Chef Software, Inc.",
    "copyright_email": ""
  "mysql": {
    "id": "mysql",
    "owner": "chef",
    "name": "chef/mysql",
    "title": "Basic MySQL",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "summary": "Verify that MySQL Server is configured securely",
    "description": "# Basic MySQL Compliance Profile\n\ncopyright",
    "license": "Proprietary, All rights reserved",
    "copyright": "Chef Software, Inc.",
    "copyright_email": ""

It contains the following attributes:

Parameter Description
id String. The profile identifier.
owner String. The profile owner.
version String. The version of the profile.
title String. A human-readable title for the profile.
summary String. A description of the primary purpose of the profile.
description String. A description for the profile.
license String. The license for the profile.
copyright String. The individual or organization that holds the copyright.
copyright_email String. The email for the copyright holder.}

GET (profile as tar.gz)

Use to download a profile as tar.gz file. A profile, once downloaded, may be edited locally, and then re-uploaded back to the Chef Compliance server using the POST method.


GET /api/owners/OWNER/compliance/PROFILE/tar

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/owners/john/compliance/ssh/tar" -H "$AUTH" > /tmp/profile.tar.gz
tar -zxvf /tmp/profile.tar.gz




Use to upload a compliance profile as a tar.gz or Zip. This process will extract the owner and identifier, and then use that information to place the profile into the correct location on the Chef Compliance server.


POST /api/owners/OWNER/compliance

For example:

tar -cvzf /tmp/newprofile.tar.gz newprofile
curl -X POST "$API_URL/owners/john/compliance?contentType=application/x-gtar" \
-H "$AUTH" --form "file=@/tmp/newprofile.tar.gz"

zip -r /tmp/ newprofile
curl -X POST "$API_URL/owners/john/compliance?contentType=application/zip" \
-H "$AUTH" --form "file=@/tmp/"


No Content

POST (profile as tar.gz)

Use to upload a profile using a tar.gz file.


POST /api/owners/OWNER/compliance/PROFILE/tar

For example:

tar -cvzf /tmp/newprofile.tar.gz newprofile
curl -X POST "$API_URL/owners/john/compliance/newprofile/tar" \
-H "$AUTH" --data-binary "@/tmp/newprofile.tar.gz"


No Content

POST (profile as Zip)

Use to upload a profile using a Zip file. A Zip file may be created with a command similar to:

$ zip -r /tmp/ profile_directory

or it may be created from the context menus in the Microsoft Windows and/or macOS graphical user interfaces.


POST /api/owners/OWNER/compliance/PROFILE/zip

For example:

zip -r /tmp/ newprofile
curl -X POST "$API_URL/owners/john/compliance/newprofile/zip" \
-H "$AUTH" --data-binary "@/tmp/"


No Content


Use to delete a profile.


DELETE /api/owners/OWNER/compliance/PROFILE

For example:

curl -w "%{http_code}" -X DELETE "$API_URL/owners/john/compliance/ssh" -H "$AUTH"

* Response *

No Content


The /envs endpoint has the following methods: DELETE, GET (for both all environments or for a single, named environment), and POST .

GET (named environment)

Use to return details about the named environment.


GET /api/owners/USER/envs/ENV

where /USER is the identifier for a user or an organization.

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/owners/john/envs/Production" -H "$AUTH"


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

  "id": "b771e025-6445-4ead-5cac-b466ea725177",
  "owner": "7ae9dd7d-5201-4ae3-4949-60eb4b902e77",
  "name": "Production",
  "lastScan": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "complianceStatus": 0,
  "patchlevelStatus": 0,
  "unknownStatus": 0

GET (all environments)

Use to get a list of all environments.


GET /api/owners/USER/envs

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/owners/john/envs" -H "$AUTH"


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

    "id": "b771e025-6445-4ead-5cac-b466ea725177",
    "owner": "7ae9dd7d-5201-4ae3-4949-60eb4b902e77",
    "name": "Production",
    "lastScan": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "complianceStatus": 0,
    "patchlevelStatus": 0,
    "unknownStatus": 0
    "id": "a1f16feb-d18e-4725-6462-8b296a709d73",
    "owner": "7ae9dd7d-5201-4ae3-4949-60eb4b902e77",
    "name": "Development",
    "lastScan": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "complianceStatus": 0,
    "patchlevelStatus": 0,
    "unknownStatus": 0


Use to create an environment.

This method has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
name String. Required. The name of the environment.


POST /api/owners/USER/envs

For example:

curl -X POST "$API_URL/owners/john/envs" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "$AUTH" -d '{"name":"Development"}'


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

  "id": "a1f16feb-d18e-4725-6462-8b296a709d73",
  "owner": "7ae9dd7d-5201-4ae3-4949-60eb4b902e77",
  "name": "Development",
  "lastScan": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "complianceStatus": 0,
  "patchlevelStatus": 0,
  "unknownStatus": 0


Use to delete the named environment.


DELETE /api/owners/USER/envs/ENV

For example:

curl -w "%{http_code}" -X DELETE "$API_URL/owners/john/envs/Production" -H "$AUTH"


No Content


The /jobs endpoint has the following methods: DELETE, GET (for both all jobs or for a single, named job), and POST

GET (all jobs)

Use to get a list of all jobs.


GET /api/owners/USER/jobs

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/owners/john/jobs" -H "$AUTH"


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

  "id": "76fdce4d-0734-441c-b01b-6dd6bfce081a",
  "status": "done",
  "nextRun": "2015-07-21T20:55:00Z",
  "schedule": "2015-07-21T20:55:00Z"
  "id": "c8ba8e88-7e45-4253-9081-cbb17a5f0c76",
  "status": "scheduled",
  "name": "Rec",
  "nextRun": "2015-07-21T23:11:00Z",
  "schedule": {
    "month": "*",
    "day": "21",
    "weekday": "*",
    "hour": "23",
    "minute": "11"
  "id": "e0d5bbf0-a1c4-4c50-ad09-fc1486068e8c",
  "status": "skipped",
  "nextRun": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "schedule": "2015-07-21T20:25:00Z"

It contains the following attributes:

Parameter Description
id UUID. The identifier of the job run.
name String. The name of the job.
nextRun ISO date. The time of the next scheduled run, in UTC. For example: 2015-07-21T20:50:00Z.
schedule Cron or ISO date. The schedule for the job run. For example: 2015-07-21T20:50:00Z or { "month": "*", "day": "21", "weekday": "*", "hour": "23", "minute": "11" }.
status String. The status of the job run: done, scheduled, or skipped.

GET (named job)

Use to return details about a specific job.


GET /api/owners/USER/jobs/JOB_ID

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/owners/john/jobs/c8ba8e88-7e45-4253-9081-cbb17a5f0c76" -H "$AUTH"


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

  "id": "c8ba8e88-7e45-4253-9081-cbb17a5f0c76",
  "status": "scheduled",
  "name": "Rec",
  "nextRun": "2018-07-21T23:11:00Z",
  "schedule": {
    "month": "*",
    "day": "21",
    "weekday": "*",
    "hour": "23",
    "minute": "11"
  "tasks": [{
    "type": "scan",
    "environments": [{
      "id": "b771e025-6445-4ead-5cac-b466ea725177",
      "nodes": ["d850ba44-7a82-4177-50db-79be1143d632", "33ecfce5-f781-4eb7-6828-beb090ffe9b5"]
    "compliance": [{
      "owner": "base",
      "profile": "linux"
    }, {
      "owner": "base",
      "profile": "ssh"
    "patchlevel": [{
      "profile": "default",
      "force": false

It contains the following attributes:

Parameter Description
id UUID. The identifier of the job run.
name String. The name of the job.
nextRun ISO date. The time of the next scheduled run, in UTC. For example: 2015-07-21T20:50:00Z.
schedule Cron or ISO date. The schedule for the job run. For example: 2015-07-21T20:50:00Z or { "month": "*", "day": "21", "weekday": "*", "hour": "23", "minute": "11" }.
status String. The status of the job run: done, scheduled, or skipped.

An array of compliance scans or patch runs. Two types of tasks are available: scan and patchrun. The JSON object for tasks is similar to:

"tasks": [{
  "compliance": [{
   "owner": "base",
    "profile": "linux"
  }, {
    "owner": "base",
    "profile": "ssh"
  "environments": [{
    "id": "b771e025-6445-4ead-5cac-b466ea725177",
    "nodes": ["b771e025-6445-4ead-5cac-b466ea725177", "33ecfce5-f781-4eb7-6828-beb090ffe9b5"]
  "patchlevel": [{
    "profile": "default"
  "type": "scan"


Use to create a job.


POST /api/owners/USER/jobs

The request uses a JSON object similar to:

  "id": "c8ba8e88-7e45-4253-9081-cbb17a5f0c76",
  "name": "Rec1",
  "schedule": {
    "hour": "23",
    "minute": "11",
    "day": "21",
    "month": "*",
    "weekday": "*"
  "tasks": [{
    "compliance": [{
     "owner": "base",
      "profile": "linux"
    }, {
      "owner": "base",
      "profile": "ssh"
    "environments": [{
      "id": "b771e025-6445-4ead-5cac-b466ea725177",
      "nodes": ["d850ba44-7a82-4177-50db-79be1143d632", "33ecfce5-f781-4eb7-6828-beb090ffe9b5"]
    "patchlevel": [{
      "profile": "default"
    "type": "scan"

For example:

curl -X POST "$API_URL/owners/john/jobs" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "$AUTH" -d '{ JSON_BLOCK }'


The response will return a JSON object similar to:



Use to delete a job.


DELETE /api/owners/USER/jobs/JOB_ID

For example:

curl -w "%{http_code}" -X DELETE "$API_URL/owners/john/jobs/c8ba8e88-7e45-4253-9081-cbb17a5f0c76" -H "$AUTH"


No Content


The /keys endpoint has the following methods: DELETE, GET, PATCH, and POST.


Use to get the list of key pairs available to the named user.


GET /api/owners/USER/keys

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/owners/john/keys" -H "$AUTH"


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

  "owner": "7ae9dd7d-5201-4ae3-4949-60eb4b902e77",
  "name": "vagrant",
  "id": "2bfe1865-d602-4912-5dcb-b037447fae91",
  "public": ""


Use to edit the details for the named key pair that is available to the named user.


PATCH /api/owners/USER/keys/KEY_NAME

For example:

curl -w "%{http_code}" -X PATCH "$API_URL/owners/john/keys/vagrant" -H "$AUTH" -d '{ JSON_BLOCK }'


No Content


Use to add a key pair to be available to the named user.

This method has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
name String. The human-readable name of the key.
private String. The private key, in OpenSSH format.


POST /api/owners/USER/keys

with a JSON object similar to:

  "name": "vagrant",
  "private": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE\
             CZpigBKbKZHNYcelXtTt/nP3r3s=\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"

For example:

curl -X POST "$API_URL/owners/john/keys" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "$AUTH" -d '{ JSON_BLOCK }'


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

  "id": "85f92d4c-f3c6-4173-72e1-0a7a68cbecde"


Use to delete the named key pair that is available to the named user.


DELETE /api/owners/USER/keys/KEY_NAME

For example:

curl -w "%{http_code}" -X DELETE "$API_URL/owners/john/keys/vagrant" -H "$AUTH"


No Content


The /nodes endpoint has the following methods: POST, PATCH and DELETE. It is used for bulk operations, potentially across multiple environments.

POST (bulk)

Use to create one or multiple nodes.


POST /api/owners/USER/nodes

with a JSON object similar to:

    "hostname": "",
    "name": "Load Balancer 1",
    "environment": "b771e025-6445-4ead-5cac-b466ea725177",
    "loginUser": "root",
    "loginMethod": "ssh",
    "loginKey": "john/vagrant"
    "hostname": "",
    "name": "Load Balancer 2",
    "environment": "b771e025-6445-4ead-5cac-b466ea725177",
    "loginUser": "root",
    "loginMethod": "ssh",
    "loginKey": "john/vagrant"

For example:

curl -X POST "$API_URL/owners/john/nodes" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "$AUTH" \
-d '[{"hostname":"","name":"Load Balancer 1","environment":"b771e025-6445-4ead-5cac-b466ea725177","loginUser":"root","loginMethod":"ssh","loginKey":"john/vagrant"},{"hostname":"","name":"Load Balancer 2","environment":"b771e025-6445-4ead-5cac-b466ea725177","loginUser":"root","loginMethod":"ssh","loginKey":"john/vagrant"}]'


The response will return a JSON object similar to:


PATCH (bulk)

Use to update one or multiple nodes in one request.


PATCH /api/owners/USER/nodes

with a JSON object similar to:

    "hostname": "",
    "name": "Load Balancer 1 - updated",
    "environment": "b771e025-6445-4ead-5cac-b466ea725177",
    "loginUser": "root",
    "loginMethod": "ssh",
    "loginKey": "john/vagrant"
    "hostname": "",
    "name": "Load Balancer 2 - updated",
    "environment": "b771e025-6445-4ead-5cac-b466ea725177",
    "loginUser": "root",
    "loginMethod": "ssh",
    "loginKey": "john/vagrant"

For example:

curl -X POST "$API_URL/owners/john/nodes" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "$AUTH" \
-d '[{"hostname":"","name":"Load Balancer 1 - updated","environment":"b771e025-6445-4ead-5cac-b466ea725177","loginUser":"root","loginMethod":"ssh","loginKey":"john/vagrant"},{"hostname":"","name":"Load Balancer 2 - updated","environment":"b771e025-6445-4ead-5cac-b466ea725177","loginUser":"root","loginMethod":"ssh","loginKey":"john/vagrant"}]'


No Content

DELETE (bulk)

Delete one or multiple nodes specified in the payload of the request.


DELETE /api/owners/USER/nodes

with a JSON array of node ids:


For example:

curl -w "%{http_code}" -X DELETE "$API_URL/owners/john/envs/Production/nodes" \
-H "$AUTH" -d '["d850ba44-7a82-4177-50db-79be1143d632","33ecfce5-f781-4eb7-6828-beb090ffe9b5"]'


No Content


The /envs/ENV/nodes endpoint has the following methods: GET, POST and DELETE. The GET method may be used to return information about nodes, including by environment, by named node, node status, connectivity status, lists of installed packages, compliance state, and patch state.

GET (nodes by environment)

Use to get a list of all nodes for the named environment.


GET /api/owners/USER/envs/ENV/nodes

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/owners/john/envs/Production/nodes" -H "$AUTH"


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

    "id": "d850ba44-7a82-4177-50db-79be1143d632",
    "environment": "b771e025-6445-4ead-5cac-b466ea725177",
    "owner": "7ae9dd7d-5201-4ae3-4949-60eb4b902e77",
    "name": "",
    "hostname": "",
    "loginMethod": "ssh",
    "loginUser": "root",
    "loginPassword": "",
    "loginKey": "john/vagrant",
    "loginPort": 0,
    "disableSudo": false,
    "sudoOptions": "",
    "sudoPassword": "",
    "lastScan": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "lastScanID": "",
    "arch": "",
    "family": "",
    "release": "",
    "complianceStatus": 0,
    "patchlevelStatus": 0,
    "unknownStatus": 0

GET (named node)

Use to return details about the named node.


GET /api/owners/USER/envs/ENV/nodes/NODE_ID

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/owners/john/envs/Production/nodes/6f7336b5-380e-4e75-4b06-781950c9a1a5" -H "$AUTH"


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

  "id": "6f7336b5-380e-4e75-4b06-781950c9a1a5",
  "environment": "b771e025-6445-4ead-5cac-b466ea725177",
  "owner": "7ae9dd7d-5201-4ae3-4949-60eb4b902e77",
  "name": "",
  "hostname": "",
  "loginMethod": "ssh",
  "loginUser": "root",
  "loginPassword": "",
  "loginKey": "john/vagrant",
  "loginPort": 0,
  "disableSudo": false,
  "sudoOptions": "",
  "sudoPassword": "",
  "lastScan": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "lastScanID": "",
  "arch": "",
  "family": "",
  "release": "",
  "complianceStatus": 0,
  "patchlevelStatus": 0,
  "unknownStatus": 0


Use to create a node.


POST /api/owners/USER/envs/ENV/nodes

with a JSON object similar to:

  "name": "",
  "hostname": "",
  "loginUser": "root",
  "loginMethod": "ssh",
  "loginKey": "john/vagrant",
  "loginPort": 22

For example:

curl -X POST "$API_URL/owners/john/envs/Production/nodes" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "$AUTH" -d '{ JSON_BLOCK }'


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

  "hostname": "",
  "name": "",
  "loginUser": "root",
  "loginMethod": "ssh",
  "loginKey": "john/vagrant"


Delete a node from an environment.


DELETE /api/owners/USER/envs/ENV/nodes/NODE_ID

For example:

curl -w "%{http_code}" -X DELETE "$API_URL/owners/john/envs/Production/nodes/6f7336b5-380e-4e75-4b06-781950c9a1a5" -H "$AUTH"


No Content


Use to update a node.


PATCH /api/owners/USER/envs/ENV/nodes/NODE_ID

with a JSON object similar to:

  "hostname": "",
  "name": "Load Balancer 1 - new",
  "loginUser": "root",
  "loginMethod": "ssh",
  "loginKey": "john/vagrant"

For example:

curl -w "%{http_code}" -X PATCH "$API_URL/owners/john/envs/ENV/nodes/6f7336b5-380e-4e75-4b06-781950c9a1a5" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "$AUTH" \
-d '{"hostname":"","name":"Load Balancer 1 - new","environment":"b771e025-6445-4ead-5cac-b466ea725177","loginUser":"root","loginMethod":"ssh","loginKey":"john/vagrant"}'


No Content

GET (connectivity)

Use to show the connectivity state for the named node.


GET /api/owners/USER/envs/ENV/nodes/NODE_ID/connectivity

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/owners/john/envs/Production/nodes/6f7336b5-380e-4e75-4b06-781950c9a1a5/connectivity" -H "$AUTH"


The request will return one of the following response code:

Response Code Description
200 Success.

Request Failed. Node is not reachable. A failed response returns one of the following messages:

Connection timeout:

  "error":"connection timed out",
  "message":"Failed to connect to {destination}, connection timed out."

Connection refused:

  "error":"connection refused",
  "message":"Failed to connect to {destination}, connection refused."

Authentication failure:

  "error":"authentication failed",
  "message":"Authentication failed for {destination}"

Sudo password required:

  "error":"sudo password required",
  "message":"Failed to run commands on {destination}: "+
  "The node is configured to use sudo, but sudo requires a password to run commands."

Incorrect sudo password:

  "error":"wrong sudo password",
  "message":"Failed to run commands on {destination}: Sudo password is incorrect."

Cannot use sudo:

  "error":"no sudo",
  "message":"Failed to run commands on {destination}: "+
  "Cannot use sudo, please deactivate it or configure sudo for this user."

GET (compliance)

Use to show the compliance state for the named node.


GET /api/owners/USER/envs/ENV/nodes/NODE_ID/compliance

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/owners/john/envs/Production/nodes/9b764f79-b96c-4dfa-5a02-9fa3b1abf35b/compliance" -H "$AUTH"


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

    "failures": 1,
    "impact": 1,
    "log": "Linux kernel parameter \"net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies\" value should eq 1",
    "profileID": "linux",
    "profileOwner": "chef",
    "rule": "chef/linux/sysctl-ipv4-9.2",
    "skipped": false
    "failures": 1,
    "impact": 0.5,
    "log": "Path \"/tmp\" should be mounted",
    "profileID": "linux",
    "profileOwner": "chef",
    "rule": "chef/linux/fs-1",
    "skipped": false

GET (patch)

Use to show the patch state for the named node.


GET /api/owners/USER/envs/ENV/nodes/NODE_ID/patches

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/owners/john/envs/Production/nodes/9b764f79-b96c-4dfa-5a02-9fa3b1abf35b/patches" -H "$AUTH"


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

    "arch": "amd64",
    "criticality": 0,
    "installedVersion": "2.7.3-0ubuntu3.6",
    "name": "python2.7-minimal",
    "repo": "Ubuntu:12.04/precise-updates",
    "type": "deb",
    "version": "2.7.3-0ubuntu3.8"

GET (packages)

Use to show the list of installed packages for the named node.


GET /api/owners/USER/envs/ENV/nodes/NODE_ID/packages

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/owners/john/envs/Production/nodes/9b764f79-b96c-4dfa-5a02-9fa3b1abf35b/packages" -H "$AUTH"


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

    "arch": "add",
    "name": "adduser",
    "repo": "",
    "type": "deb",
    "version": "3.113ubuntu2"
    "arch": "commandline",
    "name": "apt",
    "repo": "",
    "type": "deb",
    "version": "0.8.16~exp12ubuntu10.24"


The /orgs endpoint has the following methods: DELETE, GET (for both all organizations or for a single, named organization). PATCH, and POST .

GET (all organizations)

Use to get a list of all organizations.


GET /api/orgs

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/orgs" -H "$AUTH"


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

    "id": "c89d0a0f-11d6-4b04-7b4d-7e835b4c9551",
    "name": "ACME Corporation",
    "login": "acme"

GET (named organization)

Use to return details about a specific organization.


GET /api/orgs/ORG

where ORG is the login field of the organization.

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/orgs/acme" -H "$AUTH"


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

  "id": "c89d0a0f-11d6-4b04-7b4d-7e835b4c9551",
  "name": "ACME Corporation",
  "login": "acme"


Use to edit the name of an organization.

This method has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
name String. The name of the organization.


PATCH /api/orgs

For example:

curl -w "%{http_code}" -X PATCH "$API_URL/orgs/acme" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "$AUTH" -d '{"name":"ACME2 Corporation"}'


No Content


Use to create an organization.

This method has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
name String. Required. The name of the organization.


POST /api/orgs

For example:

curl -X POST "$API_URL/orgs" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "$AUTH" -d '{"name":"ACME Corporation","login":"acme"}'


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

  "id": "c89d0a0f-11d6-4b04-7b4d-7e835b4c9551",
  "name": "ACME Corporation",
  "login": "acme"


Use to delete the named organization. The user of this endpoint must have administrative rights.


Deleting an organization will delete all assigned teams, nodes, environments, and scan reports.


DELETE /api/orgs/ORG

where ORG is the login field of the organization.

For example:

curl -w "%{http_code}" -X DELETE "$API_URL/orgs/acme" -H "$AUTH"


No Content


The /scans endpoint has a single method: GET that may be used to get details for all scans or for a single, named scan.

GET (all scan reports)

Use to get a list of all scan reports.


All scan reports belong to a named user. Scan reports can be configured to scan nodes from various environments.


GET /api/owners/USER/scans

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/owners/john/scans" -H "$AUTH"


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

    "id": "a74566b9-b527-437f-480f-e56c5b8a1791",
    "owner": "7ae9dd7d-5201-4ae3-4949-60eb4b902e77",
    "start": "2015-05-22T01:10:37.133367688Z",
    "end": "2015-05-22T01:10:42.491573741Z",
    "nodeCount": 1,
    "complianceProfiles": 1,
    "patchlevelProfiles": 1,
    "complianceStatus": 0,
    "patchlevelStatus": 0,
    "unknownStatus": 0,
    "failedCount": 0

GET (named scan report)

Use to return details about the named scan report.


GET /api/owners/USER/scans/SCAN_ID

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/owners/john/scans/SCAN_ID" -H "$AUTH"

where SCAN_ID is similar to 90def607-1688-40f5-5a4c-161c51fd8aac.


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

  "id": "a74566b9-b527-437f-480f-e56c5b8a1791",
  "owner": "john",
  "start": "2015-05-22T01:10:37.133367688Z",
  "end": "2015-05-22T01:10:42.491573741Z",
  "nodeCount": 1,
  "complianceProfiles": 1,
  "patchlevelProfiles": 1,
  "complianceStatus": 0,
  "patchlevelStatus": 0,
  "unknownStatus": 0,
  "failedCount": 0,
  "complianceSummary": {
    "success": 0,
    "minor": 0,
    "major": 43,
    "critical": 2,
    "skipped": 0,
    "total": 45
  "patchlevelSummary": {
  "success": 0,
  "minor": 0,
  "major": 0,
  "critical": 0,
  "unknown": 0,
  "total": 0

It contains the following attributes:

Parameter Description
critical Float. The number of failed rules.
end ISO date. The time at which a scan report ended.
id UUID. The scan report identifier.
major Float. The number of rules that contain major errors.
minor Float. The number of rules that contain minor errors.
nodeCount Integer. The number of nodes that were tested.
failedCount Integer. The number of nodes that were failed to be tested.
owner String. The owner of the scan.
skipped Float. The number of nodes with skipped rules.
start ISO date. The time at which a scan report started.
success Float. The number of successful rules.


Use to create a new scan.

This method has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
compliance An array of selected profiles.
environments An array of environments and selected nodes.


POST /api/owners/USER/scans

with a JSON object similar to:

  "compliance": [{
    "owner": "chef",
    "profile": "linux"
    "owner": "chef",
    "profile": "ssh"
  "environments": [{
    "id": "b771e025-6445-4ead-5cac-b466ea725177",
    "nodes": ["b771e025-6445-4ead-5cac-b466ea725177"]
  "patchlevel": [{
    "profile" : "default"

For example:

curl -X POST "$API_URL/owners/john/scans" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "$AUTH" -d '{ JSON_BLOCK }'


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

  "id": "57130678-1a1f-405d-70bf-fe570a25621e"

DELETE (single scan)

Delete one scan specified in the URL. If this is the most recent scan of a node, the node will be marked as never scanned.


DELETE /api/owners/USER/scans/SCAN_ID

For example:

curl -w "%{http_code}" -X DELETE "$API_URL/owners/john/scans/57130678-1a1f-405d-70bf-fe570a25621e" -H "$AUTH"


No Content

DELETE (bulk)

Delete one or multiple scans specified in the payload of the request.


DELETE /api/owners/USER/scans

with a JSON array of scan ids:


For example:

curl -w "%{http_code}" -X DELETE "$API_URL/owners/john/scans" -H "$AUTH" \
-d '["57130678-1a1f-405d-70bf-fe570a25621e","90def607-1688-40f5-5a4c-161c51fd8aac"]'


No Content


The /scans/SCAN_ID/rules endpoint has the following methods: GET.

GET (named scan)

Use to get the executed compliance rules for the named scan.


GET /api/owners/USER/scans/SCAN_ID/rules

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/owners/john/scans/SCAN_ID/rules" -H "$AUTH"

where SCAN_ID is similar to 90def607-1688-40f5-5a4c-161c51fd8aac.


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

  "chef": {
    "linux": {
      "chef/linux/basic-1": {
        "log": "",
        "complianceStatus": 1,
        "unknownStatus": 0
      "chef/linux/fs-1": {
        "log": "",
        "complianceStatus": 0.5,
        "unknownStatus": 0

It contains the following attributes:

Parameter Description
complianceStatus Integer. The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) range, a measurement of the level of concern for a vulnerability, as compared to other vulnerabilities. Scores range from 0.0 to 10.0. High scores are in the 7.0-10.0 range, medium scores are in the 4.0-6.9 range, and low scores are from 0.0-3.9 range.
log String. The rule description.


The /scans/SCAN_ID/nodes endpoint has a single method: GET.

GET (all nodes)

Use to get all scans for all nodes.


GET /api/owners/USER/scans/SCAN_ID/nodes

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/owners/john/scans/SCAN_ID/nodes" -H "$AUTH"

where SCAN_ID is similar to 90def607-1688-40f5-5a4c-161c51fd8aac.


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

    "environment": "b771e025-6445-4ead-5cac-b466ea725177",
    "node": "",
    "complianceStatus": 0,
    "patchlevelStatus": -1,
    "unknownStatus": 0,
    "arch": "",
    "family": "",
    "release": "",
    "connectSuccess": false,
    "connectMessage": "Failed to verify connectivity to sshPassword://root@ using login password : exit status 1",
    "complianceSummary": {
      "success": 0,
      "minor": 0,
      "major": 43,
      "critical": 2,
      "skipped": 0,
      "total": 45
    "patchlevelSummary": {
      "success": 0,
      "minor": 0,
      "major": 0,
      "critical": 0,
      "unknown": 0,
      "total": 0
    "patchStatus": null


The /scans/SCAN_ID/envs/ENV endpoint has a single method: GET that may be used to get compliance, patch, or package details by node.

GET (compliance by node)

Use to get the compliance results for the named node and the named environment.


GET /api/owners/USER/scans/SCAN_ID/envs/ENV/nodes/NODE_ID/compliance

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/owners/john/scans/SCAN_ID/envs/Production/nodes/NODE_ID/compliance" -H "$AUTH"

where SCAN_ID is similar to 90def607-1688-40f5-5a4c-161c51fd8aac and NODE_ID is similar to 9b764f79-b96c-4dfa-5a02-9fa3b1abf35b


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

    "profileOwner": "chef",
    "profileID": "linux",
    "rule": "chef/linux/basic-1",
    "impact": 1,
    "failures": 1,
    "skipped": false,
    "log": "Path \"/etc/ssh\" should be directory"

It contains the following attributes:

Parameter Description
failures Integer. The amount of failures per rule. Use -1 to skip and 0 for no failures.
impact Float. The impact of the compliance results. Must be a value between 0 and 1.
log String. The error log.
profileID String. The compliance rules identifier.
profileOwner String. The owner of the compliance rules.
rule String. The rule identifier.

GET (patches by node)

Use to get the available patches for the named node and the named environment.


GET /api/owners/USER/scans/SCAN_ID/envs/ENV/nodes/NODE_ID/patches

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/owners/john/scans/SCAN_ID/envs/Production/nodes/NODE_ID/patches" -H "$AUTH"

where SCAN_ID is similar to 90def607-1688-40f5-5a4c-161c51fd8aac and NODE_ID is similar to 9b764f79-b96c-4dfa-5a02-9fa3b1abf35b


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

    "arch": "amd64",
    "criticality": 0,
    "installedVersion": "2.7.3-0ubuntu3.6",
    "name": "python2.7-minimal",
    "repo": "Ubuntu:12.04/precise-updates",
    "type": "deb",
    "version": "2.7.3-0ubuntu3.8"

It contains the following attributes:

Parameter Description
arch String. The CPU architecture.
criticality Integer. The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) range, a measurement of the level of concern for a vulnerability, as compared to other vulnerabilities. Scores range from 0.0 to 10.0. High scores are in the 7.0-10.0 range, medium scores are in the 4.0-6.9 range, and low scores are from 0.0-3.9 range.
name String. The name of the package.
repo String. The package repository.
version String. The package version.

GET (packages by node)

Use to get the installed packages for the named node and the named environment.


GET /api/owners/USER/scans/SCAN_ID/envs/ENV/nodes/NODE_ID/packages

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/owners/john/scans/SCAN_ID/envs/Production/nodes/NODE_ID/packages" -H "$AUTH"

where SCAN_ID is similar to 90def607-1688-40f5-5a4c-161c51fd8aac and NODE_ID is similar to 9b764f79-b96c-4dfa-5a02-9fa3b1abf35b


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

    "arch": "add",
    "name": "adduser",
    "repo": "",
    "type": "deb",
    "version": "3.113ubuntu2"
    "arch": "commandline",
    "name": "apt",
    "repo": "",
    "type": "deb",
    "version": "0.8.16~exp12ubuntu10.24"


The /server/config endpoint has the following methods: GET and PATCH.


Some parameters of the Chef Compliance server are exposed and are configurable from the Compliance API.


Use to return the global configuration for the Chef Compliance server. The configuration may be edited via the Compliance API or by using the COMPLIANCE_CONFIG_FILE. Only parameters that may be safely tuned are exposed. All timeout configuration settings are defined in seconds, i.e. 1800 is 30 minutes.


GET /api/server/config

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/server/config" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "$AUTH"


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

 "port": null,
 "host": null,
 "colors": null,
 "detectTimeout": 30,
 "scanTimeout": 1800,
 "updateTimeout": 1800,
 "home": null,
 "licensedNodeCount": 25


Use to edit the global configuration for the Chef Compliance server.


PATCH /api/server/config

For example:

curl -w "%{http_code}" -X PATCH "$API_URL/server/config" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "$AUTH" -d '{ JSON_BLOCK }'


No Content


The /summary endpoint has the following method: GET.


Get a quick summary(number of nodes and environments) of the account.


GET /api/owners/OWNER/summary

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/owners/john/summary" -H "$AUTH"


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

  "nodeCount": 28,
  "envCount": 6


The /teams endpoint has the following methods: DELETE, GET (for both all teams or for a single, named team). PATCH, and POST.

GET (all teams)

Use to get a list of all teams. Each organization has a owners team, by default.


GET /api/orgs/ORG/teams

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/orgs/acme/teams" -H "$AUTH"


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

    "id": "owners",
    "org": "843cd9cd-86d8-40d2-5d8a-a48dc7690a69",
    "name": "Owners"
    "id": "20aff993-3288-426d-6851-d1d47bb40d80",
    "org": "843cd9cd-86d8-40d2-5d8a-a48dc7690a69",
    "name": "audit"

GET (named team)

Use to return details about a specific team.


GET /api/orgs/ORG/teams/TEAM_ID

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/orgs/acme/teams/owners" -H "$AUTH"


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

  "id": "owners",
  "org": "843cd9cd-86d8-40d2-5d8a-a48dc7690a69",
  "name": "Owners",
  "members": [
  "permissions": {
    "harden": "true",
    "manage": "true",
    "patch": "true",
    "scan": "true"


Use to edit the details for a team that belongs to the named organization.

This method has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
name Required. The name of the user.
permissions Object. The permissions to assign to the team: harden, manage, patch, or scan.


PATCH /api/orgs/ORG/teams/TEAM_ID

For example:

curl -w "%{http_code}" -X PATCH "$API_URL/orgs/acme/teams/TEAM_ID" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "$AUTH" -d '{ JSON_BLOCK }'

where TEAM_ID is similar to 20aff993-3288-426d-6851-d1d47bb40d80


No Content


Use to create a new team within the named organization.

This method has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
name Required. The name of the user.
permissions Object. The permissions to assign to the team: harden, manage, patch, or scan.


POST /api/orgs/ORG/teams

For example:

curl -X POST "$API_URL/orgs/acme/teams" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "$AUTH" \
-d '{"name":"manageteam","permissions":{"manage":"true"}}'


The response will return a JSON object similar to:



Use to delete a team from the named organization.


The owners team cannot be deleted.


DELETE /api/orgs/ORG/teams/TEAM_ID

For example:

curl -w "%{http_code}" -X DELETE "$API_URL/orgs/acme/teams/TEAM_ID" -H "$AUTH"

where TEAM_ID is similar to 20aff993-3288-426d-6851-d1d47bb40d80


No Content


The /teams/TEAM_ID/members endpoint has the following methods: DELETE, GET, PATCH, and POST.


Use to delete a team member.


DELETE /api/orgs/ORG/teams/TEAM_ID/members/MEMBER_ID

For example:

curl -w "%{http_code}" -X DELETE "$API_URL/orgs/acme/teams/TEAM_ID/members/MEMBER_ID" -H "$AUTH"

where TEAM_ID is similar to 20aff993-3288-426d-6851-d1d47bb40d80 and MEMBER_ID is similar to 7ae9dd7d-5201-4ae3-4949-60eb4b902e77


No Content


Use to get a list of team memberships.


GET /api/orgs/ORG/teams/TEAM_ID/members

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/orgs/acme/teams/TEAM_ID/members" -H "$AUTH"

where TEAM_ID is similar to 20aff993-3288-426d-6851-d1d47bb40d80


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

  "id": "20aff993-3288-426d-6851-d1d47bb40d80",
  "org": "843cd9cd-86d8-40d2-5d8a-a48dc7690a69",
  "name": "audit",
  "members": [
  "permissions": {
    "harden": "true",
    "manage": "true",
    "patch": "true",
    "scan": "true"


Use to edit team membership details for the named team member.


PATCH /api/orgs/ORG/teams/TEAM_ID/members/MEMBER_ID

For example:

curl -w "%{http_code}" -X PATCH "$API_URL/orgs/acme/teams/TEAM_ID" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "$AUTH" -d '{ JSON_BLOCK }'

where TEAM_ID is similar to 20aff993-3288-426d-6851-d1d47bb40d80


No Content


Use to add one (or more) a members to the named team.

This method has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
users Required. An array of user identifiers. Full JSON example: ‘{[“bob”,”mary”]}’


POST /api/orgs/ORG/teams/TEAM_ID/members

For example:

curl -X POST "$API_URL/orgs/acme/teams/TEAM_ID/members" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "$AUTH" -d '{["bob"]}'

where TEAM_ID is similar to 20aff993-3288-426d-6851-d1d47bb40d80


No Content


The /users endpoint has a single method: GET that may be used to get details for all users or for a single, named user.

GET (all users)

Use to get a list of all users with their IDs


GET /api/users

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/users" -H "$AUTH"


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

    "name":"John Doe",
    "name":"Jane Doe",

GET (named user)

Use to return details about the named user.


GET /api/users/USER

For example:

curl -X GET "$API_URL/users/john" -H "$AUTH"


The response will return a JSON object similar to:

  "name":"John Doe",
  "id": "2538ac60-4238-4622-69cf-64cc0eea2ae5",
  "preferences": null,
  "permissions": {


Use to create a new user.

This method has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
name String. The name of the user.
password String. The unencrypted password for the user.
preferences Hash. Not implemented yet.
permissions Hash. User permissions, for example {"org_admin":"true","site_admin":"true","user_admin":"true"}


POST /api/users

For example:

curl -X POST "$API_URL/users" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "$AUTH" -d '{ "name":"Lee Doe", "login":"lee","password":"l8dDnwr-0fgh" }'


The response will return a JSON object similar to:



Use to edit the details for an existing user.

This method has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
name String. The name of the user.
password String. The unencrypted password for the user.


PATCH /api/users/USER

For example:

curl -w "%{http_code}" -X PATCH "$API_URL/users/john" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "$AUTH" -d '{ "name":"Sir. Lee Smith" }'


No content is returned by this endpoint. That’s why the example above uses -w “%{http_code}” in order to show the response http code(i.e. 200 for success)


Use to delete an existing user.


DELETE /api/users/USER

For example:

curl -w "%{http_code}" -X DELETE "$API_URL/users/john" -H "$AUTH"


No Content