Release Notes: Chef Development Kit 0.19 - 3.3

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Chef Development Kit is released on a monthly schedule with new releases the third Monday of every month. Below are the major changes for each release. For a detailed list of changes see the ChefDK Changelog on GitHub

What’s New in 3.3

  • Chef 14.5.33

    ChefDK now ships with Chef 14.5.33. See Chef 14.5 release notes for more information on what’s new.

  • New Functionality

    New option: chef update –exclude-deps for policyfiles will only update the cookbook(s) given on the command line.

  • Updated Tooling


    ChefSpec 7.3 greatly simplifies the ChefSpec syntax as well as allows testing of custom resources. See the ChefSpec README and especially the section on testing custom resources for examples of the new syntax.

  • Updated Components

    • chef-provisioning-aws: 3.0.4 -> 3.0.6
    • chef-vault: 3.3.0 -> 3.4.2
    • foodcritic: 14.0.0 -> 14.1.0
    • inspec: 2.2.70 -> 2.2.112
    • kitchen-inspec: 0.23.1 -> 0.24.0
    • kitchen-vagrant: 1.3.3 -> 1.3.4
  • Deprecations

    • `chef generate app - Application repos were a pattern that didn’t take off.
    • chef generate lwrp - Use chef generate resource. Every supported release of Chef supports custom resources. Custom resources are awesome. No one should be writing new LWRPs any more. LWRPS are not awesome.

What’s New in 3.2

  • Chef 14.4.56

    ChefDK now ships with Chef 14.4.56. See Chef 14.4 release notes for more information on what’s new.

  • New Functionality

    • New chef describe-cookbook command to display the cookbook checksum.
    • Change policyfile generator to use policyfiles directory instead of policies directory
  • New Tooling

    Kitchen AzureRM

    ChefDK now includes a driver for Azure Resource Manager. This allows Microsoft Azure resources to be provisioned prior to testing. This driver uses the new Microsoft Azure Resource Management REST API via the azure-sdk-for-ruby.

  • Updated Tooling

    Test Kitchen

    Test Kitchen 1.23 now includes support for lifecycle hooks.

  • Updated Components

    • berkshelf: 7.0.4 -> 7.0.6
    • chef-provisioning: 2.7.1 -> 2.7.2
    • chef-provisioning-aws: 3.0.2 -> 3.0.4
    • chef-sugar: 4.0.0 -> 4.1.0
    • fauxhai: 6.4.0 -> 6.6.0
    • inspec: 2.1.72 ->2.2.70
    • kitchen-google: 1.4.0 -> 1.5.0
  • Security Updates

    OpenSSL updated to 1.0.2p to resolve:

What’s New in 3.1

  • Chef 14.2.0

    ChefDK now ships with Chef 14.2.0. See Chef 14.2 release notes for more information on what’s new.

  • Habitat Packages

    ChefDK is now released as a habitat package under the identifier chef/chef-dk. All successful builds are available in the unstable channel and all promoted builds are available in the stable channel.

  • Updated Homebrew Cask Tap

    You can install ChefDK on macOS using brew cask install chef/chef/chefdk. The tap name is new, but not the behavior.

  • Updated Tooling


    Fauxhai 6.4.0 brings support for 3 new platforms - CentOS 7.5, Debian 8.11, and FreeBSD 11.2. It also updates the dumps for Amazon Linux, Red Hat, SLES, and Ubuntu to match Chef 14.2 output. Finally it deprecates FreeBSD 10.3.


    Foodcritic 14.0.0 adds support for Chef 14.2 metadata, makes it the default, and removes old Chef 13 metadata. It also updates rules for clarity, removes an unnecessary rule, and adds a new rule saying when cookbooks have unnecessary dependencies now that resources moved into core Chef. See the changelog for a full list of changes.


    knife-acl is now included with ChefDK. This knife plugin allows admin users to modify Chef Server ACLs from their command line.


    knife-tidy 3 is now included with ChefDK. This knife plugin generates reports about stale nodes and helps clean them up.

    Test Kitchen

    Test Kitchen 1.11.0 adds a new ssh_gateway_port config and fixes a bug on Unix systems where scripts are not created as executable.

  • Updated Components and Tools

    • fauxhai: 6.3.0 -> 6.4.0
    • foodcritic: 13.1.1 -> 14.0.0
    • kitchen-digitalocean: 0.9.8 -> 0.10.0
    • knife-opc: 0.3.2 -> 0.4.0
    • test-kitchen: 1.21.2 ->1.22.0
  • Security Updates

    • ffi

      CVE-2018-1000201: DLL loading issue which can be hijacked on Windows OS

What’s New in 3.0

  • Chef 14.1.1

    ChefDK now ships with Chef 14.1.1. See the Chef 14.1 release notes for more information on what’s new.

  • Updated Operating System support

    ChefDK now ships packages for Ubuntu 18.04 and Debian 9. In accordance with Chef’s platform End Of Life policy, ChefDK is no longer shipped on macOS 10.10.

  • Enhanced cookbook archive handling

    ChefDK now uses an embedded copy of libarchive to support Policyfile and Berkshelf. This improves overall performance and provides a well tested interface to different types of archives. It also resolves the long standing “not an octal string” problem users face when depending on certain cookbooks in the supermarket.

  • Policyfiles: updated include_policy support

    Policyfiles now support git targets for included policies.

    include_policy 'base_policy',
                  git: '',
                  branch: master,
                  path: 'policies/base/Policyfile.lock.json'
  • Updated Tooling

    • Test Kitchen
      Test Kitchen has been updated from 1.20.0 to 1.21.2. This release allows you to use a kitchen.yml config file instead of .kitchen.yml so the kitchen config will no longer be hidden in your cookbook directories. It also introduces new config options for SSH proxy servers and allows you to specify multiple paths for data bags. See the CHANGELOG for a complete list of changes.
    • InSpec
      InSpec has been updated from 1.51.21 to 2.1.68. InSpec 2.0 brings compliance automation to the cloud, with new resource types specifically built for AWS and Azure clouds. Along with these changes are major speed improvements and quality of life updates. Please visit ` Inspec <>`__ for more information.
    • ChefSpec
      ChefSpec has been updated to 7.2.1 with Fauxhai 6.2.0. This release removes all platforms that were previously marked as deprecated in Fauxhai. If you saw Fauxhai deprecation warnings during your ChefSpec runs you will now see failures. This update also adds 9 new platforms and updates existing data for Chef 14. To see a complete list of platforms that can be mocked in ChefSpec see
    • Foodcritic
      Foodcritic has been updated to from 12.3.0 to 13.1.1. This updates Foodcritic for Chef 13 or later by removing Chef 12 metadata and removing several legacy rules that suggested writing resources in a Chef 12 manner. The update also adds 9 new rules for writing custom resources and updating cookbooks to Chef 13 and 14, resolves several long standing file detection bugs, and improves performance.
    • Cookstyle
      Cookstyle has been updated to 3.0, which updates the underlying RuboCop engine to 0.55 with a long list of bug fixes and improvements. This release of Cookstyle also enables 19 new rules available in RuboCop. See the CHANGELOG for a complete list of newly enabled rules.
    • Berkshelf
      Berkshelf has been updated to 7.0.2. Berkshelf 7 moves to using the same libraries as the Chef Client, ensuring consistent behavior - for instance, ensuring that chefignore files work the same - and enabling a quicker turnaround on bug fixes. The “Actor crashed” failures of celluloid will no longer be produced by Berkshelf.
    • VMware vSphere support
      The knife-vsphere plugin for managing VMware vSphere is now bundled with ChefDK.
    • Cookbook generator creates a
      chef cookbook generate [cookbook_name] now creates a file.
  • Updated Components and Tools
    • chef-provisioning 2.7.0 -> 2.7.1
    • knife-ec2 0.17.0 -> 0.18.0
    • opscode-pushy-client 2.3.0 -> 2.4.11
  • Security Updates

What’s New in 2.5.3

  • Rename smoke tests to integration tests

    The cookbook, recipe, and app generators now name the test directory integration instead of smoke. This will not impact existing cookbooks generated with older releases of ChefDK, but it does simplify the .kitchen.yml configuration for all new cookbooks.

  • Chef 13.8.5

    ChefDK now ships with Chef 13.8.5. See the Chef 13.8 release notes for more information.

  • Updated chef_version in cookbook generator

    When running chef generate cookbook the generated cookbook will now specify a minimum Chef release of 12.14 not 12.1.

  • Security Updates

  • Updated Components

    • chefspec 7.1.1 -> 7.1.2
    • chef-api 0.7.1 -> 0.8.0
    • chef-provisioning 2.6.0 -> 2.7.0
    • chef-provisioning-aws 3.0.0 -> 3.0.2
    • chef-sugar 3.6.0 -> 4.0.0
    • foodcritic 12.2.1 -> 12.3.0
    • inspec 1.45.13 -> 1.51.21
    • kitchen-dokken 2.6.5 -> 2.6.7
    • kitchen-ec2 1.3.2 -> 2.2.1
    • kitchen-inspec 0.20.0 -> 0.23.1
    • kitchen-vagrant 1.2.1 -> 1.3.1
    • knife-ec2 0.16.0 -> 0.17.0
    • knife-windows 1.9.0 -> 1.9.1
    • test-kitchen 1.19.2 -> 1.20.0
    • chef-provisioning-azure has been removed as it used deprecated Azure APIs

What’s New in 2.4.17

  • Improved performance downloading cookbooks from a Chef server

    Policyfile users who use a Chef server as a cookbook source will experience faster cookbook downloads when running chef install. Chef server’s API requires each file in a cookbook to be downloaded separately; ChefDK will now download the files in parallel. Additionally, HTTP keepalives are enabled to reduce connection overhead.

  • Cookbook artifact source for policyfiles

    Policyfile users may now source cookbooks from the Chef server’s cookbook artifact store. This is mainly intended to support the upcoming include_policy feature, but could be useful in some situations.

    Given a cookbook that has been uploaded to the Chef server via chef push, it can be used in another policy by adding code like the following to the ruby policyfile:

    cookbook "runit",
      chef_server_artifact: "https://chef.example/organizations/myorg",
      identifier: "09d43fad354b3efcc5b5836fef5137131f60f974"
  • Added include_policy directive

    Policyfile can use the include_policy directive as described in RFC097. This directive’s purpose is to allow the inclusion policyfile locks to the current policyfile. In this iteration, we support sourcing lock files from a local path or a Chef server. Below is a simple example of how the include_policy directive can be used:

    Given a policyfile base.rb:

    name 'base'
    default_source :supermarket
    run_list 'motd'
    cookbook 'motd', '~> 0.6.0'


    >> chef install ./base.rb
    Building policy base
    Expanded run list: recipe[motd]
    Caching Cookbooks...
    Using      motd         0.6.4
    Using      chef_handler 3.0.2
    Lockfile written to /home/jaym/workspace/chef-dk/base.lock.json
    Policy revision id: 1238e7a353ec07a4df6636cdffd8805220a00789bace96d6d70268a4b0064023

    This will produce the base.lock.json file that will be included in our next policy, users.rb:

    name 'users'
    default_source :supermarket
    run_list 'user'
    cookbook 'user', '~> 0.7.0'
    include_policy 'base', path: './base.lock.json'


    >> chef install ./users.rb
    Building policy users
    Expanded run list: recipe[motd::default], recipe[user]
    Caching Cookbooks...
    Using      motd         0.6.4
    Installing user         0.7.0
    Using      chef_handler 3.0.2
    Lockfile written to /home/jaym/workspace/chef-dk/users.lock.json
    Policy revision id: 20fac68f987152f62a2761e1cfc7f1dc29b598303bfb2d84a115557e2a4a8f27

    This will produce a users.lock.json file that has the base policyfile lock merged in.

    More information can be found in RFC097 and the Policyfile documentation.

  • New tools bundled

    We are now shipping these tools as part of ChefDK:

See the detailed change log for additional information.

What’s New in 2.3.4

ChefDK 2.3.4 pins the net-ssh gem to version 4.1 to prevent errors in test-kitchen and kitchen-inspec that would prevent systems from properly converging or verifying. This release is recommended for all users of ChefDK 2.3.

What’s New in 2.3.3

This release restores macOS support in ChefDK 2.3. See the change log for more information.

What’s New in 2.3.1

This release includes Ruby 2.4.2 to fix the following CVEs:

ChefDK 2.3 includes:

  • Chef 13.4.19
  • InSpec 1.36.1
  • Berkshelf 6.3.1
  • Chef Vault 3.3.0
  • Foodcritic 11.4.0
  • Test Kitchen 1.17.0
  • Stove 6.0

Additionally, the cookbook generator now adds a LICENSE file when creating a new cookbook.

See the detailed change log for a complete list of changes.


Due to issues beyond our control, this release is only built for Linux (x86_64) and Windows. We’ll release a new build with macOS support as soon as possible.

What’s New in 2.2.1

This release includes RubyGems 2.6.13 to address the following CVEs:

ChefDK 2.2.1 includes:

  • Chef 13.3.42
  • InSpec 1.35.1
  • Berkshelf 6.3.1
  • Chef Vault 3.3.0
  • Foodcritic 11.3.1
  • Test Kitchen 1.17.0

What’s New in 2.1.11

This release updates the version of git shipped in ChefDK to 2.14.1 to address CVE-2017-1000117.

Notable Updated Gems

  • berkshelf 6.2.0 -> 6.3.0
  • chef-provisioning 2.4.0 -> 2.5.0
  • chef-zero 13.0.0 -> 13.1.0
  • fauxhai 5.2.0 -> 5.3.0
  • fog 1.40 -> 1.41
  • inspec 1.31.1 -> 1.33.1
  • kitchen-dokken 2.5.1 -> 2.6.1
  • kitchen-vagrant 1.1.0 -> 1.2.0
  • knife-push 1.0.2 -> 1.0.3
  • ohai 13.2.0 -> 13.3.0
  • serverspec 2.39.1 -> 2.40.0
  • test-kitchen 1.16 -> 1.17

See the detailed change log for a full list of changes.

What’s New in 2.0.28

Chef 2.0.28 fixes an issue in ChefDK 2.0 where chef push would upload incomplete cookbooks.

What’s New in 2.0

Chef Client 13.2

Chef Client 13 is the most delightful version of Chef Client available. We’ve taken what we’ve learned from many bug reports, forum posts, and conversations with our users, and we’ve made it safer and easier than ever to write great cookbooks. We’ve also included a number of new resources that better support our most popular operating systems, and we’ve made it easier to write patterns that result in reusable, efficient code.

Chef Client 13.2 solves a number of issues that were reported in our initial releases of Chef Client 13, and we regard it as suitable for general use.


It’s now possible to update a single cookbook using chef update <cookbook>. Artifactory is now supported as a cookbook source.

Cookbook Generator

Adds chef generate helpers <HELPERS_NAME> to generate a helpers file in libraries.

Berkshelf 6.2.0

Berkshelf adds support for two new sources:

Chef Vault 3.1

Chef Vault 3.1 includes a number of optimizations for large numbers of nodes. In most situations, we’ve seen at least 50% faster creation, update, and refresh operations, and much more efficient memory usage. We’ve also added a new sparse mode, which dramatically reduces the amount of network traffic that occurs as nodes decrypt vaults. A lot of the scalability work has been built and tested by our friends at Criteo.

Chef Vault 3.1 also makes it much easier to use provisioning nodes to manage vaults by using the public_key_read_access group, which is available in Chef server 12.5 and above.

Foodcritic 11

Foodcritic 11 covers many of the patterns that were removed in Chef Client 13, so you’ll get up-front notification that your cookbooks will no longer work with this release. In general, the patterns that were removed enabled dangerous ways of writing cookbooks. Ensuring that you’re compliant with Foodcritic 11 means your cookbooks are safer with every version of Chef.

The release of Foodcritic 11 also marks the creation of the Foodcritic org on GitHub, which makes it easier to get involved in writing rules and contributing code. We are excited to start building more of a community around Foodcritic, and can’t wait to see what the community cooks up.

InSpec 1.30

Since the last release of ChefDK, InSpec has been independently released multiple times with a number of great enhancements, including some new resources (rabbitmq_config, docker, docker_image, docker_container, oracledb_session), some enhancements to the Habitat package creator for InSpec profiles, and a whole slew of bug fixes and documentation updates.

ChefSpec 7.1.0

It’s no longer necessary to create custom matchers; ChefSpec will automatically create matchers for any resources in the cookbooks under test.

Cookstyle 2.0

Cookstyle 2.0 is based on Rubocop 0.49.1, which changed a large number of rule names.

What’s New in 1.6.11

This release contains only dependency updates, including several security fixes:

What’s New in 1.5

Chef Client 12.21

Chef has been updated to the 12.21 release, fixing a number of bugs:

  • Debian-based systems will now correctly prefer Systemd to Upstart
  • Better handling of the supports pseudo-property
  • Fixes crashes that occurred when downgrading from Chef 13 to Chef 12
  • Provides better system information when Chef crashes

See the full release notes for more details.

Chef Client 12.21 also contains a new version of zlib, fixing 4 CVEs:

Notable Updated Gems

  • cookstyle 1.3.1 -> 1.4.0

What’s New in 1.4

InSpec 1.25.1

  • Consistent hashing for InSpec profiles
  • Add platform info to json formatter
  • Allow mysql_session to test databases on different hosts
  • Add an oracledb_session resource
  • Support new Chef Automate compliance backend
  • Add command-line completions for fish shell

Cookstyle 1.3.1

  • Disabled Style/DoubleNegation rule, which can be necessary in not_if / only_if blocks

What’s New in 1.3

Chef Client 12.19

ChefDK now ships with Chef 12.19. Check out Release Notes for all the details of this new release.

Workflow Build Cookbooks

Build cookbooks generated via chef generate build-cookbook will no longer depend on the delivery_build or delivery-base cookbook. Instead, the Test Kitchen instance will use ChefDK as the standard workflow runner setup.

The build cookbook generator will not overwrite your config.json or project.toml if they exist already on your project.

ChefSpec 6.0

ChefDK includes the new ChefSpec 6.0 release with improvements to the ServerRunner behavior. Rather than creating a Chef Zero instance for each ServerRunner test context, a single Chef Zero instance is created that all ServerRunner test contexts will leverage. The Chef Zero instance is reset between each test case, emulating the existing behavior without needing a monotonically increasing number of Chef Zero instances.

Additionally, if you are using ChefSpec to test a pre-defined set of Cookbooks, there is now an option to upload those cookbooks only once, rather than before every test case. To take advantage of this performance enhancer, simply set the server_runner_clear_cookbooks RSpec configuration value to false in your spec_helper.rb.

RSpec.configure do |config|
  config.server_runner_clear_cookbooks = false

Setting server_runner_clear_cookbooks value to false has been shown to increase the ServerRunner performance by 75%, improve stability on Windows, and make the ServerRunner as fast as SoloRunner.

This new release also includes three new matchers: dnf_package, msu_package, and cab_package and utilizes the new Fauxhai 4.0 release. This release adds several new platforms and removes many older end-of-life platforms. See for a list of all supported platforms for use in ChefSpec.


InSpec has been updated to 1.19.1 with the following new functionality:

  • Better filter support for the processes resource.
  • New packages, crontab, x509_certificate, and x509_private_key resources
  • New inspec habitat profile create command to create a Habitat artifact for a given InSpec profile.
  • Functional JUnit reporting
  • A new command for generating profiles has been added


Foodcritic has been updated to 10.2.2. This release includes the following new functionality

  • FC003, which required gating certain code when running on Chef Solo has been removed
  • FC023, which preferred conditional (only_if / not_if) code within resources has been removed as many disagreed with this coding style
  • False positives in FC007 and FC016 have been resolved
  • New rules have been added requiring the license (FC068), supports (FC067), and chef_version (FC066) metadata properties in cookbooks

Kitchen EC2 Driver

Kitchen-ec2 has been updated to 1.3.2 with support for Windows 2016 instances

Cookbook generator improvements

chef generate cookbook has been updated to better generate cookbooks for sharing with the Chef community. Generated cookbooks now require Chef client 12.1+, include the chef_version metadata, and use SPDX standard license strings.

Notable Updated Gems

  • berkshelf 5.6.0 -> 5.6.4
  • chef-provisioning 2.1.0 -> 2.2.1
  • chef-provisioning-aws 2.1.0 -> 2.2.0
  • chef-zero 5.2.0 -> 5.3.1
  • chef 12.18.31 -> 12.19.36
  • cheffish 4.1.0 -> 5.0.1
  • chefspec 5.3.0 -> 6.2.0
  • cookstyle 1.2.0 -> 1.3.0
  • fauxhai 3.10.0 -> 4.1.0
  • foodcritic 9.0.0 -> 10.2.2
  • inspec 1.11.0 -> 1.19.1
  • kitchen-dokken 1.1.0 -> 2.1.2
  • kitchen-ec2 1.2.0 -> 1.3.2
  • kitchen-vagrant 1.0.0 -> 1.0.2
  • mixlib-install 2.1.11 -> 2.1.12
  • opscode-pushy-client 2.1.2 -> 2.2.0
  • specinfra 2.66.7 -> 2.67.7
  • test-kitchen 1.15.0 -> 1.16.0
  • train 0.22.1 -> 0.23.0

What’s New in 1.2

Delivery CLI

  • The project.toml file, which can be used to execute local phases, now supports:
    • An optional functional phase.
    • New remote_file option to specify a remote project.toml.
    • The ability to run stages (collection of phases).
  • Fixed bug where the generated project.toml file did not include the prefix chef exec for some phases.
  • Project git remotes will now update automatically, if applicable, based on the values in the cli.toml or options provided through the command-line.
  • Project names specified in project config (cli.toml) or options provided through the command-line will now be honored.


  • Added a chef_server default source option to Policyfiles.

Automate Workflow Adopts SSH for Cookbook Generation

The chef generate cookbook command now uses the SSH based job dispatch system as its default behavior. For more details on this new system and how to use it, see Job Dispatch Docs

FIPS (Windows and RHEL only)

  • ChefDK now comes bundled with the Stunnel tool and the FIPS OpenSSL module for users who need to enforce FIPS compliance.
  • Support for FIPS options in delivery CLI’s cli.toml was added to handle communication with the Automate Server when FIPS mode is enabled.

Notable Updated Gems

  • berkshelf 5.2.0 -> 5.5.0
  • chef 12.17.44 -> 12.18.31
  • chef-provisioning 2.0.2 -> 2.1.0
  • chef-vault 2.9.0 -> 2.9.1
  • chef-zero 5.1.0 -> 5.2.0
  • cheffish 4.0.0 -> 4.1.0
  • cookstyle 1.1.0 -> 1.2.0
  • foodcritic 8.1.0 -> 8.2.0
  • inspec 1.7.2 -> 1.10.0
  • kitchen-dokken 1.0.9 -> 1.1.0
  • kitchen-vagrant 0.21.1 -> 1.0.0
  • knife-windows 1.7.1 -> 1.8.0
  • mixlib-install 2.1.9 -> 2.1.10
  • ohai 8.22.1 -> 8.23.0
  • test-kitchen 1.14.2 -> 1.15.0
  • train 0.22.0 -> 0.22.1
  • winrm 2.1.0 -> 2.1.2

What’s New in 1.1

New InSpec Test Location

To address bugs and confusion with the previous test/recipes location, all newly generated cookbooks and recipes will place their InSpec tests in test/smoke/default. This placement creates the association of the smoke phase in Chef Automate and the default Test Kitchen suite where the tests are run.

Default Docker image in kitchen-dokken is now official Chef image

chef/chef is now the default Docker image used in kitchen-dokken.

New Test Kitchen driver caching mechanisms

Test Kitchen will automatically cache downloaded chef-client packages for use between provisions. For people who use the kitchen-vagrant driver to run Chef, it will automatically consume the new caching mechanism to share the client packages to the guest VM, meaning that you no longer have to wait for the client to download on every guest provision.

In addition, if the chef-client packages are already cached, then it is now possible to use Test Kitchen completely off-line.

Cookstyle 1.1.0 with new code linting Cops

Cookstyle has been updated from 0.0.1 to 1.1.0, which upgrades the RuboCop engine from 0.39 to 0.46, and enables several new cops. This will most likely result in Cookstyle warnings on cookbooks that previously passed.

Newly Disabled Cops:

  • Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity
  • Style/NumericLiterals
  • Style/RegexpLiteral in ‘tests’ directory
  • Style/AsciiComments
  • Style/TernaryParentheses
  • Metrics/ClassLength
  • All rails/* cops

Newly Enabled Cops:

  • Bundler/DuplicatedGem
  • Style/SpaceInsideArrayPercentLiteral
  • Style/NumericPredicate
  • Style/EmptyCaseCondition
  • Style/EachForSimpleLoop
  • Style/PreferredHashMethods
  • Lint/UnifiedInteger
  • Lint/PercentSymbolArray
  • Lint/PercentStringArray
  • Lint/EmptyWhen
  • Lint/EmptyExpression
  • Lint/DuplicateCaseCondition
  • Style/TrailingCommaInLiteral
  • Lint/ShadowedException

New DCO tool included

We have included a new DCO command-line tool that makes it easier to contribute to projects like Chef that use the Developer Certificate of Origin. The tool allows you to enable/disable DCO sign-offs for each repository and also allows you to retroactively sign off all commits on a branch. See for details.

Notable Upgraded Gems

  • chef 12.16.42 -> 12.17.44
  • ohai 8.21.0 -> 8.22.0
  • inspec 1.4.1 -> 1.7.2
  • train 0.21.1 -> 0.22.0
  • test-kitchen 1.13.2 -> 1.14.2
  • kitchen-vagrant 0.20.0 -> 0.21.1
  • winrm-elevated 1.0.1 -> 1.1.0
  • winrm-fs 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1
  • cookstyle 0.0.1 -> 1.1.0

What’s New in 1.0

Version 1.0!

We’re recognizing ChefDK’s continued stability with the honor of a 1.0 tag. There is nothing in this release that breaks backwards compatibility with previous installations of ChefDK: it is simply a formal recognition of the stability of the product.


  • Foodcritic constraint updated to require v8.0 or greater.
  • Supermarket Foodcritic rules are now disabled by default when you run chef generate cookbook.


The inspec command is now included in the PATH managed by ChefDK. Just run chef shell-init to update your PATH.


Knife OPC is now bundled with ChefDK adding chef server organization and user commands to knife

Notable Upgraded Gems

  • chef 12.15.19 -> 12.16.42
  • inspec 1.2.0 -> 1.4.1
  • train 0.20.1 -> 0.21.1
  • kitchen-dokken 1.0.3 -> 1.0.4
  • kitchen-inspec 0.15.2 -> 0.16.1
  • berkshelf 5.1.0 -> 5.2.0
  • fauxhai 3.9.0 -> 3.10.0
  • foodcritic 7.1.0 -> 8.1.0

What’s New in 0.19

InSpec 1.2.0

InSpec Updated to v1.2.0. See the InSpec CHANGELOG for details.


New mixlib-install command allows you to quickly download Chef binaries. Run mixlib-install help for command usage.

Delivery CLI

  • Deprecation of GitHub V1 backed project initialization.
  • Initialization of GitHub V2 backed projects (delivery init --github). Requires Chef Automate server version 0.5.432 or above.
  • Project name verification with repository name for projects with Source Control Management (SCM) integration.
  • Increased clarity of the command structure by introducing the --pipeline alias for the --for option.
  • Honor custom config on project initialization (delivery init -c /my/config.json).
  • Build cookbook is now generated using the more appropriate chef generate build-cookbook on project initialization.
  • Support providing your password non-interactively to delivery token via the AUTOMATE_PASSWORD environment variable (AUTOMATE_PASSWORD=password delivery token).

Notable Upgraded Gems

  • chef 12.14.89 -> 12.15.19
  • inspec 1.0.0 -> 1.2.0
  • kitchen-dokken 1.0.0 -> 1.0.3
  • knife-windows 1.6.0 -> 1.7.0
  • mixlib-install 2.0.1 -> 2.1.1
  • winrm 2.0.3 -> 2.1.0