About the Workflow DSL

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The Workflow DSL is a collection of helper methods that is used in recipes as a way to enhance the Recipe DSL to collect data about:

  • Which testing tools—Foodcritic, Kitchen, ChefSpec, and so on—are present in a cookbook?
  • What types of delivery environments are available?
  • Have files been changed?
  • Do the changes made to a cookbook require a version change?
  • Should a cookbook should be pushed to the Chef server and/or to GitHub?


These recipe helpers are available from the delivery-truck cookbook: https://github.com/opscode-cookbooks/delivery-truck. This cookbook is a recommended dependency for any build-cookbook for a project that publishes changes to a Chef Automate pipeline.


The following Chef Automate-specific helpers can be used in recipes:

Determine if files in a cookbook have been modified, and then to ensure that a cookbook’s version is updated in its metadata.rb file. The Verify phase will fail if files in a cookbook are modified without a corresponding vesrion bump to the metadata.rb file.
Get a list of cookbooks that have been modified.
Get a list of files that have been modified.
Define a set of attributes that are used to pin versions as the project moves through stages in the Chef Automate pipeline.
Return a Hash that contains details about how to talk to the Chef server.
Run a search query against the node objects on the Chef server, using the default search query. The default search query is defined in the Chef Automate web UI on the “Default Search” tab.
Get the name of the standard environment.

Get a custom search query from the config.json file. By default, the deploy.rb recipe triggers a chef-client run via Chef push jobs against all nodes that belong to the current environment in Chef Automate and have modified cookbooks in the run-list.

If the config.json file specifies:

"delivery-truck": {
  "deploy": {
    "search": "SEARCH_QUERY"

then the search is run against all node objects on the Chef server. For example:

"delivery-truck": {
  "deploy": {
    "search": "role:load_balancer"

Get a list of directories against which Foodcritic rules should not be run. This looks in the config.json file for the foodcritic block to see if the excludes setting has been specified.

If the config.json file specifies:

"delivery-truck": {
  "lint": {
    "foodcritic": {
      "ignore_rules": ["RULE", "RULE", ...],
      "only_rules": ["RULE", "RULE", ...],
      "excludes": ["spec", "test"]

then Foodcritic rules are not run against tests that are located in the specified directories, in this case the /spec and /test directories.


Get a list of Foodcritic tags (rule identifiers) to be run. This looks in the config.json file for the foodcritic block to see if the only_rules and/or ignore_rules settings have been specified.

If the config.json file specifies:

"delivery-truck": {
  "lint": {
    "foodcritic": {
      "ignore_rules": ["FC009", "FC057", "FC058"],
      "excludes": ["DIRECTORY", "DIRECTORY", ...]

then all Foodcritic rules except FC009, FC057, and FC058 rules are run.

If the config.json file specifies:

"delivery-truck": {
  "lint": {
    "foodcritic": {
      "only_rules": ["FC002"],
      "excludes": ["DIRECTORY", "DIRECTORY", ...]

then only the FC002 Foodcritic rules is run.

Get the name of the acceptance environment.

Get attributes for a defined project application.


If the get_project_application method is called from the provision.rb recipe, be sure that delivery-truck::provision is executed before get_project_application by putting it in a ruby_block or into a separate recipe that is called from provision.rb via include_recipe. If the get_project_application method is called directly in provision.rb:

include_recipe 'delivery-truck::provision'

you will get an error because the chef-client will execute get_project_application at compile time before it has run include_recipe 'delivery-truck::provision'. It is recommended to either use get_project_application in deploy.rb, a project cookbook, in a ruby_block or in a separate include_recipe that is executed after include_recipe 'delivery-truck::provision'.

Get the contents of the delivery-secrets data bag from the Chef server. This data bag contains secrets that enable cookbooks to be published to a Chef Supermarket, an open source git repository, a repository on GitHub.
Determine if a .kitchen.yml file exists in a cookbook.
Determine if tests exist in the /spec directory in a cookbook.

Determine if a repo should be pushed to an open source git repository.

If the config.json file specifies the following cookbooks are published to a git repository located on an open source git server:

  "publish": {
    "git": "ssh://git@stash:2222/<project-name>/<repo-name>"

This publishing option requires the git deploy key for that repository to be available from a data bag on the Chef server that is part of this Chef Automate configuration.


Determine if a repo should be pushed to GitHub.

If the config.json file specifies the following cookbooks are published to a GitHub repository:

  "publish": {
    "github": "chef/chef-web-docs"

where "chef/chef-web-docs" represents the organization/repository to which the build-cookbook belongs.

This publishing option requires the github deploy key for that repository to be available from a data bag on the Chef server that is part of this Chef Automate configuration.


Determine if a repo should be pushed to an open source git repository.

Publish cookbooks to the public Chef Supermarket:

If the config.json file specifies the following cookbooks are published to the public Chef Supermarket:

  "publish": {
    "supermarket": "https://supermarket.chef.io"

Publish cookbooks to a private Chef Supermarket:

  "publish": {
    "supermarket": "https://private-supermarket.example.com"

Determine if a cookbook should be pushed to the Chef server.

If the config.json file specifies the following cookbooks are published to the Chef server that is part of this Chef Automate configuration:

  "publish": {
    "chef_server": "true"


Publish cookbooks to Chef Supermarket, but with custom credentials:

  "publish": {
    "supermarket": "https://supermarket.chef.io",
    "supermarket-custom-credentials": "true"

This publish option requires the supermarket_user and supermarket_key credentials to be available from the delivery-secrets data bag on the Chef server that is part of this Chef Automate configuration. For more information on the delivery-secrets data bag, see Handling Secrets in the delivery-sugar cookbook README file.

Node Attributes

Node attributes specific to the workspace, project changes, and project configuration are available for use in build-cookbook recipes.

Project Changes

Use attributes from the node['delivery']['change'] namespace to get details about the job execution for the current change in the pipeline.

Use node['delivery']['change']['change_id'] for the change identifier.
Use node['delivery']['change']['enterprise'] for the enterprise name.
Use node['delivery']['change']['git_url'] for the URL for the git project.
Use node['delivery']['change']['organization'] for the organization name.
Use node['delivery']['change']['patchset_branch'] for the branch name.
Use node['delivery']['change']['patchset_number'] for the patchset number.
Use node['delivery']['change']['phase'] for the current phase name.
Use node['delivery']['change']['pipeline'] for the pipeline name.
Use node['delivery']['change']['project'] for the project name.
Use node['delivery']['change']['sha'] for the SHA-1 hash.
Use node['delivery']['change']['stage'] for the current stage name.

Project Configuration

Use attributes from the node['delivery']['config'] namespace to get configuration settings from the .delivery/config.json file.

Use node['delivery']['config']['build-cookbook'] for the contents of the "build-cookbook" configuration setting.
Use node['delivery']['config']['build_nodes'] for the contents of the "build-cookbook" configuration setting.
Use node['delivery']['config']['delivery-truck'] for the contents of the "build-cookbook" configuration setting.
Use node['delivery']['config']['delivery-truck']['phase_name'] for the contents of a specific phase within the "build-cookbook" configuration setting. Replace PHASE_NAME with the actual phase name. For example: node['delivery']['config']['delivery-truck']['publish'].
Use node['delivery']['config']['dependencies'] for the contents of the "build-cookbook" configuration setting.
Use node['delivery']['config']['skip_phases'] for the contents of the "skip_phases" configuration setting.
Use node['delivery']['config']['version'] for the contents of the "version" configuration setting.


Use attributes from the node['delivery']['workspace'] namespace to get paths to workspace directories on a build node/runner.

Use node['delivery']['workspace']['cache'] for the /cache directory.
Use node['delivery']['workspace']['chef'] for the /chef directory.
Use node['delivery']['workspace']['root'] for the root directory, typically /var/opt/delivery/workspace.
Use node['delivery']['workspace']['repo'] for the /repo directory.

Workspace Path

Use the node['delivery']['workspace_path'] attribute to get the path to the global workspace.


The following examples show how to use the Workflow DSL in a cookbook:


changed_cookbooks.each do |cookbook|
  execute "unit_rspec_#{cookbook[:name]}" do
    cwd cookbook[:path]
    command "rspec --format documentation --color"
    only_if { has_spec_tests?(cookbook[:path]) }


changed_cookbooks.each do |cookbook|
  unless bumped_version?(cookbook[:path])
    raise DeliveryTruck::Error, "The #{cookbook[:name]} cookbook was modified " \
                                "but the version was not updated in the " \
                                "metadata file."

  execute "syntax_check_#{cookbook[:name]}" do
    command "knife cookbook test -o #{cookbook[:path]} -a"


if push_repo_to_github?
  git_ssh = File.join(node['delivery']['workspace']['cache'], 'git_ssh')
  deploy_key = File.join(node['delivery']['workspace']['cache'], 'github.pem')
  secrets = get_project_secrets

  file deploy_key do
    content secrets['github']
    owner 'dbuild'
    mode '0600'
    sensitive true

  template git_ssh do
    source 'git_ssh.erb'
    owner 'dbuild'
    mode '0755'

  execute "set_git_username" do
    command "git config user.name 'Delivery'"
    cwd node['delivery']['workspace']['repo']
    environment({"GIT_SSH" => git_ssh})

  execute "set_git_email" do
    command "git config user.email 'delivery@chef.io'"
    cwd node['delivery']['workspace']['repo']
    environment({"GIT_SSH" => git_ssh})

  github_repo = node['delivery']['config']['delivery-truck']['publish']['github']
  execute "add_github_remote" do
    command "git remote add github git@github.com:#{github_repo}.git"
    cwd node['delivery']['workspace']['repo']
    environment({"GIT_SSH" => git_ssh})
    not_if "git remote --verbose | grep ^github"

  execute "push_to_github" do
    command "git push github master"
    cwd node['delivery']['workspace']['repo']
    environment({"GIT_SSH" => git_ssh})