git resource

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Use the git resource to manage source control resources that exist in a git repository. git version 1.6.5 (or higher) is required to use all of the functionality in the git resource.


A git resource block manages source control resources that exist in a git repository:

git "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/app_name" do
  repository node[:app_name][:git_repository]
  revision node[:app_name][:git_revision]
  action :sync

The full syntax for all of the properties that are available to the git resource is:

git 'name' do
  additional_remotes      Hash
  checkout_branch         String # default value: deploy
  depth                   Integer
  destination             String # default value: 'name' unless specified
  enable_checkout         true, false # default value: true
  enable_submodules       true, false # default value: false
  environment             Hash, nil
  group                   String, Integer
  remote                  String # default value: origin
  repository              String
  revision                String # default value: HEAD
  ssh_wrapper             String
  timeout                 Integer
  user                    String, Integer
  action                  Symbol # defaults to :sync if not specified


  • git is the resource.
  • name is the name given to the resource block.
  • action identifies which steps the chef-client will take to bring the node into the desired state.
  • additional_remotes, checkout_branch, depth, destination, enable_checkout, enable_submodules, environment, group, remote, repository, revision, ssh_wrapper, timeout, and user are the properties available to this resource.


The git resource has the following actions:

Clone or check out the source. When a checkout is available, this provider does nothing.
Export the source, excluding or removing any version control artifacts.
Define this resource block to do nothing until notified by another resource to take action. When this resource is notified, this resource block is either run immediately or it is queued up to be run at the end of the Chef Client run.
Default. Update the source to the specified version, or get a new clone or checkout. This action causes a hard reset of the index and working tree, discarding any uncommitted changes.


The git resource has the following properties:


Ruby Type: Hash

A Hash of additional remotes that are added to the git repository configuration.


Ruby Type: String | Default Value: deploy

Do a one-time checkout from git or use when a branch in the upstream repository is named deploy. To prevent the git resource from attempting to check out master from master, set enable_checkout to false when using the checkout_branch property. See revision.


Ruby Type: Integer

The number of past revisions to be included in the git shallow clone. The default behavior will do a full clone.


Ruby Type: String

The location path to which the source is to be cloned, checked out, or exported. Default value: the name of the resource block. See “Syntax” section above for more information.


Ruby Type: true, false | Default Value: true

Check out a repo from master. Set to false when using the checkout_branch attribute to prevent the git resource from attempting to check out master from master.


Ruby Type: true, false | Default Value: false

Perform a sub-module initialization and update.


Ruby Type: Hash

A Hash of environment variables in the form of ({"ENV_VARIABLE" => "VALUE"}). (These variables must exist for a command to be run successfully.)


The git provider automatically sets the ENV['HOME'] and ENV['GIT_SSH'] environment variables. To override this behavior and provide different values, add ENV['HOME'] and/or ENV['GIT_SSH'] to the environment Hash.


Ruby Type: String, Integer

The system group that is responsible for the checked-out code.


Ruby Type: true, false | Default Value: false

Continue running a recipe if a resource fails for any reason.


Ruby Type: Symbol, ‘Chef::Resource[String]’

A resource may notify another resource to take action when its state changes. Specify a 'resource[name]', the :action that resource should take, and then the :timer for that action. A resource may notify more than one resource; use a notifies statement for each resource to be notified.

A timer specifies the point during the Chef Client run at which a notification is run. The following timers are available:

Specifies that the action on a notified resource should be run before processing the resource block in which the notification is located.
Default. Specifies that a notification should be queued up, and then executed at the end of the Chef Client run.
:immediate, :immediately
Specifies that a notification should be run immediately, per resource notified.

The syntax for notifies is:

notifies :action, 'resource[name]', :timer

Ruby Type: String

The alias for revision.


Ruby Type: String

The remote repository to use when synchronizing an existing clone.


Ruby Type: String

The URI for the git repository.


Ruby Type: Integer | Default Value: 0

The number of times to catch exceptions and retry the resource.


Ruby Type: Integer | Default Value: 2

The retry delay (in seconds).


Ruby Type: String | Default Value: HEAD

A branch, tag, or commit to be synchronized with git. This can be symbolic, like HEAD or it can be a source control management-specific revision identifier. See checkout_branch.

The value of the revision attribute may change over time. From one branch to another, to a tag, to a specific SHA for a commit, and then back to a branch. The revision attribute may even be changed in a way where history gets rewritten.

Instead of tracking a specific branch or doing a headless checkout, the chef-client maintains its own branch (via the git resource) that does not exist in the upstream repository. The chef-client is then free to forcibly check out this branch to any commit without destroying the local history of an existing branch.

For example, to explicitly track an upstream repository’s master branch:

revision 'master'

Use the git rev-parse and git ls-remote commands to verify that the chef-client is synchronizing commits correctly. (The chef-client always runs git ls-remote on the upstream repository to verify the commit is made to the correct repository.)


Ruby Type: String

The path to the wrapper script used when running SSH with git. The GIT_SSH environment variable is set to this.


Ruby Type: Symbol, ‘Chef::Resource[String]’

A resource may listen to another resource, and then take action if the state of the resource being listened to changes. Specify a 'resource[name]', the :action to be taken, and then the :timer for that action.

Note that subscribes does not apply the specified action to the resource that it listens to - for example:

file '/etc/nginx/ssl/example.crt' do
   mode '0600'
   owner 'root'

service 'nginx' do
   subscribes :reload, 'file[/etc/nginx/ssl/example.crt]', :immediately

In this case the subscribes property reloads the nginx service whenever its certificate file, located under /etc/nginx/ssl/example.crt, is updated. subscribes does not make any changes to the certificate file itself, it merely listens for a change to the file, and executes the :reload action for its resource (in this example nginx) when a change is detected.

A timer specifies the point during the Chef Client run at which a notification is run. The following timers are available:

Specifies that the action on a notified resource should be run before processing the resource block in which the notification is located.
Default. Specifies that a notification should be queued up, and then executed at the end of the Chef Client run.
:immediate, :immediately
Specifies that a notification should be run immediately, per resource notified.

The syntax for subscribes is:

subscribes :action, 'resource[name]', :timer

Ruby Type: Integer

The amount of time (in seconds) to wait for a command to execute before timing out. When this property is specified using the deploy resource, the value of the timeout property is passed from the deploy resource to the git resource.


Ruby Type: String, Integer

The system user that is responsible for the checked-out code. Default value: the home directory of this user, as indicated by the HOME environment variable.


The following examples demonstrate various approaches for using resources in recipes. If you want to see examples of how Chef uses resources in recipes, take a closer look at the cookbooks that Chef authors and maintains:

Use the git mirror

git '/opt/mysources/couch' do
  repository 'git://'
  revision 'master'
  action :sync

Use different branches

To use different branches, depending on the environment of the node:

if node.chef_environment == 'QA'
   branch_name = 'staging'
   branch_name = 'master'

git '/home/user/deployment' do
   repository ''
   revision branch_name
   action :sync
   user 'user'
   group 'test'

where the branch_name variable is set to staging or master, depending on the environment of the node. Once this is determined, the branch_name variable is used to set the revision for the repository. If the git status command is used after running the example above, it will return the branch name as deploy, as this is the default value. Run the chef-client in debug mode to verify that the correct branches are being checked out:

$ sudo chef-client -l debug

Install an application from git using bash

The following example shows how Bash can be used to install a plug-in for rbenv named ruby-build, which is located in git version source control. First, the application is synchronized, and then Bash changes its working directory to the location in which ruby-build is located, and then runs a command.

 git "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/ruby-build" do
   repository 'git://'
   reference 'master'
   action :sync

 bash 'install_ruby_build' do
   cwd '#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/ruby-build'
   user 'rbenv'
   group 'rbenv'
   code <<-EOH
   environment 'PREFIX' => '/usr/local'

To read more about ruby-build, see here:

Upgrade packages from git

The following example uses the git resource to upgrade packages:

# the following code sample comes from the ``source`` recipe
# in the ``libvpx-cookbook`` cookbook:

git "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/libvpx" do
  repository node[:libvpx][:git_repository]
  revision node[:libvpx][:git_revision]
  action :sync
  notifies :run, 'bash[compile_libvpx]', :immediately

Pass in environment variables

git '/opt/mysources/couch' do
  repository 'git://'
  revision 'master'
  environment 'VAR' => 'whatever'
  action :sync