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The knife-spork plugin adds workflow that enables multiple developers to work on the same Chef server and repository, but without stepping on each other’s toes. This plugin is designed around the workflow at Etsy, where several people work in the same repository and Chef server simultaneously. A quick overview of the arguments in this plugin (see the GitHub documentation for full details):

knife spork bump
Version cookbooks without updating the metadata.rb file.
knife spork check
View cookbook version numbers to avoid reuse of existing cookbook version numbers and to ensure that versioned changes are not overwritten.
knife spork data bag
A collection of wrappers around the knife data bag group of commands. These behave exactly the same as the base commands, but also use the knife-spork API.
knife spork environment
A collection of wrappers around the knife environment group of commands. These behave exactly the same as the base commands, but also use the knife-spork API.
knife spork environment check
Validate that a local environment file is locked to versions that actually exist on the Chef server.
knife spork info
View a list of currently-loaded knife plugins.
knife spork node
A collection of wrappers around the knife node group of commands. These behave exactly the same as the base commands, but also use the knife-spork API.
knife spork omni
Combine knife-spork arguments into a single command.
knife spork promote
Set a version constraint on an environment (or group of environments) for the named cookbook.
knife spork role
A collection of wrappers around the knife role group of commands. These behave exactly the same as the base commands, but also use the knife-spork API.
knife spork upload
Upload a cookbook to the Chef server and freeze it.


This topic is about a Chef community-authored tool that is packaged as part of the Chef development kit. See for more information about the knife-spork plugin.