delivery.rb Settings

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The delivery.rb file, located at /etc/delivery/delivery.rb, contains all of the non-default configuration settings used by the Chef Automate. (The default settings are built-in to the Chef Automate configuration and should only be added to the delivery.rb file to apply non-default values.) These configuration settings are processed when the delivery-server-ctl reconfigure command is run, such as immediately after setting up Chef Automate or after making a change to the underlying configuration settings after the server has been deployed. The delivery.rb file is a Ruby file, which means that conditional statements can be used in the configuration file.

Proxy Settings

If you wish to operate your Chef Automate server from behind a proxy, you may specify you proxy host name and configuration using these options.

The hostname to your proxy server such as or
The port to connect on. This will be used for all connections (http and https).
Optional authentication user name when contacting the proxy server.
Optional authentication password when contacting the proxy server.
A list of hostnames that are blacklisted from using the proxy. Chef Automate will attempt to connect directly to these hosts. By default, this is set to ["localhost", ""].

Optional Settings

Additional settings are available for performance tuning of the Chef Automate server.


When changes are made to the delivery.rb file the Chef Automate server must be reconfigured by running the following command:

$ delivery-server-ctl reconfigure


Review the full list of optional settings that can be added to the delivery.rb file. Many of these optional settings should not be added without first consulting with Chef support.