windows_task resource

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Use the windows_task resource to create, delete or run a Windows scheduled task. Requires Windows Server 2008 or later due to API usage.

New in Chef Client 13.0.


The windows_task resource that was provided as part of the windows cookbook included the :change action, which has been removed from windows_task in Chef client. The :create action can be used instead to update an existing task.


The windows_task resource has the following syntax:

windows_task 'name' do
  command                             String
  cwd                                 String
  day                                 String, Integer
  disallow_start_if_on_batteries      true, false # default value: false
  execution_time_limit                String, Integer # default value: PT72H
  force                               true, false # default value: false
  frequency                           Symbol
  frequency_modifier                  Integer, String # default value: 1
  idle_time                           Integer
  interactive_enabled                 true, false # default value: false
  minutes_duration                    String, Integer
  minutes_interval                    String, Integer
  months                              String
  password                            String
  priority                            Integer # default value: 7
  random_delay                        String, Integer
  run_level                           Symbol # default value: limited
  start_day                           String
  start_time                          String
  stop_if_going_on_batteries          true, false # default value: false
  task_name                           String # default value: 'name' unless specified
  user                                String # default value: SYSTEM
  action                              Symbol # defaults to :create if not specified


  • windows_task is the resource.
  • name is the name given to the resource block.
  • action identifies which steps the chef-client will take to bring the node into the desired state.
  • command, cwd, day, disallow_start_if_on_batteries, execution_time_limit, force, frequency, frequency_modifier, idle_time, interactive_enabled, minutes_duration, minutes_interval, months, password, priority, random_delay, run_level, start_day, start_time, stop_if_going_on_batteries, task_name, and user are the properties available to this resource.


The windows_task resource has the following actions:

Creates a task, or updates an existing task if any property has changed.
Deletes a task.
Runs a task.
Ends a task.
Enables a task.
Disables a task.


The windows_task resource has the following properties:


Ruby Type: String

The command to be executed by the windows scheduled task.


Ruby Type: String

The directory the task will be run from.


Ruby Type: String, Integer

The day(s) on which the task runs.
  • Use with frequency :monthly and :weekly tasks,
  • Valid values with frequency :weekly are MON-SUN or \*.
  • Valid values with frequency :monthly are 1-31 `` or ``MON to SUN and LASTDAY.
    • Use MON-SUN or LASTDAY if you are setting frequency_modiifer as "FIRST, SECOND, THIRD etc." else use 1-31.
    • Multiple days should be comma seprated. e.g "1, 2, 3" or "MON, WEN, FRI".

Ruby Type: true, false | Default Value: false

Disallow start of the task if the system is running on battery power. New in Chef Client 14.4.


Ruby Type: String, Integer | Default Value: PT72H (72 hours)

The maximum time (in seconds) the task will run.


Ruby Type: true, false | Default Value: false

When used with create, will update the task.


Ruby Type: Symbol

  • Frequency with which to run the task.
  • This is a mandatory property in Chef 14.1
  • Valid values: :minute, :hourly, :daily, :weekly, :monthly, :none, :once, :on_logon, :onstart, :on_idle.
  • The :once value requires the start_time property.
  • The :none frequency requires Chef 13.6 or later.

Ruby Type: Integer, String | Default Value: 1

  • For frequency :minute valid values are 1 to 1439
  • For frequency :hourly valid values are 1 to 23
  • For frequency :daily valid values are 1 to 365
  • For frequency :weekly valid values are 1 to 52
  • For frequency :monthly valid values are ('FIRST', 'SECOND', 'THIRD', 'FOURTH', 'LAST') OR 1-12.
    • e.g. If user want to run the task on second week of the month use frequency_modifier value as SECOND. Multiple values for weeks of the month should be comma seperated e.g. "FIRST, THIRD, LAST".
    • To run task every (n) months user values ‘1-12’.

Ruby Type: Integer

For :on_idle frequency, the time (in minutes) without user activity that must pass to trigger the task, from 1 - 999.


Ruby Type: true, false | Default Value: false

Allow task to run interactively or non-interactively. Requires user and password to also be set.

Ruby Type: String, Integer
Ruby Type: String, Integer

Ruby Type: String

The Months of the year on which the task runs, such as: "JAN, FEB" or "\*". Multiple months should be comma delimited. e.g. "Jan, Feb, Mar, Dec"


Ruby Type: String

The user’s password. The user property must be set if using this property.


Ruby Type: Integer | Default Value: 7

Use to set Priority Levels range from 0 to 10.


Ruby Type: String, Integer

Delays the task up to a given time (in seconds).


Ruby Type: Symbol | Default Value: :limited

Run with :limited or :highest privileges.


Ruby Type: String

Specifies the first date on which the task runs in MM/DD/YYYY format.


Ruby Type: String

Specifies the start time to run the task, in HH:mm format.


Ruby Type: true, false | Default Value: false

Scheduled task option when system is switching on battery. New in Chef Client 14.4.


Ruby Type: String | Default Value: 'name'

The task name, such as "Task Name" or "/Task Name"


Ruby Type: String | Default Value: SYSTEM

The user to run the task as.


Create a scheduled task to run every 15 minutes as the Administrator user

windows_task 'chef-client' do
  user 'Administrator'
  password 'password'
  command 'chef-client'
  run_level :highest
  frequency :minute
  frequency_modifier 15

Create a scheduled task to run every 2 days

windows_task 'chef-client' do
  command 'chef-client'
  run_level :highest
  frequency :daily
  frequency_modifier 2

Create a scheduled task to run on specific days of the week

windows_task 'chef-client' do
  command 'chef-client'
  run_level :highest
  frequency :weekly
  day 'Mon, Thu'

Create a scheduled task to run only once

windows_task 'chef-client' do
  command 'chef-client'
  run_level :highest
  frequency :once
  start_time "16:10"

Create a scheduled task to run on current day every 3 weeks and delay upto 1 min

windows_task 'chef-client' do
  command 'chef-client'
  run_level :highest
  frequency :weekly
  frequency_modifier 3
  random_delay '60'

Create a scheduled task to run weekly starting on Dec 28th 2018

windows_task 'chef-client 8' do
  command 'chef-client'
  run_level :highest
  frequency :weekly
  start_day '12/28/2018'

Create a scheduled task to run every Monday, Friday every 2 weeks

windows_task 'chef-client' do
  command 'chef-client'
  run_level :highest
  frequency :weekly
  frequency_modifier 2
  day 'Mon, Fri'

Create a scheduled task to run when computer is idle with idle duration 20 min

windows_task 'chef-client' do
  command 'chef-client'
  run_level :highest
  frequency :on_idle
  idle_time 20

Delete a task named “old task”

windows_task 'old task' do
  action :delete

Enable a task named “chef-client”

windows_task 'chef-client' do
  action :enable

Disable a task named “ProgramDataUpdater” with TaskPath “\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\ProgramDataUpdater”

windows_task '\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\ProgramDataUpdater' do
  action :disable