Resource Code Examples

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This reference contains code examples for many of the core resources that are built in to the chef-client, sorted by resource. This topic is a subset of the topic that contains a complete description of all resources, including actions, properties, and providers (in addition to these examples).

Common Examples

The examples in this section show functionality that is common across all resources.

Use the :nothing action

service 'memcached' do
  action :nothing

Use the ignore_failure common attribute

gem_package 'syntax' do
  action :install
  ignore_failure true

Use the retries common attribute

service 'apache' do
  action [ :enable, :start ]
  retries 3

Create a file, but not if an attribute has a specific value

The following example shows how to use the not_if condition to create a file based on a template and using the presence of an attribute value on the node to specify the condition:

template '/tmp/somefile' do
  mode '0755'
  source 'somefile.erb'
  not_if { node['some_value'] }

Create a file with a Ruby block, but not if “/etc/passwd” exists

The following example shows how to use the not_if condition to create a file based on a template and then Ruby code to specify the condition:

template '/tmp/somefile' do
  mode '0755'
  source 'somefile.erb'
  not_if do

Create a file with Ruby block that has curly braces, but not if “/etc/passwd” exists

The following example shows how to use the not_if condition to create a file based on a template and using a Ruby block (with curly braces) to specify the condition:

template '/tmp/somefile' do
  mode '0755'
  source 'somefile.erb'
  not_if { File.exist?('/etc/passwd') }

Create a file using a string, but not if “/etc/passwd” exists

The following example shows how to use the not_if condition to create a file based on a template and using a string to specify the condition:

template '/tmp/somefile' do
  mode '0755'
  source 'somefile.erb'
  not_if 'test -f /etc/passwd'

Install a file from a remote location using bash

The following is an example of how to install the foo123 module for Nginx. This module adds shell-style functionality to an Nginx configuration file and does the following:

  • Declares three variables
  • Gets the Nginx file from a remote location
  • Installs the file using Bash to the path specified by the src_filepath variable
# the following code sample is similar to the ``upload_progress_module``
# recipe in the ``nginx`` cookbook:

src_filename = "foo123-nginx-module-v#{
src_filepath = "#{Chef::Config['file_cache_path']}/#{src_filename}"
extract_path = "#{

remote_file 'src_filepath' do
  source node['nginx']['foo123']['url']
  checksum node['nginx']['foo123']['checksum']
  owner 'root'
  group 'root'
  mode '0755'

bash 'extract_module' do
  cwd ::File.dirname(src_filepath)
  code <<-EOH
    mkdir -p #{extract_path}
    tar xzf #{src_filename} -C #{extract_path}
    mv #{extract_path}/*/* #{extract_path}/
  not_if { ::File.exist?(extract_path) }

Create a file, but only if an attribute has a specific value

The following example shows how to use the only_if condition to create a file based on a template and using the presence of an attribute on the node to specify the condition:

template '/tmp/somefile' do
  mode '0755'
  source 'somefile.erb'
  only_if { node['some_value'] }

Create a file with a Ruby block, but only if “/etc/passwd” does not exist

The following example shows how to use the only_if condition to create a file based on a template, and then use Ruby to specify a condition:

template '/tmp/somefile' do
  mode '0755'
  source 'somefile.erb'
  only_if do ! File.exist?('/etc/passwd') end

Create a file using a string, but only if “/etc/passwd” exists

The following example shows how to use the only_if condition to create a file based on a template and using a string to specify the condition:

template '/tmp/somefile' do
  mode '0755'
  source 'somefile.erb'
  only_if 'test -f /etc/passwd'

Delay notifications

template '/etc/nagios3/configures-nagios.conf' do
  # other parameters
  notifies :run, 'execute[test-nagios-config]', :delayed

Notify immediately

By default, notifications are :delayed, that is they are queued up as they are triggered, and then executed at the very end of a chef-client run. To run an action immediately, use :immediately:

template '/etc/nagios3/configures-nagios.conf' do
  # other parameters
  notifies :run, 'execute[test-nagios-config]', :immediately

and then the chef-client would immediately run the following:

execute 'test-nagios-config' do
  command 'nagios3 --verify-config'
  action :nothing

Enable a service after a restart or reload

service 'apache' do
  supports :restart => true, :reload => true
  action :enable

Notify multiple resources

template '/etc/chef/server.rb' do
  source 'server.rb.erb'
  owner 'root'
  group 'root'
  mode '0755'
  notifies :restart, 'service[chef-solr]', :delayed
  notifies :restart, 'service[chef-solr-indexer]', :delayed
  notifies :restart, 'service[chef-server]', :delayed

Notify in a specific order

To notify multiple resources, and then have these resources run in a certain order, do something like the following:

execute 'foo' do
  command '...'
  notifies :create, 'template[baz]', :immediately
  notifies :install, 'package[bar]', :immediately
  notifies :run, 'execute[final]', :immediately

template 'baz' do
  notifies :run, 'execute[restart_baz]', :immediately

package 'bar'

execute 'restart_baz'

execute 'final' do
  command '...'

where the sequencing will be in the same order as the resources are listed in the recipe: execute 'foo', template 'baz', execute [restart_baz], package 'bar', and execute 'final'.

Reload a service

template '/tmp/somefile' do
  mode '0755'
  source 'somefile.erb'
  notifies :reload, 'service[apache]', :immediately

Restart a service when a template is modified

template '/etc/www/configures-apache.conf' do
  notifies :restart, 'service[apache]', :immediately

Send notifications to multiple resources

To send notifications to multiple resources, just use multiple attributes. Multiple attributes will get sent to the notified resources in the order specified.

template '/etc/netatalk/netatalk.conf' do
  notifies :restart, 'service[afpd]', :immediately
  notifies :restart, 'service[cnid]', :immediately

service 'afpd'
service 'cnid'

Execute a command using a template

The following example shows how to set up IPv4 packet forwarding using the execute resource to run a command named forward_ipv4 that uses a template defined by the template resource:

execute 'forward_ipv4' do
  command 'echo > /proc/.../ipv4/ip_forward'
  action :nothing

template '/etc/file_name.conf' do
  source 'routing/file_name.conf.erb'
  notifies :run, 'execute[forward_ipv4]', :delayed

where the command property for the execute resource contains the command that is to be run and the source property for the template resource specifies which template to use. The notifies property for the template specifies that the execute[forward_ipv4] (which is defined by the execute resource) should be queued up and run at the end of the chef-client run.

Restart a service, and then notify a different service

The following example shows how start a service named example_service and immediately notify the Nginx service to restart.

service 'example_service' do
  action :start
  notifies :restart, 'service[nginx]', :immediately

Restart one service before restarting another

This example uses the :before notification to restart the php-fpm service before restarting nginx:

service 'nginx' do
  action :restart
  notifies :restart, 'service[php-fpm]', :before

With the :before notification, the action specified for the nginx resource will not run until action has been taken on the notified resource (php-fpm).

Notify when a remote source changes

remote_file '/tmp/couch.png' do
  source ''
  action :nothing

http_request 'HEAD' do
  message ''
  url ''
  action :head
  if ::File.exist?('/tmp/couch.png')
    headers 'If-Modified-Since' => File.mtime('/tmp/couch.png').httpdate
  notifies :create, 'remote_file[/tmp/couch.png]', :immediately

Prevent restart and reconfigure if configuration is broken

Use the :nothing action (common to all resources) to prevent the test from starting automatically, and then use the subscribes notification to run a configuration test when a change to the template is detected:

execute 'test-nagios-config' do
  command 'nagios3 --verify-config'
  action :nothing
  subscribes :run, 'template[/etc/nagios3/configures-nagios.conf]', :immediately

Reload a service using a template

To reload a service that is based on a template, use the template and service resources together in the same recipe, similar to the following:

template '/tmp/somefile' do
  mode '0755'
  source 'somefile.erb'

service 'apache' do
  action :enable
  subscribes :reload, 'template[/tmp/somefile]', :immediately

where the subscribes notification is used to reload the service whenever the template is modified.

Stash a file in a data bag

The following example shows how to use the ruby_block resource to stash a BitTorrent file in a data bag so that it can be distributed to nodes in the organization.

# the following code sample comes from the ``seed`` recipe
# in the following cookbook:

ruby_block 'share the torrent file' do
  block do
    f =['bittorrent']['torrent'],'rb')
    #read the .torrent file and base64 encode it
    enc = Base64.encode64(
    data = {
    item =
    item.raw_data = data
  action :nothing
  subscribes :create, "bittorrent_torrent[#{node['bittorrent']['torrent']}]", :immediately

Relative Paths

template "#{ENV['HOME']}/chef-getting-started.txt" do
  source 'chef-getting-started.txt.erb'
  mode '0755'


Use the apt_package resource to manage packages on Debian and Ubuntu platforms.

Install a package using package manager

apt_package 'name of package' do
  action :install

Install a package using local file

apt_package 'jwhois' do
  action :install
  source '/path/to/jwhois.deb'

Install without using recommend packages as a dependency

package 'apache2' do
  options '--no-install-recommends'


Use the apt_update resource to manage APT repository updates on Debian and Ubuntu platforms.

Update the Apt repository at a specified interval

apt_update 'all platforms' do
  frequency 86400
  action :periodic

Update the Apt repository at the start of a chef-client run

apt_update 'update'


Use the bash resource to execute scripts using the Bash interpreter. This resource may also use any of the actions and properties that are available to the execute resource. Commands that are executed with this resource are (by their nature) not idempotent, as they are typically unique to the environment in which they are run. Use not_if and only_if to guard this resource for idempotence.


The bash script resource (which is based on the script resource) is different from the ruby_block resource because Ruby code that is run with this resource is created as a temporary file and executed like other script resources, rather than run inline.

Use a named provider to run a script

bash 'install_something' do
  user 'root'
  cwd '/tmp'
  code <<-EOH
  tar -zxf tarball.tar.gz
  cd tarball
  make install

Install a file from a remote location using bash

The following is an example of how to install the foo123 module for Nginx. This module adds shell-style functionality to an Nginx configuration file and does the following:

  • Declares three variables
  • Gets the Nginx file from a remote location
  • Installs the file using Bash to the path specified by the src_filepath variable
# the following code sample is similar to the ``upload_progress_module``
# recipe in the ``nginx`` cookbook:

src_filename = "foo123-nginx-module-v#{
src_filepath = "#{Chef::Config['file_cache_path']}/#{src_filename}"
extract_path = "#{

remote_file 'src_filepath' do
  source node['nginx']['foo123']['url']
  checksum node['nginx']['foo123']['checksum']
  owner 'root'
  group 'root'
  mode '0755'

bash 'extract_module' do
  cwd ::File.dirname(src_filepath)
  code <<-EOH
    mkdir -p #{extract_path}
    tar xzf #{src_filename} -C #{extract_path}
    mv #{extract_path}/*/* #{extract_path}/
  not_if { ::File.exist?(extract_path) }

Install an application from git using bash

The following example shows how Bash can be used to install a plug-in for rbenv named ruby-build, which is located in git version source control. First, the application is synchronized, and then Bash changes its working directory to the location in which ruby-build is located, and then runs a command.

 git "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/ruby-build" do
   repository 'git://'
   reference 'master'
   action :sync

 bash 'install_ruby_build' do
   cwd '#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/ruby-build'
   user 'rbenv'
   group 'rbenv'
   code <<-EOH
   environment 'PREFIX' => '/usr/local'

To read more about ruby-build, see here:

Store certain settings

The following recipe shows how an attributes file can be used to store certain settings. An attributes file is located in the attributes/ directory in the same cookbook as the recipe which calls the attributes file. In this example, the attributes file specifies certain settings for Python that are then used across all nodes against which this recipe will run.

Python packages have versions, installation directories, URLs, and checksum files. An attributes file that exists to support this type of recipe would include settings like the following:

default['python']['version'] = '2.7.1'

if python['install_method'] == 'package'
  default['python']['prefix_dir'] = '/usr'
  default['python']['prefix_dir'] = '/usr/local'

default['python']['url'] = ''
default['python']['checksum'] = '80e387...85fd61'

and then the methods in the recipe may refer to these values. A recipe that is used to install Python will need to do the following:

  • Identify each package to be installed (implied in this example, not shown)
  • Define variables for the package version and the install_path
  • Get the package from a remote location, but only if the package does not already exist on the target system
  • Use the bash resource to install the package on the node, but only when the package is not already installed
#  the following code sample comes from the ``oc-nginx`` cookbook on |github|:

version = node['python']['version']
install_path = "#{node['python']['prefix_dir']}/lib/python#{version.split(/(^\d+\.\d+)/)[1]}"

remote_file "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/Python-#{version}.tar.bz2" do
  source "#{node['python']['url']}/#{version}/Python-#{version}.tar.bz2"
  checksum node['python']['checksum']
  mode '0755'
  not_if { ::File.exist?(install_path) }

bash 'build-and-install-python' do
  cwd Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]
  code <<-EOF
    tar -jxvf Python-#{version}.tar.bz2
    (cd Python-#{version} && ./configure #{configure_options})
    (cd Python-#{version} && make && make install)
  not_if { ::File.exist?(install_path) }


Use the batch resource to execute a batch script using the cmd.exe interpreter on Windows. The batch resource creates and executes a temporary file (similar to how the script resource behaves), rather than running the command inline. Commands that are executed with this resource are (by their nature) not idempotent, as they are typically unique to the environment in which they are run. Use not_if and only_if to guard this resource for idempotence.

Unzip a file, and then move it

To run a batch file that unzips and then moves Ruby, do something like:

batch 'unzip_and_move_ruby' do
  code <<-EOH
    7z.exe x #{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/ruby-1.8.7-p352-i386-mingw32.7z
      -oC:\\source -r -y
    xcopy C:\\source\\ruby-1.8.7-p352-i386-mingw32 C:\\ruby /e /y

batch 'echo some env vars' do
  code <<-EOH
    echo %TEMP%
    echo %SYSTEMDRIVE%
    echo %PATH%
    echo %WINDIR%


batch 'unzip_and_move_ruby' do
  code <<-EOH
    7z.exe x #{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/ruby-1.8.7-p352-i386-mingw32.7z
      -oC:\\source -r -y
    xcopy C:\\source\\ruby-1.8.7-p352-i386-mingw32 C:\\ruby /e /y

batch 'echo some env vars' do
  code 'echo %TEMP%\\necho %SYSTEMDRIVE%\\necho %PATH%\\necho %WINDIR%'


Use the bff_package resource to manage packages for the AIX platform using the installp utility. When a package is installed from a local file, it must be added to the node using the remote_file or cookbook_file resources.


A Backup File Format (BFF) package may not have a .bff file extension. The chef-client will still identify the correct provider to use based on the platform, regardless of the file extension.

New in Chef Client 12.0.

Install a package

The bff_package resource is the default package provider on the AIX platform. The base package resource may be used, and then when the platform is AIX, the chef-client will identify the correct package provider. The following examples show how to install part of the IBM XL C/C++ compiler.

Using the base package resource:

package 'xlccmp.13.1.0' do
  source '/var/tmp/IBM_XL_C_13.1.0/usr/sys/inst.images/xlccmp.13.1.0'
  action :install

Using the bff_package resource:

bff_package 'xlccmp.13.1.0' do
  source '/var/tmp/IBM_XL_C_13.1.0/usr/sys/inst.images/xlccmp.13.1.0'
  action :install


Use the breakpoint resource to add breakpoints to recipes. Run the chef-shell in chef-client mode, and then use those breakpoints to debug recipes. Breakpoints are ignored by the chef-client during an actual chef-client run. That said, breakpoints are typically used to debug recipes only when running them in a non-production environment, after which they are removed from those recipes before the parent cookbook is uploaded to the Chef server.

A recipe without a breakpoint

yum_key node['yum']['elrepo']['key'] do
  url  node['yum']['elrepo']['key_url']
  action :add

yum_repository 'elrepo' do
  description ' Community Enterprise Linux Extras Repository'
  key node['yum']['elrepo']['key']
  mirrorlist node['yum']['elrepo']['url']
  includepkgs node['yum']['elrepo']['includepkgs']
  exclude node['yum']['elrepo']['exclude']
  action :create

The same recipe with breakpoints

breakpoint "before yum_key node['yum']['repo_name']['key']" do
  action :break

yum_key node['yum']['repo_name']['key'] do
  url  node['yum']['repo_name']['key_url']
  action :add

breakpoint "after yum_key node['yum']['repo_name']['key']" do
  action :break

breakpoint "before yum_repository 'repo_name'" do
  action :break

yum_repository 'repo_name' do
  description 'description'
  key node['yum']['repo_name']['key']
  mirrorlist node['yum']['repo_name']['url']
  includepkgs node['yum']['repo_name']['includepkgs']
  exclude node['yum']['repo_name']['exclude']
  action :create

breakpoint "after yum_repository 'repo_name'" do
  action :break

where the name of each breakpoint is an arbitrary string. In the previous examples, the names are used to indicate if the breakpoint is before or after a resource, and then also to specify which resource.


Use the chef_gem resource to install a gem only for the instance of Ruby that is dedicated to the chef-client. When a gem is installed from a local file, it must be added to the node using the remote_file or cookbook_file resources.

The chef_gem resource works with all of the same properties and options as the gem_package resource, but does not accept the gem_binary property because it always uses the CurrentGemEnvironment under which the chef-client is running. In addition to performing actions similar to the gem_package resource, the chef_gem resource does the following:

  • Runs its actions immediately, before convergence, allowing a gem to be used in a recipe immediately after it is installed
  • Runs Gem.clear_paths after the action, ensuring that gem is aware of changes so that it can be required immediately after it is installed

Install a gems file for use in recipes

To install a gem while the chef-client is configuring the node (the “converge phase”), set the compile_time property to false:

chef_gem 'right_aws' do
  compile_time false
  action :install

To install a gem while the resource collection is being built (the “compile phase”), set the compile_time property to true:

chef_gem 'right_aws' do
  compile_time true
  action :install

New in Chef Client 12.1.

Install MySQL for Chef


node.override['build_essential']['compiletime'] = true
include_recipe 'build-essential'
include_recipe 'mysql::client'

node['mysql']['client']['packages'].each do |mysql_pack|

chef_gem 'mysql'


Use the chef_handler resource to enable handlers during a chef-client run. The resource allows arguments to be passed to the chef-client, which then applies the conditions defined by the custom handler to the node attribute data collected during the chef-client run, and then processes the handler based on that data.

The chef_handler resource is typically defined early in a node’s run-list (often being the first item). This ensures that all of the handlers will be available for the entire chef-client run.

New in Chef Client 14.0.

Enable the CloudkickHandler handler

The following example shows how to enable the CloudkickHandler handler, which adds it to the default handler path and passes the oauth key/secret to the handler’s initializer:

chef_handler "CloudkickHandler" do
  source "#{node['chef_handler']['handler_path']}/cloudkick_handler.rb"
  arguments [node['cloudkick']['oauth_key'], node['cloudkick']['oauth_secret']]
  action :enable

Enable handlers during the compile phase

chef_handler "Chef::Handler::JsonFile" do
  source "chef/handler/json_file"
  arguments :path => '/var/chef/reports'
  action :nothing

Handle only exceptions

chef_handler "Chef::Handler::JsonFile" do
  source "chef/handler/json_file"
  arguments :path => '/var/chef/reports'
  supports :exception => true
  action :enable

Cookbook Versions (a custom handler)

Community member juliandunn created a custom report handler that logs all of the cookbooks and cookbook versions that were used during the chef-client run, and then reports after the run is complete. This handler requires the chef_handler resource (which is available from the chef_handler cookbook).


The following custom handler defines how cookbooks and cookbook versions that are used during the chef-client run will be compiled into a report using the Chef::Log class in the chef-client:

require 'chef/log'

module Opscode
  class CookbookVersionsHandler < Chef::Handler

    def report
      cookbooks = run_context.cookbook_collection'Cookbooks and versions run: #{ {|x| cookbooks[x].name.to_s + ' ' + cookbooks[x].version} }')


The following recipe is added to the run-list for every node on which a list of cookbooks and versions will be generated as report output after every chef-client run.

include_recipe 'chef_handler'

cookbook_file "#{node['chef_handler']['handler_path']}/cookbook_versions.rb" do
  source 'cookbook_versions.rb'
  owner 'root'
  group 'root'
  mode '0755'
  action :create

chef_handler 'Opscode::CookbookVersionsHandler' do
  source "#{node['chef_handler']['handler_path']}/cookbook_versions.rb"
  supports :report => true
  action :enable

This recipe will generate report output similar to the following:

[2013-11-26T03:11:06+00:00] INFO: Chef Run complete in 0.300029878 seconds
[2013-11-26T03:11:06+00:00] INFO: Running report handlers
[2013-11-26T03:11:06+00:00] INFO: Cookbooks and versions run: ["chef_handler 1.1.4", "cookbook_versions_handler 1.0.0"]
[2013-11-26T03:11:06+00:00] INFO: Report handlers complete

JsonFile Handler

The json_file handler is available from the chef_handler cookbook and can be used with exceptions and reports. It serializes run status data to a JSON file. This handler may be enabled in one of the following ways.

By adding the following lines of Ruby code to either the client.rb file or the solo.rb file, depending on how the chef-client is being run:

require 'chef/handler/json_file'
report_handlers << => '/var/chef/reports')
exception_handlers << => '/var/chef/reports')

By using the chef_handler resource in a recipe, similar to the following:

chef_handler 'Chef::Handler::JsonFile' do
  source 'chef/handler/json_file'
  arguments :path => '/var/chef/reports'
  action :enable

After it has run, the run status data can be loaded and inspected via Interactive Ruby (IRb):

irb(main):002:0> require 'json' => true
irb(main):003:0> require 'chef' => true
irb(main):004:0> r = JSON.parse('/var/chef/reports/chef-run-report-20110322060731.json')) => ... output truncated
irb(main):005:0> r.keys => ['end_time', 'node', 'updated_resources', 'exception', 'all_resources', 'success', 'elapsed_time', 'start_time', 'backtrace']
irb(main):006:0> r['elapsed_time'] => 0.00246

Register the JsonFile handler

chef_handler "Chef::Handler::JsonFile" do
  source "chef/handler/json_file"
  arguments :path => '/var/chef/reports'
  action :enable

ErrorReport Handler

The error_report handler is built into the chef-client and can be used for both exceptions and reports. It serializes error report data to a JSON file. This handler may be enabled in one of the following ways.

By adding the following lines of Ruby code to either the client.rb file or the solo.rb file, depending on how the chef-client is being run:

require 'chef/handler/error_report'
report_handlers <<
exception_handlers <<

By using the chef_handler resource in a recipe, similar to the following:

chef_handler 'Chef::Handler::ErrorReport' do
  source 'chef/handler/error_report'
  action :enable


Use the chocolatey_package resource to manage packages using Chocolatey on the Microsoft Windows platform.

Install a package

chocolatey_package 'name of package' do
  action :install

Install a package with options

This example uses Chocolatey’s --checksum option:

chocolatey_package 'name of package' do
  options '--checksum 1234567890'
  action :install


Use the cookbook_file resource to transfer files from a sub-directory of COOKBOOK_NAME/files/ to a specified path located on a host that is running the chef-client. The file is selected according to file specificity, which allows different source files to be used based on the hostname, host platform (operating system, distro, or as appropriate), or platform version. Files that are located in the COOKBOOK_NAME/files/default sub-directory may be used on any platform.

Transfer a file

cookbook_file 'file.txt' do
  mode '0755'

Handle cookbook_file and yum_package resources in the same recipe

When a cookbook_file resource and a package resource are both called from within the same recipe, use the flush_cache attribute to dump the in-memory Yum cache, and then use the repository immediately to ensure that the correct package is installed:

cookbook_file '/etc/yum.repos.d/custom.repo' do
  source 'custom'
  mode '0755'

package 'only-in-custom-repo' do
  action :install
  flush_cache [ :before ]

Install repositories from a file, trigger a command, and force the internal cache to reload

The following example shows how to install new Yum repositories from a file, where the installation of the repository triggers a creation of the Yum cache that forces the internal cache for the chef-client to reload:

execute 'create-yum-cache' do
 command 'yum -q makecache'
 action :nothing

ruby_block 'reload-internal-yum-cache' do
  block do
  action :nothing

cookbook_file '/etc/yum.repos.d/custom.repo' do
  source 'custom'
  mode '0755'
  notifies :run, 'execute[create-yum-cache]', :immediately
  notifies :create, 'ruby_block[reload-internal-yum-cache]', :immediately

Use a case statement

The following example shows how a case statement can be used to handle a situation where an application needs to be installed on multiple platforms, but where the install directories are different paths, depending on the platform:

cookbook_file '' do
  path case node['platform']
    when 'centos','redhat'
    when 'arch'
  source "application-#{node['languages']['perl']['version']}.pm"
  owner 'root'
  group 'root'
  mode '0755'

Manage dotfiles

The following example shows using the directory and cookbook_file resources to manage dotfiles. The dotfiles are defined by a JSON data structure similar to:

"files": {
  ".zshrc": {
    "mode": '0755',
    "source": "dot-zshrc"
  ".bashrc": {
    "mode": '0755',
    "source": "dot-bashrc"
  ".bash_profile": {
    "mode": '0755',
    "source": "dot-bash_profile"

and then the following resources manage the dotfiles:

if u.has_key?('files')
  u['files'].each do |filename, file_data|

  directory "#{home_dir}/#{File.dirname(filename)}" do
    recursive true
    mode '0755'
  end if file_data['subdir']

  cookbook_file "#{home_dir}/#{filename}" do
    source "#{u['id']}/#{file_data['source']}"
    owner 'u['id']'
    group 'group_id'
    mode 'file_data['mode']'
    ignore_failure true
    backup 0


Use the cron resource to manage cron entries for time-based job scheduling.


The cron resource should only be used to modify an entry in a crontab file. The cron_d resource directly manages cron.d files. This resource ships in Chef 14.4 or later and can also be found in the cron cookbook) for previous chef-client releases.

Run a program at a specified interval

cron 'noop' do
  hour '5'
  minute '0'
  command '/bin/true'

Run an entry if a folder exists

cron 'ganglia_tomcat_thread_max' do
  command "/usr/bin/gmetric
    -n 'tomcat threads max'
    -t uint32
    -v '/usr/local/bin/tomcat-stat
  only_if do File.exist?('/home/jboss') end

Run every Saturday, 8:00 AM

The following example shows a schedule that will run every hour at 8:00 each Saturday morning, and will then send an email to “” after each run.

cron 'name_of_cron_entry' do
  minute '0'
  hour '8'
  weekday '6'
  mailto ''
  action :create

Run only in November

The following example shows a schedule that will run at 8:00 PM, every weekday (Monday through Friday), but only in November:

cron 'name_of_cron_entry' do
  minute '0'
  hour '20'
  day '*'
  month '11'
  weekday '1-5'
  action :create


Use the csh resource to execute scripts using the csh interpreter. This resource may also use any of the actions and properties that are available to the execute resource. Commands that are executed with this resource are (by their nature) not idempotent, as they are typically unique to the environment in which they are run. Use not_if and only_if to guard this resource for idempotence.


The csh script resource (which is based on the script resource) is different from the ruby_block resource because Ruby code that is run with this resource is created as a temporary file and executed like other script resources, rather than run inline.

No examples.


Use the directory resource to manage a directory, which is a hierarchy of folders that comprises all of the information stored on a computer. The root directory is the top-level, under which the rest of the directory is organized. The directory resource uses the name property to specify the path to a location in a directory. Typically, permission to access that location in the directory is required.

Create a directory

directory '/tmp/something' do
  owner 'root'
  group 'root'
  mode '0755'
  action :create

Create a directory in Microsoft Windows

directory "C:\\tmp\\something.txt" do
  rights :full_control, "DOMAIN\\User"
  inherits false
  action :create


directory 'C:\tmp\something.txt' do
  rights :full_control, 'DOMAIN\User'
  inherits false
  action :create


The difference between the two previous examples is the single- versus double-quoted strings, where if the double quotes are used, the backslash character (\) must be escaped using the Ruby escape character (which is a backslash).

Create a directory recursively

%w{dir1 dir2 dir3}.each do |dir|
  directory "/tmp/mydirs/#{dir}" do
    mode '0755'
    owner 'root'
    group 'root'
    action :create
    recursive true

Delete a directory

directory '/tmp/something' do
  recursive true
  action :delete

Set directory permissions using a variable

The following example shows how read/write/execute permissions can be set using a variable named user_home, and then for owners and groups on any matching node:

user_home = "/#{node[:matching_node][:user]}"

directory user_home do
  owner 'node[:matching_node][:user]'
  group 'node[:matching_node][:group]'
  mode '0755'
  action :create

where matching_node represents a type of node. For example, if the user_home variable specified {node[:nginx]...}, a recipe might look similar to:

user_home = "/#{node[:nginx][:user]}"

directory user_home do
  owner 'node[:nginx][:user]'
  group 'node[:nginx][:group]'
  mode '0755'
  action :create

Set directory permissions for a specific type of node

The following example shows how permissions can be set for the /certificates directory on any node that is running Nginx. In this example, permissions are being set for the owner and group properties as root, and then read/write permissions are granted to the root.

directory "#{node[:nginx][:dir]}/shared/certificates" do
  owner 'root'
  group 'root'
  mode '0755'
  recursive true

Reload the configuration

The following example shows how to reload the configuration of a chef-client using the remote_file resource to:

  • using an if statement to check whether the plugins on a node are the latest versions
  • identify the location from which Ohai plugins are stored
  • using the notifies property and a ruby_block resource to trigger an update (if required) and to then reload the client.rb file.
directory 'node[:ohai][:plugin_path]' do
  owner 'chef'
  recursive true

ruby_block 'reload_config' do
  block do
  action :nothing

if node[:ohai].key?(:plugins)
  node[:ohai][:plugins].each do |plugin|
    remote_file node[:ohai][:plugin_path] +"/#{plugin}" do
      source plugin
      owner 'chef'
              notifies :run, 'ruby_block[reload_config]', :immediately

Manage dotfiles

The following example shows using the directory and cookbook_file resources to manage dotfiles. The dotfiles are defined by a JSON data structure similar to:

"files": {
  ".zshrc": {
    "mode": '0755',
    "source": "dot-zshrc"
  ".bashrc": {
    "mode": '0755',
    "source": "dot-bashrc"
  ".bash_profile": {
    "mode": '0755',
    "source": "dot-bash_profile"

and then the following resources manage the dotfiles:

if u.has_key?('files')
  u['files'].each do |filename, file_data|

  directory "#{home_dir}/#{File.dirname(filename)}" do
    recursive true
    mode '0755'
  end if file_data['subdir']

  cookbook_file "#{home_dir}/#{filename}" do
    source "#{u['id']}/#{file_data['source']}"
    owner 'u['id']'
    group 'group_id'
    mode 'file_data['mode']'
    ignore_failure true
    backup 0


Use the dpkg_package resource to manage packages for the dpkg platform. When a package is installed from a local file, it must be added to the node using the remote_file or cookbook_file resources.

Install a package

dpkg_package 'wget_1.13.4-2ubuntu1.4_amd64.deb' do
  source '/foo/bar/wget_1.13.4-2ubuntu1.4_amd64.deb'
  action :install


The dsc_resource resource allows any DSC resource to be used in a Chef recipe, as well as any custom resources that have been added to your Windows PowerShell environment. Microsoft frequently adds new resources to the DSC resource collection.

Open a Zip file

dsc_resource 'example' do
   resource :archive
   property :ensure, 'Present'
   property :path, 'C:\Users\Public\Documents\'
   property :destination, 'C:\Users\Public\Documents\ExtractionPath'

Manage users and groups

dsc_resource 'demogroupadd' do
  resource :group
  property :groupname, 'demo1'
  property :ensure, 'present'

dsc_resource 'useradd' do
  resource :user
  property :username, 'Foobar1'
  property :fullname, 'Foobar1'
  property :password, ps_credential('P@assword!')
  property :ensure, 'present'

dsc_resource 'AddFoobar1ToUsers' do
  resource :Group
  property :GroupName, 'demo1'
  property :MembersToInclude, ['Foobar1']

Create a test message queue

The following example creates a file on a node (based on one that is located in a cookbook), unpacks the Windows PowerShell module, and then uses the dsc_resource to ensure that Message Queuing (MSMQ) sub-features are installed, a test queue is created, and that permissions are set on the test queue:

cookbook_file '' do
  path "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}\\"
  action :create_if_missing

windows_zipfile "#{ENV['PROGRAMW6432']}\\WindowsPowerShell\\Modules" do
  source "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}\\"
  action :unzip

dsc_resource 'install-sub-features' do
  resource :windowsfeature
  property :ensure, 'Present'
  property :name, 'msmq'
  property :IncludeAllSubFeature, true

dsc_resource 'create-test-queue' do
  resource :cPrivateMsmqQueue
  property :ensure, 'Present'
  property :name, 'Test_Queue'

dsc_resource 'set-permissions' do
  resource :cPrivateMsmqQueuePermissions
  property :ensure, 'Present'
  property :name, 'Test_Queue_Permissions'
  property :QueueNames, 'Test_Queue'
  property :ReadUsers, node['msmq']['read_user']


Many DSC resources are comparable to built-in Chef resources. For example, both DSC and Chef have file, package, and service resources. The dsc_script resource is most useful for those DSC resources that do not have a direct comparison to a resource in Chef, such as the Archive resource, a custom DSC resource, an existing DSC script that performs an important task, and so on. Use the dsc_script resource to embed the code that defines a DSC configuration directly within a Chef recipe.

New in Chef Client 12.2. Changed in Chef Client 12.6.

Specify DSC code directly

DSC data can be specified directly in a recipe:

dsc_script 'emacs' do
  code <<-EOH
  Environment 'texteditor'
    Name = 'EDITOR'
    Value = 'c:\\emacs\\bin\\emacs.exe'

Specify DSC code using a Windows PowerShell data file

Use the command property to specify the path to a Windows PowerShell data file. For example, the following Windows PowerShell script defines the DefaultEditor:

Configuration 'DefaultEditor'
  Environment 'texteditor'
      Name = 'EDITOR'
      Value = 'c:\emacs\bin\emacs.exe'

Use the following recipe to specify the location of that data file:

dsc_script 'DefaultEditor' do
  command 'c:\dsc_scripts\emacs.ps1'

Pass parameters to DSC configurations

If a DSC script contains configuration data that takes parameters, those parameters may be passed using the flags property. For example, the following Windows PowerShell script takes parameters for the EditorChoice and EditorFlags settings:

$choices = @{'emacs' = 'c:\emacs\bin\emacs';'vi' = 'c:\vim\vim.exe';'powershell' = 'powershell_ise.exe'}
  Configuration 'DefaultEditor'
          $EditorFlags = ''
      Environment 'TextEditor'
        Name = 'EDITOR'
        Value =  "$($choices[$EditorChoice]) $EditorFlags"

Use the following recipe to set those parameters:

dsc_script 'DefaultEditor' do
  flags ({ :EditorChoice => 'emacs', :EditorFlags => '--maximized' })
  command 'c:\dsc_scripts\editors.ps1'

Use custom configuration data

Configuration data in DSC scripts may be customized from a recipe. For example, scripts are typically customized to set the behavior for Windows PowerShell credential data types. Configuration data may be specified in one of three ways:

  • By using the configuration_data attribute
  • By using the configuration_data_script attribute
  • By specifying the path to a valid Windows PowerShell data file

The following example shows how to specify custom configuration data using the configuration_data property:

dsc_script 'BackupUser' do
  configuration_data <<-EOH
     AllNodes = @(
          NodeName = "localhost";
          PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword = $true
  code <<-EOH
    $user = 'backup'
    $password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "YourPass$(random)" -AsPlainText -Force
    $cred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $user, $password

   User $user
       UserName = $user
       Password = $cred
       Description = 'Backup operator'
       Ensure = "Present"
       Disabled = $false
       PasswordNeverExpires = $true
       PasswordChangeRequired = $false

The following example shows how to specify custom configuration data using the configuration_name property. For example, the following Windows PowerShell script defines the vi configuration:

Configuration 'emacs'
    Environment 'TextEditor'
      Name = 'EDITOR'
      Value = 'c:\emacs\bin\emacs.exe'

Configuration 'vi'
    Environment 'TextEditor'
      Name = 'EDITOR'
      Value = 'c:\vim\bin\vim.exe'

Use the following recipe to specify that configuration:

dsc_script 'EDITOR' do
  configuration_name 'vi'
  command 'C:\dsc_scripts\editors.ps1'

Using DSC with other Chef resources

The dsc_script resource can be used with other resources. The following example shows how to download a file using the remote_file resource, and then uncompress it using the DSC Archive resource:

remote_file "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}\\" do
  source ''

dsc_script 'get-dsc-resource-kit' do
  code <<-EOH
    Archive reskit
      ensure = 'Present'
      path = "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}\\"
      destination = "#{ENV['PROGRAMW6432']}\\WindowsPowerShell\\Modules"


Use the windows_env resource to manage environment keys in Microsoft Windows. After an environment key is set, Microsoft Windows must be restarted before the environment key will be available to the Task Scheduler.

This resource was previously called the env resource; its name was updated in Chef Client 14.0 to reflect the fact that only Windows is supported. Existing cookbooks using env will continue to function, but should be updated to use the new name.

Set an environment variable

windows_env 'ComSpec' do
  value "C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe"


Use the execute resource to execute a single command. Commands that are executed with this resource are (by their nature) not idempotent, as they are typically unique to the environment in which they are run. Use not_if and only_if to guard this resource for idempotence.

Run a command upon notification

execute 'slapadd' do
  command 'slapadd < /tmp/something.ldif'
  creates '/var/lib/slapd/uid.bdb'
  action :nothing

template '/tmp/something.ldif' do
  source 'something.ldif'
  notifies :run, 'execute[slapadd]', :immediately

Run a touch file only once while running a command

execute 'upgrade script' do
  command 'php upgrade-application.php && touch /var/application/.upgraded'
  creates '/var/application/.upgraded'
  action :run

Run a command which requires an environment variable

execute 'slapadd' do
  command 'slapadd < /tmp/something.ldif'
  creates '/var/lib/slapd/uid.bdb'
  action :run
  environment ({'HOME' => '/home/myhome'})

Delete a repository using yum to scrub the cache

# the following code sample thanks to gaffneyc @

execute 'clean-yum-cache' do
  command 'yum clean all'
  action :nothing

file '/etc/yum.repos.d/bad.repo' do
  action :delete
  notifies :run, 'execute[clean-yum-cache]', :immediately
  notifies :create, 'ruby_block[reload-internal-yum-cache]', :immediately

Install repositories from a file, trigger a command, and force the internal cache to reload

The following example shows how to install new Yum repositories from a file, where the installation of the repository triggers a creation of the Yum cache that forces the internal cache for the chef-client to reload:

execute 'create-yum-cache' do
 command 'yum -q makecache'
 action :nothing

ruby_block 'reload-internal-yum-cache' do
  block do
  action :nothing

cookbook_file '/etc/yum.repos.d/custom.repo' do
  source 'custom'
  mode '0755'
  notifies :run, 'execute[create-yum-cache]', :immediately
  notifies :create, 'ruby_block[reload-internal-yum-cache]', :immediately

Prevent restart and reconfigure if configuration is broken

Use the :nothing action (common to all resources) to prevent the test from starting automatically, and then use the subscribes notification to run a configuration test when a change to the template is detected:

execute 'test-nagios-config' do
  command 'nagios3 --verify-config'
  action :nothing
  subscribes :run, 'template[/etc/nagios3/configures-nagios.conf]', :immediately

Notify in a specific order

To notify multiple resources, and then have these resources run in a certain order, do something like the following:

execute 'foo' do
  command '...'
  notifies :create, 'template[baz]', :immediately
  notifies :install, 'package[bar]', :immediately
  notifies :run, 'execute[final]', :immediately

template 'baz' do
  notifies :run, 'execute[restart_baz]', :immediately

package 'bar'

execute 'restart_baz'

execute 'final' do
  command '...'

where the sequencing will be in the same order as the resources are listed in the recipe: execute 'foo', template 'baz', execute [restart_baz], package 'bar', and execute 'final'.

Execute a command using a template

The following example shows how to set up IPv4 packet forwarding using the execute resource to run a command named forward_ipv4 that uses a template defined by the template resource:

execute 'forward_ipv4' do
  command 'echo > /proc/.../ipv4/ip_forward'
  action :nothing

template '/etc/file_name.conf' do
  source 'routing/file_name.conf.erb'
  notifies :run, 'execute[forward_ipv4]', :delayed

where the command property for the execute resource contains the command that is to be run and the source property for the template resource specifies which template to use. The notifies property for the template specifies that the execute[forward_ipv4] (which is defined by the execute resource) should be queued up and run at the end of the chef-client run.

Add a rule to an IP table

The following example shows how to add a rule named test_rule to an IP table using the execute resource to run a command using a template that is defined by the template resource:

execute 'test_rule' do
  command 'command_to_run
    --option value
    --option value
    --source #{node[:name_of_node][:ipsec][:local][:subnet]}
    -j test_rule'
  action :nothing

template '/etc/file_name.local' do
  source 'routing/file_name.local.erb'
  notifies :run, 'execute[test_rule]', :delayed

where the command property for the execute resource contains the command that is to be run and the source property for the template resource specifies which template to use. The notifies property for the template specifies that the execute[test_rule] (which is defined by the execute resource) should be queued up and run at the end of the chef-client run.

Stop a service, do stuff, and then restart it

The following example shows how to use the execute, service, and mount resources together to ensure that a node running on Amazon EC2 is running MySQL. This example does the following:

  • Checks to see if the Amazon EC2 node has MySQL
  • If the node has MySQL, stops MySQL
  • Installs MySQL
  • Mounts the node
  • Restarts MySQL
# the following code sample comes from the ``server_ec2``
# recipe in the following cookbook:

if (node.attribute?('ec2') && !['mysql']['ec2_path']))

  service 'mysql' do
    action :stop

  execute 'install-mysql' do
    command "mv #{node['mysql']['data_dir']} #{node['mysql']['ec2_path']}"
    not_if do['mysql']['ec2_path']) end

  [node['mysql']['ec2_path'], node['mysql']['data_dir']].each do |dir|
    directory dir do
      owner 'mysql'
      group 'mysql'

  mount node['mysql']['data_dir'] do
    device node['mysql']['ec2_path']
    fstype 'none'
    options 'bind,rw'
    action [:mount, :enable]

  service 'mysql' do
    action :start



  • the two service resources are used to stop, and then restart the MySQL service
  • the execute resource is used to install MySQL
  • the mount resource is used to mount the node and enable MySQL

Use the platform_family? method

The following is an example of using the platform_family? method in the Recipe DSL to create a variable that can be used with other resources in the same recipe. In this example, platform_family? is being used to ensure that a specific binary is used for a specific platform before using the remote_file resource to download a file from a remote location, and then using the execute resource to install that file by running a command.

if platform_family?('rhel')
  pip_binary = '/usr/bin/pip'
  pip_binary = '/usr/local/bin/pip'

remote_file "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/" do
  source ''
  mode '0755'
  not_if { File.exist?(pip_binary) }

execute 'install-pip' do
  cwd Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]
  command <<-EOF
    # command for installing Python goes here
  not_if { File.exist?(pip_binary) }

where a command for installing Python might look something like:

#{::File.dirname(pip_binary)}/easy_install pip

Control a service using the execute resource


This is an example of something that should NOT be done. Use the service resource to control a service, not the execute resource.

Do something like this:

service 'tomcat' do
  action :start

and NOT something like this:

execute 'start-tomcat' do
  command '/etc/init.d/tomcat6 start'
  action :run

There is no reason to use the execute resource to control a service because the service resource exposes the start_command property directly, which gives a recipe full control over the command issued in a much cleaner, more direct manner.

Use the search recipe DSL method to find users

The following example shows how to use the search method in the Recipe DSL to search for users:

#  the following code sample comes from the openvpn cookbook:

search("users", "*:*") do |u|
  execute "generate-openvpn-#{u['id']}" do
    command "./pkitool #{u['id']}"
    cwd '/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa'
      'EASY_RSA' => '/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa',
      'KEY_CONFIG' => '/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/openssl.cnf',
      'KEY_DIR' => node['openvpn']['key_dir'],
      'CA_EXPIRE' => node['openvpn']['key']['ca_expire'].to_s,
      'KEY_EXPIRE' => node['openvpn']['key']['expire'].to_s,
      'KEY_SIZE' => node['openvpn']['key']['size'].to_s,
      'KEY_COUNTRY' => node['openvpn']['key']['country'],
      'KEY_PROVINCE' => node['openvpn']['key']['province'],
      'KEY_CITY' => node['openvpn']['key']['city'],
      'KEY_ORG' => node['openvpn']['key']['org'],
      'KEY_EMAIL' => node['openvpn']['key']['email']
    not_if { File.exist?("#{node['openvpn']['key_dir']}/#{u['id']}.crt") }

  %w{ conf ovpn }.each do |ext|
    template "#{node['openvpn']['key_dir']}/#{u['id']}.#{ext}" do
      source 'client.conf.erb'
      variables :username => u['id']

  execute "create-openvpn-tar-#{u['id']}" do
    cwd node['openvpn']['key_dir']
    command <<-EOH
      tar zcf #{u['id']}.tar.gz \
      ca.crt #{u['id']}.crt #{u['id']}.key \
      #{u['id']}.conf #{u['id']}.ovpn \
    not_if { File.exist?("#{node['openvpn']['key_dir']}/#{u['id']}.tar.gz") }


  • the search will use both of the execute resources, unless the condition specified by the not_if commands are met
  • the environments property in the first execute resource is being used to define values that appear as variables in the OpenVPN configuration
  • the template resource tells the chef-client which template to use

Enable remote login for macOS

execute 'enable ssh' do
  command '/usr/sbin/systemsetup -setremotelogin on'
  not_if '/usr/sbin/systemsetup -getremotelogin | /usr/bin/grep On'
  action :run

Execute code immediately, based on the template resource

By default, notifications are :delayed, that is they are queued up as they are triggered, and then executed at the very end of a chef-client run. To run an action immediately, use :immediately:

template '/etc/nagios3/configures-nagios.conf' do
  # other parameters
  notifies :run, 'execute[test-nagios-config]', :immediately

and then the chef-client would immediately run the following:

execute 'test-nagios-config' do
  command 'nagios3 --verify-config'
  action :nothing

Sourcing a file

The execute resource cannot be used to source a file (e.g. command 'source filename'). The following example will fail because source is not an executable:

execute 'foo' do
  command 'source /tmp/'

Instead, use the script resource or one of the script-based resources (bash, csh, perl, python, or ruby). For example:

bash 'foo' do
  code 'source /tmp/'

Run a Knife command

execute 'create_user' do
  command <<-EOM.gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip!
        knife user create #{user}
      --password password
      --file /home/vagrant/.chef/user.pem
      --config /tmp/knife-admin.rb

Run install command into virtual environment

The following example shows how to install a lightweight JavaScript framework into Vagrant:

execute "install q and zombiejs" do
  cwd "/home/vagrant"
  user "vagrant"
  environment ({'HOME' => '/home/vagrant', 'USER' => 'vagrant'})
  command "npm install -g q zombie should mocha coffee-script"
  action :run

Run a command as a named user

The following example shows how to run bundle install from a chef-client run as a specific user. This will put the gem into the path of the user (vagrant) instead of the root user (under which the chef-client runs):

execute '/opt/chefdk/embedded/bin/bundle install' do
  cwd node['chef_workstation']['bundler_path']
  user node['chef_workstation']['user']
  environment ({
    'HOME' => "/home/#{node['chef_workstation']['user']}",
    'USER' => node['chef_workstation']['user']
  not_if 'bundle check'


Use the file resource to manage files directly on a node.

Create a file

file '/tmp/something' do
  owner 'root'
  group 'root'
  mode '0755'
  action :create

Create a file in Microsoft Windows

To create a file in Microsoft Windows, be sure to add an escape character—\—before the backslashes in the paths:

file 'C:\\tmp\\something.txt' do
  rights :read, 'Everyone'
  rights :full_control, 'DOMAIN\\User'
  action :create

Remove a file

file '/tmp/something' do
  action :delete

Set file modes

file '/tmp/something' do
  mode '0755'

Delete a repository using yum to scrub the cache

# the following code sample thanks to gaffneyc @

execute 'clean-yum-cache' do
  command 'yum clean all'
  action :nothing

file '/etc/yum.repos.d/bad.repo' do
  action :delete
  notifies :run, 'execute[clean-yum-cache]', :immediately
  notifies :create, 'ruby_block[reload-internal-yum-cache]', :immediately

Add the value of a data bag item to a file

The following example shows how to get the contents of a data bag item named impossible_things, create a .pem file located at some/directory/path/, and then use the content attribute to update the contents of that file with the value of the impossible_things data bag item:

private_key = data_bag_item('impossible_things', private_key_name)['private_key']

file "some/directory/path/#{private_key_name}.pem" do
  content private_key
  owner 'root'
  group 'group'
  mode '0755'

Write a YAML file

The following example shows how to use the content property to write a YAML file:

file "#{app['deploy_to']}/shared/config/settings.yml" do
  owner "app['owner']"
  group "app['group']"
  mode '0755'
  content app.to_yaml

Write a string to a file

The following example specifies a directory, and then uses the content property to add a string to the file created in that directory:

status_file = '/path/to/file/status_file'

file status_file do
  owner 'root'
  group 'root'
  mode '0755'
  content 'My favourite foremost coastal Antarctic shelf, oh Larsen B!'

Create a file from a copy

The following example shows how to copy a file from one directory to another, locally on a node:

file '/root/1.txt' do
  action :create

where the content attribute uses the Ruby method to get the contents of the /tmp/1.txt file.


Use the freebsd_package resource to manage packages for the FreeBSD platform.

Install a package

freebsd_package 'name of package' do
  action :install


Use the gem_package resource to manage gem packages that are only included in recipes. When a package is installed from a local file, it must be added to the node using the remote_file or cookbook_file resources.

Install a gems file from the local file system

gem_package 'right_aws' do
  source '/tmp/right_aws-1.11.0.gem'
  action :install

Use the ignore_failure common attribute

gem_package 'syntax' do
  action :install
  ignore_failure true


Use the git resource to manage source control resources that exist in a git repository. git version 1.6.5 (or higher) is required to use all of the functionality in the git resource.

Use the git mirror

git '/opt/mysources/couch' do
  repository 'git://'
  revision 'master'
  action :sync

Use different branches

To use different branches, depending on the environment of the node:

if node.chef_environment == 'QA'
   branch_name = 'staging'
   branch_name = 'master'

git '/home/user/deployment' do
   repository ''
   revision branch_name
   action :sync
   user 'user'
   group 'test'

where the branch_name variable is set to staging or master, depending on the environment of the node. Once this is determined, the branch_name variable is used to set the revision for the repository. If the git status command is used after running the example above, it will return the branch name as deploy, as this is the default value. Run the chef-client in debug mode to verify that the correct branches are being checked out:

$ sudo chef-client -l debug

Install an application from git using bash

The following example shows how Bash can be used to install a plug-in for rbenv named ruby-build, which is located in git version source control. First, the application is synchronized, and then Bash changes its working directory to the location in which ruby-build is located, and then runs a command.

 git "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/ruby-build" do
   repository 'git://'
   reference 'master'
   action :sync

 bash 'install_ruby_build' do
   cwd '#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/ruby-build'
   user 'rbenv'
   group 'rbenv'
   code <<-EOH
   environment 'PREFIX' => '/usr/local'

To read more about ruby-build, see here:

Upgrade packages from git

The following example uses the git resource to upgrade packages:

# the following code sample comes from the ``source`` recipe
# in the ``libvpx-cookbook`` cookbook:

git "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/libvpx" do
  repository node[:libvpx][:git_repository]
  revision node[:libvpx][:git_revision]
  action :sync
  notifies :run, 'bash[compile_libvpx]', :immediately

Pass in environment variables

git '/opt/mysources/couch' do
  repository 'git://'
  revision 'master'
  environment 'VAR' => 'whatever'
  action :sync


Use the group resource to manage a local group.

Append users to groups

group 'www-data' do
  action :modify
  members 'maintenance'
  append true

Add a user to group on the Windows platform

group 'Administrators' do
  members ['domain\foo']
  append true
  action :modify


Use the homebrew_package resource to manage packages for the macOS platform.

New in Chef Client 12.0.

Install a package

homebrew_package 'name of package' do
  action :install

Specify the Homebrew user with a UUID

homebrew_package 'emacs' do
  homebrew_user 1001

Specify the Homebrew user with a string

homebrew_package 'vim' do
  homebrew_user 'user1'


Use the http_request resource to send an HTTP request (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, HEAD, or OPTIONS) with an arbitrary message. This resource is often useful when custom callbacks are necessary.

Send a GET request

http_request 'some_message' do
  url ''

The message is sent as

Changed in Chef Client 12.0 to deprecate the hard-coded query string from earlier versions. Cookbooks that rely on this string need to be updated to manually add it to the URL as it is passed to the resource.

Send a POST request

To send a POST request as JSON data, convert the message to JSON and include the correct content-type header. For example:

http_request 'posting data' do
  action :post
  url ''
  message ({:some => 'data'}.to_json)
  headers({'AUTHORIZATION' => "Basic #{
    'Content-Type' => 'application/data'

Transfer a file only when the remote source changes

remote_file '/tmp/couch.png' do
  source ''
  action :nothing

http_request 'HEAD' do
  message ''
  url ''
  action :head
  if ::File.exist?('/tmp/couch.png')
    headers 'If-Modified-Since' => File.mtime('/tmp/couch.png').httpdate
  notifies :create, 'remote_file[/tmp/couch.png]', :immediately


Use the ifconfig resource to manage interfaces on Unix and Linux systems.

Configure a network interface

ifconfig "" do
  bootproto "dhcp"
  device "eth1"

will create the following interface:

vagrant@default-ubuntu-1204:~$ cat /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp

Specify a boot protocol

ifconfig '' do
  device 'eth0'

Specify a static IP address

ifconfig "" do
  device "eth1"

will create the following interface:

iface eth1 inet static

Update a static IP address with a boot protocol

ifconfig "" do
  bootproto "dhcp"
  device "eth1"

will update the interface from static to dhcp:

iface eth1 inet dhcp


Use the ips_package resource to manage packages (using Image Packaging System (IPS)) on the Solaris 11 platform.

Install a package

ips_package 'name of package' do
  action :install


Use the ksh resource to execute scripts using the Korn shell (ksh) interpreter. This resource may also use any of the actions and properties that are available to the execute resource. Commands that are executed with this resource are (by their nature) not idempotent, as they are typically unique to the environment in which they are run. Use not_if and only_if to guard this resource for idempotence. New in Chef Client 12.6.


The ksh script resource (which is based on the script resource) is different from the ruby_block resource because Ruby code that is run with this resource is created as a temporary file and executed like other script resources, rather than run inline.

No examples.


Use the log resource to create log entries. The log resource behaves like any other resource: built into the resource collection during the compile phase, and then run during the execution phase. (To create a log entry that is not built into the resource collection, use Chef::Log instead of the log resource.)


By default, every log resource that executes will count as an updated resource in the updated resource count at the end of a Chef run. You can disable this behavior by adding count_log_resource_updates false to your Chef client.rb configuration file.

Set default logging level

log 'a string to log'

Set debug logging level

log 'a debug string' do
  level :debug

Add a message to a log file

log 'message' do
  message 'This is the message that will be added to the log.'
  level :info


Use the macports_package resource to manage packages for the macOS platform.

Install a package

macports_package 'name of package' do
  action :install


Use the mdadm resource to manage RAID devices in a Linux environment using the mdadm utility. The mdadm resource will create and assemble an array, but it will not create the config file that is used to persist the array upon reboot. If the config file is required, it must be done by specifying a template with the correct array layout, and then by using the mount resource to create a file systems table (fstab) entry.

Create and assemble a RAID 0 array

The mdadm command can be used to create RAID arrays. For example, a RAID 0 array named /dev/md0 with 10 devices would have a command similar to the following:

$ mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=0 --raid-devices=10 /dev/s01.../dev/s10

where /dev/s01 .. /dev/s10 represents 10 devices (01, 02, 03, and so on). This same command, when expressed as a recipe using the mdadm resource, would be similar to:

mdadm '/dev/md0' do
  devices [ '/dev/s01', ... '/dev/s10' ]
  level 0
  action :create

(again, where /dev/s01 .. /dev/s10 represents devices /dev/s01, /dev/s02, /dev/s03, and so on).

Create and assemble a RAID 1 array

mdadm '/dev/md0' do
  devices [ '/dev/sda', '/dev/sdb' ]
  level 1
  action [ :create, :assemble ]

Create and assemble a RAID 5 array

The mdadm command can be used to create RAID arrays. For example, a RAID 5 array named /dev/sd0 with 4, and a superblock type of 0.90 would be similar to:

mdadm '/dev/sd0' do
  devices [ '/dev/s1', '/dev/s2', '/dev/s3', '/dev/s4' ]
  level 5
  metadata '0.90'
  chunk 32
  action :create


Use the mount resource to manage a mounted file system.

Mount a labeled file system

mount '/mnt/volume1' do
  device 'volume1'
  device_type :label
  fstype 'xfs'
  options 'rw'

Mount a local block drive

mount '/mnt/local' do
  device '/dev/sdb1'
  fstype 'ext3'

Mount a non-block file system

mount '/mount/tmp' do
  pass     0
  fstype   'tmpfs'
  device   '/dev/null'
  options  'nr_inodes=999k,mode=755,size=500m'
  action   [:mount, :enable]

Mount and add to the file systems table

mount '/export/www' do
  device 'nas1prod:/export/web_sites'
  fstype 'nfs'
  options 'rw'
  action [:mount, :enable]

Mount a remote file system

mount '/export/www' do
  device 'nas1prod:/export/web_sites'
  fstype 'nfs'
  options 'rw'

Mount a remote folder in Microsoft Windows

mount 'T:' do
  action :mount
  device '\\\\\\folder'

Unmount a remote folder in Microsoft Windows

mount 'T:' do
  action :umount
  device '\\\\\\D$'

Stop a service, do stuff, and then restart it

The following example shows how to use the execute, service, and mount resources together to ensure that a node running on Amazon EC2 is running MySQL. This example does the following:

  • Checks to see if the Amazon EC2 node has MySQL
  • If the node has MySQL, stops MySQL
  • Installs MySQL
  • Mounts the node
  • Restarts MySQL
# the following code sample comes from the ``server_ec2``
# recipe in the following cookbook:

if (node.attribute?('ec2') && !['mysql']['ec2_path']))

  service 'mysql' do
    action :stop

  execute 'install-mysql' do
    command "mv #{node['mysql']['data_dir']} #{node['mysql']['ec2_path']}"
    not_if do['mysql']['ec2_path']) end

  [node['mysql']['ec2_path'], node['mysql']['data_dir']].each do |dir|
    directory dir do
      owner 'mysql'
      group 'mysql'

  mount node['mysql']['data_dir'] do
    device node['mysql']['ec2_path']
    fstype 'none'
    options 'bind,rw'
    action [:mount, :enable]

  service 'mysql' do
    action :start



  • the two service resources are used to stop, and then restart the MySQL service
  • the execute resource is used to install MySQL
  • the mount resource is used to mount the node and enable MySQL


Use the ohai resource to reload the Ohai configuration on a node. This allows recipes that change system attributes (like a recipe that adds a user) to refer to those attributes later on during the chef-client run.

Reload Ohai

ohai 'reload' do
  action :reload

Reload Ohai after a new user is created

ohai 'reload_passwd' do
  action :nothing
  plugin 'etc'

user 'daemonuser' do
  home '/dev/null'
  shell '/sbin/nologin'
  system true
  notifies :reload, 'ohai[reload_passwd]', :immediately

ruby_block 'just an example' do
  block do
    # These variables will now have the new values
    puts node['etc']['passwd']['daemonuser']['uid']
    puts node['etc']['passwd']['daemonuser']['gid']


Use the openbsd_package resource to manage packages for the OpenBSD platform.

Install a package

openbsd_package 'name of package' do
  action :install

New in Chef Client 12.1.


Use the osx_profile resource to manage configuration profiles (.mobileconfig files) on the macOS platform. The osx_profile resource installs profiles by using the uuidgen library to generate a unique ProfileUUID, and then using the profiles command to install the profile on the system.

One liner to install profile from cookbook file

The profiles command will be used to install the specified configuration profile.

osx_profile ''

Install profile from cookbook file

The profiles command will be used to install the specified configuration profile. It can be in sub-directory within a cookbook.

osx_profile 'Install screensaver profile' do
  profile 'screensaver/'

Install profile from a hash

The profiles command will be used to install the configuration profile, which is provided as a hash.

profile_hash = {
  'PayloadIdentifier' => '',
  'PayloadRemovalDisallowed' => false,
  'PayloadScope' => 'System',
  'PayloadType' => 'Configuration',
  'PayloadUUID' => '1781fbec-3325-565f-9022-8aa28135c3cc',
  'PayloadOrganization' => 'Chef',
  'PayloadVersion' => 1,
  'PayloadDisplayName' => 'Screensaver Settings',
  'PayloadContent'=> [
      'PayloadType' => '',
      'PayloadVersion' => 1,
      'PayloadIdentifier' => '',
      'PayloadUUID' => '73fc30e0-1e57-0131-c32d-000c2944c108',
      'PayloadEnabled' => true,
      'PayloadDisplayName' => '',
      'PayloadContent' => {
        '' => {
          'Forced' => [
              'mcx_preference_settings' => {
                'idleTime' => 0,

osx_profile 'Install screensaver profile' do
  profile profile_hash

Remove profile using identifier in resource name

The profiles command will be used to remove the configuration profile specified by the provided identifier property.

osx_profile '' do
  action :remove

Remove profile by identifier and user friendly resource name

The profiles command will be used to remove the configuration profile specified by the provided identifier property.

osx_profile 'Remove screensaver profile' do
  identifier ''
  action :remove


Use the package resource to manage packages. When the package is installed from a local file (such as with RubyGems, dpkg, or RPM Package Manager), the file must be added to the node using the remote_file or cookbook_file resources.

Install a gems file for use in recipes

chef_gem 'right_aws' do
  action :install

require 'right_aws'

Install a gems file from the local file system

gem_package 'right_aws' do
  source '/tmp/right_aws-1.11.0.gem'
  action :install

Install a package

package 'tar' do
  action :install

Install a package version

package 'tar' do
  version '1.16.1-1'
  action :install

Install a package with options

package 'debian-archive-keyring' do
  action :install
  options '--force-yes'

Install a package with a response_file

Use of a response_file is only supported on Debian and Ubuntu at this time. Custom resources must be written to support the use of a response_file, which contains debconf answers to questions normally asked by the package manager on installation. Put the file in /files/default of the cookbook where the package is specified and the chef-client will use the cookbook_file resource to retrieve it.

To install a package with a response_file:

package 'sun-java6-jdk' do
  response_file 'java.seed'

Install a package using a specific provider

package 'tar' do
  action :install
  source '/tmp/tar-1.16.1-1.rpm'
  provider Chef::Provider::Package::Rpm

Install a specified architecture using a named provider

yum_package 'glibc-devel' do
  arch 'i386'

Purge a package

package 'tar' do
  action :purge

Remove a package

package 'tar' do
  action :remove

Upgrade a package

package 'tar' do
  action :upgrade

Use the ignore_failure common attribute

gem_package 'syntax' do
  action :install
  ignore_failure true

Use the provider common attribute

package 'some_package' do
  provider Chef::Provider::Package::Rubygems

Avoid unnecessary string interpolation

Do this:

package 'mysql-server' do
  version node['mysql']['version']
  action :install

and not this:

package 'mysql-server' do
  version "#{node['mysql']['version']}"
  action :install

Install a package in a platform

The following example shows how to use the package resource to install an application named app and ensure that the correct packages are installed for the correct platform:

package 'app_name' do
  action :install

case node[:platform]
when 'ubuntu','debian'
  package 'app_name-doc' do
    action :install
when 'centos'
  package 'app_name-html' do
    action :install

Install sudo, then configure /etc/sudoers/ file

The following example shows how to install sudo and then configure the /etc/sudoers file:

#  the following code sample comes from the ``default`` recipe in the ``sudo`` cookbook:

package 'sudo' do
  action :install

if node['authorization']['sudo']['include_sudoers_d']
  directory '/etc/sudoers.d' do
    mode        '0755'
    owner       'root'
    group       'root'
    action      :create

  cookbook_file '/etc/sudoers.d/README' do
    source      'README'
    mode        '0440'
    owner       'root'
    group       'root'
    action      :create

template '/etc/sudoers' do
  source 'sudoers.erb'
  mode '0440'
  owner 'root'
  group platform?('freebsd') ? 'wheel' : 'root'
    :sudoers_groups => node['authorization']['sudo']['groups'],
    :sudoers_users => node['authorization']['sudo']['users'],
    :passwordless => node['authorization']['sudo']['passwordless']


  • the package resource is used to install sudo
  • the if statement is used to ensure availability of the /etc/sudoers.d directory
  • the template resource tells the chef-client where to find the sudoers template
  • the variables property is a hash that passes values to template files (that are located in the templates/ directory for the cookbook

Use a case statement to specify the platform

The following example shows how to use a case statement to tell the chef-client which platforms and packages to install using cURL.

package 'curl'
  case node[:platform]
  when 'redhat', 'centos'
    package 'package_1'
    package 'package_2'
    package 'package_3'
  when 'ubuntu', 'debian'
    package 'package_a'
    package 'package_b'
    package 'package_c'

where node[:platform] for each node is identified by Ohai during every chef-client run. For example:

package 'curl'
  case node[:platform]
  when 'redhat', 'centos'
    package 'zlib-devel'
    package 'openssl-devel'
    package 'libc6-dev'
  when 'ubuntu', 'debian'
    package 'openssl'
    package 'pkg-config'
    package 'subversion'

Use symbols to reference attributes

Symbols may be used to reference attributes:

package 'mysql-server' do
  version node[:mysql][:version]
  action :install

instead of strings:

package 'mysql-server' do
  version node['mysql']['version']
  action :install

Use a whitespace array to simplify a recipe

The following examples show different ways of doing the same thing. The first shows a series of packages that will be upgraded:

package 'package-a' do
  action :upgrade

package 'package-b' do
  action :upgrade

package 'package-c' do
  action :upgrade

package 'package-d' do
  action :upgrade

and the next uses a single package resource and a whitespace array (%w):

package %w{package-a package-b package-c package-d} do
  action :upgrade

Specify the Homebrew user with a UUID

homebrew_package 'emacs' do
  homebrew_user 1001

Specify the Homebrew user with a string

homebrew_package 'vim' do
  homebrew_user 'user1'


Use the pacman_package resource to manage packages (using pacman) on the Arch Linux platform.

Install a package

pacman_package 'name of package' do
  action :install


Use the paludis_package resource to manage packages for the Paludis platform.

Install a package

paludis_package 'name of package' do
  action :install

New in Chef Client 12.1.


Use the perl resource to execute scripts using the Perl interpreter. This resource may also use any of the actions and properties that are available to the execute resource. Commands that are executed with this resource are (by their nature) not idempotent, as they are typically unique to the environment in which they are run. Use not_if and only_if to guard this resource for idempotence.


The perl script resource (which is based on the script resource) is different from the ruby_block resource because Ruby code that is run with this resource is created as a temporary file and executed like other script resources, rather than run inline.

No examples.


Use the portage_package resource to manage packages for the Gentoo platform.

Install a package

portage_package 'name of package' do
  action :install


Use the powershell_script resource to execute a script using the Windows PowerShell interpreter, much like how the script and script-based resources—bash, csh, perl, python, and ruby—are used. The powershell_script is specific to the Microsoft Windows platform and the Windows PowerShell interpreter.

The powershell_script resource creates and executes a temporary file (similar to how the script resource behaves), rather than running the command inline. Commands that are executed with this resource are (by their nature) not idempotent, as they are typically unique to the environment in which they are run. Use not_if and only_if to guard this resource for idempotence.

Write to an interpolated path

powershell_script 'write-to-interpolated-path' do
  code <<-EOH
  $stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/powershell-test.txt"
  $stream.WriteLine("In #{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}...word.")

Change the working directory

powershell_script 'cwd-then-write' do
  cwd Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]
  code <<-EOH
  $stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] "C:/powershell-test2.txt"
  $pwd = pwd
  $stream.WriteLine("This is the contents of: $pwd")
  $dirs = dir
  foreach ($dir in $dirs) {

Change the working directory in Microsoft Windows

powershell_script 'cwd-to-win-env-var' do
  cwd '%TEMP%'
  code <<-EOH
  $stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] "./temp-write-from-chef.txt"
  $stream.WriteLine("chef on windows rox yo!")

Pass an environment variable to a script

powershell_script 'read-env-var' do
  cwd Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]
  environment ({'foo' => 'BAZ'})
  code <<-EOH
  $stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] "./test-read-env-var.txt"
  $stream.WriteLine("FOO is $env:foo")

Evaluate for true and/or false

Use the convert_boolean_return attribute to raise an exception when certain conditions are met. For example, the following fragments will run successfully without error:

powershell_script 'false' do
  code '$false'


powershell_script 'true' do
  code '$true'

whereas the following will raise an exception:

powershell_script 'false' do
  convert_boolean_return true
  code '$false'

Use the flags attribute

powershell_script 'Install IIS' do
  code <<-EOH
  Import-Module ServerManager
  Add-WindowsFeature Web-Server
  flags '-NoLogo, -NonInteractive, -NoProfile, -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted, -InputFormat None, -File'
  guard_interpreter :powershell_script
  not_if '(Get-WindowsFeature -Name Web-Server).Installed'

Rename computer, join domain, reboot

The following example shows how to rename a computer, join a domain, and then reboot the computer:

reboot 'Restart Computer' do
  action :nothing

powershell_script 'Rename and Join Domain' do
  code <<-EOH
    ...your rename and domain join logic here...
  not_if <<-EOH
    $ComputerSystem = gwmi win32_computersystem
    ($ComputerSystem.Name -like '#{node['some_attribute_that_has_the_new_name']}') -and
  notifies :reboot_now, 'reboot[Restart Computer]', :immediately


  • The powershell_script resource block renames a computer, and then joins a domain
  • The reboot resource restarts the computer
  • The not_if guard prevents the Windows PowerShell script from running when the settings in the not_if guard match the desired state
  • The notifies statement tells the reboot resource block to run if the powershell_script block was executed during the chef-client run


Use the python resource to execute scripts using the Python interpreter. This resource may also use any of the actions and properties that are available to the execute resource. Commands that are executed with this resource are (by their nature) not idempotent, as they are typically unique to the environment in which they are run. Use not_if and only_if to guard this resource for idempotence.


The python script resource (which is based on the script resource) is different from the ruby_block resource because Ruby code that is run with this resource is created as a temporary file and executed like other script resources, rather than run inline.

No examples.


Use the reboot resource to reboot a node, a necessary step with some installations on certain platforms. This resource is supported for use on the Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms.

Reboot a node immediately

reboot 'now' do
  action :nothing
  reason 'Cannot continue Chef run without a reboot.'
  delay_mins 2

execute 'foo' do
  command '...'
  notifies :reboot_now, 'reboot[now]', :immediately

Reboot a node at the end of a chef-client run

reboot 'app_requires_reboot' do
  action :request_reboot
  reason 'Need to reboot when the run completes successfully.'
  delay_mins 5

Cancel a reboot

reboot 'cancel_reboot_request' do
  action :cancel
  reason 'Cancel a previous end-of-run reboot request.'

Rename computer, join domain, reboot

The following example shows how to rename a computer, join a domain, and then reboot the computer:

reboot 'Restart Computer' do
  action :nothing

powershell_script 'Rename and Join Domain' do
  code <<-EOH
    ...your rename and domain join logic here...
  not_if <<-EOH
    $ComputerSystem = gwmi win32_computersystem
    ($ComputerSystem.Name -like '#{node['some_attribute_that_has_the_new_name']}') -and
  notifies :reboot_now, 'reboot[Restart Computer]', :immediately


  • The powershell_script resource block renames a computer, and then joins a domain
  • The reboot resource restarts the computer
  • The not_if guard prevents the Windows PowerShell script from running when the settings in the not_if guard match the desired state
  • The notifies statement tells the reboot resource block to run if the powershell_script block was executed during the chef-client run


Use the registry_key resource to create and delete registry keys in Microsoft Windows.

Create a registry key

Use a double-quoted string:

registry_key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\path-to-key\\Policies\\System" do
  values [{
    name: 'EnableLUA',
    type: :dword,
    data: 0
  action :create

or a single-quoted string:

registry_key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\path-to-key\Policies\System' do
  values [{
    name: 'EnableLUA',
    type: :dword,
    data: 0
  action :create

Delete a registry key value

Use a double-quoted string:

registry_key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\path\\to\\key\\AU" do
  values [{
    name: 'NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers',
    type: :dword,
    data: ''
  action :delete

or a single-quoted string:

registry_key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\path\to\key\AU' do
  values [{
    name: 'NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers',
    type: :dword,
    data: ''
  action :delete


If data: is not specified, you get an error: Missing data key in RegistryKey values hash

Delete a registry key and its subkeys, recursively

Use a double-quoted string:

registry_key "HKCU\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\path\\to\\key\\Themes" do
  recursive true
  action :delete_key

or a single-quoted string:

registry_key 'HKCU\SOFTWARE\Policies\path\to\key\Themes' do
  recursive true
  action :delete_key


Be careful when using the :delete_key action with the recursive attribute. This will delete the registry key, all of its values and all of the names, types, and data associated with them. This cannot be undone by the chef-client.

Use re-directed keys

In 64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Example is a re-directed key. In the following examples, because HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Example is a 32-bit key, the output will be “Found 32-bit key” if they are run on a version of Microsoft Windows that is 64-bit:

registry_key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Example" do
  architecture :i386
  recursive true
  action :create


registry_key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Example" do
  architecture :x86_64
  recursive true
  action :delete_key


ruby_block 'check 32-bit' do
  block do
    puts 'Found 32-bit key'
  only_if {


ruby_block 'check 64-bit' do
  block do
    puts 'Found 64-bit key'
  only_if {

Set proxy settings to be the same as those used by the chef-client

Use a double-quoted string:

proxy = URI.parse(Chef::Config[:http_proxy])
registry_key "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\path\to\key\Internet Settings" do
  values [{name: 'ProxyEnable', type: :reg_dword, data: 1},
          {name: 'ProxyServer', data: "#{}:#{proxy.port}"},
          {name: 'ProxyOverride', type: :reg_string, data: <local>},
  action :create

or a single-quoted string:

proxy = URI.parse(Chef::Config[:http_proxy])
registry_key 'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\path\to\key\Internet Settings' do
  values [{name: 'ProxyEnable', type: :reg_dword, data: 1},
          {name: 'ProxyServer', data: "#{}:#{proxy.port}"},
          {name: 'ProxyOverride', type: :reg_string, data: <local>},
  action :create

Set the name of a registry key to “(Default)”

Use a double-quoted string:

registry_key 'Set (Default) value' do
  key "HKLM\\Software\\Test\\Key\\Path"
  values [
    {name: '', type: :string, data: 'test'},
  action :create

or a single-quoted string:

registry_key 'Set (Default) value' do
  key 'HKLM\Software\Test\Key\Path'
  values [
    {name: '', type: :string, data: 'test'},
  action :create

where name: '' contains an empty string, which will set the name of the registry key to (Default).


Use the remote_directory resource to incrementally transfer a directory from a cookbook to a node. The directory that is copied from the cookbook should be located under COOKBOOK_NAME/files/default/REMOTE_DIRECTORY. The remote_directory resource will obey file specificity.

Recursively transfer a directory from a remote location

# create up to 10 backups of the files
# set the files owner different from the directory
remote_directory '/tmp/remote_something' do
  source 'something'
  files_backup 10
  files_owner 'root'
  files_group 'root'
  files_mode '0644'
  owner 'nobody'
  group 'nobody'
  mode '0755'

Use with the chef_handler resource

The following example shows how to use the remote_directory resource and the chef_handler resource to reboot a handler named WindowsRebootHandler:

# the following code sample comes from the
# ``reboot_handler`` recipe in the ``windows`` cookbook:

remote_directory node['chef_handler']['handler_path'] do
  source 'handlers'
  recursive true
  action :create

chef_handler 'WindowsRebootHandler' do
  source "#{node['chef_handler']['handler_path']}/windows_reboot_handler.rb"
  arguments node['windows']['allow_pending_reboots']
  supports :report => true, :exception => false
  action :enable


Use the remote_file resource to transfer a file from a remote location using file specificity. This resource is similar to the file resource.

Transfer a file from a URL

remote_file '/tmp/testfile' do
  source ''
  mode '0755'
  checksum '3a7dac00b1' # A SHA256 (or portion thereof) of the file.

Install a file from a remote location using bash

The following is an example of how to install the foo123 module for Nginx. This module adds shell-style functionality to an Nginx configuration file and does the following:

  • Declares three variables
  • Gets the Nginx file from a remote location
  • Installs the file using Bash to the path specified by the src_filepath variable
# the following code sample is similar to the ``upload_progress_module``
# recipe in the ``nginx`` cookbook:

src_filename = "foo123-nginx-module-v#{
src_filepath = "#{Chef::Config['file_cache_path']}/#{src_filename}"
extract_path = "#{

remote_file 'src_filepath' do
  source node['nginx']['foo123']['url']
  checksum node['nginx']['foo123']['checksum']
  owner 'root'
  group 'root'
  mode '0755'

bash 'extract_module' do
  cwd ::File.dirname(src_filepath)
  code <<-EOH
    mkdir -p #{extract_path}
    tar xzf #{src_filename} -C #{extract_path}
    mv #{extract_path}/*/* #{extract_path}/
  not_if { ::File.exist?(extract_path) }

Store certain settings

The following recipe shows how an attributes file can be used to store certain settings. An attributes file is located in the attributes/ directory in the same cookbook as the recipe which calls the attributes file. In this example, the attributes file specifies certain settings for Python that are then used across all nodes against which this recipe will run.

Python packages have versions, installation directories, URLs, and checksum files. An attributes file that exists to support this type of recipe would include settings like the following:

default['python']['version'] = '2.7.1'

if python['install_method'] == 'package'
  default['python']['prefix_dir'] = '/usr'
  default['python']['prefix_dir'] = '/usr/local'

default['python']['url'] = ''
default['python']['checksum'] = '80e387...85fd61'

and then the methods in the recipe may refer to these values. A recipe that is used to install Python will need to do the following:

  • Identify each package to be installed (implied in this example, not shown)
  • Define variables for the package version and the install_path
  • Get the package from a remote location, but only if the package does not already exist on the target system
  • Use the bash resource to install the package on the node, but only when the package is not already installed
#  the following code sample comes from the ``oc-nginx`` cookbook on |github|:

version = node['python']['version']
install_path = "#{node['python']['prefix_dir']}/lib/python#{version.split(/(^\d+\.\d+)/)[1]}"

remote_file "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/Python-#{version}.tar.bz2" do
  source "#{node['python']['url']}/#{version}/Python-#{version}.tar.bz2"
  checksum node['python']['checksum']
  mode '0755'
  not_if { ::File.exist?(install_path) }

bash 'build-and-install-python' do
  cwd Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]
  code <<-EOF
    tar -jxvf Python-#{version}.tar.bz2
    (cd Python-#{version} && ./configure #{configure_options})
    (cd Python-#{version} && make && make install)
  not_if { ::File.exist?(install_path) }

Use the platform_family? method

The following is an example of using the platform_family? method in the Recipe DSL to create a variable that can be used with other resources in the same recipe. In this example, platform_family? is being used to ensure that a specific binary is used for a specific platform before using the remote_file resource to download a file from a remote location, and then using the execute resource to install that file by running a command.

if platform_family?('rhel')
  pip_binary = '/usr/bin/pip'
  pip_binary = '/usr/local/bin/pip'

remote_file "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/" do
  source ''
  mode '0755'
  not_if { File.exist?(pip_binary) }

execute 'install-pip' do
  cwd Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]
  command <<-EOF
    # command for installing Python goes here
  not_if { File.exist?(pip_binary) }

where a command for installing Python might look something like:

#{::File.dirname(pip_binary)}/easy_install pip

Specify local Windows file path as a valid URI

When specifying a local Microsoft Windows file path as a valid file URI, an additional forward slash (/) is required. For example:

remote_file 'file:///c:/path/to/file' do
  ...       # other attributes


Use the route resource to manage the system routing table in a Linux environment.

Add a host route

route '' do
  gateway ''
  device 'eth1'

Delete a network route

route '' do
  gateway ''
  action :delete


Use the rpm_package resource to manage packages for the RPM Package Manager platform.

Install a package

rpm_package 'name of package' do
  action :install


Use the ruby resource to execute scripts using the Ruby interpreter. This resource may also use any of the actions and properties that are available to the execute resource. Commands that are executed with this resource are (by their nature) not idempotent, as they are typically unique to the environment in which they are run. Use not_if and only_if to guard this resource for idempotence.


The ruby script resource (which is based on the script resource) is different from the ruby_block resource because Ruby code that is run with this resource is created as a temporary file and executed like other script resources, rather than run inline.

No examples.


Use the ruby_block resource to execute Ruby code during a chef-client run. Ruby code in the ruby_block resource is evaluated with other resources during convergence, whereas Ruby code outside of a ruby_block resource is evaluated before other resources, as the recipe is compiled.

Re-read configuration data

ruby_block 'reload_client_config' do
  block do
  action :run

Install repositories from a file, trigger a command, and force the internal cache to reload

The following example shows how to install new Yum repositories from a file, where the installation of the repository triggers a creation of the Yum cache that forces the internal cache for the chef-client to reload:

execute 'create-yum-cache' do
 command 'yum -q makecache'
 action :nothing

ruby_block 'reload-internal-yum-cache' do
  block do
  action :nothing

cookbook_file '/etc/yum.repos.d/custom.repo' do
  source 'custom'
  mode '0755'
  notifies :run, 'execute[create-yum-cache]', :immediately
  notifies :create, 'ruby_block[reload-internal-yum-cache]', :immediately

Use an if statement with the platform recipe DSL method

The following example shows how an if statement can be used with the platform? method in the Recipe DSL to run code specific to Microsoft Windows. The code is defined using the ruby_block resource:

# the following code sample comes from the ``client`` recipe
# in the following cookbook:

if platform?('windows')
  ruby_block 'copy libmysql.dll into ruby path' do
    block do
      require 'fileutils'
      FileUtils.cp "#{node['mysql']['client']['lib_dir']}\\libmysql.dll",
    not_if { File.exist?("#{node['mysql']['client']['ruby_dir']}\\libmysql.dll") }

Stash a file in a data bag

The following example shows how to use the ruby_block resource to stash a BitTorrent file in a data bag so that it can be distributed to nodes in the organization.

# the following code sample comes from the ``seed`` recipe
# in the following cookbook:

ruby_block 'share the torrent file' do
  block do
    f =['bittorrent']['torrent'],'rb')
    #read the .torrent file and base64 encode it
    enc = Base64.encode64(
    data = {
    item =
    item.raw_data = data
  action :nothing
  subscribes :create, "bittorrent_torrent[#{node['bittorrent']['torrent']}]", :immediately

Update the /etc/hosts file

The following example shows how the ruby_block resource can be used to update the /etc/hosts file:

# the following code sample comes from the ``ec2`` recipe
# in the following cookbook:

ruby_block 'edit etc hosts' do
  block do
    rc ='/etc/hosts')
    rc.search_file_replace_line(/^127\.0\.0\.1 localhost$/,
       ' #{new_fqdn} #{new_hostname} localhost')

Set environment variables

The following example shows how to use variables within a Ruby block to set environment variables using rbenv.

node.override[:rbenv][:root] = rbenv_root
node.override[:ruby_build][:bin_path] = rbenv_binary_path

ruby_block 'initialize' do
  block do
    ENV['RBENV_ROOT'] = node[:rbenv][:root]
    ENV['PATH'] = "#{node[:rbenv][:root]}/bin:#{node[:ruby_build][:bin_path]}:#{ENV['PATH']}"


The following example shows how to use a variable within a Ruby block to set the java_home environment variable:

ruby_block 'set-env-java-home' do
  block do
    ENV['JAVA_HOME'] = java_home

Reload the configuration

The following example shows how to reload the configuration of a chef-client using the remote_file resource to:

  • using an if statement to check whether the plugins on a node are the latest versions
  • identify the location from which Ohai plugins are stored
  • using the notifies property and a ruby_block resource to trigger an update (if required) and to then reload the client.rb file.
directory 'node[:ohai][:plugin_path]' do
  owner 'chef'
  recursive true

ruby_block 'reload_config' do
  block do
  action :nothing

if node[:ohai].key?(:plugins)
  node[:ohai][:plugins].each do |plugin|
    remote_file node[:ohai][:plugin_path] +"/#{plugin}" do
      source plugin
      owner 'chef'
              notifies :run, 'ruby_block[reload_config]', :immediately


Use the script resource to execute scripts using a specified interpreter, such as Bash, csh, Perl, Python, or Ruby. This resource may also use any of the actions and properties that are available to the execute resource. Commands that are executed with this resource are (by their nature) not idempotent, as they are typically unique to the environment in which they are run. Use not_if and only_if to guard this resource for idempotence.


The script resource is different from the ruby_block resource because Ruby code that is run with this resource is created as a temporary file and executed like other script resources, rather than run inline.

Use a named provider to run a script

bash 'install_something' do
  user 'root'
  cwd '/tmp'
  code <<-EOH
  tar -zxf tarball.tar.gz
  cd tarball
  make install

Run a script

script 'install_something' do
  interpreter 'bash'
  user 'root'
  cwd '/tmp'
  code <<-EOH
  tar -zxf tarball.tar.gz
  cd tarball
  make install

or something like:

bash 'openvpn-server-key' do
  environment('KEY_CN' => 'server')
  code <<-EOF
    openssl req -batch -days #{node['openvpn']['key']['expire']} \
      -nodes -new -newkey rsa:#{key_size} -keyout #{key_dir}/server.key \
      -out #{key_dir}/server.csr -extensions server \
      -config #{key_dir}/openssl.cnf
  not_if { File.exist?('#{key_dir}/server.crt') }

where code contains the OpenSSL command to be run. The not_if property tells the chef-client not to run the command if the file already exists.

Install a file from a remote location using bash

The following is an example of how to install the foo123 module for Nginx. This module adds shell-style functionality to an Nginx configuration file and does the following:

  • Declares three variables
  • Gets the Nginx file from a remote location
  • Installs the file using Bash to the path specified by the src_filepath variable
# the following code sample is similar to the ``upload_progress_module``
# recipe in the ``nginx`` cookbook:

src_filename = "foo123-nginx-module-v#{
src_filepath = "#{Chef::Config['file_cache_path']}/#{src_filename}"
extract_path = "#{

remote_file 'src_filepath' do
  source node['nginx']['foo123']['url']
  checksum node['nginx']['foo123']['checksum']
  owner 'root'
  group 'root'
  mode '0755'

bash 'extract_module' do
  cwd ::File.dirname(src_filepath)
  code <<-EOH
    mkdir -p #{extract_path}
    tar xzf #{src_filename} -C #{extract_path}
    mv #{extract_path}/*/* #{extract_path}/
  not_if { ::File.exist?(extract_path) }

Install an application from git using bash

The following example shows how Bash can be used to install a plug-in for rbenv named ruby-build, which is located in git version source control. First, the application is synchronized, and then Bash changes its working directory to the location in which ruby-build is located, and then runs a command.

 git "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/ruby-build" do
   repository 'git://'
   reference 'master'
   action :sync

 bash 'install_ruby_build' do
   cwd '#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/ruby-build'
   user 'rbenv'
   group 'rbenv'
   code <<-EOH
   environment 'PREFIX' => '/usr/local'

To read more about ruby-build, see here:

Store certain settings

The following recipe shows how an attributes file can be used to store certain settings. An attributes file is located in the attributes/ directory in the same cookbook as the recipe which calls the attributes file. In this example, the attributes file specifies certain settings for Python that are then used across all nodes against which this recipe will run.

Python packages have versions, installation directories, URLs, and checksum files. An attributes file that exists to support this type of recipe would include settings like the following:

default['python']['version'] = '2.7.1'

if python['install_method'] == 'package'
  default['python']['prefix_dir'] = '/usr'
  default['python']['prefix_dir'] = '/usr/local'

default['python']['url'] = ''
default['python']['checksum'] = '80e387...85fd61'

and then the methods in the recipe may refer to these values. A recipe that is used to install Python will need to do the following:

  • Identify each package to be installed (implied in this example, not shown)
  • Define variables for the package version and the install_path
  • Get the package from a remote location, but only if the package does not already exist on the target system
  • Use the bash resource to install the package on the node, but only when the package is not already installed
#  the following code sample comes from the ``oc-nginx`` cookbook on |github|:

version = node['python']['version']
install_path = "#{node['python']['prefix_dir']}/lib/python#{version.split(/(^\d+\.\d+)/)[1]}"

remote_file "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/Python-#{version}.tar.bz2" do
  source "#{node['python']['url']}/#{version}/Python-#{version}.tar.bz2"
  checksum node['python']['checksum']
  mode '0755'
  not_if { ::File.exist?(install_path) }

bash 'build-and-install-python' do
  cwd Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]
  code <<-EOF
    tar -jxvf Python-#{version}.tar.bz2
    (cd Python-#{version} && ./configure #{configure_options})
    (cd Python-#{version} && make && make install)
  not_if { ::File.exist?(install_path) }


Use the service resource to manage a service.

Start a service

service 'example_service' do
  action :start

Start a service, enable it

service 'example_service' do
  supports :status => true, :restart => true, :reload => true
  action [ :enable, :start ]

Use a pattern

service 'samba' do
  pattern 'smbd'
  action [:enable, :start]

Use the :nothing common action

service 'memcached' do
  action :nothing

Use the retries common attribute

service 'apache' do
  action [ :enable, :start ]
  retries 3

Use the retries and provider common attributes

service 'some_service' do
  provider Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart
  action [ :enable, :start ]
  retries 3

Manage a service, depending on the node platform

service 'example_service' do
  case node['platform']
  when 'centos','redhat','fedora'
    service_name 'redhat_name'
    service_name 'other_name'
  supports :restart => true
  action [ :enable, :start ]

Change a service provider, depending on the node platform

service 'example_service' do
  case node['platform']
  when 'ubuntu'
    if node['platform_version'].to_f >= 9.10
      provider Chef::Provider::Service::Upstart
  action [:enable, :start]

Reload a service using a template

To reload a service that is based on a template, use the template and service resources together in the same recipe, similar to the following:

template '/tmp/somefile' do
  mode '0755'
  source 'somefile.erb'

service 'apache' do
  action :enable
  subscribes :reload, 'template[/tmp/somefile]', :immediately

where the subscribes notification is used to reload the service whenever the template is modified.

Enable a service after a restart or reload

service 'apache' do
  supports :restart => true, :reload => true
  action :enable

Set an IP address using variables and a template

The following example shows how the template resource can be used in a recipe to combine settings stored in an attributes file, variables within a recipe, and a template to set the IP addresses that are used by the Nginx service. The attributes file contains the following:

default['nginx']['dir'] = '/etc/nginx'

The recipe then does the following to:

  • Declare two variables at the beginning of the recipe, one for the remote IP address and the other for the authorized IP address
  • Use the service resource to restart and reload the Nginx service
  • Load a template named authorized_ip.erb from the /templates directory that is used to set the IP address values based on the variables specified in the recipe
node.default['nginx']['remote_ip_var'] = 'remote_addr'
node.default['nginx']['authorized_ips'] = ['']

service 'nginx' do
  supports :status => true, :restart => true, :reload => true

template 'authorized_ip' do
  path "#{node['nginx']['dir']}/authorized_ip"
  source 'modules/authorized_ip.erb'
  owner 'root'
  group 'root'
  mode '0755'
    :remote_ip_var => node['nginx']['remote_ip_var'],
    :authorized_ips => node['nginx']['authorized_ips']

  notifies :reload, 'service[nginx]', :immediately

where the variables property tells the template to use the variables set at the beginning of the recipe and the source property is used to call a template file located in the cookbook’s /templates directory. The template file looks similar to:

geo $<%= @remote_ip_var %> $authorized_ip {
  default no;
  <% @authorized_ips.each do |ip| %>
  <%= "#{ip} yes;" %>
  <% end %>

Use a cron timer to manage a service

The following example shows how to install the crond application using two resources and a variable:

# the following code sample comes from the ``cron`` cookbook:

cron_package = case node['platform']
  when 'redhat', 'centos', 'scientific', 'fedora', 'amazon'
    node['platform_version'].to_f >= 6.0 ? 'cronie' : 'vixie-cron'

package cron_package do
  action :install

service 'crond' do
  case node['platform']
  when 'redhat', 'centos', 'scientific', 'fedora', 'amazon'
    service_name 'crond'
  when 'debian', 'ubuntu', 'suse'
    service_name 'cron'
  action [:start, :enable]


  • cron_package is a variable that is used to identify which platforms apply to which install packages
  • the package resource uses the cron_package variable to determine how to install the crond application on various nodes (with various platforms)
  • the service resource enables the crond application on nodes that have Red Hat, CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Fedora, or Amazon Web Services (AWS), and the cron service on nodes that run Debian, Ubuntu, or openSUSE

Restart a service, and then notify a different service

The following example shows how start a service named example_service and immediately notify the Nginx service to restart.

service 'example_service' do
  action :start
  notifies :restart, 'service[nginx]', :immediately

Stop a service, do stuff, and then restart it

The following example shows how to use the execute, service, and mount resources together to ensure that a node running on Amazon EC2 is running MySQL. This example does the following:

  • Checks to see if the Amazon EC2 node has MySQL
  • If the node has MySQL, stops MySQL
  • Installs MySQL
  • Mounts the node
  • Restarts MySQL
# the following code sample comes from the ``server_ec2``
# recipe in the following cookbook:

if (node.attribute?('ec2') && !['mysql']['ec2_path']))

  service 'mysql' do
    action :stop

  execute 'install-mysql' do
    command "mv #{node['mysql']['data_dir']} #{node['mysql']['ec2_path']}"
    not_if do['mysql']['ec2_path']) end

  [node['mysql']['ec2_path'], node['mysql']['data_dir']].each do |dir|
    directory dir do
      owner 'mysql'
      group 'mysql'

  mount node['mysql']['data_dir'] do
    device node['mysql']['ec2_path']
    fstype 'none'
    options 'bind,rw'
    action [:mount, :enable]

  service 'mysql' do
    action :start



  • the two service resources are used to stop, and then restart the MySQL service
  • the execute resource is used to install MySQL
  • the mount resource is used to mount the node and enable MySQL

Control a service using the execute resource


This is an example of something that should NOT be done. Use the service resource to control a service, not the execute resource.

Do something like this:

service 'tomcat' do
  action :start

and NOT something like this:

execute 'start-tomcat' do
  command '/etc/init.d/tomcat6 start'
  action :run

There is no reason to use the execute resource to control a service because the service resource exposes the start_command property directly, which gives a recipe full control over the command issued in a much cleaner, more direct manner.

Enable a service on AIX using the mkitab command

The service resource does not support using the :enable and :disable actions with resources that are managed using System Resource Controller (SRC). This is because System Resource Controller (SRC) does not have a standard mechanism for enabling and disabling services on system boot.

One approach for enabling or disabling services that are managed by System Resource Controller (SRC) is to use the execute resource to invoke mkitab, and then use that command to enable or disable the service.

The following example shows how to install a service:

execute "install #{node['chef_client']['svc_name']} in SRC" do
  command "mkssys -s #{node['chef_client']['svc_name']}
                  -p #{node['chef_client']['bin']}
                  -u root
                  -n 15
                  -f 9
                  -o #{node['chef_client']['log_dir']}/client.log
                  -e #{node['chef_client']['log_dir']}/client.log -a '
                  -i #{node['chef_client']['interval']}
                  -s #{node['chef_client']['splay']}'"
  not_if "lssrc -s #{node['chef_client']['svc_name']}"
  action :run

and then enable it using the mkitab command:

execute "enable #{node['chef_client']['svc_name']}" do
  command "mkitab '#{node['chef_client']['svc_name']}:2:once:/usr/bin/startsrc
                  -s #{node['chef_client']['svc_name']} > /dev/console 2>&1'"
  not_if "lsitab #{node['chef_client']['svc_name']}"


Use the smartos_package resource to manage packages for the SmartOS platform.

Install a package

smartos_package 'name of package' do
  action :install


The solaris_package resource is used to manage packages for the Solaris platform.

Install a package

solaris_package 'name of package' do
  source '/packages_directory'
  action :install


Use the subversion resource to manage source control resources that exist in a Subversion repository.

Get the latest version of an application

subversion 'CouchDB Edge' do
  repository ''
  revision 'HEAD'
  destination '/opt/mysources/couch'
  action :sync


Use the template resource to manage the contents of a file using an Embedded Ruby (ERB) template by transferring files from a sub-directory of COOKBOOK_NAME/templates/ to a specified path located on a host that is running the chef-client. This resource includes actions and properties from the file resource. Template files managed by the template resource follow the same file specificity rules as the remote_file and file resources.

Configure a file from a template

template '/tmp/config.conf' do
  source 'config.conf.erb'

Configure a file from a local template

template '/tmp/config.conf' do
  local true
  source '/tmp/config.conf.erb'

Configure a file using a variable map

template '/tmp/config.conf' do
  source 'config.conf.erb'
    :config_var => node['configs']['config_var']

Use the not_if condition

The following example shows how to use the not_if condition to create a file based on a template and using the presence of an attribute value on the node to specify the condition:

template '/tmp/somefile' do
  mode '0755'
  source 'somefile.erb'
  not_if { node['some_value'] }

The following example shows how to use the not_if condition to create a file based on a template and then Ruby code to specify the condition:

template '/tmp/somefile' do
  mode '0755'
  source 'somefile.erb'
  not_if do

The following example shows how to use the not_if condition to create a file based on a template and using a Ruby block (with curly braces) to specify the condition:

template '/tmp/somefile' do
  mode '0755'
  source 'somefile.erb'
  not_if { File.exist?('/etc/passwd') }

The following example shows how to use the not_if condition to create a file based on a template and using a string to specify the condition:

template '/tmp/somefile' do
  mode '0755'
  source 'somefile.erb'
  not_if 'test -f /etc/passwd'

Use the only_if condition

The following example shows how to use the only_if condition to create a file based on a template and using the presence of an attribute on the node to specify the condition:

template '/tmp/somefile' do
  mode '0755'
  source 'somefile.erb'
  only_if { node['some_value'] }

The following example shows how to use the only_if condition to create a file based on a template, and then use Ruby to specify a condition:

template '/tmp/somefile' do
  mode '0755'
  source 'somefile.erb'
  only_if do ! File.exist?('/etc/passwd') end

The following example shows how to use the only_if condition to create a file based on a template and using a string to specify the condition:

template '/tmp/somefile' do
  mode '0755'
  source 'somefile.erb'
  only_if 'test -f /etc/passwd'

Use a whitespace array (%w)

The following example shows how to use a Ruby whitespace array to define a list of configuration tools, and then use that list of tools within the template resource to ensure that all of these configuration tools are using the same RSA key:

%w{openssl.cnf pkitool vars Rakefile}.each do |f|
  template "/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/#{f}" do
    source "#{f}.erb"
    owner 'root'
    group 'root'
    mode '0755'

Use a relative path

template "#{ENV['HOME']}/chef-getting-started.txt" do
  source 'chef-getting-started.txt.erb'
  mode '0755'

Delay notifications

template '/etc/nagios3/configures-nagios.conf' do
  # other parameters
  notifies :run, 'execute[test-nagios-config]', :delayed

Notify immediately

By default, notifications are :delayed, that is they are queued up as they are triggered, and then executed at the very end of a chef-client run. To run an action immediately, use :immediately:

template '/etc/nagios3/configures-nagios.conf' do
  # other parameters
  notifies :run, 'execute[test-nagios-config]', :immediately

and then the chef-client would immediately run the following:

execute 'test-nagios-config' do
  command 'nagios3 --verify-config'
  action :nothing

Notify multiple resources

template '/etc/chef/server.rb' do
  source 'server.rb.erb'
  owner 'root'
  group 'root'
  mode '0755'
  notifies :restart, 'service[chef-solr]', :delayed
  notifies :restart, 'service[chef-solr-indexer]', :delayed
  notifies :restart, 'service[chef-server]', :delayed

Reload a service

template '/tmp/somefile' do
  mode '0755'
  source 'somefile.erb'
  notifies :reload, 'service[apache]', :immediately

Restart a service when a template is modified

template '/etc/www/configures-apache.conf' do
  notifies :restart, 'service[apache]', :immediately

Send notifications to multiple resources

To send notifications to multiple resources, just use multiple attributes. Multiple attributes will get sent to the notified resources in the order specified.

template '/etc/netatalk/netatalk.conf' do
  notifies :restart, 'service[afpd]', :immediately
  notifies :restart, 'service[cnid]', :immediately

service 'afpd'
service 'cnid'

Execute a command using a template

The following example shows how to set up IPv4 packet forwarding using the execute resource to run a command named forward_ipv4 that uses a template defined by the template resource:

execute 'forward_ipv4' do
  command 'echo > /proc/.../ipv4/ip_forward'
  action :nothing

template '/etc/file_name.conf' do
  source 'routing/file_name.conf.erb'
  notifies :run, 'execute[forward_ipv4]', :delayed

where the command property for the execute resource contains the command that is to be run and the source property for the template resource specifies which template to use. The notifies property for the template specifies that the execute[forward_ipv4] (which is defined by the execute resource) should be queued up and run at the end of the chef-client run.

Set an IP address using variables and a template

The following example shows how the template resource can be used in a recipe to combine settings stored in an attributes file, variables within a recipe, and a template to set the IP addresses that are used by the Nginx service. The attributes file contains the following:

default['nginx']['dir'] = '/etc/nginx'

The recipe then does the following to:

  • Declare two variables at the beginning of the recipe, one for the remote IP address and the other for the authorized IP address
  • Use the service resource to restart and reload the Nginx service
  • Load a template named authorized_ip.erb from the /templates directory that is used to set the IP address values based on the variables specified in the recipe
node.default['nginx']['remote_ip_var'] = 'remote_addr'
node.default['nginx']['authorized_ips'] = ['']

service 'nginx' do
  supports :status => true, :restart => true, :reload => true

template 'authorized_ip' do
  path "#{node['nginx']['dir']}/authorized_ip"
  source 'modules/authorized_ip.erb'
  owner 'root'
  group 'root'
  mode '0755'
    :remote_ip_var => node['nginx']['remote_ip_var'],
    :authorized_ips => node['nginx']['authorized_ips']

  notifies :reload, 'service[nginx]', :immediately

where the variables property tells the template to use the variables set at the beginning of the recipe and the source property is used to call a template file located in the cookbook’s /templates directory. The template file looks similar to:

geo $<%= @remote_ip_var %> $authorized_ip {
  default no;
  <% @authorized_ips.each do |ip| %>
  <%= "#{ip} yes;" %>
  <% end %>

Add a rule to an IP table

The following example shows how to add a rule named test_rule to an IP table using the execute resource to run a command using a template that is defined by the template resource:

execute 'test_rule' do
  command 'command_to_run
    --option value
    --option value
    --source #{node[:name_of_node][:ipsec][:local][:subnet]}
    -j test_rule'
  action :nothing

template '/etc/file_name.local' do
  source 'routing/file_name.local.erb'
  notifies :run, 'execute[test_rule]', :delayed

where the command property for the execute resource contains the command that is to be run and the source property for the template resource specifies which template to use. The notifies property for the template specifies that the execute[test_rule] (which is defined by the execute resource) should be queued up and run at the end of the chef-client run.

Apply proxy settings consistently across a Chef organization

The following example shows how a template can be used to apply consistent proxy settings for all nodes of the same type:

template "#{node[:matching_node][:dir]}/sites-available/site_proxy.conf" do
  source 'site_proxy.matching_node.conf.erb'
  owner 'root'
  group 'root'
  mode '0755'
    :ssl_certificate =>    "#{node[:matching_node][:dir]}/shared/certificates/site_proxy.crt",
    :ssl_key =>            "#{node[:matching_node][:dir]}/shared/certificates/site_proxy.key",
    :listen_port =>        node[:site][:matching_node_proxy][:listen_port],
    :server_name =>        node[:site][:matching_node_proxy][:server_name],
    :fqdn =>               node[:fqdn],
    :server_options =>     node[:site][:matching_node][:server][:options],
    :proxy_options =>      node[:site][:matching_node][:proxy][:options]

where matching_node represents a type of node (like Nginx) and site_proxy represents the type of proxy being used for that type of node (like Nexus).

Get template settings from a local file

The template resource can be used to render a template based on settings contained in a local file on disk or to get the settings from a template in a cookbook. Most of the time, the settings are retrieved from a template in a cookbook. The following example shows how the template resource can be used to retrieve these settings from a local file.

The following example is based on a few assumptions:

  • The environment is a Ruby on Rails application that needs render a file named database.yml
  • Information about the application—the user, their password, the server—is stored in a data bag on the Chef server
  • The application is already deployed to the system and that only requirement in this example is to render the database.yml file

The application source tree looks something like:

-> config/
   -> database.yml.erb


There should not be a file named database.yml (without the .erb), as the database.yml file is what will be rendered using the template resource.

The deployment of the app will end up in /srv, so the full path to this template would be something like /srv/myapp/current/config/database.yml.erb.

The content of the template itself may look like this:

<%= @rails_env %>:
   adapter: <%= @adapter %>
   host: <%= @host %>
   database: <%= @database %>
   username: <%= @username %>
   password: <%= @password %>
   encoding: 'utf8'
   reconnect: true

The recipe will be similar to the following:

results = search(:node, "role:myapp_database_master AND chef_environment:#{node.chef_environment}")
db_master = results[0]

template '/srv/myapp/shared/database.yml' do
  source '/srv/myapp/current/config/database.yml.erb'
  local true
    :rails_env => node.chef_environment,
    :adapter => db_master['myapp']['db_adapter'],
    :host => db_master['fqdn'],
    :database => "myapp_#{node.chef_environment}",
    :username => "myapp",
    :password => "SUPERSECRET",


  • the search method in the Recipe DSL is used to find the first node that is the database master (of which there should only be one)
  • the :adapter variable property may also require an attribute to have been set on a role, which then determines the correct adapter

The template will render similar to the following:

  adapter: mysql
  host: domU-12-31-39-14-F1-C3.compute-1.internal
  database: myapp_production
  username: myapp
  password: SUPERSECRET
  encoding: utf8
  reconnect: true

This example showed how to use the template resource to render a template based on settings contained in a local file. Some other issues that should be considered when using this type of approach include:

  • Should the database.yml file be in a .gitignore file?
  • How do developers run the application locally?
  • Does this work with chef-solo?

Pass values from recipe to template

The following example shows how pass a value to a template using the variables property in the template resource. The template file is similar to:

defaultGroup = splunk_indexers_<%= node['splunk']['receiver_port'] %>

[tcpout:splunk_indexers_<%= node['splunk']['receiver_port'] %>]
server=<% do |s| -%><%= s['ipaddress'] %>:<%= s['splunk']['receiver_port'] %> <% end.join(', ') -%>
<% @outputs_conf.each_pair do |name, value| -%>
<%= name %> = <%= value %>
<% end -%>

The recipe then uses the variables attribute to find the values for splunk_servers and outputs_conf, before passing them into the template:

template "#{splunk_dir}/etc/system/local/outputs.conf" do
  source 'outputs.conf.erb'
  mode '0755'
  variables :splunk_servers => splunk_servers, :outputs_conf => node['splunk']['outputs_conf']
  notifies :restart, 'service[splunk]'

This example can be found in the client.rb recipe and the outputs.conf.erb template files that are located in the chef-splunk cookbook that is maintained by Chef.


Use the user resource to add users, update existing users, remove users, and to lock/unlock user passwords.


System attributes are collected by Ohai at the start of every chef-client run. By design, the actions available to the user resource are processed after the start of the chef-client run. This means that system attributes added or modified by the user resource during the chef-client run must be reloaded before they can be available to the chef-client. These system attributes can be reloaded in two ways: by picking up the values at the start of the (next) chef-client run or by using the ohai resource to reload the system attributes during the current chef-client run.

Create a user named “random”

user 'random' do
  manage_home true
  comment 'User Random'
  uid '1234'
  gid '1234'
  home '/home/random'
  shell '/bin/bash'
  password '$1$JJsvHslV$szsCjVEroftprNn4JHtDi'

Create a system user

user 'systemguy' do
  comment 'system guy'
  system true
  shell '/bin/false'

Create a system user with a variable

The following example shows how to create a system user. In this instance, the home value is calculated and stored in a variable called user_home which sets the user’s home attribute.

user_home = "/home/#{node['cookbook_name']['user']}"

user node['cookbook_name']['user'] do
  gid node['cookbook_name']['group']
  shell '/bin/bash'
  home user_home
  system true
  action :create

Use SALTED-SHA512 passwords

macOS 10.7 calculates the password shadow hash using SALTED-SHA512. The length of the shadow hash value is 68 bytes, the salt value is the first 4 bytes, with the remaining 64 being the shadow hash itself. The following code will calculate password shadow hashes for macOS 10.7:

password = 'my_awesome_password'
salt = OpenSSL::Random.random_bytes(4)
encoded_password = OpenSSL::Digest::SHA512.hexdigest(salt + password)
shadow_hash = salt.unpack('H*').first + encoded_password

Use the calculated password shadow hash with the user resource:

user 'my_awesome_user' do
  password 'c9b3bd....d843'  # Length: 136

New in Chef Client 12.0.

Use SALTED-SHA512-PBKDF2 passwords

macOS 10.8 (and higher) calculates the password shadow hash using SALTED-SHA512-PBKDF2. The length of the shadow hash value is 128 bytes, the salt value is 32 bytes, and an integer specifies the number of iterations. The following code will calculate password shadow hashes for macOS 10.8 (and higher):

password = 'my_awesome_password'
salt = OpenSSL::Random.random_bytes(32)
iterations = 25000 # Any value above 20k should be fine.

shadow_hash = OpenSSL::PKCS5::pbkdf2_hmac(
salt_value = salt.unpack('H*').first

Use the calculated password shadow hash with the user resource:

user 'my_awesome_user' do
  password 'cbd1a....fc843'  # Length: 256
  salt 'bd1a....fc83'        # Length: 64
  iterations 25000

New in Chef Client 12.0.


Use the windows_package resource to manage Microsoft Installer Package (MSI) packages for the Microsoft Windows platform.

Install a package

windows_package '7zip' do
  action :install
  source 'C:\7z920.msi'

Specify a URL for the source attribute

windows_package '7zip' do
  source ''

Specify path and checksum

windows_package '7zip' do
  source ''
  checksum '7c8e873991c82ad9cfc123415254ea6101e9a645e12977dcd518979e50fdedf3'

Modify remote_file resource attributes

The windows_package resource may specify a package at a remote location using the remote_file_attributes property. This uses the remote_file resource to download the contents at the specified URL and passes in a Hash that modifes the properties of the remote_file resource.

For example:

windows_package '7zip' do
  source ''
  remote_file_attributes ({
    :path => 'C:\\7zip.msi',
    :checksum => '7c8e873991c82ad9cfc123415254ea6101e9a645e12977dcd518979e50fdedf3'

Download a nsis (Nullsoft) package resource

windows_package 'Mercurial 3.6.1 (64-bit)' do
  source ''
  checksum 'febd29578cb6736163d232708b834a2ddd119aa40abc536b2c313fc5e1b5831d'

Download a custom package

windows_package 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable' do
  source ''
  installer_type :custom
  options '/Q'


Use the windows_service resource to create, delete, and manage a service on the Microsoft Windows platform.

Start a service manually

windows_service 'BITS' do
  action :configure_startup
  startup_type :manual


Use the yum_package resource to install, upgrade, and remove packages with Yum for the Red Hat and CentOS platforms. The yum_package resource is able to resolve provides data for packages much like Yum can do when it is run from the command line. This allows a variety of options for installing packages, like minimum versions, virtual provides, and library names.

Install an exact version

yum_package 'netpbm = 10.35.58-8.el5'

Install a minimum version

yum_package 'netpbm >= 10.35.58-8.el5'

Install a minimum version using the default action

yum_package 'netpbm'

To install a package

yum_package 'netpbm' do
  action :install

To install a partial minimum version

yum_package 'netpbm >= 10'

To install a specific architecture

yum_package 'netpbm' do
  arch 'i386'


yum_package 'netpbm.x86_64'

To install a specific version-release

yum_package 'netpbm' do
  version '10.35.58-8.el5'

To install a specific version (even when older than the current)

yum_package 'tzdata' do
  version '2011b-1.el5'
  allow_downgrade true

Handle cookbook_file and yum_package resources in the same recipe

When a cookbook_file resource and a package resource are both called from within the same recipe, use the flush_cache attribute to dump the in-memory Yum cache, and then use the repository immediately to ensure that the correct package is installed:

cookbook_file '/etc/yum.repos.d/custom.repo' do
  source 'custom'
  mode '0755'

package 'only-in-custom-repo' do
  action :install
  flush_cache [ :before ]