babylonjs API Manual
- name
- onSuccess
- onError
- isCompleted
- taskState
- errorObject
- run(scene, onSuccess, onError)
- runTask(scene, onSuccess, onError)
- facetNb
- partitioningSubdivisions
- partitioningBBoxRatio
- mustDepthSortFacets
- facetDepthSortFrom
- isFacetDataEnabled
- onCollideObservable
- onCollide
- onCollisionPositionChangeObservable
- onCollisionPositionChange
- onMaterialChangedObservable
- definedFacingForward
- occlusionQueryAlgorithmType
- occlusionType
- occlusionRetryCount
- isOccluded
- isOcclusionQueryInProgress
- visibility
- alphaIndex
- isVisible
- isPickable
- showBoundingBox
- showSubMeshesBoundingBox
- isBlocker
- enablePointerMoveEvents
- renderingGroupId
- material
- receiveShadows
- renderOutline
- outlineColor
- outlineWidth
- renderOverlay
- overlayColor
- overlayAlpha
- hasVertexAlpha
- useVertexColors
- computeBonesUsingShaders
- numBoneInfluencers
- applyFog
- useOctreeForRenderingSelection
- useOctreeForPicking
- useOctreeForCollisions
- layerMask
- alwaysSelectAsActiveMesh
- actionManager
- physicsImpostor
- ellipsoid
- ellipsoidOffset
- collisionMask
- collisionGroup
- edgesWidth
- edgesColor
- subMeshes
- skeleton
- scaling
- isBlocked
- useBones
- checkCollisions
- collider
- this
- isDisposed()
- getClassName()
- toString(fullDetails)
- disableEdgesRendering()
- enableEdgesRendering(epsilon, checkVerticesInsteadOfIndices)
- getLOD(camera)
- getTotalVertices()
- getIndices()
- getVerticesData(kind)
- setVerticesData(kind, data, updatable, stride)
- updateVerticesData(kind, data, updateExtends, makeItUnique)
- setIndices(indices, totalVertices)
- isVerticesDataPresent(kind)
- getBoundingInfo()
- normalizeToUnitCube(includeDescendants)
- setBoundingInfo(boundingInfo)
- getWorldMatrix()
- movePOV(amountRight, amountUp, amountForward)
- calcMovePOV(amountRight, amountUp, amountForward)
- rotatePOV(flipBack, twirlClockwise, tiltRight)
- calcRotatePOV(flipBack, twirlClockwise, tiltRight)
- getHierarchyBoundingVectors(includeDescendants)
- isInFrustum(frustumPlanes)
- isCompletelyInFrustum(frustumPlanes)
- intersectsMesh(mesh, SolidParticle, precise, includeDescendants)
- intersectsPoint(point)
- getPhysicsImpostor()
- getPositionInCameraSpace(camera)
- getDistanceToCamera(camera)
- applyImpulse(force, contactPoint)
- setPhysicsLinkWith(otherMesh, pivot1, pivot2, options)
- moveWithCollisions(displacement)
- createOrUpdateSubmeshesOctree(maxCapacity, maxDepth)
- intersects(ray, fastCheck)
- clone(name, newParent, doNotCloneChildren)
- releaseSubMeshes()
- dispose(doNotRecurse, disposeMaterialAndTextures)
- addChild(mesh)
- removeChild(mesh)
- updateFacetData()
- getFacetLocalNormals()
- getFacetLocalPositions()
- getFacetLocalPartitioning()
- getFacetPosition(i)
- getFacetPositionToRef(i, ref)
- getFacetNormal(i)
- getFacetNormalToRef(i, ref) ��
- getFacetsAtLocalCoordinates(x, y, z)
- getClosestFacetAtCoordinates(x, y, z, projected, checkFace, facing)
- getClosestFacetAtLocalCoordinates(x, y, z, projected, checkFace, facing)
- getFacetDataParameters()
- disableFacetData()
- updateIndices(indices)
- createNormals(updatable)
- alignWithNormal(normal, upDirection)
- checkOcclusionQuery()
- triggerOptions
- trigger
- onBeforeExecuteObservable
- getTriggerParameter()
- execute(evt)
- skipToNextActiveAction()
- then(action)
- serialize(parent)
- source
- pointerX
- pointerY
- meshUnderPointer
- sourceEvent
- additionalData
- static CreateNew(source, evt, additionalData)
- static CreateNewFromSprite(source, scene, evt, additionalData)
- static CreateNewFromScene(scene, evt)
- static CreateNewFromPrimitive(prim, pointerPos, evt, additionalData)
- static NothingTrigger
- static OnPickTrigger
- static OnLeftPickTrigger
- static OnRightPickTrigger
- static OnCenterPickTrigger
- static OnPickDownTrigger
- static OnDoublePickTrigger
- static OnPickUpTrigger
- static OnPickOutTrigger
- static OnLongPressTrigger
- static OnPointerOverTrigger
- static OnPointerOutTrigger
- static OnEveryFrameTrigger
- static OnIntersectionEnterTrigger
- static OnIntersectionExitTrigger
- static OnKeyDownTrigger
- static OnKeyUpTrigger
- static Triggers
- actions
- hoverCursor
- hasPointerTriggers
- hasPickTriggers
- static HasTriggers
- static HasPickTriggers
- dispose()
- getScene()
- hasSpecificTriggers(triggers)
- hasSpecificTrigger(trigger)
- static HasSpecificTrigger(trigger)
- registerAction(action)
- processTrigger(trigger, evt)
- serialize(name)
- static Parse(parsedActions, object, scene)
- static GetTriggerName(trigger)
- getClassName()
- getClassName()
- getClassName()
- getClassName()
- getFrequencyBinCount()
- getByteFrequencyData()
- getByteTimeDomainData()
- getFloatFrequencyData()
- drawDebugCanvas()
- stopDebugCanvas()
- connectAudioNodes(inputAudioNode, outputAudioNode)
- dispose()
- static Eval(query, evaluateCallback)
- degrees
- radians
- static BetweenTwoPoints(a, b)
- static FromRadians(radians)
- static FromDegrees(degrees)
- target
- fromFrame
- toFrame
- loopAnimation
- onAnimationEnd
- name
- targetProperty
- framePerSecond
- dataType
- loopMode
- undefined
- enableBlending
- undefined
- static AllowMatricesInterpolation
- targetPropertyPath
- blendingSpeed
- runtimeAnimations
- hasRunningRuntimeAnimations
- static CreateAnimation(property, animationType, framePerSecond, easingFunction)
- static CreateAndStartAnimation(name, node, targetProperty, framePerSecond, totalFrame, from, to, loopMode, easingFunction, onAnimationEnd)
- static CreateMergeAndStartAnimation(name, node, targetProperty, framePerSecond, totalFrame, from, to, loopMode, easingFunction, onAnimationEnd)
- static TransitionTo(property, targetValue, host, scene, frameRate, transition, duration, onAnimationEnd)
- toString(fullDetails)
- addEvent(event)
- removeEvents(frame)
- getEvents()
- createRange(name, from, to)
- deleteRange(name, deleteFrames)
- getRange(name)
- getKeys()
- getHighestFrame()
- getEasingFunction()
- setEasingFunction(easingFunction)
- floatInterpolateFunction(startValue, endValue, gradient)
- floatInterpolateFunctionWithTangents(startValue, outTangent, endValue, inTangent, gradient)
- quaternionInterpolateFunction(startValue, endValue, gradient)
- quaternionInterpolateFunctionWithTangents(startValue, outTangent, endValue, inTangent, gradient)
- vector3InterpolateFunction(startValue, endValue, gradient)
- vector3InterpolateFunctionWithTangents(startValue, outTangent, endValue, inTangent, gradient)
- vector2InterpolateFunction(startValue, endValue, gradient)
- vector2InterpolateFunctionWithTangents(startValue, outTangent, endValue, inTangent, gradient)
- sizeInterpolateFunction(startValue, endValue, gradient)
- color3InterpolateFunction(startValue, endValue, gradient)
- matrixInterpolateFunction(startValue, endValue, gradient)
- clone()
- setKeys(values)
- serialize()
- static Parse(parsedAnimation)
- static AppendSerializedAnimations(source, destination)
- frame
- action
- onlyOnce
- undefined
- isDone
- name
- from
- to
- clone()
- startPoint
- midPoint
- endPoint
- centerPoint
- radius
- angle
- startAngle
- orientation
- alpha
- beta
- radius
- target
- getClassName()
- alpha
- beta
- radius
- target
- inertialAlphaOffset
- inertialBetaOffset
- inertialRadiusOffset
- lowerAlphaLimit
- upperAlphaLimit
- lowerBetaLimit
- upperBetaLimit
- lowerRadiusLimit
- upperRadiusLimit
- inertialPanningX
- inertialPanningY
- pinchToPanMaxDistance
- panningDistanceLimit
- panningOriginTarget
- panningInertia
- angularSensibilityX
- angularSensibilityY
- pinchPrecision
- pinchDeltaPercentage
- panningSensibility
- keysUp
- keysDown
- keysLeft
- keysRight
- wheelPrecision
- wheelDeltaPercentage
- zoomOnFactor
- targetScreenOffset
- allowUpsideDown
- inputs
- panningAxis
- bouncingBehavior
- useBouncingBehavior
- framingBehavior
- useFramingBehavior
- autoRotationBehavior
- useAutoRotationBehavior
- onMeshTargetChangedObservable
- onCollide
- checkCollisions
- collisionRadius
- doNotUpdateMaxZ
- storeState()
- attachControl(element, noPreventDefault, useCtrlForPanning, panningMouseButton)
- detachControl(element)
- rebuildAnglesAndRadius()
- setPosition(position)
- setTarget(target, Vector3, toBoundingCenter, allowSamePosition)
- zoomOn(meshes, doNotUpdateMaxZ)
- focusOn(meshesOrMinMaxVectorAndDistance)
- camera
- gamepad
- gamepadRotationSensibility
- gamepadMoveSensibility
- attachControl(element, noPreventDefault)
- detachControl(element)
- checkInputs()
- getClassName()
- getSimpleName()
- addMouseWheel()
- addPointers()
- addKeyboard()
- addGamepad()
- addVRDeviceOrientation()
- camera
- keysUp
- keysDown
- keysLeft
- keysRight
- keysReset
- panningSensibility
- zoomingSensibility
- useAltToZoom
- attachControl(element, noPreventDefault)
- detachControl(element)
- checkInputs()
- getClassName()
- getSimpleName()
- camera
- wheelPrecision
- wheelDeltaPercentage
- attachControl(element, noPreventDefault)
- detachControl(element)
- getClassName()
- getSimpleName()
- camera
- buttons
- angularSensibilityX
- angularSensibilityY
- pinchPrecision
- pinchDeltaPercentage
- panningSensibility
- multiTouchPanning
- multiTouchPanAndZoom
- pinchInwards
- attachControl(element, noPreventDefault)
- detachControl(element)
- getClassName()
- getSimpleName()
- camera
- alphaCorrection
- betaCorrection
- gammaCorrection
- attachControl(element, noPreventDefault)
- checkInputs()
- detachControl(element)
- getClassName()
- getSimpleName()
- tasks
- waitingTasksCount
- onFinish
- onTaskSuccess
- onTaskError
- onProgress
- onTaskSuccessObservable
- onTaskErrorObservable
- onTasksDoneObservable
- onProgressObservable
- useDefaultLoadingScreen
- addMeshTask(taskName, meshesNames, rootUrl, sceneFilename)
- addTextFileTask(taskName, url)
- addBinaryFileTask(taskName, url)
- addImageTask(taskName, url)
- addTextureTask(taskName, url, noMipmap, invertY, samplingMode)
- addCubeTextureTask(name, url, extensions, noMipmap, files)
- addHDRCubeTextureTask(name, url, size, noMipmap, generateHarmonics, useInGammaSpace, usePMREMGenerator)
- reset()
- load()
- remainingCount
- totalCount
- task
- iterations
- index
- executeNext()
- breakLoop()
- static Run(iterations, _fn, _successCallback, offset)
- static SyncAsyncForLoop(iterations, syncedIterations, fn, callback, breakFunction, timeout)
- canUseWebAudio
- masterGain
- WarnedWebAudioUnsupported
- unlocked
- onAudioUnlocked
- isMP3supported
- isOGGsupported
- audioContext
- dispose()
- getGlobalVolume()
- setGlobalVolume(newVolume)
- connectToAnalyser(analyser)
- name
- zoomStopsAnimation
- idleRotationSpeed
- idleRotationWaitTime
- idleRotationSpinupTime
- rotationInProgress
- init()
- attach(camera)
- detach()
- scene
- scaleLines
- update(position, xaxis, yaxis, zaxis)
- dispose()
- static X
- static Y
- static Z
- amplitude
- easeInCore(gradient)
- static standardReflectance0
- static standardReflectance90
- primaryColor
- primaryLevel
- secondaryColor
- secondaryLevel
- tertiaryColor
- tertiaryLevel
- reflectionTexture
- reflectionBlur
- diffuseTexture
- shadowLights
- shadowBlurScale
- shadowLevel
- sceneCenter
- opacityFresnel
- reflectionFresnel
- reflectionFalloffDistance
- reflectionAmount
- reflectionReflectance0
- reflectionReflectance90
- reflectionStandardFresnelWeight
- useRGBColor
- enableNoise
- maxSimultaneousLights
- imageProcessingConfiguration
- cameraColorCurvesEnabled
- cameraColorGradingEnabled
- cameraToneMappingEnabled
- cameraExposure
- cameraContrast
- cameraColorGradingTexture
- cameraColorCurves
- needAlphaTesting()
- needAlphaBlending()
- isReadyForSubMesh(mesh, subMesh, useInstances)
- buildUniformLayout()
- unbind()
- bindOnlyWorldMatrix(world)
- bindForSubMesh(world, mesh, subMesh)
- dispose(forceDisposeEffect, forceDisposeTextures)
- clone(name)
- serialize()
- getClassName()
- static Parse(source, scene, rootUrl)
- effect
- setEffect(effect, defines)
- name
- hasAlpha
- getAlphaFromRGB
- level
- coordinatesIndex
- coordinatesMode
- wrapU
- wrapV
- wrapR
- anisotropicFilteringLevel
- isCube
- is3D
- gammaSpace
- invertZ
- lodLevelInAlpha
- lodGenerationOffset
- lodGenerationScale
- isRenderTarget
- uid
- animations
- onDisposeObservable
- onDispose
- delayLoadState
- isBlocking
- canRescale
- textureType
- textureFormat
- sphericalPolynomial
- toString()
- getClassName()
- getScene()
- getTextureMatrix()
- getReflectionTextureMatrix()
- getInternalTexture()
- isReadyOrNotBlocking()
- isReady()
- getSize()
- getBaseSize()
- scale(ratio)
- delayLoad()
- clone()
- readPixels(faceIndex)
- releaseInternalTexture()
- dispose()
- serialize()
- static WhenAllReady(textures, callback)
- static interpolate(t, x1, y1, x2, y2)
- x1
- y1
- x2
- y2
- easeInCore(gradient)
- name
- url
- data
- onSuccess
- onError
- runTask(scene, onSuccess, onError)
- degree
- direction
- kernel
- packedFloat
- name
- children
- animations
- length
- position
- rotation
- rotationQuaternion
- scaling
- getSkeleton()
- getParent()
- setParent(parent, updateDifferenceMatrix)
- getLocalMatrix()
- getBaseMatrix()
- getRestPose()
- returnToRest()
- getWorldMatrix()
- getInvertedAbsoluteTransform()
- getAbsoluteTransform()
- updateMatrix(matrix, updateDifferenceMatrix)
- markAsDirty()
- copyAnimationRange(source, rangeName, frameOffset, rescaleAsRequired, skelDimensionsRatio)
- translate(vec, space, mesh)
- setPosition(position, space, mesh)
- setAbsolutePosition(position, mesh)
- setScale(x, y, z, scaleChildren)
- scale(x, y, z, scaleChildren)
- setYawPitchRoll(yaw, pitch, roll, space, mesh)
- rotate(axis, amount, space, mesh)
- setAxisAngle(axis, angle, space, mesh)
- setRotation(rotation, space, mesh)
- setRotationQuaternion(quat, space, mesh)
- setRotationMatrix(rotMat, space, mesh)
- getScale()
- getScaleToRef(result)
- getPosition(space, mesh)
- getPositionToRef(space, undefined, mesh, result)
- getAbsolutePosition(mesh)
- getAbsolutePositionToRef(mesh, result)
- computeAbsoluteTransforms()
- getDirection(localAxis, mesh)
- getDirectionToRef(localAxis, mesh)
- mesh
- bone
- pos
- xaxis
- yaxis
- zaxis
- update()
- dispose()
- targetMesh
- poleTargetMesh
- poleTargetBone
- targetPosition
- poleTargetPosition
- poleTargetLocalOffset
- poleAngle
- mesh
- slerpAmount
- maxAngle
- update()
- target
- mesh
- bone
- upAxis
- upAxisSpace
- adjustYaw
- adjustPitch
- adjustRoll
- slerpAmount
- minYaw
- maxYaw
- minPitch
- maxPitch
- update()
- bounces
- bounciness
- easeInCore(gradient)
- name
- static
- static EasingMode
- transitionDuration
- lowerRadiusTransitionRange
- upperRadiusTransitionRange
- autoTransitionRange
- init()
- attach(camera)
- detach()
- stopAllAnimations()
- minimum
- maximum
- vectors
- center
- centerWorld
- extendSize
- extendSizeWorld
- directions
- vectorsWorld
- minimumWorld
- maximumWorld
- getWorldMatrix()
- setWorldMatrix(matrix)
- isInFrustum(frustumPlanes)
- isCompletelyInFrustum(frustumPlanes)
- intersectsPoint(point)
- intersectsSphere(sphere)
- intersectsMinMax(min, max)
- static Intersects(box0, box1)
- static IntersectsSphere(minPoint, maxPoint, sphereCenter, sphereRadius)
- static IsCompletelyInFrustum(boundingVectors, frustumPlanes)
- static IsInFrustum(boundingVectors, frustumPlanes)
- frontColor
- backColor
- showBackLines
- renderList
- reset()
- render()
- renderOcclusionBoundingBox(mesh)
- dispose()
- minimum
- maximum
- boundingBox
- boundingSphere
- isLocked
- diagonalLength
- update(world)
- centerOn(center, extend)
- isInFrustum(frustumPlanes)
- isCompletelyInFrustum(frustumPlanes)
- intersectsPoint(point)
- intersects(boundingInfo, precise)
- minimum
- maximum
- center
- radius
- centerWorld
- radiusWorld
- isInFrustum(frustumPlanes)
- intersectsPoint(point)
- static Intersects(sphere0, sphere1)
- size
- side
- copy(id)
- serialize()
- static Parse(parsedBox, scene)
- instanceDivisor
- createVertexBuffer(kind, offset, size, stride)
- isUpdatable()
- getData()
- getBuffer()
- getStrideSize()
- getIsInstanced()
- create(data)
- update(data)
- updateDirectly(data, offset, vertexCount)
- dispose()
- matrix
- position
- rotation
- rotationQuaternion
- scaling
- static FromMesh(mesh)
- clone()
- union(csg)
- unionInPlace(csg)
- subtract(csg)
- subtractInPlace(csg)
- intersect(csg)
- intersectInPlace(csg)
- inverse()
- inverseInPlace()
- copyTransformAttributes(csg)
- buildMeshGeometry(name, scene, keepSubMeshes)
- toMesh(name, material, scene, keepSubMeshes)
- inputs
- static RIG_MODE_NONE
- static RIG_MODE_VR
- static ForceAttachControlToAlwaysPreventDefault
- static UseAlternateWebVRRendering
- position
- upVector
- orthoLeft
- orthoRight
- orthoBottom
- orthoTop
- fov
- minZ
- maxZ
- inertia
- mode
- isIntermediate
- viewport
- layerMask
- fovMode
- cameraRigMode
- interaxialDistance
- isStereoscopicSideBySide
- customRenderTargets
- onViewMatrixChangedObservable
- onProjectionMatrixChangedObservable
- onAfterCheckInputsObservable
- onRestoreStateObservable
- globalPosition
- rigCameras
- rigPostProcess
- leftCamera
- rightCamera
- storeState()
- restoreState()
- getClassName()
- toString(fullDetails)
- getActiveMeshes()
- isActiveMesh(mesh)
- attachControl(element, noPreventDefault)
- detachControl(element)
- update()
- attachPostProcess(postProcess, insertAt)
- detachPostProcess(postProcess)
- getWorldMatrix()
- getViewMatrix(force)
- freezeProjectionMatrix(projection)
- unfreezeProjectionMatrix()
- getProjectionMatrix(force)
- getTranformationMatrix()
- isInFrustum(target)
- isCompletelyInFrustum(target)
- getForwardRay(length, transform, origin)
- dispose()
- getLeftTarget()
- getRightTarget()
- setCameraRigMode(mode, rigParams)
- setCameraRigParameter(name, value)
- createRigCamera(name, cameraIndex)
- serialize()
- clone(name)
- getDirection(localAxis)
- getDirectionToRef(localAxis, result)
- static GetConstructorFromName(type, name, scene, interaxial_distance, isStereoscopicSideBySide)
- computeWorldMatrix()
- static Parse(parsedCamera, scene)
- attached
- attachedElement
- noPreventDefault
- camera
- checkInputs
- add(input)
- remove(inputToRemove)
- removeByType(inputType)
- attachInput(input)
- attachElement(element, noPreventDefault)
- detachElement(element, disconnect)
- rebuildInputCheck()
- clear()
- serialize(serializedCamera)
- parse(parsedCamera)
- world
- name
- setGravity(gravity)
- setTimeStep(timeStep)
- getTimeStep()
- executeStep(delta, impostors)
- applyImpulse(impostor, force, contactPoint)
- applyForce(impostor, force, contactPoint)
- generatePhysicsBody(impostor)
- removePhysicsBody(impostor)
- generateJoint(impostorJoint)
- removeJoint(impostorJoint)
- setTransformationFromPhysicsBody(impostor)
- setPhysicsBodyTransformation(impostor, newPosition, newRotation)
- isSupported()
- setLinearVelocity(impostor, velocity)
- setAngularVelocity(impostor, velocity)
- getLinearVelocity(impostor)
- getAngularVelocity(impostor)
- setBodyMass(impostor, mass)
- getBodyMass(impostor)
- getBodyFriction(impostor)
- setBodyFriction(impostor, friction)
- getBodyRestitution(impostor)
- setBodyRestitution(impostor, restitution)
- sleepBody(impostor)
- wakeUpBody(impostor)
- updateDistanceJoint(joint, maxDistance, minDistance)
- setMotor(joint, speed, maxForce, motorIndex)
- setLimit(joint, upperLimit, lowerLimit)
- syncMeshWithImpostor(mesh, impostor)
- getRadius(impostor)
- getBoxSizeToRef(impostor, result)
- dispose()
- easeInCore(gradient)
- collider
- collideWithWorld(position, velocity, maximumRetry, excludedMeshUniqueId)
- collisionFound
- intersectionPoint
- collidedMesh
- collisionMask
- slidePlaneNormal
- getMeshes()
- getGeometries()
- getMesh(id)
- addMesh(mesh)
- removeMesh(uniqueId)
- getGeometry(id)
- addGeometry(geometry)
- removeGeometry(id)
- getNewPosition(position, displacement, collider, maximumRetry, excludedMesh, onNewPosition, collisionIndex)
- init(scene)
- destroy()
- onMeshAdded(mesh)
- onMeshUpdated(mesh)
- onMeshRemoved(mesh)
- onGeometryAdded(geometry)
- onGeometryUpdated(geometry)
- onGeometryDeleted(geometry)
- static SerializeMesh
- static SerializeGeometry
- onMeshUpdated
- onGeometryUpdated
- getNewPosition(position, displacement, collider, maximumRetry, excludedMesh, onNewPosition, collisionIndex)
- init(scene)
- destroy()
- onMeshAdded(mesh)
- onMeshRemoved(mesh)
- onGeometryAdded(geometry)
- onGeometryDeleted(geometry)
- onInit(payload)
- onUpdate(payload)
- onCollision(payload)
- r
- g
- b
- toString()
- getClassName()
- getHashCode()
- toArray(array, index)
- toColor4(alpha)
- asArray()
- toLuminance()
- multiply(otherColor)
- multiplyToRef(otherColor, result)
- equals(otherColor)
- equalsFloats(r, g, b)
- scale(scale)
- scaleToRef(scale, result)
- add(otherColor)
- addToRef(otherColor, result)
- subtract(otherColor)
- subtractToRef(otherColor, result)
- clone()
- copyFrom(source)
- copyFromFloats(r, g, b)
- set(r, g, b)
- toHexString()
- toLinearSpace()
- toLinearSpaceToRef(convertedColor)
- toGammaSpace()
- toGammaSpaceToRef(convertedColor)
- static FromHexString(hex)
- static FromArray(array, offset)
- static FromInts(r, g, b)
- static Lerp(start, end, amount)
- static Red()
- static Green()
- static Blue()
- static Black()
- static White()
- static Purple()
- static Magenta()
- static Yellow()
- static Gray()
- static Teal()
- static Random()
- r
- g
- b
- a
- addInPlace(right)
- asArray()
- toArray(array, index)
- add(right)
- subtract(right)
- subtractToRef(right, result)
- scale(scale)
- scaleToRef(scale, result)
- multiply(color)
- multiplyToRef(color, result)
- toString()
- getClassName()
- getHashCode()
- clone()
- copyFrom(source)
- copyFromFloats(r, g, b, a)
- set(r, g, b, a)
- toHexString()
- toLinearSpace()
- toLinearSpaceToRef(convertedColor)
- toGammaSpace()
- toGammaSpaceToRef(convertedColor)
- static FromHexString(hex)
- static Lerp(left, right, amount)
- static LerpToRef(left, right, amount, result)
- static FromArray(array, offset)
- static FromInts(r, g, b, a)
- static CheckColors4(colors, count)
- globalHue
- globalDensity
- globalSaturation
- highlightsHue
- highlightsDensity
- highlightsSaturation
- highlightsExposure
- midtonesHue
- midtonesDensity
- midtonesSaturation
- midtonesExposure
- shadowsHue
- shadowsDensity
- shadowsSaturation
- shadowsExposure
- getClassName()
- static Bind(colorCurves, effect, positiveUniform, neutralUniform, negativeUniform)
- static PrepareUniforms(uniformsList)
- clone()
- serialize()
- static Parse(source)
- url
- getTextureMatrix()
- clone()
- delayLoad()
- static Parse(parsedTexture, scene, rootUrl)
- serialize()
- children
- execute(evt)
- serialize(parent)
- isValid()
- serialize()
- kernel
- static EdgeDetect0Kernel
- static EdgeDetect1Kernel
- static EdgeDetect2Kernel
- static SharpenKernel
- static EmbossKernel
- static GaussianKernel
- static ConvertCubeMapTextureToSphericalPolynomial(texture)
- static ConvertCubeMapToSphericalPolynomial(cubeInfo)
- url
- coordinatesMode
- static CreateFromImages(files, scene, noMipmap)
- static CreateFromPrefilteredData(url, scene, forcedExtension)
- delayLoad()
- getReflectionTextureMatrix()
- setReflectionTextureMatrix(value)
- static Parse(parsedTexture, scene, rootUrl)
- clone()
- name
- url
- extensions
- undefined
- noMipmap
- undefined
- files
- undefined
- texture
- onSuccess
- onError
- runTask(scene, onSuccess, onError)
- easeInCore(gradient)
- static CreateQuadraticBezier(v0, v1, v2, nbPoints)
- static CreateCubicBezier(v0, v1, v2, v3, nbPoints)
- static CreateHermiteSpline(p1, t1, p2, t2, nbPoints)
- static CreateCatmullRomSpline(points, nbPoints)
- getPoints()
- length()
- continue(curve)
- animate
- isReady()
- render(useCameraPostProcess)
- updateTextures()
- updateShaderUniforms()
- height
- diameterTop
- diameterBottom
- tessellation
- subdivisions
- side
- copy(id)
- serialize()
- static Parse(parsedCylinder, scene)
- static StoreLODInAlphaChannel
- static GetDDSInfo(arrayBuffer)
- static UploadDDSLevels(engine, gl, arrayBuffer, info, loadMipmaps, faces, lodIndex, currentFace)
- static IsUASupportingBlobStorage
- static IDBStorageEnabled
- enableSceneOffline
- enableTexturesOffline
- static parseURL
- static ReturnFullUrlLocation
- checkManifestFile()
- openAsync(successCallback, errorCallback)
- loadImageFromDB(url, image)
- loadFileFromDB(url, sceneLoaded, progressCallBack, errorCallback, useArrayBuffer)
- static InspectorURL
- isVisible()
- hide()
- show(config)
- vertices
- normal
- error
- deleted
- isDirty
- borderFactor
- deletePending
- originalOffset
- position
- id
- q
- isBorder
- triangleStart
- triangleCount
- originalOffsets
- updatePosition(newPosition)
- loadingUIText
- loadingUIBackgroundColor
- displayLoadingUI()
- hideLoadingUI()
- PassPostProcessId
- HighLightsPostProcessId
- BlurXPostProcessId
- BlurYPostProcessId
- CopyBackPostProcessId
- ImageProcessingPostProcessId
- FxaaPostProcessId
- FinalMergePostProcessId
- pass
- highlights
- blurX
- blurY
- copyBack
- fxaa
- imageProcessing
- finalMerge
- animations
- bloomKernel
- bloomWeight
- bloomScale
- bloomEnabled
- fxaaEnabled
- imageProcessingEnabled
- prepare()
- dispose()
- serialize()
- static Parse(source, scene, rootUrl)
- isReady(subMesh, useInstances)
- getDepthMap()
- dispose()
- ind
- indicesLength
- sqDistance
- getClassName()
- resetToCurrentRotation(axis)
- shadowFrustumSize
- shadowOrthoScale
- autoUpdateExtends
- getClassName()
- getTypeID()
- transferToEffect(effect, lightIndex)
- getDepthMinZ(activeCamera)
- getDepthMaxZ(activeCamera)
- radius
- tessellation
- side
- copy(id)
- updateDistance(maxDistance, minDistance)
- execute()
- serialize(parent)
- setEasingMode(easingMode)
- getEasingMode()
- easeInCore(gradient)
- ease(gradient)
- edgesWidthScalerForOrthographic
- edgesWidthScalerForPerspective
- dispose()
- render()
- name
- defines
- onCompiled
- onError
- onBind
- uniqueId
- onCompileObservable
- onErrorObservable
- onBindObservable
- key
- isSupported
- static ShadersStore
- static IncludesShadersStore
- isReady()
- getEngine()
- getProgram()
- getAttributesNames()
- getAttributeLocation(index)
- getAttributeLocationByName(name)
- getAttributesCount()
- getUniformIndex(uniformName)
- getUniform(uniformName)
- getSamplers()
- getCompilationError()
- executeWhenCompiled(func)
- setTexture(channel, texture)
- setTextureArray(channel, textures)
- setTextureFromPostProcess(channel, postProcess)
- bindUniformBuffer(buffer, name)
- bindUniformBlock(blockName, index)
- setIntArray(uniformName, array)
- setIntArray2(uniformName, array)
- setIntArray3(uniformName, array)
- setIntArray4(uniformName, array)
- setFloatArray(uniformName, array)
- setFloatArray2(uniformName, array)
- setFloatArray3(uniformName, array)
- setFloatArray4(uniformName, array)
- setArray(uniformName, array)
- setArray2(uniformName, array)
- setArray3(uniformName, array)
- setArray4(uniformName, array)
- setMatrices(uniformName, matrices)
- setMatrix(uniformName, matrix)
- setMatrix3x3(uniformName, matrix)
- setMatrix2x2(uniformName, matrix)
- setFloat(uniformName, value)
- setBool(uniformName, bool)
- setVector2(uniformName, vector2)
- setFloat2(uniformName, x, y)
- setVector3(uniformName, vector3)
- setFloat3(uniformName, x, y, z)
- setVector4(uniformName, vector4)
- setFloat4(uniformName, x, y, z, w)
- setColor3(uniformName, color3)
- setColor4(uniformName, color3, alpha)
- static ResetCache()
- attributes
- uniformsNames
- uniformBuffersNames
- samplers
- defines
- fallbacks
- onCompiled
- onError
- indexParameters
- maxSimultaneousLights
- transformFeedbackVaryings
- isMoreFallbacks
- unBindMesh()
- addFallback(rank, define)
- addCPUSkinningFallback(rank, mesh)
- reduce(currentDefines)
- oscillations
- springiness
- easeInCore(gradient)
- static WebGL2UniformBuffersExceptionList
- static Instances
- static LastCreatedEngine
- static LastCreatedScene
- static NEVER
- static ALWAYS
- static LESS
- static EQUAL
- static LEQUAL
- static GREATER
- static GEQUAL
- static NOTEQUAL
- static KEEP
- static REPLACE
- static INCR
- static DECR
- static INVERT
- static INCR_WRAP
- static DECR_WRAP
- static ALPHA_ADD
- static Version
- static CollisionsEpsilon
- static CodeRepository
- static ShadersRepository
- forcePOTTextures
- isFullscreen
- isPointerLock
- cullBackFaces
- renderEvenInBackground
- preventCacheWipeBetweenFrames
- enableOfflineSupport
- scenes
- postProcesses
- onResizeObservable
- onCanvasBlurObservable
- onCanvasFocusObservable
- onCanvasPointerOutObservable
- onBeforeTextureInitObservable
- isInVRExclusivePointerMode
- disableUniformBuffers
- supportsUniformBuffers
- onBeginFrameObservable
- onEndFrameObservable
- onBeforeShaderCompilationObservable
- onAfterShaderCompilationObservable
- needPOTTextures
- badOS
- badDesktopOS
- static audioEngine
- onVRDisplayChangedObservable
- onVRRequestPresentComplete
- onVRRequestPresentStart
- onContextLostObservable
- onContextRestoredObservable
- disablePerformanceMonitorInBackground
- performanceMonitor
- texturesSupported
- textureFormatInUse
- currentViewport
- emptyTexture
- emptyTexture3D
- emptyCubeTexture
- webGLVersion
- isStencilEnable
- drawCalls
- drawCallsPerfCounter
- options
- "href=""/classes/3.1/RenderTargetCreationOptions"">RenderTargetCreationOptions "
- "href=""/classes/3.1/InternalTexture"">InternalTexture "
- onLoad
- loadingScreen
- loadingUIText
- loadingUIBackgroundColor
- void
- void
- static MarkAllMaterialsAsDirty(flag, predicate)
- resetTextureCache()
- isDeterministicLockStep()
- getLockstepMaxSteps()
- getGlInfo()
- getAspectRatio(camera, useScreen)
- getRenderWidth(useScreen)
- getRenderHeight(useScreen)
- getRenderingCanvas()
- getRenderingCanvasClientRect()
- setHardwareScalingLevel(level)
- getHardwareScalingLevel()
- getLoadedTexturesCache()
- getCaps()
- getDepthFunction()
- setDepthFunction(depthFunc)
- setDepthFunctionToGreater()
- setDepthFunctionToGreaterOrEqual()
- setDepthFunctionToLess()
- setDepthFunctionToLessOrEqual()
- getStencilBuffer()
- setStencilBuffer(enable)
- getStencilMask()
- setStencilMask(mask)
- getStencilFunction()
- getStencilFunctionReference()
- getStencilFunctionMask()
- setStencilFunction(stencilFunc)
- setStencilFunctionReference(reference)
- setStencilFunctionMask(mask)
- getStencilOperationFail()
- getStencilOperationDepthFail()
- getStencilOperationPass()
- setStencilOperationFail(operation)
- setStencilOperationDepthFail(operation)
- setStencilOperationPass(operation)
- setDitheringState(value)
- setRasterizerState(value)
- stopRenderLoop(renderFunction)
- runRenderLoop(renderFunction)
- switchFullscreen(requestPointerLock)
- clear(color, backBuffer, depth, stencil)
- scissorClear(x, y, width, height, clearColor)
- setViewport(viewport, requiredWidth, requiredHeight)
- setDirectViewport(x, y, width, height)
- beginFrame()
- endFrame()
- resize()
- setSize(width, height)
- isVRDevicePresent()
- getVRDevice()
- initWebVR()
- enableVR()
- disableVR()
- bindFramebuffer(texture, faceIndex, requiredWidth, requiredHeight, forceFullscreenViewport)
- unBindFramebuffer(texture, disableGenerateMipMaps, onBeforeUnbind)
- generateMipMapsForCubemap(texture)
- flushFramebuffer()
- restoreDefaultFramebuffer()
- createUniformBuffer(elements)
- createDynamicUniformBuffer(elements)
- updateUniformBuffer(uniformBuffer, elements, offset, count)
- createVertexBuffer(vertices)
- createDynamicVertexBuffer(vertices)
- updateDynamicIndexBuffer(indexBuffer, indices, offset)
- updateDynamicVertexBuffer(vertexBuffer, vertices, offset, count)
- createIndexBuffer(indices, updatable)
- bindArrayBuffer(buffer)
- bindUniformBuffer(buffer)
- bindUniformBufferBase(buffer, location)
- bindUniformBlock(shaderProgram, blockName, index)
- updateArrayBuffer(data)
- recordVertexArrayObject(vertexBuffers, indexBuffer, effect)
- bindVertexArrayObject(vertexArrayObject, indexBuffer)
- bindBuffersDirectly(vertexBuffer, indexBuffer, vertexDeclaration, vertexStrideSize, effect)
- bindBuffers(vertexBuffers, indexBuffer, effect)
- unbindInstanceAttributes()
- releaseVertexArrayObject(vao)
- createInstancesBuffer(capacity)
- deleteInstancesBuffer(buffer)
- updateAndBindInstancesBuffer(instancesBuffer, data, offsetLocations, InstancingAttributeInfo)
- applyStates()
- draw(useTriangles, indexStart, indexCount, instancesCount)
- drawPointClouds(verticesStart, verticesCount, instancesCount)
- drawUnIndexed(useTriangles, verticesStart, verticesCount, instancesCount)
- createEffect(baseName, attributesNamesOrOptions, EffectCreationOptions, uniformsNamesOrEngine, Engine, samplers, defines, fallbacks, onCompiled, onError, indexParameters)
- createEffectForParticles(fragmentName, uniformsNames, samplers, defines, fallbacks, onCompiled, onError)
- createRawShaderProgram(vertexCode, fragmentCode, context, transformFeedbackVaryings)
- createShaderProgram(vertexCode, fragmentCode, defines, context, transformFeedbackVaryings)
- getUniforms(shaderProgram, uniformsNames)
- getAttributes(shaderProgram, attributesNames)
- enableEffect(effect)
- setIntArray(uniform, array)
- setIntArray2(uniform, array)
- setIntArray3(uniform, array)
- setIntArray4(uniform, array)
- setFloatArray(uniform, array)
- setFloatArray2(uniform, array)
- setFloatArray3(uniform, array)
- setFloatArray4(uniform, array)
- setArray(uniform, array)
- setArray2(uniform, array)
- setArray3(uniform, array)
- setArray4(uniform, array)
- setMatrices(uniform, matrices)
- setMatrix(uniform, matrix)
- setMatrix3x3(uniform, matrix)
- setMatrix2x2(uniform, matrix)
- setFloat(uniform, value)
- setFloat2(uniform, x, y)
- setFloat3(uniform, x, y, z)
- setBool(uniform, bool)
- setFloat4(uniform, x, y, z, w)
- setColor3(uniform, color3)
- setColor4(uniform, color3, alpha)
- setState(culling, zOffset, force, reverseSide)
- setZOffset(value)
- getZOffset()
- setDepthBuffer(enable)
- getDepthWrite()
- setDepthWrite(enable)
- setColorWrite(enable)
- getColorWrite()
- setAlphaConstants(r, g, b, a)
- setAlphaMode(mode, noDepthWriteChange)
- getAlphaMode()
- setAlphaTesting(enable)
- getAlphaTesting()
- wipeCaches(bruteForce)
- setTextureFormatToUse(formatsAvailable)
- createTexture(urlArg, noMipmap, invertY, scene, samplingMode, onLoad, onError, buffer, HTMLImageElement, fallBack, format)
- updateRawTexture(texture, data, format, invertY, compression, type)
- createRawTexture(data, width, height, format, generateMipMaps, invertY, samplingMode, compression, type)
- createDynamicTexture(width, height, generateMipMaps, samplingMode)
- updateTextureSamplingMode(samplingMode, texture)
- updateDynamicTexture(texture, canvas, invertY, premulAlpha, format)
- updateVideoTexture(texture, video, invertY)
- createRenderTargetTexture(size)
- createMultipleRenderTarget(size, options)
- updateRenderTargetTextureSampleCount(texture, samples)
- createRenderTargetCubeTexture(size, options)
- createPrefilteredCubeTexture(rootUrl, scene, scale, offset, onLoad, onError, format, forcedExtension)
- createCubeTexture(rootUrl, scene, files, noMipmap, onLoad, onError, format, forcedExtension)
- updateRawCubeTexture(texture, data, format, type, invertY, compression, level)
- createRawCubeTexture(data, size, format, type, generateMipMaps, invertY, samplingMode, compression)
- createRawCubeTextureFromUrl(url, scene, size, format, type, noMipmap, callback, mipmmapGenerator)
- Nullable()
- bindSamplers(effect)
- setTextureFromPostProcess(channel, postProcess)
- unbindAllTextures()
- setTexture(channel, uniform, texture)
- setTextureArray(channel, uniform, textures)
- readPixels(x, y, width, height)
- addExternalData(key, data)
- getExternalData(key)
- getOrAddExternalDataWithFactory(key, factory)
- removeExternalData(key)
- unbindAllAttributes()
- releaseEffects()
- dispose()
- displayLoadingUI()
- hideLoadingUI()
- attachContextLostEvent(callback)
- attachContextRestoredEvent(callback)
- getVertexShaderSource(program)
- getFragmentShaderSource(program)
- getError()
- getFps()
- getDeltaTime()
- createQuery()
- deleteQuery(query)
- isQueryResultAvailable(query)
- getQueryResult(query)
- beginOcclusionQuery(algorithmType, query)
- endOcclusionQuery(algorithmType)
- startTimeQuery()
- endTimeQuery(token)
- createTransformFeedback()
- deleteTransformFeedback(value)
- bindTransformFeedback(value)
- beginTransformFeedback(usePoints)
- endTransformFeedback()
- setTranformFeedbackVaryings(program, value)
- bindTransformFeedbackBuffer(value)
- static isSupported()
- maxTexturesImageUnits
- maxVertexTextureImageUnits
- maxTextureSize
- maxCubemapTextureSize
- maxRenderTextureSize
- maxVertexAttribs
- maxVaryingVectors
- maxVertexUniformVectors
- maxFragmentUniformVectors
- standardDerivatives
- s3tc
- pvrtc
- etc1
- etc2
- astc
- textureFloat
- vertexArrayObject
- textureAnisotropicFilterExtension
- maxAnisotropy
- instancedArrays
- uintIndices
- highPrecisionShaderSupported
- fragmentDepthSupported
- textureFloatLinearFiltering
- textureFloatRender
- textureHalfFloat
- textureHalfFloatLinearFiltering
- textureHalfFloatRender
- textureLOD
- drawBuffersExtension
- depthTextureExtension
- colorBufferFloat
- timerQuery
- canUseTimestampForTimerQuery
- engine
- gpuFrameTimeCounter
- captureGPUFrameTime
- shaderCompilationTimeCounter
- captureShaderCompilationTime
- dispose()
- rootMesh
- skybox
- skyboxTexture
- skyboxMaterial
- ground
- groundTexture
- groundMirror
- groundMirrorRenderList
- groundMaterial
- updateOptions(options)
- setMainColor(color)
- dispose()
- skipNextObservers
- mask
- target
- any
- currentTarget
- any
- initalize(mask, skipNextObservers, target, currentTarget)
- func
- execute(evt)
- exponent
- easeInCore(gradient)
- static FilesToLoad
- onProcessFileCallback
- monitorElementForDragNDrop(elementToMonitor)
- dispose()
- loadFiles(event)
- reload()
- kernelMatrix
- radius
- rotationOffset
- heightOffset
- cameraAcceleration
- maxCameraSpeed
- lockedTarget
- getClassName()
- name
- static
- static EasingMode
- mode
- radiusScale
- positionScale
- defaultElevation
- elevationReturnTime
- elevationReturnWaitTime
- zoomStopsAnimation
- framingTime
- isUserIsMoving
- static IgnoreBoundsSizeMode
- static FitFrustumSidesMode
- init()
- attach(camera)
- detach()
- zoomOnMesh(mesh, focusOnOriginXZ, onAnimationEnd)
- zoomOnMeshHierarchy(mesh, focusOnOriginXZ, onAnimationEnd)
- zoomOnMeshesHierarchy(meshes, focusOnOriginXZ, onAnimationEnd)
- zoomOnBoundingInfo(minimumWorld, maximumWorld, focusOnOriginXZ, onAnimationEnd)
- stopAllAnimations()
- ellipsoid
- ellipsoidOffset
- checkCollisions
- applyGravity
- inputs
- angularSensibility
- keysUp
- keysDown
- keysLeft
- keysRight
- onCollide
- collisionMask
- attachControl(element, noPreventDefault)
- detachControl(element)
- dispose()
- getClassName()
- camera
- attachControl(element, noPreventDefault)
- detachControl(element)
- checkInputs()
- getClassName()
- getSimpleName()
- camera
- gamepad
- gamepadAngularSensibility
- gamepadMoveSensibility
- attachControl(element, noPreventDefault)
- detachControl(element)
- checkInputs()
- getClassName()
- getSimpleName()
- addKeyboard()
- addMouse(touchEnabled)
- addGamepad()
- addDeviceOrientation()
- addTouch()
- addVirtualJoystick()
- camera
- keysUp
- keysDown
- keysLeft
- keysRight
- attachControl(element, noPreventDefault)
- detachControl(element)
- checkInputs()
- getClassName()
- getSimpleName()
- touchEnabled
- camera
- buttons
- angularSensibility
- attachControl(element, noPreventDefault)
- detachControl(element)
- getClassName()
- getSimpleName()
- camera
- touchAngularSensibility
- touchMoveSensibility
- attachControl(element, noPreventDefault)
- detachControl(element)
- checkInputs()
- getClassName()
- getSimpleName()
- camera
- getLeftJoystick()
- getRightJoystick()
- checkInputs()
- attachControl(element, noPreventDefault)
- detachControl(element)
- getClassName()
- getSimpleName()
- isEnabled
- leftColor
- rightColor
- bias
- power
- clone()
- serialize()
- static Parse(parsedFresnelParameters)
- static GetPlanes(transform)
- static GetNearPlaneToRef(transform, frustumPlane)
- static GetFarPlaneToRef(transform, frustumPlane)
- static GetLeftPlaneToRef(transform, frustumPlane)
- static GetRightPlaneToRef(transform, frustumPlane)
- static GetTopPlaneToRef(transform, frustumPlane)
- static GetBottomPlaneToRef(transform, frustumPlane)
- static GetPlanesToRef(transform, frustumPlanes)
- texelWidth
- texelHeight
- name
- id
- emitter
- "href=""/classes/3.1/Vector3"">Vector3 "
- renderingGroupId
- layerMask
- onDisposeObservable
- isStarted()
- start()
- stop()
- animate()
- render()
- rebuild()
- dispose()
- clone(name, newEmitter)
- serialize()
- id
- index
- browserGamepad
- type
- static GAMEPAD
- static GENERIC
- static XBOX
- isConnected
- leftStick
- rightStick
- onleftstickchanged(callback)
- onrightstickchanged(callback)
- update()
- dispose()
- gamepadAngularSensibility
- gamepadMoveSensibility
- getClassName()
- onGamepadConnectedObservable
- onGamepadDisconnectedObservable
- gamepads
- getGamepadByType(type)
- dispose()
- initControllerMesh(scene, meshLoaded)
- handleButtonChange(buttonIdx, state, changes)
- onButtonDownObservable
- onButtonUpObservable
- onbuttondown(callback)
- onbuttonup(callback)
- update()
- dispose()
- id
- delayLoadState
- delayLoadingFile
- onGeometryUpdated
- boundingBias
- extend
- doNotSerialize
- static CreateGeometryForMesh(mesh)
- getScene()
- getEngine()
- isReady()
- setAllVerticesData(vertexData, updatable)
- setVerticesData(kind, data, updatable, stride)
- removeVerticesData(kind)
- setVerticesBuffer(buffer)
- updateVerticesDataDirectly(kind, data, offset)
- updateVerticesData(kind, data, updateExtends)
- getTotalVertices()
- getVerticesData(kind, copyWhenShared, forceCopy)
- isVertexBufferUpdatable(kind)
- getVertexBuffer(kind)
- getVertexBuffers()
- isVerticesDataPresent(kind)
- getVerticesDataKinds()
- updateIndices(indices, offset)
- setIndices(indices, totalVertices, updatable)
- getTotalIndices()
- getIndices(copyWhenShared)
- getIndexBuffer()
- releaseForMesh(mesh, shouldDispose)
- applyToMesh(mesh)
- load(scene, onLoaded)
- toLeftHanded()
- isDisposed()
- dispose()
- copy(id)
- serialize()
- serializeVerticeData()
- static ExtractFromMesh(mesh, id)
- static RandomId()
- static ImportGeometry(parsedGeometry, mesh)
- static Parse(parsedVertexData, scene, rootUrl)
- renderList
- isSupported
- enablePosition
- isReady(subMesh, useInstances)
- getGBuffer()
- dispose()
- width
- height
- subdivisions
- copy(id)
- serialize()
- static Parse(parsedGround, scene)
- generateOctree
- subdivisions
- subdivisionsX
- subdivisionsY
- getClassName()
- optimize(chunksCount, octreeBlocksSize)
- getHeightAtCoordinates(x, z)
- getNormalAtCoordinates(x, z)
- getNormalAtCoordinatesToRef(x, z, ref)
- updateCoordinateHeights()
- serialize(serializationObject)
- static Parse(parsedMesh, scene)
- url
- coordinatesMode
- isBlocking
- void
- onError
- clone()
- delayLoad()
- getReflectionTextureMatrix()
- setReflectionTextureMatrix(value)
- static Parse(parsedTexture, scene, rootUrl)
- serialize()
- static generateBabylonHDROnDisk(url, size, onError)
- static generateBabylonHDR(url, size, callback)
- Nullable()
- name
- url
- size
- undefined
- noMipmap
- generateHarmonics
- useInGammaSpace
- usePMREMGenerator
- texture
- onSuccess
- onError
- run(scene, onSuccess, onError)
- static RGBE_ReadHeader(uint8array)
- static GetCubeMapTextureData(buffer, size)
- static RGBE_ReadPixels(uint8array, hdrInfo)
- priority
- maximumScale
- apply
- groundColor
- direction
- getClassName()
- setDirectionToTarget(target)
- getShadowGenerator()
- transferToEffect(effect, lightIndex)
- getTypeID()
- name
- static neutralColor
- static glowingMeshStencilReference
- static normalMeshStencilReference
- innerGlow
- outerGlow
- isEnabled
- blurHorizontalSize
- blurVerticalSize
- camera
- onDisposeObservable
- onBeforeRenderMainTextureObservable
- onBeforeBlurObservable
- onAfterBlurObservable
- onBeforeComposeObservable
- onAfterComposeObservable
- onSizeChangedObservable
- render()
- addExcludedMesh(mesh)
- removeExcludedMesh(mesh)
- addMesh(mesh, color, glowEmissiveOnly)
- removeMesh(mesh)
- shouldRender()
- dispose()
- setMotor(force, maxForce, motorIndex)
- setLimit(upperLimit, lowerLimit, motorIndex)
- setMotor(force, maxForce)
- setLimit(upperLimit, lowerLimit)
- name
- url
- image
- onSuccess
- onError
- runTask(scene, onSuccess, onError)
- colorCurves
- colorCurvesEnabled
- colorGradingTexture
- colorGradingEnabled
- colorGradingWithGreenDepth
- colorGradingBGR
- exposure
- toneMappingEnabled
- contrast
- vignetteStretch
- vignetteCentreX
- vignetteCentreY
- vignetteWeight
- vignetteColor
- vignetteCameraFov
- vignetteBlendMode
- vignetteEnabled
- applyByPostProcess
- isEnabled
- onUpdateParameters
- getClassName()
- static PrepareUniforms(uniforms, defines)
- static PrepareSamplers(samplersList, defines)
- prepareDefines(defines, forPostProcess)
- isReady()
- bind(effect, aspectRatio)
- clone()
- serialize()
- static Parse(source)
- imageProcessingConfiguration
- colorCurves
- colorCurvesEnabled
- colorGradingTexture
- colorGradingEnabled
- exposure
- toneMappingEnabled
- contrast
- vignetteStretch
- vignetteCentreX
- vignetteCentreY
- vignetteWeight
- vignetteColor
- vignetteCameraFov
- vignetteBlendMode
- vignetteEnabled
- fromLinearSpace
- getClassName()
- dispose(camera)
- propertyPath
- value
- execute()
- serialize(parent)
- receiveShadows
- material
- visibility
- skeleton
- renderingGroupId
- sourceMesh
- getClassName()
- getTotalVertices()
- getVerticesData(kind, copyWhenShared)
- setVerticesData(kind, data, updatable, stride)
- updateVerticesData(kind, data, updateExtends, makeItUnique)
- setIndices(indices, totalVertices)
- isVerticesDataPresent(kind)
- getIndices()
- refreshBoundingInfo()
- getLOD(camera)
- clone(name, newParent, doNotCloneChildren)
- dispose(doNotRecurse)
- index
- attributeSize
- attribyteType
- normalized
- offset
- attributeName
- isReady
- isCube
- is3D
- url
- samplingMode
- generateMipMaps
- samples
- type
- format
- onLoadedObservable
- width
- height
- depth
- baseWidth
- baseHeight
- baseDepth
- invertY
- HTMLImageElement
- dataSource
- incrementReferences()
- updateSize(width, height, depth)
- dispose()
- propertyPath
- value
- duration
- stopOtherAnimations
- undefined
- onInterpolationDone
- undefined
- onInterpolationDoneObservable
- undefined
- execute()
- serialize(parent)
- bu
- bv
- distance
- faceId
- subMeshId
- static KEYDOWN
- static KEYUP
- type
- event
- skipOnPointerObservable
- arrayBuffer
- static HEADER_LEN
- static COMPRESSED_2D
- static COMPRESSED_3D
- static TEX_2D
- static TEX_3D
- glType
- glTypeSize
- glFormat
- glInternalFormat
- glBaseInternalFormat
- pixelWidth
- pixelHeight
- pixelDepth
- numberOfArrayElements
- numberOfFaces
- numberOfMipmapLevels
- bytesOfKeyValueData
- loadType
- switchEndainness(val)
- uploadLevels(gl, loadMipmaps)
- name
- texture
- isBackground
- color
- scale
- offset
- alphaBlendingMode
- alphaTest
- layerMask
- onDisposeObservable
- onDispose
- onBeforeRenderObservable
- onBeforeRender
- onAfterRenderObservable
- onAfterRender
- render()
- dispose()
- size
- position
- color
- texture
- alphaMode
- static AddFlare(size, position, color, imgUrl, system)
- dispose()
- name
- lensFlares
- borderLimit
- viewportBorder
- meshesSelectionPredicate
- layerMask
- id
- isEnabled
- getScene()
- getEmitter()
- setEmitter(newEmitter)
- getEmitterPosition()
- computeEffectivePosition(globalViewport)
- render()
- dispose()
- static Parse(parsedLensFlareSystem, scene, rootUrl)
- serialize()
- apply
- LensChromaticAberrationEffect
- HighlightsEnhancingEffect
- LensDepthOfFieldEffect
- setEdgeBlur(amount)
- disableEdgeBlur()
- setGrainAmount(amount)
- disableGrain()
- setChromaticAberration(amount)
- disableChromaticAberration()
- setEdgeDistortion(amount)
- disableEdgeDistortion()
- setFocusDistance(amount)
- disableDepthOfField()
- setAperture(amount)
- setDarkenOutOfFocus(amount)
- enablePentagonBokeh()
- disablePentagonBokeh()
- enableNoiseBlur()
- disableNoiseBlur()
- setHighlightsGain(amount)
- setHighlightsThreshold(amount)
- disableHighlights()
- dispose(disableDepthRender)
- diffuse
- specular
- intensity
- range
- intensityMode
- radius
- renderPriority
- shadowEnabled
- includedOnlyMeshes
- excludedMeshes
- excludeWithLayerMask
- includeOnlyWithLayerMask
- lightmapMode
- getClassName()
- toString(fullDetails)
- setEnabled(value)
- getShadowGenerator()
- getAbsolutePosition()
- transferToEffect(effect, lightIndex)
- canAffectMesh(mesh)
- getWorldMatrix()
- static compareLightsPriority(a, b)
- dispose()
- getTypeID()
- getScaledIntensity()
- clone(name)
- serialize()
- static GetConstructorFromName(type, name, scene)
- static Parse(parsedLight, scene)
- useVertexColor
- undefined
- useVertexAlpha
- undefined
- color
- alpha
- intersectionThreshold
- material
- checkCollisions
- getClassName()
- createInstance(name)
- dispose(doNotRecurse)
- clone(name, newParent, doNotCloneChildren)
- static TriangleFillMode
- static WireFrameFillMode
- static PointFillMode
- static ClockWiseSideOrientation
- static CounterClockWiseSideOrientation
- static TextureDirtyFlag
- static LightDirtyFlag
- static FresnelDirtyFlag
- static AttributesDirtyFlag
- static MiscDirtyFlag
- id
- name
- checkReadyOnEveryCall
- checkReadyOnlyOnce
- state
- alpha
- backFaceCulling
- sideOrientation
- onCompiled
- onError
- getRenderTargetTextures
- doNotSerialize
- storeEffectOnSubMeshes
- animations
- onDisposeObservable
- onDispose
- onBindObservable
- onBind
- onUnBindObservable
- alphaMode
- needDepthPrePass
- disableDepthWrite
- forceDepthWrite
- separateCullingPass
- fogEnabled
- pointSize
- zOffset
- wireframe
- pointsCloud
- fillMode
- isFrozen
- toString(fullDetails)
- getClassName()
- freeze()
- unfreeze()
- isReady(mesh, useInstances)
- isReadyForSubMesh(mesh, subMesh, useInstances)
- getEffect()
- getScene()
- needAlphaBlending()
- needAlphaBlendingForMesh(mesh)
- needAlphaTesting()
- getAlphaTestTexture()
- markDirty()
- bind(world, mesh)
- bindForSubMesh(world, mesh, subMesh)
- bindOnlyWorldMatrix(world)
- bindSceneUniformBuffer(effect, sceneUbo)
- bindView(effect)
- bindViewProjection(effect)
- unbind()
- getActiveTextures()
- hasTexture(texture)
- clone(name)
- getBindedMeshes()
- forceCompilation(mesh, onCompiled, options)
- markAsDirty(flag)
- dispose(forceDisposeEffect, forceDisposeTextures)
- serialize()
- static ParseMultiMaterial(parsedMultiMaterial, scene)
- static Parse(parsedMaterial, scene, rootUrl)
- isDirty
- markAsProcessed()
- markAsUnprocessed()
- markAllAsDirty()
- markAsImageProcessingDirty()
- markAsLightDirty()
- markAsAttributesDirty()
- markAsTexturesDirty()
- markAsFresnelDirty()
- markAsMiscDirty()
- rebuild()
- isEqual(other)
- cloneTo(other)
- reset()
- toString()
- static BindEyePosition(effect, scene)
- static PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(texture, defines, key)
- static BindTextureMatrix(texture, uniformBuffer, key)
- static PrepareDefinesForMisc(mesh, scene, useLogarithmicDepth, pointsCloud, fogEnabled, defines)
- static PrepareDefinesForFrameBoundValues(scene, engine, defines, useInstances, forceAlphaTest)
- static PrepareDefinesForAttributes(mesh, defines, useVertexColor, useBones, useMorphTargets, useVertexAlpha)
- static PrepareDefinesForLights(scene, mesh, defines, specularSupported, maxSimultaneousLights, disableLighting)
- static PrepareUniformsAndSamplersList(uniformsListOrOptions, EffectCreationOptions, samplersList, defines, maxSimultaneousLights)
- static HandleFallbacksForShadows(defines, fallbacks, maxSimultaneousLights, rank)
- static PrepareAttributesForMorphTargets(attribs, mesh, defines)
- static PrepareAttributesForBones(attribs, mesh, defines, fallbacks)
- static PrepareAttributesForInstances(attribs, defines)
- static BindLightShadow(light, scene, mesh, lightIndex, effect)
- static BindLightProperties(light, effect, lightIndex)
- static BindLights(scene, mesh, effect, defines, maxSimultaneousLights, usePhysicalLightFalloff)
- static BindFogParameters(scene, mesh, effect)
- static BindBonesParameters(mesh, effect)
- static BindMorphTargetParameters(abstractMesh, effect)
- static BindLogDepth(defines, effect, scene)
- static BindClipPlane(effect, scene)
- updateFlag
- m
- static IdentityReadOnly
- isIdentity(considerAsTextureMatrix)
- determinant()
- toArray()
- asArray()
- invert()
- reset()
- add(other)
- addToRef(other, result)
- addToSelf(other)
- invertToRef(other)
- setTranslationFromFloats(x, y, z)
- setTranslation(vector3)
- getTranslation()
- getTranslationToRef(result)
- removeRotationAndScaling()
- multiply(other)
- copyFrom(other)
- copyToArray(array, offset)
- multiplyToRef(other, result)
- multiplyToArray(other, result, offset)
- equals(value)
- clone()
- getClassName()
- getHashCode()
- decompose(scale, rotation, translation)
- getRotationMatrix()
- getRotationMatrixToRef(result)
- static FromArray(array, offset)
- static FromArrayToRef(array, offset, result)
- static FromFloat32ArrayToRefScaled(array, offset, scale, result)
- static FromValuesToRef(initialM11, initialM12, initialM13, initialM14, initialM21, initialM22, initialM23, initialM24, initialM31, initialM32, initialM33, initialM34, initialM41, initialM42, initialM43, initialM44, result)
- getRow(index)
- setRow(index, row)
- transpose()
- transposeToRef(result)
- setRowFromFloats(index, x, y, z, w)
- static FromValues(initialM11, initialM12, initialM13, initialM14, initialM21, initialM22, initialM23, initialM24, initialM31, initialM32, initialM33, initialM34, initialM41, initialM42, initialM43, initialM44)
- static Compose(scale, rotation, translation)
- static ComposeToRef(scale, rotation, translation, result)
- static Identity()
- static IdentityToRef(result)
- static Zero()
- static RotationX(angle)
- static Invert(source)
- static RotationXToRef(angle, result)
- static RotationY(angle)
- static RotationYToRef(angle, result)
- static RotationZ(angle)
- static RotationZToRef(angle, result)
- static RotationAxis(axis, angle)
- static RotationAxisToRef(axis, angle, result)
- static RotationYawPitchRoll(yaw, pitch, roll)
- static RotationYawPitchRollToRef(yaw, pitch, roll, result)
- static Scaling(x, y, z)
- static ScalingToRef(x, y, z, result)
- static Translation(x, y, z)
- static TranslationToRef(x, y, z, result)
- static Lerp(startValue, endValue, gradient)
- static DecomposeLerp(startValue, endValue, gradient)
- static LookAtLH(eye, target, up)
- static LookAtLHToRef(eye, target, up, result)
- static LookAtRH(eye, target, up)
- static LookAtRHToRef(eye, target, up, result)
- static OrthoLH(width, height, znear, zfar)
- static OrthoLHToRef(width, height, znear, zfar, result)
- static OrthoOffCenterLH(left, right, bottom, top, znear, zfar)
- static OrthoOffCenterLHToRef(left, right, bottom, top, znear, zfar, result)
- static OrthoOffCenterRH(left, right, bottom, top, znear, zfar)
- static OrthoOffCenterRHToRef(left, right, bottom, top, znear, zfar, result)
- static PerspectiveLH(width, height, znear, zfar)
- static PerspectiveFovLH(fov, aspect, znear, zfar)
- static PerspectiveFovLHToRef(fov, aspect, znear, zfar, result, isVerticalFovFixed)
- static PerspectiveFovRH(fov, aspect, znear, zfar)
- static PerspectiveFovRHToRef(fov, aspect, znear, zfar, result, isVerticalFovFixed)
- static PerspectiveFovWebVRToRef(fov, znear, zfar, result, rightHanded)
- static GetFinalMatrix(viewport, world, view, projection, zmin, zmax)
- static GetAsMatrix2x2(matrix)
- static GetAsMatrix3x3(matrix)
- static Transpose(matrix)
- static TransposeToRef(matrix, result)
- static Reflection(plane)
- static ReflectionToRef(plane, result)
- static FromXYZAxesToRef(xaxis, yaxis, zaxis, result)
- static FromQuaternionToRef(quat, result)
- static UpdateSelectionTree
- apply
- static FRONTSIDE
- static BACKSIDE
- static NO_CAP
- static CAP_START
- static CAP_END
- static CAP_ALL
- onBeforeRenderObservable
- onAfterRenderObservable
- onBeforeDrawObservable
- onBeforeDraw
- delayLoadState
- instances
- delayLoadingFile
- onLODLevelSelection
- morphTargetManager
- overrideMaterialSideOrientation
- source
- hasLODLevels
- geometry
- isBlocked
- areNormalsFrozen
- overridenInstanceCount
- getClassName()
- toString(fullDetails)
- addLODLevel(distance, mesh)
- getLODLevelAtDistance(distance)
- removeLODLevel(mesh)
- getLOD(camera, boundingSphere)
- getTotalVertices()
- getVerticesData(kind, copyWhenShared, forceCopy)
- getVertexBuffer(kind)
- isVerticesDataPresent(kind)
- isVertexBufferUpdatable(kind)
- getVerticesDataKinds()
- getIndices(copyWhenShared)
- isReady()
- freezeNormals()
- unfreezeNormals()
- refreshBoundingInfo()
- subdivide(count)
- setVerticesData(kind, data, updatable, stride)
- markVerticesDataAsUpdatable(kind, updatable)
- setVerticesBuffer(buffer)
- updateVerticesData(kind, data, updateExtends, makeItUnique)
- updateMeshPositions(positionFunction, computeNormals)
- makeGeometryUnique()
- setIndices(indices, totalVertices, updatable)
- updateIndices(indices, offset)
- toLeftHanded()
- registerBeforeRender(func)
- unregisterBeforeRender(func)
- registerAfterRender(func)
- unregisterAfterRender(func)
- render(subMesh, enableAlphaMode)
- getEmittedParticleSystems()
- getHierarchyEmittedParticleSystems()
- isInFrustum(frustumPlanes)
- setMaterialByID(id)
- getAnimatables()
- bakeTransformIntoVertices(transform)
- bakeCurrentTransformIntoVertices()
- clone(name, newParent, doNotCloneChildren, clonePhysicsImpostor)
- dispose(doNotRecurse, disposeMaterialAndTextures)
- applyDisplacementMap(url, minHeight, maxHeight, onSuccess, uvOffset, uvScale)
- applyDisplacementMapFromBuffer(buffer, heightMapWidth, heightMapHeight, minHeight, maxHeight, uvOffset, uvScale)
- convertToFlatShadedMesh()
- convertToUnIndexedMesh()
- flipFaces(flipNormals)
- createInstance(name)
- synchronizeInstances()
- simplify(settings, parallelProcessing, simplificationType, successCallback)
- optimizeIndices(successCallback)
- serialize(serializationObject)
- static Parse(parsedMesh, scene, rootUrl)
- static CreateRibbon(name, pathArray, closeArray, undefined, closePath, offset, scene, updatable, sideOrientation, instance)
- static CreateDisc(name, radius, tessellation, scene, updatable, sideOrientation)
- static CreateBox(name, size, scene, updatable, sideOrientation)
- static CreateSphere(name, segments, diameter, scene, updatable, sideOrientation)
- static CreateCylinder(name, height, diameterTop, diameterBottom, tessellation, subdivisions, scene, updatable, sideOrientation)
- static CreateTorus(name, diameter, thickness, tessellation, scene, updatable, sideOrientation)
- static CreateTorusKnot(name, radius, tube, radialSegments, tubularSegments, p, q, scene, updatable, sideOrientation)
- static CreateLines(name, points, scene, updatable, instance)
- static CreateDashedLines(name, points, dashSize, gapSize, dashNb, scene, updatable, instance)
- static CreatePolygon(name, shape, scene, holes, updatable, sideOrientation)
- static ExtrudePolygon(name, shape, depth, scene, holes, updatable, sideOrientation)
- static ExtrudeShape(name, shape, path, scale, rotation, cap, scene, updatable, sideOrientation, instance)
- static ExtrudeShapeCustom(name, shape, path, scaleFunction, rotationFunction, ribbonCloseArray, ribbonClosePath, cap, scene, updatable, sideOrientation, instance)
- static CreateLathe(name, shape, radius, tessellation, scene, updatable, sideOrientation)
- static CreatePlane(name, size, scene, updatable, sideOrientation)
- static CreateGround(name, width, height, subdivisions, scene, updatable)
- static CreateTiledGround(name, xmin, zmin, xmax, zmax, subdivisions, precision, scene, updatable)
- static CreateGroundFromHeightMap(name, url, width, height, subdivisions, minHeight, maxHeight, scene, updatable, onReady)
- static CreateTube(name, path, radius, tessellation, radiusFunction, cap, scene, updatable, sideOrientation, instance)
- static CreatePolyhedron(name, options, scene)
- static CreateIcoSphere(name, options, scene)
- static CreateDecal(name, sourceMesh, position, normal, size, angle)
- setPositionsForCPUSkinning()
- setNormalsForCPUSkinning()
- applySkeleton(skeleton)
- static MinMax(meshes)
- static Center(meshesOrMinMaxVector, AbstractMesh)
- static MergeMeshes(meshes, disposeSource, allow32BitsIndices, meshSubclass, subdivideWithSubMeshes)
- name
- meshesNames
- rootUrl
- sceneFilename
- loadedMeshes
- loadedParticleSystems
- loadedSkeletons
- onSuccess
- onError
- runTask(scene, onSuccess, onError)
- static CreateBox(name, options, scene)
- static CreateSphere(name, options, scene)
- static CreateDisc(name, options, scene)
- static CreateIcoSphere(name, options, scene)
- static CreateRibbon(name, options, scene)
- static CreateCylinder(name, options, scene)
- static CreateTorus(name, options, scene)
- static CreateTorusKnot(name, options, scene)
- static CreateLineSystem(name, options, scene)
- static CreateLines(name, options, scene)
- static CreateDashedLines(name, options, scene)
- static ExtrudeShape(name, options, scene)
- static ExtrudeShapeCustom(name, options, scene)
- static CreateLathe(name, options, scene)
- static CreatePlane(name, options, scene)
- static CreateGround(name, options, scene)
- static CreateTiledGround(name, options, scene)
- static CreateGroundFromHeightMap(name, url, options, scene)
- static CreatePolygon(name, options, scene)
- static ExtrudePolygon(name, options, scene)
- static CreateTube(name, options, scene)
- static CreatePolyhedron(name, options, scene)
- static CreateDecal(name, sourceMesh, options)
- distance
- mesh
- mirrorPlane
- blurRatio
- adaptiveBlurKernel
- blurKernel
- blurKernelX
- blurKernelY
- shapeID
- name
- animations
- onInfluenceChanged
- influence
- hasPositions
- hasNormals
- hasTangents
- setPositions(data)
- getPositions()
- setNormals(data)
- getNormals()
- setTangents(data)
- getTangents()
- serialize()
- static Parse(serializationObject)
- static FromMesh(mesh, name, influence)
- uniqueId
- vertexCount
- supportsNormals
- supportsTangents
- numTargets
- numInfluencers
- influences
- getActiveTarget(index)
- getTarget(index)
- addTarget(target)
- removeTarget(target)
- serialize()
- static Parse(serializationObject, scene)
- setMotor(force, maxForce)
- setLimit(upperLimit, lowerLimit)
- subMaterials
- getSubMaterial(index)
- getActiveTextures()
- getClassName()
- isReadyForSubMesh(mesh, subMesh, useInstances)
- clone(name, cloneChildren)
- serialize()
- dispose(forceDisposeEffect, forceDisposeTextures)
- dispose()
- static Watch(observables, callback, mask, scope)
- isSupported
- textures
- depthTexture
- wrapU
- wrapV
- samples
- resize(size)
- dispose()
- releaseInternalTextures()
- name
- id
- uniqueId
- state
- metadata
- doNotSerialize
- animations
- onReady
- parent
- onDisposeObservable
- onDispose
- behaviors
- getClassName()
- getScene()
- getEngine()
- addBehavior(behavior)
- removeBehavior(behavior)
- getBehaviorByName(name)
- getWorldMatrix()
- updateCache(force)
- isSynchronizedWithParent()
- isSynchronized(updateCache)
- hasNewParent(update)
- isReady()
- isEnabled()
- setEnabled(value)
- isDescendantOf(ancestor)
- getDescendants(directDescendantsOnly, predicate)
- getChildMeshes(directDescendantsOnly, predicate)
- getChildTransformNodes(directDescendantsOnly, predicate)
- getChildren(predicate)
- getAnimationByName(name)
- createAnimationRange(name, from, to)
- deleteAnimationRange(name, deleteFrames)
- getAnimationRange(name)
- beginAnimation(name, loop, speedRatio, onAnimationEnd)
- serializeAnimationRanges()
- computeWorldMatrix(force)
- dispose()
- static ParseAnimationRanges(node, parsedNode, scene)
- isDeterministicLockStep()
- getLockstepMaxSteps()
- createVertexBuffer(vertices)
- createIndexBuffer(indices)
- clear(color, backBuffer, depth, stencil)
- getRenderWidth(useScreen)
- getRenderHeight(useScreen)
- setViewport(viewport, requiredWidth, requiredHeight)
- createShaderProgram(vertexCode, fragmentCode, defines, context)
- getUniforms(shaderProgram, uniformsNames)
- getAttributes(shaderProgram, attributesNames)
- bindSamplers(effect)
- enableEffect(effect)
- setState(culling, zOffset, force, reverseSide)
- setIntArray(uniform, array)
- setIntArray2(uniform, array)
- setIntArray3(uniform, array)
- setIntArray4(uniform, array)
- setFloatArray(uniform, array)
- setFloatArray2(uniform, array)
- setFloatArray3(uniform, array)
- setFloatArray4(uniform, array)
- setArray(uniform, array)
- setArray2(uniform, array)
- setArray3(uniform, array)
- setArray4(uniform, array)
- setMatrices(uniform, matrices)
- setMatrix(uniform, matrix)
- setMatrix3x3(uniform, matrix)
- setMatrix2x2(uniform, matrix)
- setFloat(uniform, value)
- setFloat2(uniform, x, y)
- setFloat3(uniform, x, y, z)
- setBool(uniform, bool)
- setFloat4(uniform, x, y, z, w)
- setColor3(uniform, color3)
- setColor4(uniform, color3, alpha)
- setAlphaMode(mode, noDepthWriteChange)
- bindBuffers(vertexBuffers, indexBuffer, effect)
- wipeCaches(bruteForce)
- draw(useTriangles, indexStart, indexCount, instancesCount)
- createTexture(urlArg, noMipmap, invertY, scene, samplingMode, onLoad, onError, buffer, HTMLImageElement, fallBack, format)
- createRenderTargetTexture(size, options, RenderTargetCreationOptions)
- updateTextureSamplingMode(samplingMode, texture)
- bindFramebuffer(texture, faceIndex, requiredWidth, requiredHeight, forceFullscreenViewport)
- unBindFramebuffer(texture, disableGenerateMipMaps, onBeforeUnbind)
- createDynamicVertexBuffer(vertices)
- updateDynamicIndexBuffer(indexBuffer, indices, offset)
- updateDynamicVertexBuffer(vertexBuffer, vertices, offset, count)
- renderWidth
- renderHeight
- textureSize
- deterministicLockstep
- lockstepMaxSteps
- add(callback, mask, insertFirst, scope)
- remove(observer)
- removeCallback(callback)
- notifyObservers(eventData, mask, target, currentTarget)
- notifyObserver(observer, eventData, mask)
- hasObservers()
- clear()
- clone()
- hasSpecificMask(mask)
- callback
- mask
- scope
- maxDepth
- blocks
- dynamicContent
- static CreationFuncForMeshes
- static CreationFuncForSubMeshes
- update(worldMin, worldMax, entries)
- addMesh(entry)
- select(frustumPlanes, allowDuplicate)
- intersects(sphereCenter, sphereRadius, allowDuplicate)
- intersectsRay(ray)
- entries
- blocks
- capacity
- minPoint
- maxPoint
- addEntry(entry)
- addEntries(entries)
- select(frustumPlanes, selection, allowDuplicate)
- intersects(sphereCenter, sphereRadius, selection, allowDuplicate)
- intersectsRay(ray, selection)
- createInnerBlocks()
- onSecondaryTriggerStateChangedObservable
- onThumbRestChangedObservable
- onAButtonStateChangedObservable
- onBButtonStateChangedObservable
- onXButtonStateChangedObservable
- onYButtonStateChangedObservable
- initControllerMesh(scene, meshLoaded)
- handleButtonChange(buttonIdx, state, changes)
- world
- name
- setGravity(gravity)
- setTimeStep(timeStep)
- getTimeStep()
- executeStep(delta, impostors)
- applyImpulse(impostor, force, contactPoint)
- applyForce(impostor, force, contactPoint)
- generatePhysicsBody(impostor)
- removePhysicsBody(impostor)
- generateJoint(impostorJoint)
- removeJoint(impostorJoint)
- isSupported()
- setTransformationFromPhysicsBody(impostor)
- setPhysicsBodyTransformation(impostor, newPosition, newRotation)
- setLinearVelocity(impostor, velocity)
- setAngularVelocity(impostor, velocity)
- getLinearVelocity(impostor)
- getAngularVelocity(impostor)
- setBodyMass(impostor, mass)
- getBodyMass(impostor)
- getBodyFriction(impostor)
- setBodyFriction(impostor, friction)
- getBodyRestitution(impostor)
- setBodyRestitution(impostor, restitution)
- sleepBody(impostor)
- wakeUpBody(impostor)
- updateDistanceJoint(joint, maxDistance, minDistance)
- setMotor(joint, speed, maxForce, motorIndex)
- setLimit(joint, upperLimit, lowerLimit, motorIndex)
- syncMeshWithImpostor(mesh, impostor)
- getRadius(impostor)
- getBoxSizeToRef(impostor, result)
- dispose()
- zOffset
- render(subMesh, batch, useOverlay)
- isReady(subMesh, useInstances)
- useLogarithmicDepth
- transparencyMode
- getClassName()
- needAlphaBlending()
- needAlphaBlendingForMesh(mesh)
- needAlphaTesting()
- getAlphaTestTexture()
- isReadyForSubMesh(mesh, subMesh, useInstances)
- buildUniformLayout()
- unbind()
- bindOnlyWorldMatrix(world)
- bindForSubMesh(world, mesh, subMesh)
- getAnimatables()
- dispose(forceDisposeEffect, forceDisposeTextures)
- maxSimultaneousLights
- disableLighting
- environmentTexture
- invertNormalMapX
- invertNormalMapY
- normalTexture
- emissiveColor
- emissiveTexture
- occlusionStrength
- occlusionTexture
- alphaCutOff
- doubleSided
- lightmapTexture
- useLightmapAsShadowmap
- getActiveTextures()
- hasTexture(texture)
- getClassName()
- directIntensity
- emissiveIntensity
- environmentIntensity
- specularIntensity
- disableBumpMap
- albedoTexture
- ambientTexture
- ambientTextureStrength
- opacityTexture
- reflectionTexture
- emissiveTexture
- reflectivityTexture
- metallicTexture
- metallic
- roughness
- microSurfaceTexture
- bumpTexture
- lightmapTexture
- refractionTexture
- ambientColor
- albedoColor
- reflectivityColor
- reflectionColor
- emissiveColor
- microSurface
- indexOfRefraction
- invertRefractionY
- linkRefractionWithTransparency
- useLightmapAsShadowmap
- useAlphaFromAlbedoTexture
- forceAlphaTest
- alphaCutOff
- useSpecularOverAlpha
- useMicroSurfaceFromReflectivityMapAlpha
- useRoughnessFromMetallicTextureAlpha
- useRoughnessFromMetallicTextureGreen
- useMetallnessFromMetallicTextureBlue
- useAmbientOcclusionFromMetallicTextureRed
- useAmbientInGrayScale
- useAutoMicroSurfaceFromReflectivityMap
- usePhysicalLightFalloff
- useRadianceOverAlpha
- useParallax
- useParallaxOcclusion
- parallaxScaleBias
- disableLighting
- forceIrradianceInFragment
- maxSimultaneousLights
- invertNormalMapX
- invertNormalMapY
- twoSidedLighting
- useAlphaFresnel
- useLinearAlphaFresnel
- environmentBRDFTexture
- forceNormalForward
- useHorizonOcclusion
- useRadianceOcclusion
- imageProcessingConfiguration
- cameraColorCurvesEnabled
- cameraColorGradingEnabled
- cameraToneMappingEnabled
- cameraExposure
- cameraContrast
- cameraColorGradingTexture
- cameraColorCurves
- getClassName()
- getActiveTextures()
- hasTexture(texture)
- clone(name)
- serialize()
- static Parse(source, scene, rootUrl)
- baseColor
- baseTexture
- metallic
- roughness
- metallicRoughnessTexture
- getClassName()
- getActiveTextures()
- hasTexture(texture)
- clone(name)
- serialize()
- static Parse(source, scene, rootUrl)
- diffuseColor
- diffuseTexture
- specularColor
- glossiness
- specularGlossinessTexture
- getClassName()
- getActiveTextures()
- hasTexture(texture)
- clone(name)
- serialize()
- static Parse(source, scene, rootUrl)
- static ConvertPanoramaToCubemap(float32Array, inputWidth, inputHeight, size)
- position
- direction
- color
- colorStep
- lifeTime
- age
- size
- angle
- angularSpeed
- cellIndex
- updateCellIndex
- copyTo(other)
- name
- animations
- id
- renderingGroupId
- emitter
- "href=""/classes/3.1/Vector3"">Vector3 "
- emitRate
- manualEmitCount
- updateSpeed
- targetStopDuration
- disposeOnStop
- minEmitPower
- maxEmitPower
- minLifeTime
- maxLifeTime
- minSize
- maxSize
- minAngularSpeed
- maxAngularSpeed
- particleTexture
- layerMask
- customShader
- preventAutoStart
- onDisposeObservable
- onDispose
- updateFunction
- onAnimationEnd
- blendMode
- forceDepthWrite
- gravity
- direction1
- direction2
- minEmitBox
- maxEmitBox
- color1
- color2
- colorDead
- textureMask
- startDirectionFunction
- startPositionFunction
- startSpriteCellID
- endSpriteCellID
- spriteCellLoop
- spriteCellChangeSpeed
- spriteCellWidth
- spriteCellHeight
- isAnimationSheetEnabled
- appendParticleVertexes
- recycleParticle(particle)
- getCapacity()
- isAlive()
- isStarted()
- start()
- stop()
- animate()
- rebuild()
- render()
- dispose()
- clone(name, newEmitter)
- serialize()
- static Parse(parsedParticleSystem, scene, rootUrl)
- apply
- closed
- addLineTo(x, y)
- addArcTo(midX, midY, endX, endY, numberOfSegments)
- close()
- length()
- getPoints()
- getPointAtLengthPosition(normalizedLengthPosition)
- static StartingAt(x, y)
- path
- getCurve()
- getTangents()
- getNormals()
- getBinormals()
- getDistances()
- update(path, firstNormal)
- value
- animations
- getPoint()
- moveAhead(step)
- moveBack(step)
- move(step)
- onchange(f)
- static Enabled
- min
- max
- average
- lastSecAverage
- current
- total
- count
- fetchNewFrame()
- addCount(newCount, fetchResult)
- beginMonitoring()
- endMonitoring(newFrame)
- averageFrameTime
- averageFrameTimeVariance
- instantaneousFrameTime
- averageFPS
- instantaneousFPS
- isSaturated
- isEnabled
- sampleFrame(timeMs)
- enable()
- disable()
- reset()
- gravity
- static Epsilon
- setGravity(gravity)
- setTimeStep(newTimeStep)
- getTimeStep()
- dispose()
- getPhysicsPluginName()
- addImpostor(impostor)
- removeImpostor(impostor)
- addJoint(mainImpostor, connectedImpostor, joint)
- removeJoint(mainImpostor, connectedImpostor, joint)
- getPhysicsPlugin()
- getImpostors()
- getImpostorForPhysicsObject(object)
- getImpostorWithPhysicsBody(body)
- getData()
- enable()
- disable()
- dispose(force)
- applyRadialExplosionImpulse(origin, radius, strength, falloff)
- applyRadialExplosionForce(origin, radius, strength, falloff)
- gravitationalField(origin, radius, strength, falloff)
- updraft(origin, radius, strength, height, updraftMode)
- object
- type
- isDisposed
- mass
- friction
- restitution
- uniqueId
- physicsBody
- parent
- void
- beforeStep
- afterStep
- onCollideEvent
- onCollide
- static NoImpostor
- static SphereImpostor
- static BoxImpostor
- static PlaneImpostor
- static MeshImpostor
- static CylinderImpostor
- static ParticleImpostor
- static HeightmapImpostor
- isBodyInitRequired()
- setScalingUpdated(updated)
- forceUpdate()
- resetUpdateFlags()
- getObjectExtendSize()
- getObjectCenter()
- getParam(paramName)
- setParam(paramName, value)
- setMass(mass)
- getLinearVelocity()
- setLinearVelocity(velocity)
- getAngularVelocity()
- setAngularVelocity(velocity)
- executeNativeFunction(func)
- registerBeforePhysicsStep(func)
- unregisterBeforePhysicsStep(func)
- registerAfterPhysicsStep(func)
- unregisterAfterPhysicsStep(func)
- registerOnPhysicsCollide(collideAgainst, Array, func)
- unregisterOnPhysicsCollide(collideAgainst, Array, func)
- getParentsRotation()
- applyForce(force, contactPoint)
- applyImpulse(force, contactPoint)
- createJoint(otherImpostor, jointType, jointData)
- addJoint(otherImpostor, joint)
- sleep()
- wakeUp()
- clone(newObject)
- dispose()
- setDeltaPosition(position)
- setDeltaRotation(rotation)
- getBoxSizeToRef(result)
- getRadius()
- syncBoneWithImpostor(bone, boneMesh, jointPivot, distToJoint, adjustRotation)
- syncImpostorWithBone(bone, boneMesh, jointPivot, distToJoint, adjustRotation, boneAxis)
- type
- jointData
- physicsJoint
- physicsPlugin
- static
- static
- static BallAndSocketJoint
- static WheelJoint
- static SliderJoint
- static PrismaticJoint
- static UniversalJoint
- static
- static PointToPointJoint
- static SpringJoint
- static LockJoint
- executeNativeFunction(func)
- getData()
- getImpostorForceAndContactPoint(impostor, origin, radius, strength, falloff)
- dispose(force)
- getData()
- enable()
- disable()
- dispose(force)
- showImpostor(impostor)
- hideImpostor(impostor)
- dispose()
- hit
- distance
- pickedPoint
- pickedMesh
- bu
- bv
- faceId
- subMeshId
- pickedSprite
- getNormal(useWorldCoordinates, useVerticesNormals)
- getTextureCoordinates()
- size
- side
- copy(id)
- serialize()
- static Parse(parsedPlane, scene)
- from
- to
- loop
- undefined
- execute()
- serialize(parent)
- execute()
- serialize(parent)
- shadowAngle
- direction
- getClassName()
- getTypeID()
- needCube()
- getShadowDirection(faceIndex)
- transferToEffect(effect, lightIndex)
- static POINTERUP
- pickInfo
- type
- event
- MouseWheelEvent
- localPosition
- skipOnPointerObservable
- static Rectangle(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
- static Circle(radius, cx, cy, numberOfSides)
- static Parse(input)
- static StartingAt(x, y)
- addHole(hole)
- build(updatable, depth)
- devicePosition
- deviceRotationQuaternion
- deviceScaleFactor
- position
- rotationQuaternion
- controllerType
- rawPose
- mesh
- update()
- updateFromDevice(poseData)
- attachToMesh(mesh)
- attachToPoseControlledCamera(camera)
- dispose()
- getForwardRay(length)
- "href=""/classes/3.1/WindowsMotionController"">WindowsMotionController "
- "href=""/classes/3.1/ViveController"">ViveController "
- "href=""/classes/3.1/GenericController"">GenericController "
- static InitiateController(vrGamepad)
- position
- normal
- uv
- clone()
- position
- normal
- clone()
- name
- width
- height
- renderTargetSamplingMode
- clearColor
- autoClear
- alphaMode
- alphaConstants
- animations
- enablePixelPerfectMode
- scaleMode
- alwaysForcePOT
- samples
- adaptScaleToCurrentViewport
- onActivateObservable
- onActivate
- onSizeChangedObservable
- onSizeChanged
- onApplyObservable
- onApply
- onBeforeRenderObservable
- onBeforeRender
- onAfterRenderObservable
- onAfterRender
- outputTexture
- texelSize
- isSupported
- aspectRatio
- getCamera()
- getEngine()
- getEffect()
- shareOutputWith(postProcess)
- updateEffect(defines, uniforms, samplers, indexParameters, onCompiled, onError)
- isReusable()
- markTextureDirty()
- activate(camera, sourceTexture, forceDepthStencil)
- apply()
- dispose(camera)
- directRender(postProcesses, targetTexture, forceFullscreenViewport)
- dispose()
- applyParameters
- isSupported
- addPass(renderPass)
- removePass(renderPass)
- addRenderEffectAsPass(renderEffect)
- getPass(passName)
- emptyPasses()
- getPostProcess(camera)
- setRenderList(renderList)
- getRenderTexture()
- isSupported
- getClassName()
- addEffect(renderEffect)
- dispose()
- addPipeline(renderPipeline)
- attachCamerasToRenderPipeline(renderPipelineName, cameras, unique)
- attachCamerasToRenderPipeline(renderPipelineName, cameras, unique)
- detachCamerasFromRenderPipeline(renderPipelineName, cameras)
- detachCamerasFromRenderPipeline(renderPipelineName, cameras)
- enableEffectInPipeline(renderPipelineName, renderEffectName, cameras)
- enableEffectInPipeline(renderPipelineName, renderEffectName, cameras)
- disableEffectInPipeline(renderPipelineName, renderEffectName, cameras)
- disableEffectInPipeline(renderPipelineName, renderEffectName, cameras)
- enableDisplayOnlyPassInPipeline(renderPipelineName, passName, cameras)
- enableDisplayOnlyPassInPipeline(renderPipelineName, passName, cameras)
- disableDisplayOnlyPassInPipeline(renderPipelineName, cameras)
- disableDisplayOnlyPassInPipeline(renderPipelineName, cameras)
- update()
- dispose()
- apply
- power
- easeInCore(gradient)
- predicate
- isValid()
- isCube
- isEnabled
- onGenerated
- refreshRate
- reset()
- isReady()
- resetRefreshCounter()
- setFragment(fragment)
- getRenderSize()
- resize(size, generateMipMaps)
- setTexture(name, texture)
- setFloat(name, value)
- setFloats(name, value)
- setColor3(name, value)
- setColor4(name, value)
- setVector2(name, value)
- setVector3(name, value)
- setMatrix(name, value)
- render(useCameraPostProcess)
- clone()
- dispose()
- getEffect()
- isReady(mesh, useInstances)
- bindOnlyWorldMatrix(world)
- bind(world, mesh)
- easeInCore(gradient)
- syncIterations
- aggressiveness
- decimationIterations
- boundingBoxEpsilon
- simplify(settings, successCallback)
- data
- det(a11, a12, a13, a21, a22, a23, a31, a32, a33)
- addInPlace(matrix)
- addArrayInPlace(data)
- add(matrix)
- static FromData(a, b, c, d)
- static DataFromNumbers(a, b, c, d)
- easeInCore(gradient)
- x
- y
- z
- w
- toString()
- getClassName()
- getHashCode()
- asArray()
- equals(otherQuaternion)
- clone()
- copyFrom(other)
- copyFromFloats(x, y, z, w)
- set(x, y, z, w)
- add(other)
- subtract(other)
- scale(value)
- multiply(q1)
- multiplyToRef(q1, result)
- multiplyInPlace(q1)
- conjugateToRef(ref)
- conjugateInPlace()
- conjugate()
- length()
- normalize()
- toEulerAngles(order)
- toEulerAnglesToRef(result, order)
- toRotationMatrix(result)
- fromRotationMatrix(matrix)
- static FromRotationMatrix(matrix)
- static FromRotationMatrixToRef(matrix, result)
- static Zero()
- static Inverse(q)
- static Identity()
- static IsIdentity(quaternion)
- static RotationAxis(axis, angle)
- static RotationAxisToRef(axis, angle, result)
- static FromArray(array, offset)
- static RotationYawPitchRoll(yaw, pitch, roll)
- static RotationYawPitchRollToRef(yaw, pitch, roll, result)
- static RotationAlphaBetaGamma(alpha, beta, gamma)
- static RotationAlphaBetaGammaToRef(alpha, beta, gamma, result)
- static RotationQuaternionFromAxis(axis1, axis2, axis3, ref)
- static RotationQuaternionFromAxisToRef(axis1, axis2, axis3, ref)
- static Slerp(left, right, amount)
- static SlerpToRef(left, right, amount, result)
- static Hermite(value1, tangent1, value2, tangent2, amount)
- easeInCore(gradient)
- format
- update(data)
- static CreateLuminanceTexture(data, width, height, scene, generateMipMaps, invertY, samplingMode)
- static CreateLuminanceAlphaTexture(data, width, height, scene, generateMipMaps, invertY, samplingMode)
- static CreateAlphaTexture(data, width, height, scene, generateMipMaps, invertY, samplingMode)
- static CreateRGBTexture(data, width, height, scene, generateMipMaps, invertY, samplingMode, type)
- static CreateRGBATexture(data, width, height, scene, generateMipMaps, invertY, samplingMode, type)
- origin
- direction
- length
- intersectsBoxMinMax(minimum, maximum)
- intersectsBox(box)
- intersectsSphere(sphere)
- intersectsTriangle(vertex0, vertex1, vertex2)
- intersectsPlane(plane)
- intersectsMesh(mesh, fastCheck)
- intersectsMeshes(meshes, fastCheck, results)
- intersectionSegment(sega, segb, threshold)
- update(x, y, viewportWidth, viewportHeight, world, view, projection)
- static Zero()
- static CreateNew(x, y, viewportWidth, viewportHeight, world, view, projection)
- static CreateNewFromTo(origin, end, world)
- static Transform(ray, matrix)
- static TransformToRef(ray, matrix, result)
- ray
- static CreateAndShow(ray, scene, color)
- show(scene, color)
- hide()
- attachToMesh(mesh, meshSpaceDirection, meshSpaceOrigin, length)
- detachFromMesh()
- dispose()
- vertexId
- triangleId
- name
- invertYAxis
- position
- samples
- refreshRate
- cubeTexture
- renderList
- getScene()
- attachToMesh(mesh)
- setRenderingAutoClearDepthStencil(renderingGroupId, autoClearDepthStencil)
- dispose()
- color
- depth
- colorLevel
- dispose(camera)
- refractionPlane
- depth
- clone()
- serialize()
- generateMipMaps
- boolean
- generateDepthBuffer
- boolean
- generateStencilBuffer
- boolean
- type
- number
- samplingMode
- number
- isCube
- renderListPredicate
- renderList
- renderParticles
- renderSprites
- coordinatesMode
- activeCamera
- customRenderFunction
- useCameraPostProcesses
- ignoreCameraViewport
- onBeforeBindObservable
- onAfterUnbindObservable
- onAfterUnbind
- onBeforeRenderObservable
- onBeforeRender
- onAfterRenderObservable
- onAfterRender
- onClearObservable
- onClear
- clearColor
- apply
- index
- onBeforeTransparentRendering
- opaqueSortCompareFn
- alphaTestSortCompareFn
- transparentSortCompareFn
- render(customRenderFunction, renderSprites, renderParticles, activeMeshes)
- static defaultTransparentSortCompare(a, b)
- static backToFrontSortCompare(a, b)
- static frontToBackSortCompare(a, b)
- prepare()
- dispose()
- dispatch(subMesh)
- dispatchSprites(spriteManager)
- dispatchParticles(particleSystem)
- scene
- camera
- renderingGroupId
- renderStage
- static AUTOCLEAR
- render(customRenderFunction, activeMeshes, renderParticles, renderSprites)
- reset()
- dispose()
- dispatchSprites(spriteManager)
- dispatchParticles(particleSystem)
- dispatch(subMesh)
- setRenderingOrder(renderingGroupId, opaqueSortCompareFn, alphaTestSortCompareFn, transparentSortCompareFn)
- setRenderingAutoClearDepthStencil(renderingGroupId, autoClearDepthStencil, depth, stencil)
- pathArray
- closeArray
- closePath
- offset
- side
- copy(id)
- average
- variance
- add(v)
- history(i)
- isSaturated()
- reset()
- currentFrame
- animation
- reset()
- isStopped()
- dispose()
- setValue(currentValue, blend)
- goToFrame(frame)
- animate(delay, from, to, loop, speedRatio, blend)
- static IsEnabled
- static DisableSIMD()
- static EnableSIMD()
- SSAOOriginalSceneColorEffect
- SSAORenderEffect
- SSAOBlurHRenderEffect
- SSAOBlurVRenderEffect
- SSAOCombineRenderEffect
- totalStrength
- maxZ
- minZAspect
- samples
- expensiveBlur
- radius
- base
- static IsSupported
- dispose(disableGeometryBufferRenderer)
- SSAOOriginalSceneColorEffect
- SSAORenderEffect
- SSAOBlurHRenderEffect
- SSAOBlurVRenderEffect
- SSAOCombineRenderEffect
- totalStrength
- radius
- area
- fallOff
- base
- dispose(disableDepthRender)
- static TwoPi
- static WithinEpsilon(a, b, epsilon)
- static ToHex(i)
- static Sign(value)
- static Clamp(value, min, max)
- static Log2(value)
- static Repeat(value, length)
- static Normalize(value, min, max)
- static Denormalize(normalized, min, max)
- static DeltaAngle(current, target)
- static PingPong(tx, length)
- static SmoothStep(from, to, tx)
- static MoveTowards(current, target, maxDelta)
- static MoveTowardsAngle(current, target, maxDelta)
- static Lerp(start, end, amount)
- static LerpAngle(start, end, amount)
- static InverseLerp(a, b, value)
- static Hermite(value1, tangent1, value2, tangent2, amount)
- static RandomRange(min, max)
- static RangeToPercent(number, min, max)
- static PercentToRange(percent, min, max)
- static NormalizeRadians(angle)
- static MinDeltaTime
- static MaxDeltaTime
- static FOGMODE_EXP
- static FOGMODE_EXP2
- autoClear
- autoClearDepthAndStencil
- clearColor
- ambientColor
- environmentTexture
- imageProcessingConfiguration
- forceWireframe
- forcePointsCloud
- forceShowBoundingBoxes
- clipPlane
- animationsEnabled
- useConstantAnimationDeltaTime
- constantlyUpdateMeshUnderPointer
- hoverCursor
- defaultCursor
- preventDefaultOnPointerDown
- metadata
- loadingPluginName
- onDisposeObservable
- onDispose
- onBeforeRenderObservable
- beforeRender
- onAfterRenderObservable
- afterRender
- onBeforeAnimationsObservable
- onAfterAnimationsObservable
- onBeforeDrawPhaseObservable
- onAfterDrawPhaseObservable
- onBeforePhysicsObservable
- onAfterPhysicsObservable
- onReadyObservable
- onBeforeCameraRenderObservable
- beforeCameraRender
- onAfterCameraRenderObservable
- afterCameraRender
- onBeforeActiveMeshesEvaluationObservable
- onAfterActiveMeshesEvaluationObservable
- onBeforeParticlesRenderingObservable
- onAfterParticlesRenderingObservable
- onBeforeSpritesRenderingObservable
- onAfterSpritesRenderingObservable
- onDataLoadedObservable
- onNewCameraAddedObservable
- onCameraRemovedObservable
- onNewLightAddedObservable
- onLightRemovedObservable
- onNewGeometryAddedObservable
- onGeometryRemovedObservable
- onNewTransformNodeAddedObservable
- onTransformNodeRemovedObservable
- onNewMeshAddedObservable
- onMeshRemovedObservable
- OnBeforeRenderTargetsRenderObservable
- OnAfterRenderTargetsRenderObservable
- onBeforeStepObservable
- onAfterStepObservable
- onRenderingGroupObservable
- animations
- pointerDownPredicate
- pointerUpPredicate
- pointerMovePredicate
- onPointerMove
- onPointerDown
- onPointerUp
- onPointerPick
- gamepadManager
- onPrePointerObservable
- onPointerObservable
- unTranslatedPointer
- static DragMovementThreshold
- static LongPressDelay
- static DoubleClickDelay
- static ExclusiveDoubleClickMode
- cameraToUseForPointers
- onPreKeyboardObservable
- onKeyboardObservable
- useRightHandedSystem
- fogEnabled
- fogMode
- fogColor
- fogDensity
- fogStart
- fogEnd
- shadowsEnabled
- lightsEnabled
- lights
- cameras
- activeCameras
- activeCamera
- transformNodes
- meshes
- materials
- multiMaterials
- defaultMaterial
- texturesEnabled
- textures
- particlesEnabled
- particleSystems
- spritesEnabled
- spriteManagers
- layers
- highlightLayers
- skeletonsEnabled
- skeletons
- morphTargetManagers
- lensFlaresEnabled
- lensFlareSystems
- collisionsEnabled
- collisionCoordinator
- gravity
- postProcesses
- postProcessesEnabled
- postProcessManager
- postProcessRenderPipelineManager
- renderTargetsEnabled
- dumpNextRenderTargets
- customRenderTargets
- useDelayedTextureLoading
- importedMeshesFiles
- probesEnabled
- reflectionProbes
- database
- actionManager
- proceduralTexturesEnabled
- soundTracks
- mainSoundTrack
- VRHelper
- simplificationQueue
- animationTimeScale
- frustumPlanes
- requireLightSorting
- debugLayer
- workerCollisions
- selectionOctree
- meshUnderPointer
- pointerX
- pointerY
- totalVerticesPerfCounter
- totalActiveIndicesPerfCounter
- activeParticlesPerfCounter
- activeBonesPerfCounter
- interFramePerfCounter
- lastFramePerfCounter
- evaluateActiveMeshesDurationPerfCounter
- renderDurationPerfCounter
- particlesDurationPerfCounter
- spriteDuractionPerfCounter
- isLoading
- Animatables
- uid
- this
- audioEnabled
- headphone
- isDisposed
- setStepId(newStepId)
- getStepId()
- getInternalStep()
- getCachedMaterial()
- getCachedEffect()
- getCachedVisibility()
- isCachedMaterialInvalid(material, effect, visibility)
- getBoundingBoxRenderer()
- getOutlineRenderer()
- getEngine()
- getTotalVertices()
- getActiveIndices()
- getActiveParticles()
- getActiveBones()
- getInterFramePerfCounter()
- getLastFrameDuration()
- getEvaluateActiveMeshesDuration()
- getActiveMeshes()
- getRenderTargetsDuration()
- getRenderDuration()
- getParticlesDuration()
- getSpritesDuration()
- getAnimationRatio()
- getRenderId()
- incrementRenderId()
- simulatePointerMove(pickResult)
- simulatePointerDown(pickResult)
- simulatePointerUp(pickResult)
- attachControl(attachUp, attachDown, attachMove)
- detachControl()
- isReady()
- resetCachedMaterial()
- registerBeforeRender(func)
- unregisterBeforeRender(func)
- registerAfterRender(func)
- unregisterAfterRender(func)
- getWaitingItemsCount()
- executeWhenReady(func)
- beginAnimation(target, from, to, loop, speedRatio, onAnimationEnd, animatable)
- beginDirectAnimation(target, animations, from, to, loop, speedRatio, onAnimationEnd)
- getAnimatableByTarget(target)
- stopAnimation(target, animationName)
- stopAllAnimations()
- getViewMatrix()
- getProjectionMatrix()
- getTransformMatrix()
- setTransformMatrix(view, projection)
- getSceneUniformBuffer()
- getUniqueId()
- addMesh(newMesh)
- removeMesh(toRemove)
- addTransformNode(newTransformNode)
- removeTransformNode(toRemove)
- removeSkeleton(toRemove)
- removeMorphTargetManager(toRemove)
- removeLight(toRemove)
- removeCamera(toRemove)
- addLight(newLight)
- sortLightsByPriority()
- addCamera(newCamera)
- switchActiveCamera(newCamera, attachControl)
- setActiveCameraByID(id)
- setActiveCameraByName(name)
- getMaterialByID(id)
- getMaterialByName(name)
- getLensFlareSystemByName(name)
- getLensFlareSystemByID(id)
- getCameraByID(id)
- getCameraByUniqueID(uniqueId)
- getCameraByName(name)
- getBoneByID(id)
- getBoneByName(name)
- getLightByName(name)
- getLightByID(id)
- getLightByUniqueID(uniqueId)
- getParticleSystemByID(id)
- getGeometryByID(id)
- pushGeometry(geometry, force)
- removeGeometry(geometry)
- getGeometries()
- getMeshByID(id)
- getMeshesByID(id)
- getTransformNodeByID(id)
- getTransformNodesByID(id)
- getMeshByUniqueID(uniqueId)
- getLastMeshByID(id)
- getLastEntryByID(id)
- getNodeByID(id)
- getNodeByName(name)
- getMeshByName(name)
- getTransformNodeByName(name)
- getSoundByName(name)
- getLastSkeletonByID(id)
- getSkeletonById(id)
- getSkeletonByName(name)
- getMorphTargetManagerById(id)
- isActiveMesh(mesh)
- getHighlightLayerByName(name)
- addExternalData(key, data)
- getExternalData(key)
- getOrAddExternalDataWithFactory(key, factory)
- removeExternalData(key)
- freezeActiveMeshes()
- unfreezeActiveMeshes() ��
- updateTransformMatrix(force)
- updateAlternateTransformMatrix(alternateCamera)
- render()
- enableDepthRenderer()
- disableDepthRenderer()
- enableGeometryBufferRenderer(ratio)
- disableGeometryBufferRenderer()
- freezeMaterials()
- unfreezeMaterials()
- dispose()
- disposeSounds()
- getWorldExtends()
- createOrUpdateSelectionOctree(maxCapacity, maxDepth)
- createPickingRay(x, y, world, camera, cameraViewSpace)
- createPickingRayToRef(x, y, world, result, camera, cameraViewSpace)
- createPickingRayInCameraSpace(x, y, camera)
- createPickingRayInCameraSpaceToRef(x, y, result, camera)
- pick(x, y, predicate, fastCheck, camera)
- pickSprite(x, y, predicate, fastCheck, camera)
- pickWithRay(ray, predicate, fastCheck)
- multiPick(x, y, predicate, camera)
- multiPickWithRay(ray, predicate)
- setPointerOverMesh(mesh)
- getPointerOverMesh()
- setPointerOverSprite(sprite)
- getPointerOverSprite()
- getPhysicsEngine()
- enablePhysics(gravity, plugin)
- disablePhysicsEngine()
- isPhysicsEnabled()
- deleteCompoundImpostor(compound)
- createDefaultCameraOrLight(createArcRotateCamera, replace, attachCameraControls)
- createDefaultSkybox(environmentTexture, pbr, scale, blur)
- createDefaultEnvironment(options)
- createDefaultVRExperience(webVROptions)
- getMeshesByTags(tagsQuery, forEach)
- getCamerasByTags(tagsQuery, forEach)
- getLightsByTags(tagsQuery, forEach)
- getMaterialByTags(tagsQuery, forEach)
- setRenderingOrder(renderingGroupId, opaqueSortCompareFn, alphaTestSortCompareFn, transparentSortCompareFn)
- setRenderingAutoClearDepthStencil(renderingGroupId, autoClearDepthStencil, depth, stencil)
- markAllMaterialsAsDirty(flag, predicate)
- scene
- activeMeshesEvaluationTimeCounter
- captureActiveMeshesEvaluationTime
- renderTargetsRenderTimeCounter
- captureRenderTargetsRenderTime
- particlesRenderTimeCounter
- captureParticlesRenderTime
- spritesRenderTimeCounter
- captureSpritesRenderTime
- physicsTimeCounter
- capturePhysicsTime
- animationsTimeCounter
- captureAnimationsTime
- frameTimeCounter
- captureFrameTime
- interFrameTimeCounter
- captureInterFrameTime
- renderTimeCounter
- captureRenderTime
- drawCallsCounter
- dispose()
- static NO_LOGGING
- static ForceFullSceneLoadingForIncremental
- static ShowLoadingScreen
- static loggingLevel
- static CleanBoneMatrixWeights
- static OnPluginActivatedObservable
- ISceneLoaderPluginAsync
- ISceneLoaderPluginAsync
- ISceneLoaderPluginFactory
- ISceneLoaderPluginAsync
- ISceneLoaderPluginAsync
- ISceneLoaderPluginAsync
- static GetPluginForExtension(extension)
- static RegisterPlugin(plugin, ISceneLoaderPluginAsync)
- static ImportMesh(meshNames, rootUrl, sceneFilename, scene, onSuccess, onProgress, onError, pluginExtension)
- static Load(rootUrl, sceneFilename, engine, onSuccess, onProgress, onError, pluginExtension)
- static Append(rootUrl, sceneFilename, scene, onSuccess, onProgress, onError, pluginExtension)
- priority
- apply
- static OptimizeAsync(scene, options, onSuccess, onFailure)
- targetFrameRate
- trackerDuration
- optimizations
- static LowDegradationAllowed(targetFrameRate)
- static ModerateDegradationAllowed(targetFrameRate)
- static HighDegradationAllowed(targetFrameRate)
- static ClearCache()
- static Serialize(scene)
- static SerializeMesh(toSerialize, withParents, withChildren)
- static Serialize(entity, serializationObject)
- static Parse(creationFunction, source, scene, rootUrl)
- static Clone(creationFunction, source)
- static Instanciate(creationFunction, source)
- execute()
- serialize(parent)
- value
- execute()
- serialize(parent)
- propertyPath
- value
- execute()
- serialize(parent)
- getClassName()
- needAlphaBlending()
- needAlphaTesting()
- setTexture(name, texture)
- setTextureArray(name, textures)
- setFloat(name, value)
- setFloats(name, value)
- setColor3(name, value)
- setColor3Array(name, value)
- setColor4(name, value)
- setVector2(name, value)
- setVector3(name, value)
- setVector4(name, value)
- setMatrix(name, value)
- setMatrix3x3(name, value)
- setMatrix2x2(name, value)
- setArray2(name, value)
- setArray3(name, value)
- isReady(mesh, useInstances)
- bindOnlyWorldMatrix(world)
- bind(world, mesh)
- getActiveTextures()
- hasTexture(texture)
- clone(name)
- dispose(forceDisposeEffect, forceDisposeTextures)
- serialize()
- static Parse(source, scene, rootUrl)
- static FILTER_NONE
- bias
- blurBoxOffset
- blurScale
- blurKernel
- useKernelBlur
- depthScale
- filter
- usePoissonSampling
- useVarianceShadowMap
- useBlurVarianceShadowMap
- useExponentialShadowMap
- useBlurExponentialShadowMap
- useCloseExponentialShadowMap
- useBlurCloseExponentialShadowMap
- frustumEdgeFalloff
- forceBackFacesOnly
- getDarkness()
- setDarkness(darkness)
- setTransparencyShadow(hasShadow)
- getShadowMap()
- getShadowMapForRendering()
- addShadowCaster(mesh, includeDescendants)
- removeShadowCaster(mesh, includeDescendants)
- getLight()
- forceCompilation(onCompiled, options)
- isReady(subMesh, useInstances)
- prepareDefines(defines, lightIndex)
- bindShadowLight(lightIndex, effect)
- getTransformMatrix()
- recreateShadowMap()
- dispose()
- serialize()
- static Parse(parsedShadowGenerator, scene)
- abstract
- void
- position
- direction
- shadowMinZ
- shadowMaxZ
- customProjectionMatrixBuilder
- transformedPosition
- transformedDirection
- computeTransformedInformation()
- getDepthScale()
- getShadowDirection(faceIndex)
- getAbsolutePosition()
- setDirectionToTarget(target)
- getRotation()
- needCube()
- needProjectionMatrixCompute()
- forceProjectionMatrixCompute()
- getDepthMinZ(activeCamera)
- getDepthMaxZ(activeCamera)
- setShadowProjectionMatrix(matrix, viewMatrix, renderList)
- apply
- running
- addTask(task)
- executeNext()
- runSimplification(task)
- quality
- distance
- optimizeMesh
- undefined
- easeInCore(gradient)
- width
- height
- surface
- toString()
- getClassName()
- getHashCode()
- copyFrom(src)
- copyFromFloats(width, height)
- set(width, height)
- multiplyByFloats(w, h)
- clone()
- equals(other)
- static Zero()
- add(otherSize)
- subtract(otherSize)
- static Lerp(start, end, amount)
- name
- id
- bones
- dimensionsAtRest
- needInitialSkinMatrix
- animations
- onBeforeComputeObservable
- getTransformMatrices(mesh)
- getScene()
- toString(fullDetails)
- getBoneIndexByName(name)
- createAnimationRange(name, from, to)
- deleteAnimationRange(name, deleteFrames)
- getAnimationRange(name)
- getAnimationRanges()
- copyAnimationRange(source, name, rescaleAsRequired)
- returnToRest()
- beginAnimation(name, loop, speedRatio, onAnimationEnd)
- prepare()
- getAnimatables()
- clone(name, id)
- enableBlending(blendingSpeed)
- dispose()
- serialize()
- static Parse(parsedSkeleton, scene)
- computeAbsoluteTransforms(forceUpdate)
- getPoseMatrix()
- sortBones()
- skeleton
- mesh
- autoUpdateBonesMatrices
- renderingGroupId
- color
- isEnabled
- update()
- dispose()
- data
- length
- push(value)
- forEach(func)
- sort(compareFn)
- reset()
- dispose()
- concat(array)
- indexOf(value)
- contains(value)
- push(value)
- pushNoDuplicate(value)
- reset()
- concatWithNoDuplicate(array)
- idx
- color
- position
- rotation
- rotationQuaternion
- scaling
- uvs
- velocity
- pivot
- alive
- isVisible
- shapeId
- idxInShape
- scale
- quaternion
- intersectsMesh(target, SolidParticle)
- particles
- nbParticles
- billboard
- recomputeNormals
- counter
- name
- mesh
- vars
- pickedParticles
- depthSortedParticles
- isAlwaysVisible
- isVisibilityBoxLocked
- computeParticleRotation
- computeParticleColor
- computeParticleTexture
- computeParticleVertex
- computeBoundingBox
- depthSortParticles
- buildMesh()
- digest(mesh, options)
- addShape(mesh, nb, options)
- rebuildMesh()
- setParticles(start, end, update)
- dispose()
- refreshVisibleSize()
- setVisibilityBox(size)
- initParticles()
- recycleParticle(particle)
- updateParticle(particle)
- updateParticleVertex(particle, vertex, pt)
- beforeUpdateParticles(start, stop, update)
- afterUpdateParticles(start, stop, update)
- name
- autoplay
- loop
- useCustomAttenuation
- soundTrackId
- spatialSound
- refDistance
- rolloffFactor
- maxDistance
- distanceModel
- onended
- isPlaying
- isPaused
- null
- dispose()
- isReady()
- setAudioBuffer(audioBuffer)
- updateOptions(options)
- switchPanningModelToHRTF()
- switchPanningModelToEqualPower()
- connectToSoundTrackAudioNode(soundTrackAudioNode)
- setDirectionalCone(coneInnerAngle, coneOuterAngle, coneOuterGain)
- setPosition(newPosition)
- setLocalDirectionToMesh(newLocalDirection)
- updateDistanceFromListener()
- setAttenuationFunction(callback)
- play(time, offset)
- stop(time)
- pause()
- setVolume(newVolume, time)
- setPlaybackRate(newPlaybackRate)
- getVolume()
- attachToMesh(meshToConnectTo)
- detachFromMesh()
- clone()
- getAudioBuffer()
- serialize()
- static Parse(parsedSound, scene, rootUrl, sourceSound)
- id
- soundCollection
- dispose()
- AddSound(sound)
- RemoveSound(sound)
- setVolume(newVolume)
- switchPanningModelToHRTF()
- switchPanningModelToEqualPower()
- connectToAnalyser(analyser)
- segments
- diameter
- side
- copy(id)
- serialize()
- static Parse(parsedSphere, scene)
- L00
- L1_1
- L10
- L11
- L2_2
- L2_1
- L20
- L21
- L22
- addLight(direction, color, deltaSolidAngle)
- scale(scale)
- convertIncidentRadianceToIrradiance()
- convertIrradianceToLambertianRadiance()
- static getsphericalHarmonicsFromPolynomial(polynomial)
- x
- y
- z
- xx
- yy
- zz
- xy
- yz
- zx
- addAmbient(color)
- static getSphericalPolynomialFromHarmonics(harmonics)
- scale(scale)
- angle
- shadowAngleScale
- exponent
- getClassName()
- getTypeID()
- transferToEffect(effect, lightIndex)
- name
- position
- color
- width
- height
- angle
- cellIndex
- invertU
- invertV
- disposeWhenFinishedAnimating
- animations
- isPickable
- actionManager
- size
- playAnimation(from, to, loop, delay, onAnimationEnd)
- stopAnimation()
- dispose()
- name
- sprites
- renderingGroupId
- layerMask
- fogEnabled
- isPickable
- cellWidth
- cellHeight
- onDisposeObservable
- onDispose
- texture
- intersects(ray, camera, predicate, fastCheck)
- render()
- dispose()
- diffuseTexture
- ambientTexture
- opacityTexture
- reflectionTexture
- emissiveTexture
- specularTexture
- bumpTexture
- lightmapTexture
- refractionTexture
- ambientColor
- diffuseColor
- specularColor
- emissiveColor
- specularPower
- useAlphaFromDiffuseTexture
- useEmissiveAsIllumination
- linkEmissiveWithDiffuse
- useSpecularOverAlpha
- useReflectionOverAlpha
- disableLighting
- useParallax
- useParallaxOcclusion
- parallaxScaleBias
- roughness
- indexOfRefraction
- invertRefractionY
- useLightmapAsShadowmap
- diffuseFresnelParameters
- opacityFresnelParameters
- reflectionFresnelParameters
- refractionFresnelParameters
- emissiveFresnelParameters
- useReflectionFresnelFromSpecular
- useGlossinessFromSpecularMapAlpha
- maxSimultaneousLights
- invertNormalMapX
- invertNormalMapY
- twoSidedLighting
- imageProcessingConfiguration
- cameraColorCurvesEnabled
- cameraColorGradingEnabled
- cameraToneMappingEnabled
- cameraExposure
- cameraContrast
- cameraColorGradingTexture
- cameraColorCurves
- customShaderNameResolve
- useLogarithmicDepth
- static DiffuseTextureEnabled
- static AmbientTextureEnabled
- static OpacityTextureEnabled
- static ReflectionTextureEnabled
- static EmissiveTextureEnabled
- static SpecularTextureEnabled
- static BumpTextureEnabled
- static LightmapTextureEnabled
- static RefractionTextureEnabled
- static ColorGradingTextureEnabled
- static FresnelEnabled
- getClassName()
- needAlphaBlending()
- needAlphaTesting()
- getAlphaTestTexture()
- isReadyForSubMesh(mesh, subMesh, useInstances)
- buildUniformLayout()
- unbind()
- bindForSubMesh(world, mesh, subMesh)
- getAnimatables()
- getActiveTextures()
- hasTexture(texture)
- dispose(forceDisposeEffect, forceDisposeTextures)
- clone(name)
- serialize()
- static Parse(source, scene, rootUrl)
- UV1
- UV2
- BonesPerMesh
- setReflectionMode(modeToEnable)
- originalPostProcess
- downSampleX4PostProcess
- brightPassPostProcess
- blurHPostProcesses
- blurVPostProcesses
- textureAdderPostProcess
- volumetricLightPostProcess
- volumetricLightSmoothXPostProcess
- volumetricLightSmoothYPostProcess
- volumetricLightMergePostProces
- volumetricLightFinalPostProcess
- luminancePostProcess
- luminanceDownSamplePostProcesses
- hdrPostProcess
- textureAdderFinalPostProcess
- lensFlareFinalPostProcess
- hdrFinalPostProcess
- lensFlarePostProcess
- lensFlareComposePostProcess
- motionBlurPostProcess
- depthOfFieldPostProcess
- brightThreshold
- blurWidth
- horizontalBlur
- exposure
- lensTexture
- volumetricLightCoefficient
- volumetricLightPower
- volumetricLightBlurScale
- sourceLight
- "href=""/classes/3.1/DirectionalLight"">DirectionalLight "
- hdrMinimumLuminance
- hdrDecreaseRate
- hdrIncreaseRate
- lensColorTexture
- lensFlareStrength
- lensFlareGhostDispersal
- lensFlareHaloWidth
- lensFlareDistortionStrength
- lensStarTexture
- lensFlareDirtTexture
- depthOfFieldDistance
- depthOfFieldBlurWidth
- motionStrength
- animations
- BloomEnabled
- DepthOfFieldEnabled
- LensFlareEnabled
- HDREnabled
- VLSEnabled
- MotionBlurEnabled
- volumetricLightStepsCount
- motionBlurSamples
- static LuminanceSteps
- dispose()
- serialize()
- static Parse(source, scene, rootUrl)
- value
- isValid()
- serialize()
- getClassName()
- getClassName()
- getClassName()
- getClassName()
- x
- y
- execute()
- serialize(parent)
- execute()
- serialize(parent)
- undefined
- count
- null
- copyFrom(source)
- get(key)
- getOrAddWithFactory(key, factory)
- getOrAdd(key, val)
- contains(key)
- add(key, value)
- set(key, value)
- getAndRemove(key)
- remove(key)
- clear()
- forEach(callback)
- first(callback)
- materialIndex
- verticesStart
- verticesCount
- indexStart
- indexCount
- linesIndexCount
- IsGlobal
- static AddToMesh(materialIndex, verticesStart, verticesCount, indexStart, indexCount, mesh, renderingMesh, createBoundingBox)
- getBoundingInfo()
- setBoundingInfo(boundingInfo)
- getMesh()
- getRenderingMesh()
- getMaterial()
- refreshBoundingInfo()
- updateBoundingInfo(world)
- isInFrustum(frustumPlanes)
- isCompletelyInFrustum(frustumPlanes)
- render(enableAlphaMode)
- getLinesIndexBuffer(indices, engine)
- canIntersects(ray)
- intersects(ray, positions, indices, fastCheck)
- clone(newMesh, newRenderingMesh)
- dispose()
- static CreateFromIndices(materialIndex, startIndex, indexCount, mesh, renderingMesh)
- propertyPath
- execute()
- serialize(parent)
- static GetTGAHeader(data)
- static UploadContent(gl, data)
- static EnableFor(obj)
- static DisableFor(obj)
- static HasTags(obj)
- static GetTags(obj, asString)
- static AddTagsTo(obj, tagsString)
- static RemoveTagsFrom(obj, tagsString)
- static MatchesQuery(obj, tagsQuery)
- cameraDirection
- cameraRotation
- rotation
- rotationQuaternion
- speed
- noRotationConstraint
- lockedTarget
- getFrontPosition(distance)
- storeState()
- setTarget(target)
- getTarget()
- createRigCamera(name, cameraIndex)
- getClassName()
- name
- url
- text
- onSuccess
- onError
- runTask(scene, onSuccess, onError)
- static PLANAR_MODE
- static CUBIC_MODE
- static SKYBOX_MODE
- url
- uOffset
- vOffset
- uScale
- vScale
- uAng
- vAng
- wAng
- noMipmap
- isBlocking
- samplingMode
- onLoadObservable
- updateURL(url)
- delayLoad()
- updateSamplingMode(samplingMode)
- getTextureMatrix()
- getReflectionTextureMatrix()
- clone()
- serialize()
- getClassName()
- dispose()
- static CreateFromBase64String(data, name, scene, noMipmap, invertY, samplingMode, onLoad, onError, format)
- static Parse(parsedTexture, scene, rootUrl)
- static LoadFromDataString(name, buffer, scene, deleteBuffer, noMipmap, invertY, samplingMode, onLoad, onError, format)
- name
- url
- noMipmap
- undefined
- invertY
- undefined
- samplingMode
- texture
- onSuccess
- onError
- runTask(scene, onSuccess, onError)
- priority
- maximumSize
- apply
- static CreateResizedCopy(texture, width, height, useBilinearMode)
- static GetEnvironmentBRDFTexture(scene)
- xmin
- zmin
- xmax
- zmax
- subdivisions
- precision
- copy(id)
- static
- static
- static
- static
- static
- static
- exposureAdjustment
- static BaseUrl
- static CorsBehavior
- static UseFallbackTexture
- static RegisteredExternalClasses
- static fallbackTexture
- static Mix(a, b, alpha)
- static Instantiate(className)
- static SetImmediate(action)
- static IsExponentOfTwo(value)
- static CeilingPOT(x)
- static FloorPOT(x)
- static NearestPOT(x)
- static GetExponentOfTwo(value, max, mode)
- static GetFilename(path)
- static GetFolderPath(uri)
- static GetDOMTextContent(element)
- static ToDegrees(angle)
- static ToRadians(angle)
- static EncodeArrayBufferTobase64(buffer)
- static ExtractMinAndMaxIndexed(positions, indices, indexStart, indexCount, bias)
- static ExtractMinAndMax(positions, start, count, bias, stride)
- static Vector2ArrayFeeder(array,
- static ExtractMinAndMaxVector2(feeder, bias)
- static MakeArray(obj, allowsNullUndefined)
- static GetPointerPrefix()
- static QueueNewFrame(func, requester)
- static RequestFullscreen(element)
- static ExitFullscreen()
- static SetCorsBehavior(url, string, element)
- diameter
- thickness
- tessellation
- side
- copy(id)
- serialize()
- static Parse(parsedTorus, scene)
- radius
- tube
- radialSegments
- tubularSegments
- p
- q
- side
- copy(id)
- serialize()
- static Parse(parsedTorusKnot, scene)
- touchAngularSensibility
- touchMoveSensibility
- getClassName()
- billboardMode
- scalingDeterminant
- infiniteDistance
- position
- onAfterWorldMatrixUpdateObservable
- rotation
- scaling
- rotationQuaternion
- worldMatrixFromCache
- absolutePosition
- this
- isWorldMatrixFrozen
- nonUniformScaling
- getWorldMatrix()
- updatePoseMatrix(matrix)
- getPoseMatrix()
- markAsDirty(property)
- setPivotMatrix(matrix, postMultiplyPivotMatrix)
- getPivotMatrix()
- freezeWorldMatrix()
- unfreezeWorldMatrix() ��
- getAbsolutePosition()
- setAbsolutePosition(absolutePosition)
- setPositionWithLocalVector(vector3)
- getPositionExpressedInLocalSpace()
- locallyTranslate(vector3)
- lookAt(targetPoint, yawCor, pitchCor, rollCor, space)
- getDirection(localAxis)
- getDirectionToRef(localAxis, result)
- setPivotPoint(point, space)
- getPivotPoint()
- getPivotPointToRef(result)
- getAbsolutePivotPoint()
- getAbsolutePivotPointToRef(result)
- setParent(node)
- attachToBone(bone, affectedTransformNode)
- detachFromBone()
- rotate(axis, amount, space)
- rotateAround(point, axis, amount)
- translate(axis, distance, space)
- addRotation(x, y, z)
- computeWorldMatrix(force)
- registerAfterWorldMatrixUpdate(func)
- unregisterAfterWorldMatrixUpdate(func)
- clone(name, newParent, doNotCloneChildren)
- serialize(currentSerializationObject)
- static Parse(parsedTransformNode, scene, rootUrl)
- dispose(doNotRecurse)
- updateMatrix3x3
- updateMatrix2x2
- updateFloat
- updateFloat2
- updateFloat3
- updateFloat4
- updateMatrix
- updateVector3
- updateVector4
- updateColor3
- updateColor4
- useUbo
- isSync
- isDynamic()
- getData()
- getBuffer()
- addUniform(name, size, number)
- addMatrix(name, mat)
- addFloat2(name, x, y)
- addFloat3(name, x, y, z)
- addColor3(name, color)
- addColor4(name, color, alpha)
- addVector3(name, vector)
- addMatrix3x3(name)
- addMatrix2x2(name)
- create()
- update()
- updateUniform(uniformName, data, size)
- setTexture(name, texture)
- updateUniformDirectly(uniformName, data)
- bindToEffect(effect, name)
- dispose()
- gamepadAngularSensibility
- gamepadMoveSensibility
- getClassName()
- hResolution
- vResolution
- hScreenSize
- vScreenSize
- vScreenCenter
- eyeToScreenDistance
- lensSeparationDistance
- interpupillaryDistance
- distortionK
- chromaAbCorrection
- postProcessScaleFactor
- lensCenterOffset
- compensateDistortion
- aspectRatio
- aspectRatioFov
- leftHMatrix
- rightHMatrix
- leftPreViewMatrix
- rightPreViewMatrix
- static GetDefault()
- getClassName()
- getClassName()
- getClassName()
- aspectRatio
- webVROptions
- onEnteringVR
- onExitingVR
- onControllerMeshLoaded
- onNewMeshSelected
- raySelectionPredicate
- meshSelectionPredicate
- teleportationTarget
- displayGaze
- displayLaserPointer
- deviceOrientationCamera
- currentVRCamera
- webVRCamera
- vrDeviceOrientationCamera
- isInVRMode
- position
- enterVR()
- exitVR()
- enableInteractions()
- addFloorMesh(floorMesh)
- removeFloorMesh(floorMesh)
- enableTeleportation(vrTeleportationOptions)
- changeLaserColor(color)
- changeGazeColor(color)
- dispose()
- getClassName()
- propertyPath
- value
- operator
- static IsEqual
- static IsDifferent
- static IsGreater
- static IsLesser
- isValid()
- serialize()
- static GetOperatorName(operator)
- x
- y
- toString()
- getClassName()
- getHashCode()
- toArray(array, index)
- asArray()
- copyFrom(source)
- copyFromFloats(x, y)
- set(x, y)
- add(otherVector)
- addToRef(otherVector, result)
- addInPlace(otherVector)
- addVector3(otherVector)
- subtract(otherVector)
- subtractToRef(otherVector, result)
- subtractInPlace(otherVector)
- multiplyInPlace(otherVector)
- multiply(otherVector)
- multiplyToRef(otherVector, result)
- multiplyByFloats(x, y)
- divide(otherVector)
- divideToRef(otherVector, result)
- negate()
- scaleInPlace(scale)
- scale(scale)
- equals(otherVector)
- equalsWithEpsilon(otherVector, epsilon)
- length()
- lengthSquared()
- normalize()
- clone()
- static Zero()
- static One()
- static FromArray(array, offset)
- static FromArrayToRef(array, offset, result)
- static CatmullRom(value1, value2, value3, value4, amount)
- static Clamp(value, min, max)
- static Hermite(value1, tangent1, value2, tangent2, amount)
- static Lerp(start, end, amount)
- static Dot(left, right)
- static Normalize(vector)
- static Minimize(left, right)
- static Maximize(left, right)
- static Transform(vector, transformation)
- static TransformToRef(vector, transformation, result)
- static PointInTriangle(p, p0, p1, p2)
- static Distance(value1, value2)
- static DistanceSquared(value1, value2)
- static Center(value1, value2)
- static DistanceOfPointFromSegment(p, segA, segB)
- x
- y
- z
- isNonUniform
- toString()
- getClassName()
- getHashCode()
- asArray()
- toArray(array, index)
- toQuaternion()
- addInPlace(otherVector)
- add(otherVector)
- addToRef(otherVector, result)
- subtractInPlace(otherVector)
- subtract(otherVector)
- subtractToRef(otherVector, result)
- subtractFromFloats(x, y, z)
- subtractFromFloatsToRef(x, y, z, result)
- negate()
- scaleInPlace(scale)
- scale(scale)
- scaleToRef(scale, result)
- equals(otherVector)
- equalsWithEpsilon(otherVector, epsilon)
- equalsToFloats(x, y, z)
- multiplyInPlace(otherVector)
- multiply(otherVector)
- multiplyToRef(otherVector, result)
- multiplyByFloats(x, y, z)
- divide(otherVector)
- divideToRef(otherVector, result)
- MinimizeInPlace(other)
- MaximizeInPlace(other)
- length()
- lengthSquared()
- normalize()
- normalizeToNew()
- normalizeToRef(reference)
- clone()
- copyFrom(source)
- copyFromFloats(x, y, z)
- set(x, y, z)
- static GetClipFactor(vector0, vector1, axis, size)
- static FromArray(array, offset)
- static FromFloatArray(array, offset)
- static FromArrayToRef(array, offset, result)
- static FromFloatArrayToRef(array, offset, result)
- static FromFloatsToRef(x, y, z, result)
- static Zero()
- static One()
- static Up()
- static Forward()
- static Right()
- static Left()
- static TransformCoordinates(vector, transformation)
- static TransformCoordinatesToRef(vector, transformation, result)
- static TransformCoordinatesFromFloatsToRef(x, y, z, transformation, result)
- static TransformNormal(vector, transformation)
- static TransformNormalToRef(vector, transformation, result)
- static TransformNormalFromFloatsToRef(x, y, z, transformation, result)
- static CatmullRom(value1, value2, value3, value4, amount)
- static Clamp(value, min, max)
- static Hermite(value1, tangent1, value2, tangent2, amount)
- static Lerp(start, end, amount)
- static LerpToRef(start, end, amount, result)
- static Dot(left, right)
- static Cross(left, right)
- static CrossToRef(left, right, result)
- static Normalize(vector)
- static NormalizeToRef(vector, result)
- static Project(vector, world, transform, viewport)
- static UnprojectFromTransform(source, viewportWidth, viewportHeight, world, transform)
- static Unproject(source, viewportWidth, viewportHeight, world, view, projection)
- static UnprojectToRef(source, viewportWidth, viewportHeight, world, view, projection, result)
- static UnprojectFloatsToRef(sourceX, sourceY, sourceZ, viewportWidth, viewportHeight, world, view, projection, result)
- static Minimize(left, right)
- static Maximize(left, right)
- static Distance(value1, value2)
- static DistanceSquared(value1, value2)
- static Center(value1, value2)
- static RotationFromAxis(axis1, axis2, axis3)
- static RotationFromAxisToRef(axis1, axis2, axis3, ref)
- x
- y
- z
- w
- toString()
- getClassName()
- getHashCode()
- asArray()
- toArray(array, index)
- addInPlace(otherVector)
- add(otherVector)
- addToRef(otherVector, result)
- subtractInPlace(otherVector)
- subtract(otherVector)
- subtractToRef(otherVector, result)
- subtractFromFloats(x, y, z, w)
- subtractFromFloatsToRef(x, y, z, w, result)
- negate()
- scaleInPlace(scale)
- scale(scale)
- scaleToRef(scale, result)
- equals(otherVector)
- equalsWithEpsilon(otherVector, epsilon)
- equalsToFloats(x, y, z, w)
- multiplyInPlace(otherVector)
- multiply(otherVector)
- multiplyToRef(otherVector, result)
- multiplyByFloats(x, y, z, w)
- divide(otherVector)
- divideToRef(otherVector, result)
- MinimizeInPlace(other)
- MaximizeInPlace(other)
- length()
- lengthSquared()
- normalize()
- toVector3()
- clone()
- copyFrom(source)
- copyFromFloats(x, y, z, w)
- set(x, y, z, w)
- static FromArray(array, offset)
- static FromArrayToRef(array, offset, result)
- static FromFloatArrayToRef(array, offset, result)
- static FromFloatsToRef(x, y, z, w, result)
- static Zero()
- static One()
- static Normalize(vector)
- static NormalizeToRef(vector, result)
- static Minimize(left, right)
- static Maximize(left, right)
- static Distance(value1, value2)
- static DistanceSquared(value1, value2)
- static Center(value1, value2)
- static TransformNormal(vector, transformation)
- static TransformNormalToRef(vector, transformation, result)
- static TransformNormalFromFloatsToRef(x, y, z, w, transformation, result)
- static PositionKind
- static NormalKind
- static TangentKind
- static UVKind
- static UV2Kind
- static UV3Kind
- static UV4Kind
- static UV5Kind
- static UV6Kind
- static ColorKind
- static MatricesIndicesKind
- static MatricesWeightsKind
- static MatricesIndicesExtraKind
- static MatricesWeightsExtraKind
- getKind()
- isUpdatable()
- getData()
- getBuffer()
- getStrideSize()
- getOffset()
- getSize()
- getIsInstanced()
- getInstanceDivisor()
- create(data)
- update(data)
- updateDirectly(data, offset)
- dispose()
- positions
- normals
- tangents
- uvs
- uvs2
- uvs3
- uvs4
- uvs5
- uvs6
- colors
- matricesIndices
- matricesWeights
- matricesIndicesExtra
- matricesWeightsExtra
- indices
- set(data, kind)
- applyToMesh(mesh, updatable)
- applyToGeometry(geometry, updatable)
- updateMesh(mesh, updateExtends, makeItUnique)
- updateGeometry(geometry, updateExtends, makeItUnique)
- transform(matrix)
- merge(other, options)
- serialize()
- static ExtractFromMesh(mesh, copyWhenShared, forceCopy)
- static ExtractFromGeometry(geometry, copyWhenShared, forceCopy)
- static CreateRibbon(options)
- static CreateBox(options)
- static CreateSphere(options)
- static CreateCylinder(options)
- static CreateTorus(options)
- static CreateLineSystem(options)
- static CreateDashedLines(options)
- static CreateGround(options)
- static CreateTiledGround(options)
- static CreateGroundFromHeightMap(options)
- static CreatePlane(options)
- static CreateDisc(options)
- static CreatePolygon(polygon, sideOrientation, fUV, fColors, frontUVs, backUVs)
- static CreateIcoSphere(options)
- static CreatePolyhedron(options)
- static CreateTorusKnot(options)
- static ComputeNormals(positions, indices, normals, options)
- static ImportVertexData(parsedVertexData, geometry)
- fovMultiplier
- video
- update()
- dispose()
- static CreateFromWebCam(scene, onReady, constraints)
- x
- y
- width
- height
- toGlobal(renderWidthOrEngine, Engine, renderHeight)
- clone()
- reverseLeftRight
- reverseUpDown
- deltaPosition
- pressed
- setJoystickSensibility(newJoystickSensibility)
- setJoystickColor(newColor)
- setActionOnTouch(action)
- setAxisForLeftRight(axis)
- setAxisForUpDown(axis)
- releaseCanvas()
- getClassName()
- onLeftButtonStateChangedObservable
- onRightButtonStateChangedObservable
- onMenuButtonStateChangedObservable
- initControllerMesh(scene, meshLoaded)
- handleButtonChange(buttonIdx, state, changes)
- attachedNode
- customMeshPosition
- useCustomMeshPosition
- invert
- mesh
- useDiffuseColor
- excludedMeshes
- exposure
- decay
- weight
- density
- getClassName()
- isReady(subMesh, useInstances)
- setCustomMeshPosition(position)
- getCustomMeshPosition()
- dispose(camera)
- getPass()
- static CreateDefaultMesh(name, scene)
- onTriggerStateChangedObservable
- onMainButtonStateChangedObservable
- onSecondaryButtonStateChangedObservable
- onPadStateChangedObservable
- onPadValuesChangedObservable
- pad
- hand
- defaultModel
- abstract
- void
- abstract
- void
- onButtonStateChange(callback)
- update()
- dispose()
- rawPose
- devicePosition
- deviceRotationQuaternion
- deviceScaleFactor
- controllers
- onControllersAttachedObservable
- onControllerMeshLoadedObservable
- rigParenting
- deviceDistanceToRoomGround
- useStandingMatrix
- leftController
- rightController
- dispose()
- getControllerByName(name)
- getForwardRay(length)
- updateFromDevice(poseData)
- attachControl(element, noPreventDefault)
- detachControl(element)
- getClassName()
- resetToCurrentRotation()
- update()
- initControllers()
- onTrackpadChangedObservable
- onTrackpadValuesChangedObservable
- trackpad
- onTriggerButtonStateChangedObservable
- onMenuButtonStateChangedObservable
- onGripButtonStateChangedObservable
- onThumbstickButtonStateChangedObservable
- onTouchpadButtonStateChangedObservable
- onTouchpadValuesChangedObservable
- update()
- handleButtonChange(buttonIdx, state, changes)
- lerpButtonTransform(buttonName, buttonValue)
- lerpAxisTransform(axis, axisValue)
- initControllerMesh(scene, meshLoaded, forceDefault)
- getForwardRay(length)
- dispose()
- onButtonDownObservable
- onButtonUpObservable
- onPadDownObservable
- onPadUpObservable
- leftTrigger
- rightTrigger
- buttonA
- buttonB
- buttonX
- buttonY
- buttonStart
- buttonBack
- buttonLB
- buttonRB
- buttonLeftStick
- buttonRightStick
- dPadUp
- dPadDown
- dPadLeft
- dPadRight
- onlefttriggerchanged(callback)
- onrighttriggerchanged(callback)
- onbuttondown(callback)
- onbuttonup(callback)
- ondpaddown(callback)
- ondpadup(callback)
- update()
- dispose()