Version: 2019.1 (switch to 2018.3 or 2017.4)
Resolving file conflicts
Publishing individual files to Collaborate
Other Versions

Excluding Assets from publishing to Collaborate

In some cases, you might want to exclude certain Assets in your Project from publishing to the cloud. Collaborate uses a gitignore file to exclude files from publish. To exclude Assets from publish, add them to the provided .collabignore file in the root of your Project folder. This lists the files and folders to exclude during a publish to Collaborate.

To add your own exclude rules to the .collabignore file:

  1. Read the GitIgnore documentation on
  2. Edit the .collabignore file to add your new rules.
  3. Start the Unity Editor (or restart the Editor if it is already running).
  4. Publish your .collabignore file changes in Collaborate to share your exclusions with the rest of your team.

Note: For local edits to the .collabignore file to take effect, you must restart the Unity Editor.

Note: If you exclude a file that is already tracked in Collaborate, its existing file history is preserved.

There are Project files and folders that you can never exclude from Collaborate using the .collabignore file. These are:

  • The .collabignore file.
  • The AssetsAny media or data that can be used in your game or Project. An asset may come from a file created outside of Unity, such as a 3D model, an audio file or an image. You can also create some asset types in Unity, such as an Animator Controller, an Audio Mixer or a Render Texture. More info
    See in Glossary
    folder (although you can exclude specific files or folders within the Assets folder.)
  • The Project SettingsA broad collection of settings which allow you to configure how Physics, Audio, Networking, Graphics, Input and many other areas of your Project behave. More info
    See in Glossary
  • Any .asset file inside the Project Settings folder.
  • ProjectVersion.txt within the Project Settings folder.

See also

Setting up Unity Collaborate

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Resolving file conflicts
Publishing individual files to Collaborate