
Inherits: Node2D < CanvasItem < Node < Object

Plays audio in 2D.


Plays audio that dampens with distance from screen center.



float get_playback_position ( )
AudioStreamPlayback get_stream_playback ( )
void play ( float from_position=0.0 )
void seek ( float to_position )
void stop ( )


  • finished ( )

Emitted when the audio stops playing.

Property Descriptions

  • int area_mask
Default 1
Setter set_area_mask(value)
Getter get_area_mask()

Areas in which this sound plays.

Default 1.0
Setter set_attenuation(value)
Getter get_attenuation()

Dampens audio over distance with this as an exponent.

Default false
Setter set_autoplay(value)
Getter is_autoplay_enabled()

If true, audio plays when added to scene tree.

Default "Master"
Setter set_bus(value)
Getter get_bus()

Bus on which this audio is playing.

Default 2000.0
Setter set_max_distance(value)
Getter get_max_distance()

Maximum distance from which audio is still hearable.

Default 1.0
Setter set_pitch_scale(value)
Getter get_pitch_scale()

The pitch and the tempo of the audio, as a multiplier of the audio sample’s sample rate.

Default false
Getter is_playing()

If true, audio is playing.

Setter set_stream(value)
Getter get_stream()

The AudioStream object to be played.

  • bool stream_paused
Default false
Setter set_stream_paused(value)
Getter get_stream_paused()

If true, the playback is paused. You can resume it by setting stream_paused to false.

Default 0.0
Setter set_volume_db(value)
Getter get_volume_db()

Base volume without dampening.

Method Descriptions

  • float get_playback_position ( )

Returns the position in the AudioStream.

Returns the AudioStreamPlayback object associated with this AudioStreamPlayer2D.

  • void play ( float from_position=0.0 )

Plays the audio from the given position from_position, in seconds.

  • void seek ( float to_position )

Sets the position from which audio will be played, in seconds.

  • void stop ( )

Stops the audio.