
Inherits: GeometryInstance < VisualInstance < Spatial < Node < Object

3D particle emitter.


3D particle node used to create a variety of particle systems and effects. Particles features an emitter that generates some number of particles at a given rate.

Use the process_material property to add a ParticlesMaterial to configure particle appearance and behavior. Alternatively, you can add a ShaderMaterial which will be applied to all particles.


AABB capture_aabb ( ) const
Mesh get_draw_pass_mesh ( int pass ) const
void restart ( )
void set_draw_pass_mesh ( int pass, Mesh mesh )


enum DrawOrder:

  • DRAW_ORDER_INDEX = 0 — Particles are drawn in the order emitted.
  • DRAW_ORDER_LIFETIME = 1 — Particles are drawn in order of remaining lifetime.
  • DRAW_ORDER_VIEW_DEPTH = 2 — Particles are drawn in order of depth.


  • MAX_DRAW_PASSES = 4 — Maximum number of draw passes supported.

Property Descriptions

Default 8
Setter set_amount(value)
Getter get_amount()

Number of particles to emit.

Default 0
Setter set_draw_order(value)
Getter get_draw_order()

Particle draw order. Uses DrawOrder values.

Setter set_draw_pass_mesh(value)
Getter get_draw_pass_mesh()

Mesh that is drawn for the first draw pass.

Setter set_draw_pass_mesh(value)
Getter get_draw_pass_mesh()

Mesh that is drawn for the second draw pass.

Setter set_draw_pass_mesh(value)
Getter get_draw_pass_mesh()

Mesh that is drawn for the third draw pass.

Setter set_draw_pass_mesh(value)
Getter get_draw_pass_mesh()

Mesh that is drawn for the fourth draw pass.

  • int draw_passes
Default 1
Setter set_draw_passes(value)
Getter get_draw_passes()

The number of draw passes when rendering particles.

Default true
Setter set_emitting(value)
Getter is_emitting()

If true, particles are being emitted.

Default 0.0
Setter set_explosiveness_ratio(value)
Getter get_explosiveness_ratio()

Time ratio between each emission. If 0, particles are emitted continuously. If 1, all particles are emitted simultaneously.

  • int fixed_fps
Default 0
Setter set_fixed_fps(value)
Getter get_fixed_fps()

The particle system’s frame rate is fixed to a value. For instance, changing the value to 2 will make the particles render at 2 frames per second. Note this does not slow down the simulation of the particle system itself.

Default true
Setter set_fractional_delta(value)
Getter get_fractional_delta()

If true, results in fractional delta calculation which has a smoother particles display effect.

Default 1.0
Setter set_lifetime(value)
Getter get_lifetime()

Amount of time each particle will exist.

Default true
Setter set_use_local_coordinates(value)
Getter get_use_local_coordinates()

If true, particles use the parent node’s coordinate space. If false, they use global coordinates.

Default false
Setter set_one_shot(value)
Getter get_one_shot()

If true, only amount particles will be emitted.

Default 0.0
Setter set_pre_process_time(value)
Getter get_pre_process_time()

Amount of time to preprocess the particles before animation starts. Lets you start the animation some time after particles have started emitting.

Setter set_process_material(value)
Getter get_process_material()

Material for processing particles. Can be a ParticlesMaterial or a ShaderMaterial.

Default 0.0
Setter set_randomness_ratio(value)
Getter get_randomness_ratio()

Emission randomness ratio.

Default 1.0
Setter set_speed_scale(value)
Getter get_speed_scale()

Speed scaling ratio. A value of 0 can be used to pause the particles.

  • AABB visibility_aabb
Default AABB( -4, -4, -4, 8, 8, 8 )
Setter set_visibility_aabb(value)
Getter get_visibility_aabb()

The AABB that determines the area of the world part of which needs to be visible on screen for the particle system to be active.

Method Descriptions

  • AABB capture_aabb ( ) const

Returns the axis-aligned bounding box that contains all the particles that are active in the current frame.

  • Mesh get_draw_pass_mesh ( int pass ) const

Returns the Mesh that is drawn at index pass.

  • void restart ( )

Restarts the particle emission, clearing existing particles.

  • void set_draw_pass_mesh ( int pass, Mesh mesh )

Sets the Mesh that is drawn at index pass.