
Inherits: Texture < Resource < Reference < Object

OpenSimplexNoise filled texture.


Uses an OpenSimplexNoise to fill the texture data. You can specify the texture size but keep in mind that larger textures will take longer to generate and seamless noise only works with square sized textures.

NoiseTexture can also generate normalmap textures.

The class uses Threads to generate the texture data internally, so Texture.get_data may return null if the generation process has not completed yet. In that case, you need to wait for the texture to be generated before accessing the data:

var texture = preload("res://noise.tres")
yield(texture, "changed")
var image = texture.get_data()


bool as_normalmap false
float bump_strength 8.0
int flags 7 (parent override)
int height 512
OpenSimplexNoise noise  
bool seamless false
int width 512

Property Descriptions

Default false
Setter set_as_normalmap(value)
Getter is_normalmap()

If true, the resulting texture contains a normal map created from the original noise interpreted as a bump map.

Default 8.0
Setter set_bump_strength(value)
Getter get_bump_strength()

Strength of the bump maps used in this texture. A higher value will make the bump maps appear larger while a lower value will make them appear softer.

Default 512
Setter set_height(value)
Getter get_height()

Height of the generated texture.

Setter set_noise(value)
Getter get_noise()

The OpenSimplexNoise instance used to generate the noise.

Default false
Setter set_seamless(value)
Getter get_seamless()

Whether the texture can be tiled without visible seams or not. Seamless textures take longer to generate.

Default 512
Setter set_width(value)
Getter get_width()

Width of the generated texture.