
Inherits: ResourceImporter < Reference < Object

Registers a custom resource importer in the editor. Use the class to parse any file and import it as a new resource type.


EditorImportPlugins provide a way to extend the editor’s resource import functionality. Use them to import resources from custom files or to provide alternatives to the editor’s existing importers. Register your EditorPlugin with EditorPlugin.add_import_plugin.

EditorImportPlugins work by associating with specific file extensions and a resource type. See get_recognized_extensions and get_resource_type. They may optionally specify some import presets that affect the import process. EditorImportPlugins are responsible for creating the resources and saving them in the .import directory.

Below is an example EditorImportPlugin that imports a Mesh from a file with the extension “.special” or “.spec”:

extends EditorImportPlugin

func get_importer_name():
    return "my.special.plugin"

func get_visible_name():
    return "Special Mesh Importer"

func get_recognized_extensions():
    return ["special", "spec"]

func get_save_extension():
    return "mesh"

func get_resource_type():
    return "Mesh"

func get_preset_count():
    return 1

func get_preset_name(i):
    return "Default"

func get_import_options(i):
    return [{"name": "my_option", "default_value": false}]

func import(source_file, save_path, options, platform_variants, gen_files):
    var file = File.new()
    if file.open(source_file, File.READ) != OK:
        return FAILED

    var mesh = Mesh.new()
    # Fill the Mesh with data read in "file", left as an exercise to the reader

    var filename = save_path + "." + get_save_extension()
    ResourceSaver.save(filename, mesh)
    return OK



Array get_import_options ( int preset ) virtual
int get_import_order ( ) virtual
String get_importer_name ( ) virtual
bool get_option_visibility ( String option, Dictionary options ) virtual
int get_preset_count ( ) virtual
String get_preset_name ( int preset ) virtual
float get_priority ( ) virtual
Array get_recognized_extensions ( ) virtual
String get_resource_type ( ) virtual
String get_save_extension ( ) virtual
String get_visible_name ( ) virtual
int import ( String source_file, String save_path, Dictionary options, Array platform_variants, Array gen_files ) virtual

Method Descriptions

  • Array get_import_options ( int preset ) virtual

Gets the options and default values for the preset at this index. Returns an Array of Dictionaries with the following keys: name, default_value, property_hint (optional), hint_string (optional), usage (optional).

  • int get_import_order ( ) virtual

Gets the order of this importer to be run when importing resources. Higher values will be called later. Use this to ensure the importer runs after the dependencies are already imported.

  • String get_importer_name ( ) virtual

Gets the unique name of the importer.

  • int get_preset_count ( ) virtual

Gets the number of initial presets defined by the plugin. Use get_import_options to get the default options for the preset and get_preset_name to get the name of the preset.

  • String get_preset_name ( int preset ) virtual

Gets the name of the options preset at this index.

  • float get_priority ( ) virtual

Gets the priority of this plugin for the recognized extension. Higher priority plugins will be preferred. The default priority is 1.0.

  • Array get_recognized_extensions ( ) virtual

Gets the list of file extensions to associate with this loader (case-insensitive). e.g. ["obj"].

  • String get_resource_type ( ) virtual

Gets the Godot resource type associated with this loader. e.g. "Mesh" or "Animation".

  • String get_save_extension ( ) virtual

Gets the extension used to save this resource in the .import directory.

  • String get_visible_name ( ) virtual

Gets the name to display in the import window.