
Inherits: Spatial < Node < Object

Overrides the location sounds are heard from.


Once added to the scene tree and enabled using make_current, this node will override the location sounds are heard from. This can be used to listen from a location different from the Camera.

Note: There is no 2D equivalent for this node yet.


void clear_current ( )
Transform get_listener_transform ( ) const
bool is_current ( ) const
void make_current ( )

Method Descriptions

  • void clear_current ( )

Disables the listener to use the current camera’s listener instead.

Returns the listener’s global orthonormalized Transform.

  • bool is_current ( ) const

Returns true if the listener was made current using make_current, false otherwise.

Note: There may be more than one Listener marked as “current” in the scene tree, but only the one that was made current last will be used.

  • void make_current ( )

Enables the listener. This will override the current camera’s listener.