
Inherits: Joint < Spatial < Node < Object

A twist joint between two 3D bodies.


The joint can rotate the bodies across an axis defined by the local x-axes of the Joint.

The twist axis is initiated as the X axis of the Joint.

Once the Bodies swing, the twist axis is calculated as the middle of the x-axes of the Joint in the local space of the two Bodies.


float get_param ( Param param ) const
void set_param ( Param param, float value )


enum Param:

  • PARAM_SWING_SPAN = 0 — Swing is rotation from side to side, around the axis perpendicular to the twist axis.

The swing span defines, how much rotation will not get corrected along the swing axis.

Could be defined as looseness in the ConeTwistJoint.

If below 0.05, this behavior is locked.

  • PARAM_TWIST_SPAN = 1 — Twist is the rotation around the twist axis, this value defined how far the joint can twist.

Twist is locked if below 0.05.

  • PARAM_BIAS = 2 — The speed with which the swing or twist will take place.

The higher, the faster.

  • PARAM_SOFTNESS = 3 — The ease with which the joint starts to twist. If it’s too low, it takes more force to start twisting the joint.
  • PARAM_RELAXATION = 4 — Defines, how fast the swing- and twist-speed-difference on both sides gets synced.
  • PARAM_MAX = 5 — Represents the size of the Param enum.

Property Descriptions

Default 0.3
Setter set_param(value)
Getter get_param()

The speed with which the swing or twist will take place.

The higher, the faster.

Default 1.0
Setter set_param(value)
Getter get_param()

Defines, how fast the swing- and twist-speed-difference on both sides gets synced.

Default 0.8
Setter set_param(value)
Getter get_param()

The ease with which the joint starts to twist. If it’s too low, it takes more force to start twisting the joint.

Default 45.0

Swing is rotation from side to side, around the axis perpendicular to the twist axis.

The swing span defines, how much rotation will not get corrected along the swing axis.

Could be defined as looseness in the ConeTwistJoint.

If below 0.05, this behavior is locked.

Default 180.0

Twist is the rotation around the twist axis, this value defined how far the joint can twist.

Twist is locked if below 0.05.

Method Descriptions