
Inherits: Joint < Spatial < Node < Object

A hinge between two 3D bodies.


A HingeJoint normally uses the Z axis of body A as the hinge axis, another axis can be specified when adding it manually though.


bool get_flag ( Flag flag ) const
float get_param ( Param param ) const
void set_flag ( Flag flag, bool enabled )
void set_param ( Param param, float value )


enum Param:

  • PARAM_BIAS = 0 — The speed with which the two bodies get pulled together when they move in different directions.
  • PARAM_LIMIT_UPPER = 1 — The maximum rotation. Only active if angular_limit/enable is true.
  • PARAM_LIMIT_LOWER = 2 — The minimum rotation. Only active if angular_limit/enable is true.
  • PARAM_LIMIT_BIAS = 3 — The speed with which the rotation across the axis perpendicular to the hinge gets corrected.
  • PARAM_LIMIT_RELAXATION = 5 — The lower this value, the more the rotation gets slowed down.
  • PARAM_MOTOR_TARGET_VELOCITY = 6 — Target speed for the motor.
  • PARAM_MOTOR_MAX_IMPULSE = 7 — Maximum acceleration for the motor.
  • PARAM_MAX = 8 — Represents the size of the Param enum.

enum Flag:

  • FLAG_USE_LIMIT = 0 — If true, the hinges maximum and minimum rotation, defined by angular_limit/lower and angular_limit/upper has effects.
  • FLAG_ENABLE_MOTOR = 1 — When activated, a motor turns the hinge.
  • FLAG_MAX = 2 — Represents the size of the Flag enum.

Property Descriptions

  • float angular_limit/bias
Default 0.3
Setter set_param(value)
Getter get_param()

The speed with which the rotation across the axis perpendicular to the hinge gets corrected.

  • bool angular_limit/enable
Default false
Setter set_flag(value)
Getter get_flag()

If true, the hinges maximum and minimum rotation, defined by angular_limit/lower and angular_limit/upper has effects.

  • float angular_limit/lower
Default -90.0

The minimum rotation. Only active if angular_limit/enable is true.

  • float angular_limit/relaxation
Default 1.0
Setter set_param(value)
Getter get_param()

The lower this value, the more the rotation gets slowed down.

  • float angular_limit/softness
Default 0.9
Setter set_param(value)
Getter get_param()

  • float angular_limit/upper
Default 90.0

The maximum rotation. Only active if angular_limit/enable is true.

Default false
Setter set_flag(value)
Getter get_flag()

When activated, a motor turns the hinge.

  • float motor/max_impulse
Default 1.0
Setter set_param(value)
Getter get_param()

Maximum acceleration for the motor.

  • float motor/target_velocity
Default 1.0
Setter set_param(value)
Getter get_param()

Target speed for the motor.

Default 0.3
Setter set_param(value)
Getter get_param()

The speed with which the two bodies get pulled together when they move in different directions.

Method Descriptions

Returns the value of the specified flag.

Returns the value of the specified parameter.

  • void set_flag ( Flag flag, bool enabled )

If true, enables the specified flag.

Sets the value of the specified parameter.