
Inherits: PrimitiveMesh < Mesh < Resource < Reference < Object

Generate an axis-aligned cuboid PrimitiveMesh.


Generate an axis-aligned cuboid PrimitiveMesh.

The cube’s UV layout is arranged in a 3×2 layout that allows texturing each face individually. To apply the same texture on all faces, change the material’s UV property to Vector3(3, 2, 1).

Property Descriptions

Default Vector3( 2, 2, 2 )
Setter set_size(value)
Getter get_size()

Size of the cuboid mesh.

  • int subdivide_depth
Default 0
Setter set_subdivide_depth(value)
Getter get_subdivide_depth()

Number of extra edge loops inserted along the Z axis.

  • int subdivide_height
Default 0
Setter set_subdivide_height(value)
Getter get_subdivide_height()

Number of extra edge loops inserted along the Y axis.

  • int subdivide_width
Default 0
Setter set_subdivide_width(value)
Getter get_subdivide_width()

Number of extra edge loops inserted along the X axis.