DTR architecture

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Docker Trusted Registry (DTR) is a Dockerized application that runs on a Docker Universal Control Plane cluster.


When you install DTR on a node, the following containers are started:

Name Description
dtr-nginx-<replica_id> Receives http and https requests and proxies them to other DTR components. By default it listens to ports 80 and 443 of the host.
dtr-api-<replica_id> Executes the DTR business logic. It serves the DTR web application, and API.
dtr-registry-<replica_id> Implements the functionality for pulling and pushing Docker images. It also handles how images are stored.
dtr-etcd-<replica_id> A key-value store for persisting DTR configuration settings. Don’t use it in your applications, since it’s for internal use only.
dtr-rethinkdb-<replica_id> A database for persisting repository metadata. Don’t use it in your applications, since it’s for internal use only.


To allow containers to communicate, when installing DTR the following networks are created:

Name Type Description
dtr-br bridge Allows containers on the same node to communicate with each other in a secure way.
dtr-ol overlay Allows containers running on different nodes to communicate. This network is used in high-availability installations, to allow Etcd and RethinkDB containers to replicate their data.

The communication between all DTR components is secured using TLS. Also, when installing DTR, two Certificate Authorities (CAs) are created. These CAs are used to create the certificates used by Etcd and RethinkDB when communicating across nodes.


DTR uses these named volumes for persisting data:

Volume name Location on host (/var/lib/docker/volumes/) Description
dtr-ca-<replica_id> dtr-ca/_data The volume where the private keys and certificates are stored so that containers can use TLS to communicate.
dtr-etcd-<replica_id> dtr-etcd/_data The volume used by etcd to persist DTR configurations.
dtr-registry-<replica_id> dtr-registry/_data The volume where images are stored, if DTR is configured to store images on the local filesystem.
dtr-rethink-<replica_id> dtr-rethink/_data The volume used by RethinkDB to persist DTR data, like users and repositories.

If you don’t create these volumes, when installing DTR they are created with the default volume driver and flags.

Image storage

By default, Docker Trusted Registry stores images on the filesystem of the host where it is running.

You can also configure DTR to using these cloud storage backends:

  • Amazon S3
  • OpenStack Swift
  • Microsoft Azure

For highly available installations, configure DTR to use a cloud storage backend or a network filesystem like NFS.

High-availability support

For load balancing and high-availability, you can install multiple replicas of DTR, and join them to create a cluster. Learn more about high availability.

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