Update Interlock services

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There are two parts to the update process:

  1. Update the Interlock configuration to specify the new extension and/or proxy image versions.
  2. Update the Interlock service to use the new configuration and image.

Update the Interlock configuration

Create the new configuration:

$> docker config create service.interlock.conf.v2 <path-to-new-config>

Update the Interlock service

Remove the old configuration and specify the new configuration:

$> docker service update --config-rm service.interlock.conf interlock
$> docker service update --config-add source=service.interlock.conf.v2,target=/config.toml interlock

Next, update the Interlock service to use the new image. The following example updates the Interlock core service to use the sha256:d173014908eb09e9a70d8e5ed845469a61f7cbf4032c28fad0ed9af3fc04ef51 version of Interlock. Interlock starts and checks the config object, which has the new extension version, and performs a rolling deploy to update all extensions.

$> docker service update \
    --image interlockpreview/interlock@sha256:d173014908eb09e9a70d8e5ed845469a61f7cbf4032c28fad0ed9af3fc04ef51 \
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