docker/ucp upgrade

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Upgrade the UCP components on this Docker Engine.


docker run --rm -it \
  --name ucp \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  docker/ucp \
  upgrade [OPTIONS]


When upgrading UCP, you must run the ‘upgrade’ command against every engine in your cluster. You should upgrade your controller and replica nodes first, followed by your compute nodes. If you plan to upgrade your engine as well, upgrade the engine first, before upgrading UCP on the node.

After upgrading each node, confirm the node is present in the UCP console before proceeding to the next node.


Option Description
--debug, -D Enable debug
--jsonlog Produce json formatted output for easier parsing
--interactive, -i Enable interactive mode.,You will be prompted to enter all required information
--admin-username Specify the UCP admin username [$UCP_ADMIN_USER]
--admin-password Specify the UCP admin password [$UCP_ADMIN_PASSWORD]
--registry-username Specify the username to pull required images with [$REGISTRY_USERNAME]
--registry-password Specify the password to pull required images with [$REGISTRY_PASSWORD]
--id The ID of the UCP instance to upgrade
--pull "always" Specify image pull behavior (‘always’, when ‘missing’, or ‘never’) (default: “missing”)
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