docker/ucp install

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Install UCP on this node


docker container run --rm -it \
    --name ucp \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    docker/ucp \
    install [command options]


This command initializes a new swarm, turns this node into a manager, and installs Docker Universal Control Plane (UCP).

When installing UCP you can customize:

  • The certificates used by the UCP web server. Create a volume named ucp-controller-server-certs and copy the ca.pem, cert.pem, and key.pem files to the root directory. Then run the install command with the --external-server-cert flag.

  • The license used by UCP, by bind-mounting the file at /config/docker_subscription.lic in the tool. E.g. -v /path/to/my/config/docker_subscription.lic:/config/docker_subscription.lic or by specifying with --license "$(cat license.lic)

If you’re joining more nodes to this swarm, open the following ports in your firewall:

  • 443 or the ‘--controller-port’
  • 2376 or the ‘--swarm-port’
  • 12376, 12379, 12380, 12381, 12382, 12383, 12384, 12385, 12386, 12387
  • 4789 (udp) and 7946 (tcp/udp) for overlay networking

If you have SELinux policies enabled for your Docker install, you will need to use docker container run --rm -it --security-opt label=disable ... when running this command.


Option Description
--debug, D Enable debug mode
--jsonlog Produce json formatted output for easier parsing
--interactive, i Run in interactive mode and prompt for configuration values
--admin-username The UCP administrator username
--admin-password The UCP administrator password
--san Add subject alternative names to certificates. The -san option can be used multiple times, such as --san --san
--host-address The network address to advertise to other nodes. Format: IP address or network interface name
--data-path-addr Address or interface to use for data path traffic. Format: IP address or network interface name
--controller-port Port for the web UI and API
--kube-apiserver-port Port for the Kubernetes API server (default: 6443)
--swarm-port Port for the Docker Swarm manager. Used for backwards compatibility
--swarm-grpc-port Port for communication between nodes
--cni-installer-url A URL pointing to a Kubernetes YAML file to be used as an installer for the CNI plugin of the cluster. If specified, the default CNI plugin is not installed. If the URL uses the HTTPS scheme, no certificate verification is performed.
--pod-cidr Kubernetes cluster IP pool for the pods to allocated IPs from (Default:
--cloud-provider The cloud provider for the cluster
--skip-cloud-provider Disables checks that rely on detecting the cloud provider (if any) on which the cluster is currently running.
--dns Set custom DNS servers for the UCP containers
--dns-opt Set DNS options for the UCP containers
--dns-search Set custom DNS search domains for the UCP containers
--unlock-key The unlock key for this swarm-mode cluster, if one exists.
--existing-config Use the latest existing UCP config during this installation. The install fails if a config is not found.
--force-minimums Force the install/upgrade even if the system doesn’t meet the minimum requirements.
--pull Pull UCP images: always, when missing, or never
--registry-username Username to use when pulling images
--registry-password Password to use when pulling images
--kv-timeout Timeout in milliseconds for the key-value store
--kv-snapshot-count Number of changes between key-value store snapshots
--swarm-experimental Enable Docker Swarm experimental features. Used for backwards compatibility
--disable-tracking Disable anonymous tracking and analytics
--disable-usage Disable anonymous usage reporting
--external-server-cert Use the certificates in the ucp-controller-server-certs volume instead of generating self-signed certs during installation
--preserve-certs Don’t generate certificates if they already exist
--binpack Set the Docker Swarm scheduler to binpack mode. Used for backwards compatibility
--random Set the Docker Swarm scheduler to random mode. Used for backwards compatibility
--external-service-lb Set the external service load balancer reported in the UI
--enable-profiling Enable performance profiling
--license Add a license: e.g. --license “$(cat license.lic)”
--force-insecure-tcp Force install to continue even with unauthenticated Docker Engine ports
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