Deploy a layer 7 routing solution

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

This topic covers deploying a layer 7 routing solution into a Docker Swarm to route traffic to Swarm services. Layer 7 routing is also referred to as an HTTP routing mesh.

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Enable layer 7 routing
  3. Work with the core service configuration file
  4. Create a dedicated network for Interlock and extensions
  5. Create the Interlock service


Enable layer 7 routing

By default, layer 7 routing is disabled, so you must first enable this service from the UCP web UI.

  1. Log in to the UCP web UI as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Admin Settings
  3. Select Layer 7 Routing and then select Enable Layer 7 Routing

http routing mesh

By default, the routing mesh service listens on port 8080 for HTTP and port 8443 for HTTPS. Change the ports if you already have services that are using them.

When 7 routing is enabled:

  1. UCP creates the ucp-interlock overlay network.
  2. UCP deploys the ucp-interlock service and attaches it both to the Docker socket and the overlay network that was created. This allows the Interlock service to use the Docker API. That’s also the reason why this service needs to run on a manger node.
  3. The ucp-interlock service starts the ucp-interlock-extension service and attaches it to the ucp-interlock network. This allows both services to communicate.
  4. The ucp-interlock-extension generates a configuration to be used by the proxy service. By default the proxy service is NGINX, so this service generates a standard NGINX configuration. ( Is this valid here????) UCP creates the com.docker.ucp.interlock.conf-1 configuration file and uses it to configure all the internal components of this service.
  5. The ucp-interlock service takes the proxy configuration and uses it to start the ucp-interlock-proxy service.

At this point everything is ready for you to start using the layer 7 routing service with your swarm workloads.

The following code sample provides a default UCP configuration:

ListenAddr = ":8080"
DockerURL = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
AllowInsecure = false
PollInterval = "3s"

    Image = "docker/ucp-interlock-extension:3.1.6"
    ServiceName = "ucp-interlock-extension"
    Args = []
    Constraints = ["", "node.platform.os==linux"]
    ProxyImage = "docker/ucp-interlock-proxy:3.1.6"
    ProxyServiceName = "ucp-interlock-proxy"
    ProxyConfigPath = "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"
    ProxyReplicas = 2
    ProxyStopSignal = "SIGQUIT"
    ProxyStopGracePeriod = "5s"
    ProxyConstraints = ["", "node.platform.os==linux"]
    PublishMode = "ingress"
    PublishedPort = 80
    TargetPort = 80
    PublishedSSLPort = 8443
    TargetSSLPort = 443
      "com.docker.ucp.InstanceID" = "fewho8k85kyc6iqypvvdh3ntm"
      "com.docker.ucp.InstanceID" = "fewho8k85kyc6iqypvvdh3ntm"
      "com.docker.ucp.InstanceID" = "fewho8k85kyc6iqypvvdh3ntm"
      "com.docker.ucp.InstanceID" = "fewho8k85kyc6iqypvvdh3ntm"
      Version = ""
      User = "nginx"
      PidPath = "/var/run/"
      MaxConnections = 1024
      ConnectTimeout = 600
      SendTimeout = 600
      ReadTimeout = 600
      IPHash = false
      AdminUser = ""
      AdminPass = ""
      SSLOpts = ""
      SSLDefaultDHParam = 1024
      SSLDefaultDHParamPath = ""
      SSLVerify = "required"
      WorkerProcesses = 1
      RLimitNoFile = 65535
      SSLCiphers = "HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5"
      SSLProtocols = "TLSv1.2"
      AccessLogPath = "/dev/stdout"
      ErrorLogPath = "/dev/stdout"
      MainLogFormat = "'$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] \"$request\" '\n\t\t    '$status $body_bytes_sent \"$http_referer\" '\n\t\t    '\"$http_user_agent\" \"$http_x_forwarded_for\"';"
      TraceLogFormat = "'$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] \"$request\" $status '\n\t\t    '$body_bytes_sent \"$http_referer\" \"$http_user_agent\" '\n\t\t    '\"$http_x_forwarded_for\" $request_id $msec $request_time '\n\t\t    '$upstream_connect_time $upstream_header_time $upstream_response_time';"
      KeepaliveTimeout = "75s"
      ClientMaxBodySize = "32m"
      ClientBodyBufferSize = "8k"
      ClientHeaderBufferSize = "1k"
      LargeClientHeaderBuffers = "4 8k"
      ClientBodyTimeout = "60s"
      UnderscoresInHeaders = false
      HideInfoHeaders = false

Work with the core service configuration file

Interlock uses the TOML file for the core service configuration. The following example utilizes Swarm deployment and recovery features by creating a Docker Config object:

$> cat << EOF | docker config create service.interlock.conf -
ListenAddr = ":8080"
DockerURL = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
PollInterval = "3s"

    Image = "interlockpreview/interlock-extension-nginx:2.0.0-preview"
    Args = ["-D"]
    ProxyImage = "nginx:alpine"
    ProxyArgs = []
    ProxyConfigPath = "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"
    ProxyReplicas = 1
    ProxyStopGracePeriod = "3s"
    ServiceCluster = ""
    PublishMode = "ingress"
    PublishedPort = 80
    TargetPort = 80
    PublishedSSLPort = 443
    TargetSSLPort = 443
      User = "nginx"
      PidPath = "/var/run/"
      WorkerProcesses = 1
      RlimitNoFile = 65535
      MaxConnections = 2048

Create a dedicated network for Interlock and extensions

Next, create a dedicated network for Interlock and the extensions:

$> docker network create -d overlay interlock

Create the Interlock service

Now you can create the Interlock service. Note the requirement to constrain to a manager. The Interlock core service must have access to a Swarm manager, however the extension and proxy services are recommended to run on workers. See the Production section for more information on setting up for an production environment.

$> docker service create \
    --name interlock \
    --mount src=/var/run/docker.sock,dst=/var/run/docker.sock,type=bind \
    --network interlock \
    --constraint node.role==manager \
    --config src=service.interlock.conf,target=/config.toml \
    interlockpreview/interlock:2.0.0-preview -D run -c /config.toml

At this point, there should be three (3) services created: one for the Interlock service, one for the extension service, and one for the proxy service:

$> docker service ls
ID                  NAME                MODE                REPLICAS            IMAGE                                                       PORTS
lheajcskcbby        modest_raman        replicated          1/1                 nginx:alpine                                                *:80->80/tcp *:443->443/tcp
oxjvqc6gxf91        keen_clarke         replicated          1/1                 interlockpreview/interlock-extension-nginx:2.0.0-preview
sjpgq7h621ex        interlock           replicated          1/1                 interlockpreview/interlock:2.0.0-preview

The Interlock traffic layer is now deployed.

Next steps

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