Repair a single replica

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When one or more DTR replicas are unhealthy but the overall majority (n/2 + 1) is healthy and able to communicate with one another, your DTR cluster is still functional and healthy.

Cluster with two nodes unhealthy

Given that the DTR cluster is healthy, there’s no need to execute any disaster recovery procedures like restoring from a backup.

Instead, you should:

  1. Remove the unhealthy replicas from the DTR cluster.
  2. Join new replicas to make DTR highly available.

Since a DTR cluster requires a majority of replicas to be healthy at all times, the order of these operations is important. If you join more replicas before removing the ones that are unhealthy, your DTR cluster might become unhealthy.

Split-brain scenario

To understand why you should remove unhealthy replicas before joining new ones, imagine you have a five-replica DTR deployment, and something goes wrong with the overlay network connection the replicas, causing them to be separated in two groups.

Cluster with network problem

Because the cluster originally had five replicas, it can work as long as three replicas are still healthy and able to communicate (5 / 2 + 1 = 3). Even though the network separated the replicas in two groups, DTR is still healthy.

If at this point you join a new replica instead of fixing the network problem or removing the two replicas that got isolated from the rest, it’s possible that the new replica ends up in the side of the network partition that has less replicas.

cluster with split brain

When this happens, both groups now have the minimum amount of replicas needed to establish a cluster. This is also known as a split-brain scenario, because both groups can now accept writes and their histories start diverging, making the two groups effectively two different clusters.

Remove replicas

To remove unhealthy replicas, you’ll first have to find the replica ID of one of the replicas you want to keep, and the replica IDs of the unhealthy replicas you want to remove.

You can find the list of replicas by navigating to Shared Resources > Stacks or Swarm > Volumes (when using swarm mode) on the UCP web interface, or by using the UCP client bundle to run:

docker ps --format "{{.Names}}" | grep dtr

# The list of DTR containers with <node>/<component>-<replicaID>, e.g.
# node-1/dtr-api-a1640e1c15b6

Another way to determine the replica ID is to SSH into a DTR node and run the following:

REPLICA_ID=$(docker inspect -f '{{.Name}}' $(docker ps -q -f name=dtr-rethink) | cut -f 3 -d '-')
&& echo $REPLICA_ID

Then use the UCP client bundle to remove the unhealthy replicas:

docker run -it --rm docker/dtr:2.6.5 remove \
  --existing-replica-id <healthy-replica-id> \
  --replica-ids <unhealthy-replica-id> \
  --ucp-insecure-tls \
  --ucp-url <ucp-url> \
  --ucp-username <user> \
  --ucp-password <password>

You can remove more than one replica at the same time, by specifying multiple IDs with a comma.

Healthy cluster

Join replicas

Once you’ve removed the unhealthy nodes from the cluster, you should join new ones to make sure your cluster is highly available.

Use your UCP client bundle to run the following command which prompts you for the necessary parameters:

docker run -it --rm \
  docker/dtr:2.6.5 join \
  --ucp-node <ucp-node-name> \

Learn more about high availability.

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