docker/dtr remove

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Remove a DTR replica from a cluster


docker run -it --rm docker/dtr \
    remove [command options]


This command gracefully scales down your DTR cluster by removing exactly one replica. All other replicas must be healthy and will remain healthy after this operation.


Option Description
--debug Enable debug mode for additional logging
--existing-replica-id The ID of an existing DTR replica
--hub-password Password to use when pulling images
--hub-username Username to use when pulling images
--replica-id The ID of the replica you want to remove from the cluster
--ucp-ca Use a PEM-encoded TLS CA certificate for UCP
--ucp-insecure-tls Disable TLS verification for UCP
--ucp-password The UCP administrator password
--ucp-url The UCP URL including domain and port
--ucp-username The UCP administrator username
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