docker/ucp upgrade

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Upgrade the UCP cluster


 docker container run --rm -it \
        --name ucp \
        -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
        docker/ucp \
        upgrade [command options]


This command upgrades the UCP running on this cluster.

Before performing an upgrade, you should perform a backup by using the backup command.

After upgrading UCP, go to the UCP web UI and confirm each node is healthy and that all nodes have been upgraded successfully.


Option Description
--debug, D Enable debug mode
--jsonlog Produce json formatted output for easier parsing
--interactive, i Run in interactive mode and prompt for configuration values
--admin-username The UCP administrator username
--admin-password The UCP administrator password
--pull Pull UCP images: always, when missing, or never
--registry-username Username to use when pulling images
--registry-password Password to use when pulling images
--id The ID of the UCP instance to upgrade
--host-address Override the previously configured host address with this IP or network interface
--force-minimums Force the install/upgrade even if the system does not meet the minimum requirements
--pod-cidr Kubernetes cluster IP pool for the pods to allocated IP from (Default:
--nodeport-range Allowed port range for Kubernetes services of type NodePort (Default: 32768-35535)
--cloud-provider The cloud provider for the cluster
--cni-installer-url A URL pointing to a kubernetes YAML file to be used as an installer for the CNI plugin of the cluster
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