docker/ucp upgrade
Estimated reading time: 1 minuteUpgrade the UCP cluster
docker container run --rm -it \
--name ucp \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
docker/ucp \
upgrade [command options]
This command upgrades the UCP running on this cluster.
Before performing an upgrade, you should perform a backup by using the backup command.
After upgrading UCP, go to the UCP web UI and confirm each node is healthy and that all nodes have been upgraded successfully.
Option | Description |
--debug, D |
Enable debug mode |
--jsonlog |
Produce json formatted output for easier parsing |
--interactive, i |
Run in interactive mode and prompt for configuration values |
--admin-username |
The UCP administrator username |
--admin-password |
The UCP administrator password |
--pull |
Pull UCP images: always , when missing , or never |
--registry-username |
Username to use when pulling images |
--registry-password |
Password to use when pulling images |
--id |
The ID of the UCP instance to upgrade |
--host-address |
Override the previously configured host address with this IP or network interface |
--force-minimums |
Force the install/upgrade even if the system does not meet the minimum requirements |
--pod-cidr |
Kubernetes cluster IP pool for the pods to allocated IP from (Default: |
--nodeport-range |
Allowed port range for Kubernetes services of type NodePort (Default: 32768-35535) |
--cloud-provider |
The cloud provider for the cluster |
--cni-installer-url |
A URL pointing to a kubernetes YAML file to be used as an installer for the CNI plugin of the cluster |