UCP tool reference

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Installs Docker Universal Control Plane.


$ docker run --rm -it \
    --name ucp \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    docker/ucp \
    command [arguments...]


Docker Universal Control Plane Tool

This tool has commands to ‘install’ the UCP initial controller and ‘join’ nodes to that controller. The tool can also ‘uninstall’ the product. This tool must run as a container with a well-known name and with the docker.sock volume mounted, which you can cut-and-paste from the usage example below.

This tool will generate TLS certificates and will attempt to determine your hostname and primary IP addresses. This may be overridden with the ‘--host-address’ option. The tool may not discover your externally visible fully qualified hostname. For proper certificate verification, you should pass one or more Subject Alternative Names with ‘--san’ during ‘install’ and ‘join’ that matches the fully qualified hostname you intend to use to access the given system.

Many settings can be passed as flags or environment variables. When passing as an environment variable, use the ‘docker run -e VARIABLE_NAME ...’ syntax to pass the value from your shell, or ‘docker run -e VARIABLE_NAME=value ...’ to specify the value explicitly on the command line.

Additional help is available for each command with the ‘--help’ option.


Option Description
--help, h Show help
--version, -v Print the version


Command Description
install Install UCP on this engine
join Join this engine to an existing UCP
upgrade Upgrade the UCP components on this engine
images Verify the UCP images on this engine
uninstall Uninstall UCP components from this engine
dump-certs Dump out the public certs for this UCP controller
support Generate a support dump for this engine
fingerprint Dump out the TLS fingerprint for the UCP controller running on this engine
id Dump out the ID of the UCP components running on this engine
engine-discovery Manage the engine discovery configuration
backup Stream a tar file to stdout containing all UCP data volumes
restore Stream a tar file on stdin containing all local UCP data volumes
regen-certs Regenerate keys and certificates for a UCP controller
help Shows a list of commands or help for one command
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