UCP architecture

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

UCP is a containerized application, so the first step to install UCP is installing the Commercially Supported (CS) Docker Engine on all the nodes that are going to be part of the cluster.

After CS Docker Engine is installed, you install UCP, and join as many nodes as you want to the cluster.


A UCP cluster has two types of nodes:

  • Controller: manages the cluster and persists the cluster configurations.
  • Node: run your containers.

UCP controller node

When you install Docker UCP on a node, the following containers are started.

Name Description
ucp-proxy A TLS proxy. It allows secure access to the local Docker Engine.
ucp-controller The UCP application. It uses the key-value store for persisting configurations.
ucp-swarm-manager Provides the clustering capabilities. It uses the key-value store for leader election, and keeping track of cluster members.
ucp-swarm-join Heartbeat to record on the key-value store that this node is alive. If the node goes down, this heartbeat stops, and the node is removed from the cluster.
ucp-auth-api The centralized API for identity and authentication used by UCP and DTR.
ucp-auth-worker Performs scheduled LDAP synchronizations and cleans data on the ucp-auth-store.
ucp-auth-store Stores authentication configurations, and data for users, organizations and teams.
ucp-kv Used to store the UCP configurations. Don’t use it in your applications, since it’s for internal use only.
ucp-cluster-root-ca A certificate authority to sign the certificates used when joining new nodes, and on administrator client bundles.
ucp-client-root-ca A certificate authority to sign user bundles. Only used when UCP is installed without an external root CA.

UCP node

When you join a node to a Docker UCP cluster, the following containers are started.

Name Description
ucp-proxy A TLS proxy. It allows secure access to the local Docker Engine.
ucp-swarm-join Heartbeat to record on the key-value store that this node is alive. If the node goes down, this heartbeat stops, and the node is dropped from the cluster.


Docker UCP uses these named volumes for persisting data:

Node Volume name Location on host (/var/lib/docker/volumes/) Description
all ucp-client-root-ca ucp-client-root-ca/_data The certificate and key for the UCP root CA. Do not create this volume if you are using your own certificates.
all ucp-cluster-root-ca ucp-cluster-root-ca/_data The certificate and key for the Swarm root CA.
all ucp-controller-client-certs ucp-controller-client-certs/_data The UCP Controller Swarm client certificates for the current node.
all ucp-controller-server-certs ucp-controller-server-certs/_data The controller certificates for the UCP controllers web server.
controller ucp-kv ucp-kv/_data Key value store persistence.
all ucp-kv-certs ucp-kv-certs/_data The Swarm KV client certificates for the current node (repeated on every node in the cluster).
all ucp-node-certs ucp-node-certs/_data The Swarm certificates for the current node (repeated on every node in the cluster).

If you don’t create these volumes before when installing UCP, they are created with the default volume driver and flags.

High-availability support

For load balancing and high-availability, you can install multiple controller nodes and join them to create a cluster. Learn more about high availability.

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