Offline installation considerations

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To install Interlock on a Docker cluster without internet access, the Docker images must be loaded. This topic describes how to export the images from a local Docker engine and then loading them to the Docker Swarm cluster.

First, using an existing Docker engine, save the images:

$> docker save docker/interlock:latest > interlock.tar
$> docker save docker/interlock-extension-nginx:latest > interlock-extension-nginx.tar
$> docker save nginx:alpine > nginx.tar

Note: replace docker/interlock-extension-nginx:latest and nginx:alpine with the corresponding extension and proxy image if you are not using Nginx.

You should have the following two files:

  • interlock.tar: This is the core Interlock application.
  • interlock-extension-nginx.tar: This is the Interlock extension for Nginx.
  • nginx:alpine: This is the official Nginx image based on Alpine.

Copy these files to each node in the Docker Swarm cluster and run the following commands to load each image:

$> docker load < interlock.tar
$> docker load < interlock-extension-nginx.tar
$> docker load < nginx:alpine.tar

Next steps

After running on each node, refer to the Deploy section to continue the installation.

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