Install UCP offline

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

The procedure to install Docker Universal Control Plane on a host is the same, whether that host has access to the internet or not.

The only difference when installing on an offline host, is that instead of pulling the UCP images from Docker Hub, you use a computer that is connected to the internet to download a single package with all the images. Then you copy that package to the host where you’ll install UCP.

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Download the offline package

Use a computer with internet access to download a single package with all Docker Datacenter components:

$ wget <package-url> -O docker-datacenter.tar.gz

Now that you have the package in your local machine, you can transfer it to the machines where you want to install UCP.

For each machine that you want to manage with UCP:

  1. Copy the Docker Datacenter package to that machine.

    $ scp docker-datacenter.tar.gz <user>@<host>:/tmp
  2. Use ssh to login into the hosts where you transferred the package.

  3. Load the Docker Datacenter images.

    Once the package is transferred to the hosts, you can use the docker load command, to load the Docker images from the tar archive:

    $ docker load < docker-datacenter.tar.gz

Install UCP

Now that the offline hosts have all the images needed to install UCP, you can install Docker UCP on that host.

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