Configure layer 7 routing for production

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The layer 7 solution that ships out of the box with UCP is highly available and fault tolerant. It is also designed to work independently of how many nodes you’re managing with UCP.

production deployment

For a production-grade deployment, you should tune the default deployment to have two nodes dedicated for running the two replicas of the ucp-interlock-proxy service. This ensures:

  • The proxy services have dedicated resources to handle user requests. You can configure these nodes with higher performance network interfaces.
  • No application traffic can be routed to a manager node. This makes your deployment secure.
  • The proxy service is running on two nodes. If one node fails, layer 7 routing continues working.

To achieve this you need to:

  1. Enable layer 7 routing. Learn how.
  2. Pick two nodes that are going to be dedicated to run the proxy service.
  3. Apply labels to those nodes, so that you can constrain the proxy service to only run on nodes with those labels.
  4. Update the ucp-interlock service to deploy proxies using that constraint.
  5. Configure your load balancer to route traffic to the dedicated nodes only.

Apply labels to nodes

In this example, we chose node-5 and node-6 to be dedicated just for running the proxy service. To apply labels to those nodes run:

docker node update --label-add nodetype=loadbalancer <node>

To make sure the label was successfully applied, run:

docker node inspect --format '{{ index .Spec.Labels "nodetype" }}' <node>

The command should print “loadbalancer”.

Configure the ucp-interlock service

Now that your nodes are labelled, you need to update the ucp-interlock service configuration to deploy the proxy service with the correct constraints.

Add another constraint to the ProxyConstraints array:

    ProxyConstraints = ["", "node.platform.os==linux", "node.labels.nodetype==loadbalancer"]

Learn how to configure ucp-interlock.

Known issue

In UCP 3.0.0 the ucp-interlock service won’t redeploy the proxy replicas when you update the configuration. As a workaround, deploy a demo service. Once you do that, the proxy services are redeployed and scheduled on the correct nodes.

Once you reconfigure the ucp-interlock service, you can check if the proxy service is running on the dedicated nodes:

docker service ps ucp-interlock-proxy

Configure your load balancer

Once the proxy service is running on dedicated nodes, configure your upstream load balancer with the domain names or IP addresses of those nodes.

This makes sure all traffic is directed to these nodes.

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