Install UCP on Azure

Estimated reading time: 11 minutes

Docker Universal Control Plane (UCP) closely integrates with Microsoft Azure for its Kubernetes Networking and Persistent Storage feature set. UCP deploys the Calico CNI provider. In Azure, the Calico CNI leverages the Azure networking infrastructure for data path networking and the Azure IPAM for IP address management. There are infrastructure prerequisites required prior to UCP installation for the Calico / Azure integration.

Docker UCP Networking

Docker UCP configures the Azure IPAM module for Kubernetes to allocate IP addresses for Kubernetes pods. The Azure IPAM module requires each Azure virtual machine which is part of the Kubernetes cluster to be configured with a pool of IP addresses.

There are two options for provisoning IPs for the Kubernetes cluster on Azure:

  • An automated mechanism provided by UCP which allows for IP pool configuration and maintenance for standalone Azure virtual machines. This service runs within the calico-node daemonset and provisions 128 IP addresses for each node by default. For information on customizing this value, see Adjusting the IP count value.
  • Manual provision of additional IP address for each Azure virtual machine. This could be done through the Azure Portal, the Azure CLI $ az network nic ip-config create, or an ARM template. You can find an example of an ARM template here.

Azure Prerequisites

You must meet the following infrastructure prerequisites in order to successfully deploy Docker UCP on Azure:

  • All UCP Nodes (Managers and Workers) need to be deployed into the same Azure Resource Group. The Azure Networking components (Virtual Network, Subnets, Security Groups) could be deployed in a second Azure Resource Group.
  • The Azure Virtual Network and Subnet must be appropriately sized for your environment, as addresses from this pool will be consumed by Kubernetes Pods. For more information, see Considerations for IPAM Configuration.
  • All UCP worker and manager nodes need to be attached to the same Azure Subnet.
  • The Azure Virtual Machine Object Name needs to match the Azure Virtual Machine Computer Name and the Node Operating System’s Hostname which is the FQDN of the host, including domain names. Note that this requires all characters to be in lowercase.
  • An Azure Service Principal with Contributor access to the Azure Resource Group hosting the UCP Nodes. This Service principal will be used by Kubernetes to communicate with the Azure API. The Service Principal ID and Secret Key are needed as part of the UCP prerequisites. If you are using a separate Resource Group for the networking components, the same Service Principal will need Network Contributor access to this Resource Group.

UCP requires the following information for the installation:

  • subscriptionId - The Azure Subscription ID in which the UCP objects are being deployed.
  • tenantId - The Azure Active Directory Tenant ID in which the UCP objects are being deployed.
  • aadClientId - The Azure Service Principal ID.
  • aadClientSecret - The Azure Service Principal Secret Key.

Azure Configuration File

For Docker UCP to integrate with Microsoft Azure,each UCP node in your cluster needs an Azure configuration file, azure.json. Place the file within /etc/kubernetes. Since the config file is owned by root, set its permissions to 0644 to ensure the container user has read access.

The following is an example template for azure.json. Replace *** with real values, and leave the other parameters as is.

    "tenantId": "***",
    "subscriptionId": "***",
    "aadClientId": "***",
    "aadClientSecret": "***",
    "resourceGroup": "***",
    "location": "****",
    "subnetName": "/****",
    "securityGroupName": "****",
    "vnetName": "****",
    "cloudProviderBackoff": false,
    "cloudProviderBackoffRetries": 0,
    "cloudProviderBackoffExponent": 0,
    "cloudProviderBackoffDuration": 0,
    "cloudProviderBackoffJitter": 0,
    "cloudProviderRatelimit": false,
    "cloudProviderRateLimitQPS": 0,
    "cloudProviderRateLimitBucket": 0,
    "useManagedIdentityExtension": false,
    "useInstanceMetadata": true

There are some optional parameters for Azure deployments:

  • primaryAvailabilitySetName - The Worker Nodes availability set.
  • vnetResourceGroup - The Virtual Network Resource group, if your Azure Network objects live in a seperate resource group.
  • routeTableName - If you have defined multiple Route tables within an Azure subnet.

See Kubernetes’ azure.go for more details on this configuration file.

Considerations for IPAM Configuration

The subnet and the virtual network associated with the primary interface of the Azure virtual machines need to be configured with a large enough address prefix/range. The number of required IP addresses depends on the workload and the number of nodes in the cluster.

For example, in a cluster of 256 nodes, make sure that the address space of the subnet and the virtual network can allocate at least 128 * 256 IP addresses, in order to run a maximum of 128 pods concurrently on a node. This would be in addition to initial IP allocations to virtual machine NICs (network interfaces) during Azure resource creation.

Accounting for IP addresses that are allocated to NICs during virtual machine bring-up, set the address space of the subnet and virtual network to This ensures that the network can dynamically allocate at least 32768 addresses, plus a buffer for initial allocations for primary IP addresses.

Azure IPAM, UCP, and Kubernetes

The Azure IPAM module queries an Azure virtual machine’s metadata to obtain a list of IP addresses which are assigned to the virtual machine’s NICs. The IPAM module allocates these IP addresses to Kubernetes pods. You configure the IP addresses as ipConfigurations in the NICs associated with a virtual machine or scale set member, so that Azure IPAM can provide them to Kubernetes when requested.

Manually provision IP address pools as part of an Azure virtual machine scale set

Configure IP Pools for each member of the virtual machine scale set during provisioning by associating multiple ipConfigurations with the scale set’s networkInterfaceConfigurations. Here’s an example networkProfile configuration for an ARM template that configures pools of 32 IP addresses for each virtual machine in the virtual machine scale set.

"networkProfile": {
  "networkInterfaceConfigurations": [
      "name": "[variables('nicName')]",
      "properties": {
        "ipConfigurations": [
            "name": "[variables('ipConfigName1')]",
            "properties": {
              "primary": "true",
              "subnet": {
                "id": "[concat('/subscriptions/', subscription().subscriptionId,'/resourceGroups/', resourceGroup().name, '/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/', variables('virtualNetworkName'), '/subnets/', variables('subnetName'))]"
              "loadBalancerBackendAddressPools": [
                  "id": "[concat('/subscriptions/', subscription().subscriptionId,'/resourceGroups/', resourceGroup().name, '/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/', variables('loadBalancerName'), '/backendAddressPools/', variables('bePoolName'))]"
              "loadBalancerInboundNatPools": [
                  "id": "[concat('/subscriptions/', subscription().subscriptionId,'/resourceGroups/', resourceGroup().name, '/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/', variables('loadBalancerName'), '/inboundNatPools/', variables('natPoolName'))]"
            "name": "[variables('ipConfigName2')]",
            "properties": {
              "subnet": {
                "id": "[concat('/subscriptions/', subscription().subscriptionId,'/resourceGroups/', resourceGroup().name, '/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/', variables('virtualNetworkName'), '/subnets/', variables('subnetName'))]"
            "name": "[variables('ipConfigName32')]",
            "properties": {
              "subnet": {
                "id": "[concat('/subscriptions/', subscription().subscriptionId,'/resourceGroups/', resourceGroup().name, '/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/', variables('virtualNetworkName'), '/subnets/', variables('subnetName'))]"
        "primary": "true"

UCP Installation

Adjust the IP Count Value

If you have manually attached additional IP addresses to the Virtual Machines (via an ARM Template, Azure CLI or Azure Portal) or you want to reduce the number of IP Addresses automatically provisioned by UCP from the default of 128 addresses, you can alter the azure_ip_count variable in the UCP Configuration file before installation. If you are happy with 128 addresses per Virtual Machine, proceed to installing UCP.

Once UCP has been installed, the UCP configuration file is managed by UCP and populated with all of the cluster configuration data, such as AD/LDAP information or networking configuration. As there is no Universal Control Plane deployed yet, we are able to stage a configuration file just containing the Azure IP Count value. UCP will populate the rest of the cluster variables during and after the installation.

Below are some example configuration files with just the azure_ip_count variable defined. These 3-line files can be preloaded into a Docker Swarm prior to installing UCP in order to override the default azure_ip_count value of 128 IP addresses per node. See UCP configuration file to learn more about the configuration file, and other variables that can be staged pre-install.

Note: Do not set the azure_ip_count to a value of less than 6 if you have not manually provisioned additional IP addresses for each Virtual Machine. The UCP installation will need at least 6 IP addresses to allocate to the core UCP components that run as Kubernetes pods. That is in addition to the Virtual Machine’s private IP address.

If you have manually provisioned additional IP addresses for each Virtual Machine, and want to disallow UCP from dynamically provisioning IP addresses for you, then your UCP configuration file would be:

$ vi example-config-1
  azure_ip_count = "0"

If you want to reduce the IP addresses dynamically allocated from 128 to a custom value, then your UCP configuration file would be:

$ vi example-config-2
  azure_ip_count = "20" # This value may be different for your environment

See Considerations for IPAM Configuration to calculate an appropriate value.

To preload this configuration file prior to installing UCP:

  1. Copy the configuration file to a Virtual Machine that you wish to become a UCP Manager Node.

  2. Initiate a Swarm on that Virtual Machine.

     $ docker swarm init
  3. Upload the configuration file to the Swarm, by using a Docker Swarm Config. This Swarm Config will need to be named com.docker.ucp.config.
     $ docker config create com.docker.ucp.config <local-configuration-file>
  4. Check that the configuration has been loaded succesfully.
     $ docker config list
     ID                          NAME                                                      CREATED             UPDATED
     igca3q30jz9u3e6ecq1ckyofz   com.docker.ucp.config                                     1 days ago          1 days ago
  5. You are now ready to install UCP. As you have already staged a UCP configuration file, you will need to add --existing-config to the install command below.

If you need to adjust this value post-installation, see instructions on how to download the UCP configuration file, change the value, and update the configuration via the API. If you reduce the value post-installation, existing virtual machines will not be reconciled, and you will have to manually edit the IP count in Azure.

Install UCP

Run the following command to install UCP on a manager node. The --pod-cidr option maps to the IP address range that you have configured for the Azure subnet, and the --host-address maps to the private IP address of the master node. Finally if you have set the Ip Count Value you will need to add --existing-config to the install command below.

Note: The pod-cidr range must match the Azure Virtual Network’s Subnet attached the hosts. For example, if the Azure Virtual Network had the range with Virtual Machines provisioned on an Azure Subnet of, then the Pod CIDR should also be

docker container run --rm -it \
  --name ucp \
  --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  docker/ucp:3.1.6 install \
  --host-address <ucp-ip> \
  --pod-cidr <ip-address-range> \
  --cloud-provider Azure \
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