Configure HAProxy

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The following HAProxy configuration options are available:

Option Type Description
PidPath string path to the pid file for the proxy service
MaxConnections int maximum number of connections for proxy service
ConnectTimeout int timeout in seconds for clients to connect
ClientTimeout int timeout in seconds for the service to send a request to the proxied upstream
ServerTimeout int timeout in seconds for the service to read a response from the proxied upstream
AdminUser string username to be used with authenticated access to the proxy service
AdminPass string password to be used with authenticated access to the proxy service
SSLOpts string options to be passed when configuring SSL
SSLDefaultDHParam int size of DH parameters
SSLVerify string SSL client verification
SSLCiphers string SSL ciphers to use for the proxy service
SSLProtocols string enable the specified TLS protocols
GlobalOptions []string list of options that are included in the global configuration
DefaultOptions []string list of options that are included in the default configuration


When using SSL termination, the certificate and key must be combined into a single certificate (i.e. cat cert.pem key.pem > combined.pem). The HAProxy extension only uses the certificate label to configure SSL.

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