docker/dtr migrate

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Migrate configurations, accounts, and repository metadata from DTR 1.4.3 to 2.0


docker run -it --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock docker/dtr \
    migrate [command options]


This command migrates configurations, accounts, and repository metadata from Docker Trusted Registry 1.4.3 to 2.0.

To upgrade from DTR 1.4.3 to 2.0 you first need to do a fresh installation of DTR 2.0. Then you run this command on the host where DTR 1.4.3 is running, to migrate the data to the new installation. Finally, you decommission your DTR 1.4.3 by uninstalling it.


Option Description
--ucp-url Specify the UCP controller URL including domain and port
--ucp-username Specify the UCP admin username
--ucp-password Specify the UCP admin password
--debug Enable debug mode, provides additional logging
--hub-username Specify the Docker Hub username for pulling images
--hub-password Specify the Docker Hub password for pulling images
--ucp-insecure-tls Disable TLS verification for UCP
--ucp-ca Use a PEM-encoded TLS CA certificate for UCP
--run-full-migration Run full migration procedure instead of dumping configurations
--dtr-external-url Specify the external domain name and port for DTR. If using a load balancer, use its external URL instead.
--dtr-insecure-tls Disable TLS verification for DTR
--dtr-ca PEM-encoded TLS CA cert for DTR
--http-proxy Set the HTTP proxy for outgoing requests
--https-proxy Set the HTTPS proxy for outgoing requests
--no-proxy Set the list of domains to not proxy to
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