Configure Nginx

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By default, nginx is used as a proxy, so the following configuration options are available for the nginx extension:

Option Type Description . Defaults
User string User to be used in the proxy nginx
PidPath string Path to the pid file for the proxy service /var/run/
MaxConnections int Maximum number of connections for proxy service 1024
ConnectTimeout int Timeout in seconds for clients to connect 600
SendTimeout int Timeout in seconds for the service to send a request to the proxied upstream 600
ReadTimeout int Timeout in seconds for the service to read a response from the proxied upstream 600
SSLOpts string Options to be passed when configuring SSL  
SSLDefaultDHParam int Size of DH parameters 1024
SSLDefaultDHParamPath string Path to DH parameters file  
SSLVerify string SSL client verification required
WorkerProcesses string Number of worker processes for the proxy service 1
RLimitNoFile int Number of maxiumum open files for the proxy service 65535
SSLCiphers string SSL ciphers to use for the proxy service HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5
SSLProtocols string Enable the specified TLS protocols TLSv1.2
HideInfoHeaders bool Hide proxy-related response headers.  
KeepaliveTimeout string connection keepalive timeout 75s
ClientMaxBodySize string maximum allowed size of the client request body 1m
ClientBodyBufferSize string sets buffer size for reading client request body 8k
ClientHeaderBufferSize string sets buffer size for reading client request header 1k
LargeClientHeaderBuffers string sets the maximum number and size of buffers used for reading large client request header 4 8k
ClientBodyTimeout string timeout for reading client request body 60s
UnderscoresInHeaders bool enables or disables the use of underscores in client request header fields false
ServerNamesHashBucketSize int sets the bucket size for the server names hash tables (in KB) 128
UpstreamZoneSize int size of the shared memory zone (in KB) 64
GlobalOptions []string list of options that are included in the global configuration  
HTTPOptions []string list of options that are included in the http configuration  
TCPOptions []string list of options that are included in the stream (TCP) configuration  
AccessLogPath string Path to use for access logs /dev/stdout
ErrorLogPath string Path to use for error logs /dev/stdout
MainLogFormat string Format to use for main logger see default format
TraceLogFormat string Format to use for trace logger see default format
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