Upgrade from 2.0.0

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The first step in upgrading to a new minor version or patch release of DTR 2.0, is ensuring you’re running DTR 2.0. If that’s not the case, start by upgrading your installation to version 2.0.0, and then upgrade to the latest version available.

There is no downtime when upgrading a highly-available DTR cluster. If your DTR deployment has a single replica, schedule the upgrade to take place outside business peak hours to ensure the impact on your business is close to none.

Step 1. Upgrade DTR to 2.0

Make sure you’re running DTR 2.0. If that’s not the case, upgrade your installation to the 2.0 version.

Step 2. Upgrade DTR

To upgrade DTR you use the docker/dtr upgrade command.

  1. Download a UCP client bundle.

    Having a UCP client bundle allows you to run Docker commands on a UCP cluster. Download a UCP client bundle and set up your CLI client to use it.

  2. Find the DTR replica Id.

    When you upgrade your installation, you need to specify the Id of a replica that is part of the cluster. If you have a highly-available installation, you can provide the Id of any replica.

    You can find the DTR replica Ids on the Applications page of Docker Universal Control Plane.

  3. Pull the latest docker/dtr image.

    $ docker pull docker/dtr
  4. Run the upgrade command.

    The upgrade command upgrades all DTR replicas that are part of your cluster:

    # Get the certificates used by UCP
    $ curl -k https://$UCP_URL/ca > ucp-ca.pem
    $ docker run \
      -it \
      --rm \
      docker/dtr upgrade \
        --ucp-url $UCP_URL \
        --existing-replica-id $DTR_REPLICA_ID \
        --ucp-username $USER \
        --ucp-password $PASSWORD \
        --ucp-ca "$(cat ucp-ca.pem)"

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