Interlock architecture

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The layer 7 routing solution for swarm workloads is known as Interlock, and has three components:

  • Interlock-proxy: This is a proxy/load-balancing service that handles the requests from the outside world. By default this service is a containerized NGINX deployment.
  • Interlock-extension: This is a helper service that generates the configuration used by the proxy service.
  • Interlock: This is the central piece of the layer 7 routing solution. It uses the Docker API to monitor events, and manages the extension and proxy services.

This is what the default configuration looks like, once you enable layer 7 routing in UCP:

An Interlock service starts running on a manager node, an Interlock-extension service starts running on a worker node, and two replicas of the Interlock-proxy service run on worker nodes.

If you don’t have any worker nodes in your cluster, then all Interlock components run on manager nodes.

Deployment lifecycle

By default layer 7 routing is disabled, so an administrator first needs to enable this service from the UCP web UI.

Once that happens:

  1. UCP creates the ucp-interlock overlay network.
  2. UCP deploys the ucp-interlock service and attaches it both to the Docker socket and the overlay network that was created. This allows the Interlock service to use the Docker API. That’s also the reason why this service needs to run on a manger node.
  3. The ucp-interlock service starts the ucp-interlock-extension service and attaches it to the ucp-interlock network. This allows both services to communicate.
  4. The ucp-interlock-extension generates a configuration to be used by the proxy service. By default the proxy service is NGINX, so this service generates a standard NGINX configuration.
  5. The ucp-interlock service takes the proxy configuration and uses it to start the ucp-interlock-proxy service.

At this point everything is ready for you to start using the layer 7 routing service with your swarm workloads.

Routing lifecycle

Once the layer 7 routing service is enabled, you apply specific labels to your swarm services. The labels define the hostnames that are routed to the service, the ports used, and other routing configurations.

Once you deploy or update a swarm service with those labels:

  1. The ucp-interlock service is monitoring the Docker API for events and publishes the events to the ucp-interlock-extension service.
  2. That service in turn generates a new configuration for the proxy service, based on the labels you’ve added to your services.
  3. The ucp-interlock service takes the new configuration and reconfigures the ucp-interlock-proxy to start using it.

This all happens in milliseconds and with rolling updates. Even though services are being reconfigured, users won’t notice it.

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