docker/ucp restore

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Stream a tar file on stdin containing all local UCP data volumes.


docker run --rm -i \
  --name ucp \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  docker/ucp \
  restore [command options] < backup.tar


This utility will restore all the contents in all the volumes on this controller based on a tar file generated by the ‘backup’ command. Any UCP containers that are running will be stopped prior to restoring the data. After the data is replaced, the containers will be restarted.

When restoring multiple controllers in an HA cluster, you must manually stop all controller nodes you plan to restore first, then begin the restore with the most recent controller backup first. The cluster will resume operation once 1/2+1 of the controllers have been restored.

WARNING: Any existing state on this node will be lost and replaced by the contents of the backup. To prevent accidental use, the “-id” flag must be provided.


Option Description
--debug, -D Enable debug mode
--jsonlog Produce json formatted output for easier parsing
--id The ID of the UCP instance to backup
--root-ca-only Restore only the root CA certificates and keys on this controller node (leaving all other data intact)
--passphrase Decrypt the tar file with the provided passphrase [$UCP_PASSPHRASE]
--interactive, -i Enable interactive mode. You will be prompted to enter all required information.
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