Layer 7 routing configuration reference

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Once you enable the layer 7 routing service, UCP creates the com.docker.ucp.interlock.conf-1 configuration and uses it to configure all the internal components of this service.

The configuration is managed as a TOML file.

Example configuration

Here’s an example of the default configuration used by UCP:

ListenAddr = ":8080"
DockerURL = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
AllowInsecure = false
PollInterval = "3s"

    Image = "docker/ucp-interlock-extension:3.0.1"
    ServiceName = "ucp-interlock-extension"
    Args = []
    Constraints = ["", "node.platform.os==linux"]
    ProxyImage = "docker/ucp-interlock-proxy:3.0.1"
    ProxyServiceName = "ucp-interlock-proxy"
    ProxyConfigPath = "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"
    ProxyReplicas = 2
    ProxyStopSignal = "SIGQUIT"
    ProxyStopGracePeriod = "5s"
    ProxyConstraints = ["", "node.platform.os==linux"]
    PublishMode = "ingress"
    PublishedPort = 80
    TargetPort = 80
    PublishedSSLPort = 8443
    TargetSSLPort = 443
      "com.docker.ucp.InstanceID" = "fewho8k85kyc6iqypvvdh3ntm"
      "com.docker.ucp.InstanceID" = "fewho8k85kyc6iqypvvdh3ntm"
      "com.docker.ucp.InstanceID" = "fewho8k85kyc6iqypvvdh3ntm"
      "com.docker.ucp.InstanceID" = "fewho8k85kyc6iqypvvdh3ntm"
      Version = ""
      User = "nginx"
      PidPath = "/var/run/"
      MaxConnections = 1024
      ConnectTimeout = 600
      SendTimeout = 600
      ReadTimeout = 600
      IPHash = false
      AdminUser = ""
      AdminPass = ""
      SSLOpts = ""
      SSLDefaultDHParam = 1024
      SSLDefaultDHParamPath = ""
      SSLVerify = "required"
      WorkerProcesses = 1
      RLimitNoFile = 65535
      SSLCiphers = "HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5"
      SSLProtocols = "TLSv1.2"
      AccessLogPath = "/dev/stdout"
      ErrorLogPath = "/dev/stdout"
      MainLogFormat = "'$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] \"$request\" '\n\t\t    '$status $body_bytes_sent \"$http_referer\" '\n\t\t    '\"$http_user_agent\" \"$http_x_forwarded_for\"';"
      TraceLogFormat = "'$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] \"$request\" $status '\n\t\t    '$body_bytes_sent \"$http_referer\" \"$http_user_agent\" '\n\t\t    '\"$http_x_forwarded_for\" $request_id $msec $request_time '\n\t\t    '$upstream_connect_time $upstream_header_time $upstream_response_time';"
      KeepaliveTimeout = "75s"
      ClientMaxBodySize = "32m"
      ClientBodyBufferSize = "8k"
      ClientHeaderBufferSize = "1k"
      LargeClientHeaderBuffers = "4 8k"
      ClientBodyTimeout = "60s"
      UnderscoresInHeaders = false

Core configurations

These are the configurations used for the ucp-interlock service. The following options are available:

Option Type Description
ListenAddr string Address to serve the Interlock GRPC API. Defaults to 8080.
DockerURL string Path to the socket or TCP address to the Docker API. Defaults to unix:///var/run/docker.sock
TLSCACert string Path to the CA certificate for connecting securely to the Docker API.
TLSCert string Path to the certificate for connecting securely to the Docker API.
TLSKey string Path to the key for connecting securely to the Docker API.
AllowInsecure bool Skip TLS verification when connecting to the Docker API via TLS.
PollInterval string Interval to poll the Docker API for changes. Defaults to 3s.
EndpointOverride string Override the default GRPC API endpoint for extensions. The default is detected via Swarm.
Extensions []Extension Array of extensions as listed below.

Extension configuration

Interlock must contain at least one extension to service traffic. The following options are available to configure the extensions:

Option Type Description
Image string Name of the Docker image to use for the extension service.
Args []string Arguments to be passed to the Docker extension service upon creation.
Labels map[string]string Labels to add to the extension service.
ServiceName string Name of the extension service.
ProxyImage string Name of the Docker image to use for the proxy service.
ProxyArgs []string Arguments to be passed to the proxy service upon creation.
ProxyLabels map[string]string Labels to add to the proxy service.
ProxyServiceName string Name of the proxy service.
ProxyConfigPath string Path in the service for the generated proxy configuration.
ServiceCluster string Name of the cluster this extension services.
PublishMode string Publish mode for the proxy service. Supported values are ingress or host.
PublishedPort int Port where the proxy service serves non-TLS traffic.
PublishedSSLPort int Port where the proxy service serves TLS traffic.
Template string Docker configuration object that is used as the extension template.
Config Config Proxy configuration used by the extensions as listed below.

Proxy configuration

By default NGINX is used as a proxy, so the following NGINX options are available for the proxy service:

Option Type Description
User string User to be used in the proxy.
PidPath string Path to the pid file for the proxy service.
MaxConnections int Maximum number of connections for proxy service.
ConnectTimeout int Timeout in seconds for clients to connect.
SendTimeout int Timeout in seconds for the service to send a request to the proxied upstream.
ReadTimeout int Timeout in seconds for the service to read a response from the proxied upstream.
IPHash bool Specifies that requests are distributed between servers based on client IP addresses.
SSLOpts string Options to be passed when configuring SSL.
SSLDefaultDHParam int Size of DH parameters.
SSLDefaultDHParamPath string Path to DH parameters file.
SSLVerify string SSL client verification.
WorkerProcesses string Number of worker processes for the proxy service.
RLimitNoFile int Number of maxiumum open files for the proxy service.
SSLCiphers string SSL ciphers to use for the proxy service.
SSLProtocols string Enable the specified TLS protocols.
AccessLogPath string Path to use for access logs (default: /dev/stdout).
ErrorLogPath string Path to use for error logs (default: /dev/stdout).
MainLogFormat string Format to use for main logger.
TraceLogFormat string Format to use for trace logger.
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